+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-""" DB access functions
-@group readonly: get_suite_id, get_section_id, get_priority_id, get_override_type_id,
- get_architecture_id, get_archive_id, get_component_id, get_location_id,
- get_source_id, get_suite_version, get_files_id, get_maintainer, get_suites,
- get_suite_architectures, get_new_comments, has_new_comment
-@group read/write: get_or_set*, set_files_id
-@group writeonly: add_new_comment, delete_new_comments
-@contact: Debian FTP Master <ftpmaster@debian.org>
-@copyright: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006 James Troup <james@nocrew.org>
-@copyright: 2009 Joerg Jaspert <joerg@debian.org>
-@license: GNU General Public License version 2 or later
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-import utils
-import pg
-Cnf = None #: Configuration, apt_pkg.Configuration
-projectB = None #: database connection, pgobject
-suite_id_cache = {} #: cache for suites
-section_id_cache = {} #: cache for sections
-priority_id_cache = {} #: cache for priorities
-override_type_id_cache = {} #: cache for overrides
-architecture_id_cache = {} #: cache for architectures
-archive_id_cache = {} #: cache for archives
-component_id_cache = {} #: cache for components
-location_id_cache = {} #: cache for locations
-maintainer_id_cache = {} #: cache for maintainers
-keyring_id_cache = {} #: cache for keyrings
-source_id_cache = {} #: cache for sources
-files_id_cache = {} #: cache for files
-maintainer_cache = {} #: cache for maintainer names
-fingerprint_id_cache = {} #: cache for fingerprints
-queue_id_cache = {} #: cache for queues
-uid_id_cache = {} #: cache for uids
-suite_version_cache = {} #: cache for suite_versions (packages)
-suite_bin_version_cache = {}
-cache_preloaded = False
-def init (config, sql):
- """
- database module init.
- @type config: apt_pkg.Configuration
- @param config: apt config, see U{http://apt.alioth.debian.org/python-apt-doc/apt_pkg/cache.html#Configuration}
- @type sql: pgobject
- @param sql: database connection
- """
- global Cnf, projectB
- Cnf = config
- projectB = sql
-def get_suite_id (suite):
- """
- Returns database id for given C{suite}.
- Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
- @type suite: string
- @param suite: The name of the suite
- @rtype: int
- @return: the database id for the given suite
- """
- global suite_id_cache
- if suite_id_cache.has_key(suite):
- return suite_id_cache[suite]
- q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM suite WHERE suite_name = '%s'" % (suite))
- ql = q.getresult()
- if not ql:
- return -1
- suite_id = ql[0][0]
- suite_id_cache[suite] = suite_id
- return suite_id
-def get_section_id (section):
- """
- Returns database id for given C{section}.
- Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
- @type section: string
- @param section: The name of the section
- @rtype: int
- @return: the database id for the given section
- """
- global section_id_cache
- if section_id_cache.has_key(section):
- return section_id_cache[section]
- q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM section WHERE section = '%s'" % (section))
- ql = q.getresult()
- if not ql:
- return -1
- section_id = ql[0][0]
- section_id_cache[section] = section_id
- return section_id
-def get_priority_id (priority):
- """
- Returns database id for given C{priority}.
- Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
- @type priority: string
- @param priority: The name of the priority
- @rtype: int
- @return: the database id for the given priority
- """
- global priority_id_cache
- if priority_id_cache.has_key(priority):
- return priority_id_cache[priority]
- q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM priority WHERE priority = '%s'" % (priority))
- ql = q.getresult()
- if not ql:
- return -1
- priority_id = ql[0][0]
- priority_id_cache[priority] = priority_id
- return priority_id
-def get_override_type_id (type):
- """
- Returns database id for given override C{type}.
- Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
- @type type: string
- @param type: The name of the override type
- @rtype: int
- @return: the database id for the given override type
- """
- global override_type_id_cache
- if override_type_id_cache.has_key(type):
- return override_type_id_cache[type]
- q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM override_type WHERE type = '%s'" % (type))
- ql = q.getresult()
- if not ql:
- return -1
- override_type_id = ql[0][0]
- override_type_id_cache[type] = override_type_id
- return override_type_id
-def get_architecture_id (architecture):
- """
- Returns database id for given C{architecture}.
- Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
- @type architecture: string
- @param architecture: The name of the override type
- @rtype: int
- @return: the database id for the given architecture
- """
- global architecture_id_cache
- if architecture_id_cache.has_key(architecture):
- return architecture_id_cache[architecture]
- q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM architecture WHERE arch_string = '%s'" % (architecture))
- ql = q.getresult()
- if not ql:
- return -1
- architecture_id = ql[0][0]
- architecture_id_cache[architecture] = architecture_id
- return architecture_id
-def get_archive_id (archive):
- """
- Returns database id for given C{archive}.
- Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
- @type archive: string
- @param archive: The name of the override type
- @rtype: int
- @return: the database id for the given archive
- """
- global archive_id_cache
- archive = archive.lower()
- if archive_id_cache.has_key(archive):
- return archive_id_cache[archive]
- q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM archive WHERE lower(name) = '%s'" % (archive))
- ql = q.getresult()
- if not ql:
- return -1
- archive_id = ql[0][0]
- archive_id_cache[archive] = archive_id
- return archive_id
-def get_component_id (component):
- """
- Returns database id for given C{component}.
- Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
- @type component: string
- @param component: The name of the component
- @rtype: int
- @return: the database id for the given component
- """
- global component_id_cache
- component = component.lower()
- if component_id_cache.has_key(component):
- return component_id_cache[component]
- q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM component WHERE lower(name) = '%s'" % (component))
- ql = q.getresult()
- if not ql:
- return -1
- component_id = ql[0][0]
- component_id_cache[component] = component_id
- return component_id
-def get_location_id (location, component, archive):
- """
- Returns database id for the location behind the given combination of
- - B{location} - the path of the location, eg. I{/srv/ftp.debian.org/ftp/pool/}
- - B{component} - the id of the component as returned by L{get_component_id}
- - B{archive} - the id of the archive as returned by L{get_archive_id}
- Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
- @type location: string
- @param location: the path of the location
- @type component: int
- @param component: the id of the component
- @type archive: int
- @param archive: the id of the archive
- @rtype: int
- @return: the database id for the location
- """
- global location_id_cache
- cache_key = location + '_' + component + '_' + location
- if location_id_cache.has_key(cache_key):
- return location_id_cache[cache_key]
- archive_id = get_archive_id (archive)
- if component != "":
- component_id = get_component_id (component)
- if component_id != -1:
- q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM location WHERE path = '%s' AND component = %d AND archive = %d" % (location, component_id, archive_id))
- else:
- q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM location WHERE path = '%s' AND archive = %d" % (location, archive_id))
- ql = q.getresult()
- if not ql:
- return -1
- location_id = ql[0][0]
- location_id_cache[cache_key] = location_id
- return location_id
-def get_source_id (source, version):
- """
- Returns database id for the combination of C{source} and C{version}
- - B{source} - source package name, eg. I{mailfilter}, I{bbdb}, I{glibc}
- - B{version}
- Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
- @type source: string
- @param source: source package name
- @type version: string
- @param version: the source version
- @rtype: int
- @return: the database id for the source
- """
- global source_id_cache
- cache_key = source + '_' + version + '_'
- if source_id_cache.has_key(cache_key):
- return source_id_cache[cache_key]
- q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM source s WHERE s.source = '%s' AND s.version = '%s'" % (source, version))
- if not q.getresult():
- return None
- source_id = q.getresult()[0][0]
- source_id_cache[cache_key] = source_id
- return source_id
-def get_suite_version(source, suite):
- """
- Returns database id for a combination of C{source} and C{suite}.
