3 """ Manipulate suite tags """
4 # Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 James Troup <james@nocrew.org>
6 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 # (at your option) any later version.
11 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 # GNU General Public License for more details.
16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 #######################################################################################
22 # 8to6Guy: "Wow, Bob, You look rough!"
24 # BTAF <.oO>: "You moron! This is what you get for staying up all night drinking vodka and salad dressing!"
25 # BTAF <.oO>: "This coffee I.V. drip is barely even keeping me awake! I need something with more kick! But what?"
27 # CoWorker#n: "Give him air!!"
28 # CoWorker#n+1: "We need a syringe full of adrenaline!"
29 # CoWorker#n+2: "Stab him in the heart!"
31 # CoWorker#n+3: "Bob's been overdosing quite a bit lately..."
32 # CoWorker#n+4: "Third time this week."
34 # -- http://www.angryflower.com/8to6.gif
36 #######################################################################################
38 # Adds or removes packages from a suite. Takes the list of files
39 # either from stdin or as a command line argument. Special action
40 # "set", will reset the suite (!) and add all packages from scratch.
42 #######################################################################################
48 from daklib.config import Config
49 from daklib.dbconn import *
50 from daklib import daklog
51 from daklib import utils
53 #######################################################################################
57 ################################################################################
59 def usage (exit_code=0):
60 print """Usage: dak control-suite [OPTIONS] [FILE]
61 Display or alter the contents of a suite using FILE(s), or stdin.
63 -a, --add=SUITE add to SUITE
64 -h, --help show this help and exit
65 -l, --list=SUITE list the contents of SUITE
66 -r, --remove=SUITE remove from SUITE
67 -s, --set=SUITE set SUITE
68 -b, --britney generate changelog entry for britney runs"""
72 #######################################################################################
74 def get_id(package, version, architecture, session):
75 if architecture == "source":
76 q = session.execute("SELECT id FROM source WHERE source = :package AND version = :version",
77 {'package': package, 'version': version})
79 q = session.execute("""SELECT b.id FROM binaries b, architecture a
80 WHERE b.package = :package AND b.version = :version
81 AND (a.arch_string = :arch OR a.arch_string = 'all')
82 AND b.architecture = a.id""",
83 {'package': package, 'version': version, 'arch': architecture})
87 utils.warn("Couldn't find '%s_%s_%s'." % (package, version, architecture))
91 utils.warn("Found more than one match for '%s_%s_%s'." % (package, version, architecture))
96 #######################################################################################
98 def britney_changelog(packages, suite, session):
102 Cnf = utils.get_conf()
105 q = session.execute("SELECT changelog FROM suite WHERE id = :suiteid", \
106 {'suiteid': suite.suite_id})
107 brit_file = q.fetchone()[0]
112 brit_file = os.path.join(Cnf['Dir::Root'], brit_file)
116 q = session.execute("""SELECT s.source, s.version, sa.id
117 FROM source s, src_associations sa
118 WHERE sa.suite = :suiteid
119 AND sa.source = s.id""", {'suiteid': suite.suite_id})
121 for p in q.fetchall():
123 for p in packages.keys():
129 for p in current.keys():
131 if apt_pkg.VersionCompare(current[p], old[p]) > 0:
132 new[p] = [current[p], old[p]]
134 new[p] = [current[p], 0]
136 query = "SELECT source, changelog FROM changelogs WHERE"
138 query += " source = '%s' AND version > '%s' AND version <= '%s'" \
139 % (p, new[p][1], new[p][0])
140 query += " AND architecture LIKE '%source%' AND distribution in \
141 ('unstable', 'experimental', 'testing-proposed-updates') OR"
142 query += " False ORDER BY source, version DESC"
143 q = session.execute(query)
146 brit = utils.open_file(brit_file, 'w')
149 if pu and pu != u[0]:
151 brit.write("%s\n" % u[1])
153 if q.rowcount: brit.write("\n\n\n")
155 for p in list(set(old.keys()).difference(current.keys())):
156 brit.write("REMOVED: %s %s\n" % (p, old[p]))
161 #######################################################################################
163 def set_suite(file, suite, session, britney=False):
164 suite_id = suite.suite_id
165 lines = file.readlines()
167 # Our session is already in a transaction
169 # Build up a dictionary of what is currently in the suite
171 q = session.execute("""SELECT b.package, b.version, a.arch_string, ba.id
172 FROM binaries b, bin_associations ba, architecture a
173 WHERE ba.suite = :suiteid
174 AND ba.bin = b.id AND b.architecture = a.id""", {'suiteid': suite_id})
175 for i in q.fetchall():
176 key = " ".join(i[:3])
179 q = session.execute("""SELECT s.source, s.version, sa.id
180 FROM source s, src_associations sa
181 WHERE sa.suite = :suiteid
182 AND sa.source = s.id""", {'suiteid': suite_id})
183 for i in q.fetchall():
184 key = " ".join(i[:2]) + " source"
187 # Build up a dictionary of what should be in the suite
190 split_line = line.strip().split()
191 if len(split_line) != 3:
192 utils.warn("'%s' does not break into 'package version architecture'." % (line[:-1]))
194 key = " ".join(split_line)
197 # Check to see which packages need removed and remove them
198 for key in current.keys():
