]> git.decadent.org.uk Git - dak.git/blob - config/debian/apache.conf-incoming
queue.py: fix error handling code
[dak.git] / config / debian / apache.conf-incoming
1 <VirtualHost *:80>
2   ServerName incoming.debian.org
3   DocumentRoot /srv/incoming.debian.org/public
5   # deny by default
6   <Directory />
7     Order allow,deny
8   </Directory>
10   # incoming dir, no subdir.  allow everyone except abusers.
11   <Directory /srv/incoming.debian.org/public>
12     IndexIgnore robots.txt
13     Order deny,allow
14   </Directory>
16   # buildd direct access -- buildds only
17   Alias /debian /srv/ftp.debian.org/mirror
19   # New suite aliases
20   Alias /buildd-unstable /srv/incoming.debian.org/dists/unstable/current/
21   Alias /buildd-experimental /srv/incoming.debian.org/dists/experimental/current/
23   <DirectoryMatch ~ "^/srv/(incoming\.debian\.org/(dists/|builddweb)|ftp\.debian\.org/mirror)">
24     Order allow,deny
25   # buildd.d.o, cimarosa
26     allow from
27   # franck.d.o
28     allow from
29   # test access to check functionality, ganneff
30     allow from
31   # alpha
32     # goetz
33     allow from
34     # goedel (temporarily allow two addresses; see RT#1287)
35     allow from
36     allow from
37   # amd64
38     # fivetimesnine.de - fs
39     allow from
40     # excelsior
41     allow from
42     # thukydides, HE
43     allow from
44     # barber
45     allow from
46     allow from 2001:648:2ffc:deb:214:22ff:feb2:2370
47   # arm
48     # netwinder
49     allow from
50     #
51     allow from
52     # toffee
53     allow from
54     #
55     allow from
56     # nw1.xandros
57     allow from
58     # nw2.xandros
59     allow from
60     # hdges.billgatliff
61     allow from
62   # armel
63     # arcadelt
64     allow from
65     # argento
66     allow from
67     # allegri
68     allow from
69     # ancina
70     allow from
71     # arnold
72     allow from
73     # alain
74     allow from
75     # alwyn
76     allow from
77     # antheil
78     allow from
79   # hppa
80     # sarti
81     allow from
82     # bld3.mmjgroup
83     allow from
84     # peri
85     allow from
86     #
87     allow from
88     # lafayette
89     allow from
90     # paer
91     allow from
92   # hurd-i386
93     # rossini (NOT .debian.org)
94     allow from
95     # back / mozart (xen domains; NOT .debian.org)
96     allow from
97   # i386
98     # puccini
99     Allow from
100     # brahms
101     Allow from
102     # murphy
103     Allow from
104     # demosthenes, HE
105     allow from
106     # biber
107     allow from
108     allow from 2001:648:2ffc:deb:214:22ff:feb2:1268
109   # ia64
110     # caballero
111     allow from
112     # mundi
113     allow from
114     # zx6000.gag.com
115     allow from
116     # alkman
117     allow from
118   # mips
119     #
120     allow from
121     # ball
122     allow from
123     allow from 2001:41b8:202:deb:202:4cff:fefe:d09
124     # mayr
125     allow from
126     # sigrun, aba
127     allow from
128     allow from 2001:41b8:202:deb:a00:69ff:fe08:30c6
129     # corelli
130     allow from
131     # lucatelli
132     allow from
133   # mipsel
134     # rem
135     allow from
136     # mayer
137     allow from
138     # monteverdi
139     allow from
140     # kritias, aba
141     allow from
142   # powerpc
143     # static-72-66-115-54.washdc.fios.verizon.net
144     allow from
145     # praetorius
146     allow from
147     # purcell
148     allow from
149     allow from 2001:41b8:202:deb:20a:95ff:fe6c:3c02
150     # poulenc
151     allow from
152     # porpora
153     allow from
154   # s390
155     # debian01.zseries
156     allow from
157     # l003092.zseriespenguins.ihost.com
158     allow from
159     #
160     allow from
161     #
162     allow from
163     # lxdebian.bfinv
164     allow from
165     # zandonai
166     allow from
167   # sparc
168     # spontini
169     allow from
170     # lebrun
171     allow from
172     # schroeder
173     allow from
174     # titan.ayous.org ('non-standard' buildd; contact HE)
175     allow from
176   # kfreebsd
177    # amd64
178     # fasch
179     allow from
180    # i386
181     # himalai1, ganymede1
182     allow from
183     # field
184     allow from
185     # luchesi
186     # Password based due to being KVM instance
187     #   allow from
188 # dynamics use password auth
189     AuthType Basic
190     AuthName "incoming.debian.org"
191     AuthUserFile /srv/incoming.debian.org/htpasswd
192     require valid-user
193     satisfy any
194   </DirectoryMatch>
196   CustomLog               /var/log/apache2/incoming-access.log combined
197   ErrorLog                /var/log/apache2/incoming-error.log
199 </VirtualHost>