3 """ generates partial package updates list"""
5 ###########################################################
7 # idea and basic implementation by Anthony, some changes by Andreas
8 # parts are stolen from 'dak generate-releases'
10 # Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au>
11 # Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Andreas Barth <aba@not.so.argh.org>
13 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
14 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
15 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
16 # (at your option) any later version.
18 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21 # GNU General Public License for more details.
23 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
25 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
28 # < elmo> bah, don't bother me with annoying facts
29 # < elmo> I was on a roll
32 ################################################################################
41 from daklib import utils
42 from daklib.dbconn import Archive, Component, DBConn, Suite, get_suite, get_suite_architectures
43 #from daklib.regexes import re_includeinpdiff
45 re_includeinpdiff = re.compile(r"(Translation-[a-zA-Z_]+\.(?:bz2|xz))")
47 ################################################################################
53 ################################################################################
55 def usage (exit_code=0):
56 print """Usage: dak generate-index-diffs [OPTIONS] [suites]
57 Write out ed-style diffs to Packages/Source lists
59 -h, --help show this help and exit
60 -a <archive> generate diffs for suites in <archive>
61 -c give the canonical path of the file
62 -p name for the patch (defaults to current time)
63 -d name for the hardlink farm for status
64 -m how many diffs to generate
73 print "warning: removing of %s denied" % (file)
76 for ext in ["", ".gz", ".bz2"]:
77 if os.path.isfile(file + ext):
78 return (ext, os.stat(file + ext))
84 elif os.path.isfile("%s.gz" % (f)):
85 os.system("gzip -d < %s.gz > %s" % (f, t))
86 elif os.path.isfile("%s.bz2" % (f)):
87 os.system("bzip2 -d < %s.bz2 > %s" % (f, t))
89 print "missing: %s" % (f)
93 if os.path.isfile(file):
95 elif os.path.isfile("%s.gz" % file):
96 f = create_temp_file(os.popen("zcat %s.gz" % file, "r"))
97 elif os.path.isfile("%s.bz2" % file):
98 f = create_temp_file(os.popen("bzcat %s.bz2" % file, "r"))
112 def __init__(self, readpath = None, max = 56):
115 self.history_order = []
117 self.readpath = readpath
118 self.filesizehashes = None
122 f = open(readpath + "/Index")
125 def read_hashs(ind, hashind, f, self, x=x):
128 if not x or x[0] != " ": break
131 if fname.endswith('.gz'):
133 if not self.history.has_key(fname):
134 self.history[fname] = [None,None,None]
135 self.history_order.append(fname)
136 if not self.history[fname][ind]:
137 self.history[fname][ind] = (int(l[1]), None, None)
139 self.history[fname][ind] = (int(self.history[fname][ind][0]), l[0], self.history[fname][ind][2])
141 self.history[fname][ind] = (int(self.history[fname][ind][0]), self.history[fname][ind][1], l[0])
151 if l[0] == "SHA1-History:":
152 x = read_hashs(0,1,f,self)
155 if l[0] == "SHA256-History:":
156 x = read_hashs(0,2,f,self)
159 if l[0] == "SHA1-Patches:":
160 x = read_hashs(1,1,f,self)
163 if l[0] == "SHA256-Patches:":
164 x = read_hashs(1,2,f,self)
167 if l[0] == "SHA1-Download:":
168 x = read_hashs(2,1,f,self)
171 if l[0] == "SHA256-Download:":
172 x = read_hashs(2,2,f,self)
175 if l[0] == "Canonical-Name:" or l[0]=="Canonical-Path:":
178 if l[0] == "SHA1-Current:" and len(l) == 3:
179 if not self.filesizehashes:
180 self.filesizehashes = (int(l[2]), None, None)
181 self.filesizehashes = (int(self.filesizehashes[0]), l[1], self.filesizehashes[2])
