--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Manipulate override files
+# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 James Troup <james@nocrew.org>
+# $Id: natalie,v 1.1 2002-05-08 11:15:38 troup Exp $
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import pg, string, sys, time;
+import utils, db_access, logging;
+import apt_pkg;
+Cnf = None;
+projectB = None;
+Logger = None;
+def usage (exit_code=0):
+ print """Usage: natalie.py [OPTIONS]
+ -h, --help this help
+ -c, --component=CMPT list/set overrides by component
+ (contrib,*main,non-free)
+ -s, --suite=SUITE list/set overrides by suite
+ (experimental,stable,testing,*unstable)
+ -t, --type=TYPE list/set overrides by type
+ (*deb,dsc,udeb)
+ -S, --set set overrides from stdin
+ -l, --list list overrides on stdout
+ -q, --quiet be less verbose
+ starred (*) values are default"""
+ sys.exit(exit_code)
+def process_file (file, suite, component, type):
+ suite_id = db_access.get_suite_id(suite);
+ if suite_id == -1:
+ utils.fubar("Suite '%s' not recognised." % (suite));
+ component_id = db_access.get_component_id(component);
+ if component_id == -1:
+ utils.fubar("Component '%s' not recognised." % (component));
+ type_id = db_access.get_override_type_id(type);
+ if type_id == -1:
+ utils.fubar("Type '%s' not recognised. (Valid types are deb, udeb and dsc.)" % (type));
+ # --set is done mostly internal for performance reasons; most
+ # invocations of --set will be updates and making people wait 2-3
+ # minutes while 6000 select+inserts are run needlessly isn't cool.
+ original = {};
+ new = {};
+ c_skipped = 0;
+ c_added = 0;
+ c_updated = 0;
+ c_removed = 0;
+ c_error = 0;
+ q = projectB.query("SELECT o.package, o.priority, o.section, o.maintainer, p.priority, s.section FROM override o, priority p, section s WHERE o.suite = %s AND o.component = %s AND o.type = %s and o.priority = p.id and o.section = s.id"
+ % (suite_id, component_id, type_id));
+ for i in q.getresult():
+ original[i[0]] = i[1:];
+ start_time = time.time();
+ projectB.query("BEGIN WORK");
+ for line in file.readlines():
+ line = string.strip(utils.re_comments.sub('', line[:-1]))
+ if line == "":
+ continue;
+ maintainer_override = None;
+ if type == "dsc":
+ split_line = string.split(line, None, 2);
+ if len(split_line) == 2:
+ (package, section) = split_line;
+ elif len(split_line) == 3:
+ (package, section, maintainer_override) = split_line;
+ else:
+ utils.warn("'%s' does not break into 'package section [maintainer-override]'." % (line));
+ c_error = c_error + 1;
+ continue;
+ priority = "source";
+ else: # binary or udeb
+ split_line = string.split(line, None, 3);
+ if len(split_line) == 3:
+ (package, priority, section) = split_line;
+ elif len(split_line) == 4:
+ (package, priority, section, maintainer_override) = split_line;
+ else:
+ utils.warn("'%s' does not break into 'package priority section [maintainer-override]'." % (line));
+ c_error = c_error + 1;
+ continue;
+ section_id = db_access.get_section_id(section);
+ if section_id == -1:
+ utils.warn("'%s' is not a valid section. ['%s' in suite %s, component %s]." % (section, package, suite, component));
+ c_error = c_error + 1;
+ continue;
+ priority_id = db_access.get_priority_id(priority);
+ if priority_id == -1:
+ utils.warn("'%s' is not a valid priority. ['%s' in suite %s, component %s]." % (priority, package, suite, component));
+ c_error = c_error + 1;
+ continue;
+ if new.has_key(package):
+ utils.warn("Can't insert duplicate entry for '%s'; ignoring all but the first. [suite %s, component %s]" % (package, suite, component));
+ c_error = c_error + 1;
+ continue;
+ new[package] = "";
+ if original.has_key(package):
+ (old_priority_id, old_section_id, old_maintainer_override, old_priority, old_section) = original[package];
+ if old_priority_id == priority_id and old_section_id == section_id and old_maintainer_override == maintainer_override:
+ # Same? Ignore it
+ c_skipped = c_skipped + 1;
+ continue;
+ else:
+ # Changed? Delete the old one so we can reinsert it with the new information
+ c_updated = c_updated + 1;
+ projectB.query("DELETE FROM override WHERE suite = %s AND component = %s AND package = '%s' AND type = %s"
+ % (suite_id, component_id, package, type_id));
+ # Log changes
+ if old_priority_id != priority_id:
+ Logger.log(["changed priority",package,old_priority,priority]);
+ if old_section_id != section_id:
+ Logger.log(["changed section",package,old_section,section]);
+ if old_maintainer_override != maintainer_override:
+ Logger.log(["changed maintainer override",package,old_maintainer_override,maintainer_override]);
+ update_p = 1;
+ else:
+ c_added = c_added + 1;
+ update_p = 0;
+ if maintainer_override:
+ projectB.query("INSERT INTO override (suite, component, type, package, priority, section, maintainer) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, '%s', %s, %s, '%s')"
+ % (suite_id, component_id, type_id, package, priority_id, section_id, maintainer_override));
+ else:
+ projectB.query("INSERT INTO override (suite, component, type, package, priority, section) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, '%s', %s, %s)"
+ % (suite_id, component_id, type_id, package, priority_id, section_id));
+ if not update_p:
+ Logger.log(["new override",suite,component,type,package,priority,section,maintainer_override]);
+ # Delete any packages which were removed
+ for package in original.keys():
+ if not new.has_key(package):
+ projectB.query("DELETE FROM override WHERE suite = %s AND component = %s AND package = '%s' AND type = %s"
+ % (suite_id, component_id, package, type_id));
+ c_removed = c_removed + 1;
+ Logger.log(["removed override",suite,component,type,package]);
+ projectB.query("COMMIT WORK");
+ if not Cnf["Natalie::Options::Quiet"]:
+ print "Done in %d seconds. [Updated = %d, Added = %d, Removed = %d, Skipped = %d, Errors = %d]" % (int(time.time()-start_time), c_updated, c_added, c_removed, c_skipped, c_error);
+ Logger.log(["set complete",c_updated, c_added, c_removed, c_skipped, c_error]);
+def list(suite, component, type):
+ suite_id = db_access.get_suite_id(suite);
+ if suite_id == -1:
+ utils.fubar("Suite '%s' not recognised." % (suite));
+ component_id = db_access.get_component_id(component);
+ if component_id == -1:
+ utils.fubar("Component '%s' not recognised." % (component));
+ type_id = db_access.get_override_type_id(type);
+ if type_id == -1:
+ utils.fubar("Type '%s' not recognised. (Valid types are deb, udeb and dsc)" % (type));
+ if type == "dsc":
+ q = projectB.query("SELECT o.package, s.section, o.maintainer FROM override o, section s WHERE o.suite = %s AND o.component = %s AND o.type = %s AND o.section = s.id ORDER BY s.section, o.package" % (suite_id, component_id, type_id));
+ for i in q.getresult():
+ print utils.result_join(i);
+ else:
+ q = projectB.query("SELECT o.package, p.priority, s.section, o.maintainer, p.level FROM override o, priority p, section s WHERE o.suite = %s AND o.component = %s AND o.type = %s AND o.priority = p.id AND o.section = s.id ORDER BY s.section, p.level, o.package" % (suite_id, component_id, type_id));
+ for i in q.getresult():
+ print utils.result_join(i[:-1]);
+def main ():
+ global Cnf, projectB, Logger;
+ Cnf = utils.get_conf();
+ Arguments = [('h', "help", "Natalie::Options::Help"),
+ ('c', "component", "Natalie::Options::Component", "HasArg"),
+ ('l', "list", "Natalie::Options::List"),
+ ('q', "quiet", "Natalie::Options::Quiet"),
+ ('s', "suite", "Natalie::Options::Suite", "HasArg"),
+ ('S', "set", "Natalie::Options::Set"),
+ ('t', "type", "Natalie::Options::Type", "HasArg")];
+ # Default arguments
+ for i in ["help", "list", "quiet", "set" ]:
+ if not Cnf.has_key("Natalie::Options::%s" % (i)):
+ Cnf["Natalie::Options::%s" % (i)] = "";
+ if not Cnf.has_key("Natalie::Options::Component"):
+ Cnf["Natalie::Options::Component"] = "main";
+ if not Cnf.has_key("Natalie::Options::Suite"):
+ Cnf["Natalie::Options::Suite"] = "unstable";
+ if not Cnf.has_key("Natalie::Options::Type"):
+ Cnf["Natalie::Options::Type"] = "deb";
+ file_list = apt_pkg.ParseCommandLine(Cnf,Arguments,sys.argv);
+ if Cnf["Natalie::Options::Help"]:
+ usage();
+ projectB = pg.connect(Cnf["DB::Name"], Cnf["DB::Host"], int(Cnf["DB::Port"]));
+ db_access.init(Cnf, projectB);
+ action = None;
+ for i in [ "list", "set" ]:
+ if Cnf["Natalie::Options::%s" % (i)]:
+ if action != None:
+ utils.fubar("Can not perform more than one action at once.");
+ action = i;
+ (suite, component, type) = (Cnf["Natalie::Options::Suite"], Cnf["Natalie::Options::Component"], Cnf["Natalie::Options::Type"])
+ if action == "list":
+ list(suite, component, type);
+ else:
+ Logger = logging.Logger(Cnf, "natalie");
+ if file_list != []:
+ for file in file_list:
+ process_file(utils.open_file(file), suite, component, type);
+ else:
+ process_file(sys.stdin, suite, component, type);
