3 Standards-Version: 3.8.1
5 Package: ftpmaster-lenny
7 Maintainer: Debian FTP Master <ftpmaster@debian.org>
8 Depends: apt-utils, bicyclerepair, binutils-multiarch, build-essential, bzip2, cron, curl, cvs, debian-el, debian-bug, dpkg-dev-el, easypg, devscripts, emacs-goodies-el, emacs22-nox, gnupg, gpgv, graphviz, ikiwiki, irb, libapt-pkg-dev, libdbd-pg-ruby, lintian, mc, mutt, postgresql-plperl-8.3, pychecker, pylint, pymacs, python, python-apt, python-btsutils, python-debian, python-epydoc, python-ldap, python-mode, python-numpy, python-psycopg2, python-pygresql, python-pyrss2gen, python-soappy, python-yaml, r-base, rsync, ruby, ruby-elisp, subversion, git-core, symlinks
13 Description: Meta package for DSA listing ftpmaster needs
14 This is a small meta package for the Debian System Administrators
15 so DSA easily knows (and can keep installed) all packages
18 If, for whatever reason, you need a package added to this ones
19 Dependencies, ask ftpmaster, not the Debian admins.
21 This is not only "What DAK needs", but a general "FTPMaster needs this