183 if l[0] == "SHA256-Current:" and len(l) == 3:
184 if not self.filesizehashes:
185 self.filesizehashes = (int(l[2]), None, None)
186 self.filesizehashes = (int(self.filesizehashes[0]), self.filesizehashes[2], l[1])
193 def dump(self, out=sys.stdout):
195 out.write("Canonical-Path: %s\n" % (self.can_path))
197 if self.filesizehashes:
198 if self.filesizehashes[1]:
199 out.write("SHA1-Current: %s %7d\n" % (self.filesizehashes[1], self.filesizehashes[0]))
200 if self.filesizehashes[2]:
201 out.write("SHA256-Current: %s %7d\n" % (self.filesizehashes[2], self.filesizehashes[0]))
204 l = self.history_order[:]
208 for h in l[:cnt-self.max]:
209 tryunlink("%s/%s.gz" % (self.readpath, h))
212 self.history_order = l[:]
214 out.write("SHA1-History:\n")
216 if hs[h][0] and hs[h][0][1]:
217 out.write(" %s %7d %s\n" % (hs[h][0][1], hs[h][0][0], h))
218 out.write("SHA256-History:\n")
220 if hs[h][0] and hs[h][0][2]:
221 out.write(" %s %7d %s\n" % (hs[h][0][2], hs[h][0][0], h))
222 out.write("SHA1-Patches:\n")
224 if hs[h][1] and hs[h][1][1]:
225 out.write(" %s %7d %s\n" % (hs[h][1][1], hs[h][1][0], h))
226 out.write("SHA256-Patches:\n")
228 if hs[h][1] and hs[h][1][2]:
229 out.write(" %s %7d %s\n" % (hs[h][1][2], hs[h][1][0], h))
230 out.write("SHA1-Download:\n")
232 if hs[h][2] and hs[h][2][1]:
233 out.write(" %s %7d %s.gz\n" % (hs[h][2][1], hs[h][2][0], h))
234 out.write("SHA256-Download:\n")
236 if hs[h][2] and hs[h][2][2]:
237 out.write(" %s %7d %s.gz\n" % (hs[h][2][2], hs[h][2][0], h))
239 def create_temp_file(r):
240 f = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
252 size = os.fstat(f.fileno())[6]
254 sha1sum = apt_pkg.sha1sum(f)
256 sha256sum = apt_pkg.sha256sum(f)
257 return (size, sha1sum, sha256sum)
259 def genchanges(Options, outdir, oldfile, origfile, maxdiffs = 56):
260 if Options.has_key("NoAct"):
261 print "Not acting on: od: %s, oldf: %s, origf: %s, md: %s" % (outdir, oldfile, origfile, maxdiffs)
264 patchname = Options["PatchName"]
266 # origfile = /path/to/Packages
267 # oldfile = ./Packages
268 # newfile = ./Packages.tmp
269 # difffile = outdir/patchname
270 # index => outdir/Index
272 # (outdir, oldfile, origfile) = argv
274 newfile = oldfile + ".new"
275 difffile = "%s/%s" % (outdir, patchname)
277 upd = Updates(outdir, int(maxdiffs))
278 (oldext, oldstat) = smartstat(oldfile)
279 (origext, origstat) = smartstat(origfile)
281 print "%s: doesn't exist" % (origfile)
284 print "%s: initial run" % (origfile)
285 os.link(origfile + origext, oldfile + origext)
288 if oldstat[1:3] == origstat[1:3]:
289 #print "%s: hardlink unbroken, assuming unchanged" % (origfile)
292 oldf = smartopen(oldfile)
293 oldsizehashes = sizehashes(oldf)
295 # should probably early exit if either of these checks fail
296 # alternatively (optionally?) could just trim the patch history
298 #if upd.filesizesha1:
299 # if upd.filesizesha1 != oldsizesha1:
300 # print "info: old file " + oldfile + " changed! %s %s => %s %s" % (upd.filesizesha1 + oldsizesha1)
302 if Options.has_key("CanonicalPath"): upd.can_path=Options["CanonicalPath"]
304 if os.path.exists(newfile): os.unlink(newfile)
305 smartlink(origfile, newfile)
306 newf = open(newfile, "r")
307 newsizehashes = sizehashes(newf)
310 if newsizehashes == oldsizehashes:
313 #print "%s: unchanged" % (origfile)
315 if not os.path.isdir(outdir):
318 w = os.popen("diff --ed - %s | gzip --rsyncable -c -9 > %s.gz" %
319 (newfile, difffile), "w")
323 difff = smartopen(difffile)
324 difsizehashes = sizehashes(difff)
327 difffgz = open(difffile + ".gz", "r")
328 difgzsizehashes = sizehashes(difffgz)
331 upd.history[patchname] = (oldsizehashes, difsizehashes, difgzsizehashes)
332 upd.history_order.append(patchname)
334 upd.filesizehashes = newsizehashes
336 os.unlink(oldfile + oldext)