199 if not desired.has_key(key):
200 (package, version, architecture) = key.split()
202 if architecture == "source":
203 session.execute("""DELETE FROM src_associations WHERE id = :pkid""", {'pkid': pkid})
205 session.execute("""DELETE FROM bin_associations WHERE id = :pkid""", {'pkid': pkid})
206 Logger.log(["removed", key, pkid])
208 # Check to see which packages need added and add them
209 for key in desired.keys():
210 if not current.has_key(key):
211 (package, version, architecture) = key.split()
212 pkid = get_id (package, version, architecture, session)
215 if architecture == "source":
216 session.execute("""INSERT INTO src_associations (suite, source)
217 VALUES (:suiteid, :pkid)""", {'suiteid': suite_id, 'pkid': pkid})
219 session.execute("""INSERT INTO bin_associations (suite, bin)
220 VALUES (:suiteid, :pkid)""", {'suiteid': suite_id, 'pkid': pkid})
221 Logger.log(["added", key, pkid])
226 britney_changelog(current, suite, session)
228 #######################################################################################
230 def process_file(file, suite, action, session, britney=False):
232 set_suite(file, suite, session, britney)
235 suite_id = suite.suite_id
237 lines = file.readlines()
239 # Our session is already in a transaction
241 split_line = line.strip().split()
242 if len(split_line) != 3:
243 utils.warn("'%s' does not break into 'package version architecture'." % (line[:-1]))
246 (package, version, architecture) = split_line
248 pkid = get_id(package, version, architecture, session)
252 if architecture == "source":
253 # Find the existing association ID, if any
254 q = session.execute("""SELECT id FROM src_associations
255 WHERE suite = :suiteid and source = :pkid""",
256 {'suiteid': suite_id, 'pkid': pkid})
259 association_id = None
261 association_id = ql[0][0]
266 utils.warn("'%s_%s_%s' already exists in suite %s." % (package, version, architecture, suite))
269 session.execute("""INSERT INTO src_associations (suite, source)
270 VALUES (:suiteid, :pkid)""",
271 {'suiteid': suite_id, 'pkid': pkid})
272 elif action == "remove":
273 if association_id == None:
274 utils.warn("'%s_%s_%s' doesn't exist in suite %s." % (package, version, architecture, suite))
277 session.execute("""DELETE FROM src_associations WHERE id = :pkid""", {'pkid': association_id})
279 # Find the existing associations ID, if any
280 q = session.execute("""SELECT id FROM bin_associations
281 WHERE suite = :suiteid and bin = :pkid""",
282 {'suiteid': suite_id, 'pkid': pkid})
285 association_id = None
287 association_id = ql[0][0]
292 utils.warn("'%s_%s_%s' already exists in suite %s." % (package, version, architecture, suite))
295 session.execute("""INSERT INTO bin_associations (suite, bin)
296 VALUES (:suiteid, :pkid)""",
297 {'suiteid': suite_id, 'pkid': pkid})
298 elif action == "remove":
299 if association_id == None:
300 utils.warn("'%s_%s_%s' doesn't exist in suite %s." % (package, version, architecture, suite))
303 session.execute("""DELETE FROM bin_associations WHERE id = :pkid""", {'pkid': association_id})
307 #######################################################################################
309 def get_list(suite, session):
310 suite_id = suite.suite_id
312 q = session.execute("""SELECT b.package, b.version, a.arch_string
313 FROM binaries b, bin_associations ba, architecture a
314 WHERE ba.suite = :suiteid
315 AND ba.bin = b.id AND b.architecture = a.id""", {'suiteid': suite_id})
316 for i in q.fetchall():
320 q = session.execute("""SELECT s.source, s.version
321 FROM source s, src_associations sa
322 WHERE sa.suite = :suiteid
323 AND sa.source = s.id""", {'suiteid': suite_id})
324 for i in q.fetchall():
325 print " ".join(i) + " source"
327 #######################################################################################
334 Arguments = [('a',"add","Control-Suite::Options::Add", "HasArg"),
335 ('b',"britney","Control-Suite::Options::Britney"),
336 ('h',"help","Control-Suite::Options::Help"),
337 ('l',"list","Control-Suite::Options::List","HasArg"),
338 ('r',"remove", "Control-Suite::Options::Remove", "HasArg"),
339 ('s',"set", "Control-Suite::Options::Set", "HasArg")]
341 for i in ["add", "britney", "help", "list", "remove", "set", "version" ]:
342 if not cnf.has_key("Control-Suite::Options::%s" % (i)):
343 cnf["Control-Suite::Options::%s" % (i)] = ""
346 file_list = apt_pkg.ParseCommandLine(cnf.Cnf, Arguments, sys.argv);
347 except SystemError, e:
350 Options = cnf.SubTree("Control-Suite::Options")
355 session = DBConn().session()
359 for i in ("add", "list", "remove", "set"):
360 if cnf["Control-Suite::Options::%s" % (i)] != "":
361 suite_name = cnf["Control-Suite::Options::%s" % (i)]
362 suite = get_suite(suite_name, session=session)
364 utils.fubar("Unknown suite '%s'." % (suite_name))
367 utils.fubar("Can only perform one action at a time.")
372 utils.fubar("No action specified.")
374 # Safety/Sanity check
375 # XXX: This should be stored in the database
376 if action == "set" and suite_name not in ["testing"]:
377 utils.fubar("Will not reset suite %s" % (suite_name))
380 if action == "set" and cnf["Control-Suite::Options::Britney"]:
384 get_list(suite, session)
386 Logger = daklog.Logger(cnf.Cnf, "control-suite")
389 process_file(utils.open_file(f), suite, action, session, britney)
391 process_file(sys.stdin, suite, action, session, britney)
394 #######################################################################################
396 if __name__ == '__main__':