+ Logger.close();
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Manipulate override files
-# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 James Troup <james@nocrew.org>
-# $Id: natalie.py,v 1.15 2002-02-12 22:14:38 troup Exp $
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-import pg, string, sys, time;
-import utils, db_access, logging;
-import apt_pkg;
-Cnf = None;
-projectB = None;
-Logger = None;
-def usage (exit_code=0):
- print """Usage: natalie.py [OPTIONS]
- -h, --help this help
- -c, --component=CMPT list/set overrides by component
- (contrib,*main,non-free)
- -s, --suite=SUITE list/set overrides by suite
- (experimental,stable,testing,*unstable)
- -t, --type=TYPE list/set overrides by type
- (*deb,dsc,udeb)
- -S, --set set overrides from stdin
- -l, --list list overrides on stdout
- starred (*) values are default"""
- sys.exit(exit_code)
-def init ():
- global projectB;
- projectB = pg.connect('projectb', None);
- db_access.init(Cnf, projectB);
-def process_file (file, suite, component, type):
- suite_id = db_access.get_suite_id(suite);
- if suite_id == -1:
- utils.fubar("Suite '%s' not recognised." % (suite));
- component_id = db_access.get_component_id(component);
- if component_id == -1:
- utils.fubar("Component '%s' not recognised." % (component));
- type_id = db_access.get_override_type_id(type);
- if type_id == -1:
- utils.fubar("Type '%s' not recognised. (Valid types are deb, udeb and dsc.)" % (type));
- # --set is done mostly internal for performance reasons; most
- # invocations of --set will be updates and making people wait 2-3
- # minutes while 6000 select+inserts are run needlessly isn't cool.
- original = {};
- new = {};
- c_skipped = 0;
- c_added = 0;
- c_updated = 0;
- c_removed = 0;
- c_error = 0;
- q = projectB.query("SELECT o.package, o.priority, o.section, o.maintainer, p.priority, s.section FROM override o, priority p, section s WHERE o.suite = %s AND o.component = %s AND o.type = %s and o.priority = p.id and o.section = s.id"
- % (suite_id, component_id, type_id));
- for i in q.getresult():
- original[i[0]] = i[1:];
- start_time = time.time();
- projectB.query("BEGIN WORK");
- for line in file.readlines():
- line = string.strip(utils.re_comments.sub('', line[:-1]))
- if line == "":
- continue;
- maintainer_override = None;
- if type == "dsc":
- split_line = string.split(line, None, 2);
- if len(split_line) == 2:
- (package, section) = split_line;
- elif len(split_line) == 3:
- (package, section, maintainer_override) = split_line;
- else:
- utils.warn("'%s' does not break into 'package section [maintainer-override]'." % (line));
- c_error = c_error + 1;
- continue;
- priority = "source";
- else: # binary or udeb
- split_line = string.split(line, None, 3);
- if len(split_line) == 3:
- (package, priority, section) = split_line;
- elif len(split_line) == 4:
- (package, priority, section, maintainer_override) = split_line;
- else:
- utils.warn("'%s' does not break into 'package priority section [maintainer-override]'." % (line));
- c_error = c_error + 1;
- continue;
- section_id = db_access.get_section_id(section);
- if section_id == -1:
- utils.warn("'%s' is not a valid section. ['%s' in suite %s, component %s]." % (section, package, suite, component));
- c_error = c_error + 1;
- continue;
- priority_id = db_access.get_priority_id(priority);
- if priority_id == -1:
- utils.warn("'%s' is not a valid priority. ['%s' in suite %s, component %s]." % (priority, package, suite, component));
- c_error = c_error + 1;
- continue;
- if new.has_key(package):
- utils.warn("Can't insert duplicate entry for '%s'; ignoring all but the first. [suite %s, component %s]" % (package, suite, component));
- c_error = c_error + 1;
- continue;
- new[package] = "";
- if original.has_key(package):
- (old_priority_id, old_section_id, old_maintainer_override, old_priority, old_section) = original[package];
- if old_priority_id == priority_id and old_section_id == section_id and old_maintainer_override == maintainer_override:
- # Same? Ignore it
- c_skipped = c_skipped + 1;
- continue;
- else:
- # Changed? Delete the old one so we can reinsert it with the new information
- c_updated = c_updated + 1;
- projectB.query("DELETE FROM override WHERE suite = %s AND component = %s AND package = '%s' AND type = %s"
- % (suite_id, component_id, package, type_id));
- # Log changes
- if old_priority_id != priority_id:
- Logger.log(["changed priority",package,old_priority,priority]);
- if old_section_id != section_id:
- Logger.log(["changed section",package,old_section,section]);
- if old_maintainer_override != maintainer_override:
- Logger.log(["changed maintainer override",package,old_maintainer_override,maintainer_override]);
- update_p = 1;
- else:
- c_added = c_added + 1;
- update_p = 0;
- if maintainer_override:
- projectB.query("INSERT INTO override (suite, component, type, package, priority, section, maintainer) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, '%s', %s, %s, '%s')"
- % (suite_id, component_id, type_id, package, priority_id, section_id, maintainer_override));
- else:
- projectB.query("INSERT INTO override (suite, component, type, package, priority, section) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, '%s', %s, %s)"
- % (suite_id, component_id, type_id, package, priority_id, section_id));
- if not update_p:
- Logger.log(["new override",suite,component,type,package,priority,section,maintainer_override]);
- # Delete any packages which were removed
- for package in original.keys():
- if not new.has_key(package):
- projectB.query("DELETE FROM override WHERE suite = %s AND component = %s AND package = '%s' AND type = %s"
- % (suite_id, component_id, package, type_id));
- c_removed = c_removed + 1;
- Logger.log(["removed override",suite,component,type,package]);
- projectB.query("COMMIT WORK");
- print "Done in %d seconds. [Updated = %d, Added = %d, Removed = %d, Skipped = %d, Errors = %d]" % (int(time.time()-start_time), c_updated, c_added, c_removed, c_skipped, c_error);
- Logger.log(["set complete",c_updated, c_added, c_removed, c_skipped, c_error]);
-def list(suite, component, type):
- suite_id = db_access.get_suite_id(suite);
- if suite_id == -1:
- utils.fubar("Suite '%s' not recognised." % (suite));
- component_id = db_access.get_component_id(component);
- if component_id == -1:
- utils.fubar("Component '%s' not recognised." % (component));
- type_id = db_access.get_override_type_id(type);
- if type_id == -1:
- utils.fubar("Type '%s' not recognised. (Valid types are deb, udeb and dsc)" % (type));
- if type == "dsc":
- q = projectB.query("SELECT o.package, s.section, o.maintainer FROM override o, section s WHERE o.suite = %s AND o.component = %s AND o.type = %s AND o.section = s.id ORDER BY s.section, o.package" % (suite_id, component_id, type_id));
- for i in q.getresult():
- print utils.result_join(i);
- else:
- q = projectB.query("SELECT o.package, p.priority, s.section, o.maintainer, p.level FROM override o, priority p, section s WHERE o.suite = %s AND o.component = %s AND o.type = %s AND o.priority = p.id AND o.section = s.id ORDER BY s.section, p.level, o.package" % (suite_id, component_id, type_id));
- for i in q.getresult():
- print utils.result_join(i[:-1]);
-def main ():
- global Cnf, projectB, Logger;
- Cnf = utils.get_conf()
- Arguments = [('h',"help","Natalie::Options::Help"),
- ('c',"component", "Natalie::Options::Component", "HasArg"),
- ('l',"list", "Natalie::Options::List"),
- ('s',"suite","Natalie::Options::Suite", "HasArg"),
- ('S',"set","Natalie::Options::Set"),
- ('t',"type","Natalie::Options::Type", "HasArg")];
- # Default arguments
- for i in ["help", "list", "set" ]:
- if not Cnf.has_key("Natalie::Options::%s" % (i)):
- Cnf["Natalie::Options::%s" % (i)] = "";
- if not Cnf.has_key("Natalie::Options::Component"):
- Cnf["Natalie::Options::Component"] = "main";
- if not Cnf.has_key("Natalie::Options::Suite"):
- Cnf["Natalie::Options::Suite"] = "unstable";
- if not Cnf.has_key("Natalie::Options::Type"):
- Cnf["Natalie::Options::Type"] = "deb";
- file_list = apt_pkg.ParseCommandLine(Cnf,Arguments,sys.argv);
- if Cnf["Natalie::Options::Help"]:
- usage();
- init();
- action = None;
- for i in [ "list", "set" ]:
- if Cnf["Natalie::Options::%s" % (i)]:
- if action != None:
- utils.fubar("Can not perform more than one action at once.");
- action = i;
- (suite, component, type) = (Cnf["Natalie::Options::Suite"], Cnf["Natalie::Options::Component"], Cnf["Natalie::Options::Type"])
- if action == "list":
- list(suite, component, type);
- else:
- Logger = logging.Logger(Cnf, "natalie");
- if file_list != []:
- for file in file_list:
- process_file(utils.open_file(file), suite, component, type);
- else:
- process_file(sys.stdin, suite, component, type);
- Logger.close();
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()