337 os.link(origfile + origext, oldfile + origext)
340 with open(outdir + "/Index.new", "w") as f:
342 os.rename(outdir + "/Index.new", outdir + "/Index")
346 global Cnf, Options, Logger
350 Cnf = utils.get_conf()
351 Arguments = [ ('h', "help", "Generate-Index-Diffs::Options::Help"),
352 ('a', 'archive', 'Generate-Index-Diffs::Options::Archive', 'hasArg'),
353 ('c', None, "Generate-Index-Diffs::Options::CanonicalPath", "hasArg"),
354 ('p', "patchname", "Generate-Index-Diffs::Options::PatchName", "hasArg"),
355 ('d', "tmpdir", "Generate-Index-Diffs::Options::TempDir", "hasArg"),
356 ('m', "maxdiffs", "Generate-Index-Diffs::Options::MaxDiffs", "hasArg"),
357 ('n', "n-act", "Generate-Index-Diffs::Options::NoAct"),
359 suites = apt_pkg.parse_commandline(Cnf,Arguments,sys.argv)
360 Options = Cnf.subtree("Generate-Index-Diffs::Options")
361 if Options.has_key("Help"): usage()
363 maxdiffs = Options.get("MaxDiffs::Default", "56")
364 maxpackages = Options.get("MaxDiffs::Packages", maxdiffs)
365 maxcontents = Options.get("MaxDiffs::Contents", maxdiffs)
366 maxsources = Options.get("MaxDiffs::Sources", maxdiffs)
368 if not Options.has_key("PatchName"):
369 format = "%Y-%m-%d-%H%M.%S"
370 Options["PatchName"] = time.strftime( format )
372 session = DBConn().session()
375 query = session.query(Suite.suite_name)
376 if Options.get('Archive'):
377 query = query.join(Suite.archive).filter(Archive.archive_name == Options['Archive'])
378 suites = [ s.suite_name for s in query ]
380 for suitename in suites:
381 print "Processing: " + suitename
383 suiteobj = get_suite(suitename.lower(), session=session)
385 # Use the canonical version of the suite name
386 suite = suiteobj.suite_name
388 if suiteobj.untouchable:
389 print "Skipping: " + suite + " (untouchable)"
392 architectures = get_suite_architectures(suite, skipall=True, session=session)
393 components = [ c.component_name for c in session.query(Component.component_name) ]
395 suite_suffix = Cnf.find("Dinstall::SuiteSuffix")
396 if components and suite_suffix:
397 longsuite = suite + "/" + suite_suffix
401 tree = os.path.join(suiteobj.archive.path, 'dists', longsuite)
403 # See if there are Translations which might need a new pdiff
405 for component in components:
406 #print "DEBUG: Working on %s" % (component)
407 workpath=os.path.join(tree, component, "i18n")
408 if os.path.isdir(workpath):
410 for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(".", followlinks=True, topdown=True):
411 for entry in filenames:
412 if not re_includeinpdiff.match(entry):
413 #print "EXCLUDING %s" % (entry)
415 (fname, fext) = os.path.splitext(entry)
416 processfile=os.path.join(workpath, fname)
417 #print "Working: %s" % (processfile)
418 storename="%s/%s_%s_%s" % (Options["TempDir"], suite, component, fname)
419 #print "Storefile: %s" % (storename)
420 genchanges(Options, processfile + ".diff", storename, processfile, maxdiffs)
423 for archobj in architectures:
424 architecture = archobj.arch_string
426 for component in components:
427 if architecture == "source":
428 longarch = architecture
430 maxsuite = maxsources
432 longarch = "binary-%s" % (architecture)
433 packages = "Packages"
434 maxsuite = maxpackages
437 file = "%s/%s/Contents-%s" % (tree, component, architecture)
438 storename = "%s/%s_%s_contents_%s" % (Options["TempDir"], suite, component, architecture)
439 genchanges(Options, file + ".diff", storename, file, maxcontents)
441 file = "%s/%s/%s/%s" % (tree, component, longarch, packages)
442 storename = "%s/%s_%s_%s" % (Options["TempDir"], suite, component, architecture)
443 genchanges(Options, file + ".diff", storename, file, maxsuite)
445 ################################################################################
447 if __name__ == '__main__':