- - B{source} - source package name, eg. I{mailfilter}, I{bbdb}, I{glibc}
- - B{suite} - a suite name, eg. I{unstable}
- Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
- @type source: string
- @param source: source package name
- @type suite: string
- @param suite: the suite name
- @rtype: string
- @return: the version for I{source} in I{suite}
- """
- global suite_version_cache
- cache_key = "%s_%s" % (source, suite)
- if suite_version_cache.has_key(cache_key):
- return suite_version_cache[cache_key]
- q = projectB.query("""
- SELECT s.version FROM source s, suite su, src_associations sa
- WHERE sa.source=s.id
- AND sa.suite=su.id
- AND su.suite_name='%s'
- AND s.source='%s'"""
- % (suite, source))
- if not q.getresult():
- return None
- version = q.getresult()[0][0]
- suite_version_cache[cache_key] = version
- return version
-def get_latest_binary_version_id(binary, section, suite, arch):
- global suite_bin_version_cache
- cache_key = "%s_%s_%s_%s" % (binary, section, suite, arch)
- cache_key_all = "%s_%s_%s_%s" % (binary, section, suite, get_architecture_id("all"))
- # Check for the cache hit for its arch, then arch all
- if suite_bin_version_cache.has_key(cache_key):
- return suite_bin_version_cache[cache_key]
- if suite_bin_version_cache.has_key(cache_key_all):
- return suite_bin_version_cache[cache_key_all]
- if cache_preloaded == True:
- return # package does not exist
- q = projectB.query("SELECT DISTINCT b.id FROM binaries b JOIN bin_associations ba ON (b.id = ba.bin) JOIN override o ON (o.package=b.package) WHERE b.package = '%s' AND b.architecture = '%d' AND ba.suite = '%d' AND o.section = '%d'" % (binary, int(arch), int(suite), int(section)))
- if not q.getresult():
- return False
- highest_bid = q.getresult()[0][0]
- suite_bin_version_cache[cache_key] = highest_bid
- return highest_bid
-def preload_binary_id_cache():
- global suite_bin_version_cache, cache_preloaded
- # Get suite info
- q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM suite")
- suites = q.getresult()
- # Get arch mappings
- q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM architecture")
- arches = q.getresult()
- for suite in suites:
- for arch in arches:
- q = projectB.query("SELECT DISTINCT b.id, b.package, o.section FROM binaries b JOIN bin_associations ba ON (b.id = ba.bin) JOIN override o ON (o.package=b.package) WHERE b.architecture = '%d' AND ba.suite = '%d'" % (int(arch[0]), int(suite[0])))
- for bi in q.getresult():
- cache_key = "%s_%s_%s_%s" % (bi[1], bi[2], suite[0], arch[0])
- suite_bin_version_cache[cache_key] = int(bi[0])
- cache_preloaded = True
-def get_suite_architectures(suite):
- """
- Returns list of architectures for C{suite}.
- @type suite: string, int
- @param suite: the suite name or the suite_id
- @rtype: list
- @return: the list of architectures for I{suite}
- """
- suite_id = None
- if type(suite) == str:
- suite_id = get_suite_id(suite)
- elif type(suite) == int:
- suite_id = suite
- else:
- return None
- sql = """ SELECT a.arch_string FROM suite_architectures sa
- JOIN architecture a ON (a.id = sa.architecture)
- WHERE suite='%s' """ % (suite_id)
- q = projectB.query(sql)
- return map(lambda x: x[0], q.getresult())
-def get_suite_untouchable(suite):
- """
- Returns true if the C{suite} is untouchable, otherwise false.
- @type suite: string, int
- @param suite: the suite name or the suite_id
- @rtype: boolean
- @return: status of suite
- """
- suite_id = None
- if type(suite) == str:
- suite_id = get_suite_id(suite.lower())
- elif type(suite) == int:
- suite_id = suite
- else:
- return None
- sql = """ SELECT untouchable FROM suite WHERE id='%s' """ % (suite_id)
- q = projectB.query(sql)
- if q.getresult()[0][0] == "f":
- return False
- else:
- return True
-def get_or_set_maintainer_id (maintainer):
- """
- If C{maintainer} does not have an entry in the maintainer table yet, create one
- and return the new id.
- If C{maintainer} already has an entry, simply return the existing id.
- Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
- @type maintainer: string
- @param maintainer: the maintainer name
- @rtype: int
- @return: the database id for the maintainer
- """
- global maintainer_id_cache
- if maintainer_id_cache.has_key(maintainer):
- return maintainer_id_cache[maintainer]
- q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM maintainer WHERE name = '%s'" % (maintainer))
- if not q.getresult():
- projectB.query("INSERT INTO maintainer (name) VALUES ('%s')" % (maintainer))
- q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM maintainer WHERE name = '%s'" % (maintainer))
- maintainer_id = q.getresult()[0][0]
- maintainer_id_cache[maintainer] = maintainer_id
- return maintainer_id
-def get_or_set_keyring_id (keyring):
- """
- If C{keyring} does not have an entry in the C{keyrings} table yet, create one
- and return the new id.
- If C{keyring} already has an entry, simply return the existing id.
- Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
- @type keyring: string
- @param keyring: the keyring name
- @rtype: int
- @return: the database id for the keyring
- """
- global keyring_id_cache
- if keyring_id_cache.has_key(keyring):
- return keyring_id_cache[keyring]
- q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM keyrings WHERE name = '%s'" % (keyring))
- if not q.getresult():
- projectB.query("INSERT INTO keyrings (name) VALUES ('%s')" % (keyring))
- q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM keyrings WHERE name = '%s'" % (keyring))
- keyring_id = q.getresult()[0][0]
- keyring_id_cache[keyring] = keyring_id
- return keyring_id
-def get_or_set_uid_id (uid):
- """
- If C{uid} does not have an entry in the uid table yet, create one
- and return the new id.
- If C{uid} already has an entry, simply return the existing id.
- Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
- @type uid: string
- @param uid: the uid.
- @rtype: int
- @return: the database id for the uid
- """
- global uid_id_cache
- if uid_id_cache.has_key(uid):
- return uid_id_cache[uid]
- q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM uid WHERE uid = '%s'" % (uid))
- if not q.getresult():
- projectB.query("INSERT INTO uid (uid) VALUES ('%s')" % (uid))
- q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM uid WHERE uid = '%s'" % (uid))
- uid_id = q.getresult()[0][0]
- uid_id_cache[uid] = uid_id
- return uid_id
-def get_or_set_fingerprint_id (fingerprint):
- """
- If C{fingerprint} does not have an entry in the fingerprint table yet, create one
- and return the new id.
- If C{fingerprint} already has an entry, simply return the existing id.
- Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
- @type fingerprint: string
- @param fingerprint: the fingerprint
- @rtype: int
- @return: the database id for the fingerprint
- """
- global fingerprint_id_cache
- if fingerprint_id_cache.has_key(fingerprint):
- return fingerprint_id_cache[fingerprint]
- q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM fingerprint WHERE fingerprint = '%s'" % (fingerprint))
- if not q.getresult():
- projectB.query("INSERT INTO fingerprint (fingerprint) VALUES ('%s')" % (fingerprint))
- q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM fingerprint WHERE fingerprint = '%s'" % (fingerprint))
- fingerprint_id = q.getresult()[0][0]
- fingerprint_id_cache[fingerprint] = fingerprint_id
- return fingerprint_id
-def get_files_id (filename, size, md5sum, location_id):
- """
- Returns -1, -2 or the file_id for filename, if its C{size} and C{md5sum} match an
- existing copy.
- The database is queried using the C{filename} and C{location_id}. If a file does exist
- at that location, the existing size and md5sum are checked against the provided
- parameters. A size or checksum mismatch returns -2. If more than one entry is
- found within the database, a -1 is returned, no result returns None, otherwise
- the file id.
- Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
- @type filename: string
- @param filename: the filename of the file to check against the DB
- @type size: int
- @param size: the size of the file to check against the DB
- @type md5sum: string
- @param md5sum: the md5sum of the file to check against the DB
- @type location_id: int
- @param location_id: the id of the location as returned by L{get_location_id}
- @rtype: int / None
- @return: Various return values are possible:
- - -2: size/checksum error
- - -1: more than one file found in database
- - None: no file found in database
- - int: file id
- """
- global files_id_cache
- cache_key = "%s_%d" % (filename, location_id)
- if files_id_cache.has_key(cache_key):
- return files_id_cache[cache_key]
- size = int(size)
- q = projectB.query("SELECT id, size, md5sum FROM files WHERE filename = '%s' AND location = %d" % (filename, location_id))
- ql = q.getresult()
- if ql:
- if len(ql) != 1:
- return -1
- ql = ql[0]
- orig_size = int(ql[1])
- orig_md5sum = ql[2]
- if orig_size != size or orig_md5sum != md5sum:
- return -2
- files_id_cache[cache_key] = ql[0]
- return files_id_cache[cache_key]
- else:
- return None
-def get_or_set_queue_id (queue):
- """
- If C{queue} does not have an entry in the queue table yet, create one
- and return the new id.
- If C{queue} already has an entry, simply return the existing id.
- Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
- @type queue: string
- @param queue: the queue name (no full path)
- @rtype: int
- @return: the database id for the queue
- """
- global queue_id_cache
- if queue_id_cache.has_key(queue):
- return queue_id_cache[queue]
- q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM queue WHERE queue_name = '%s'" % (queue))
- if not q.getresult():
- projectB.query("INSERT INTO queue (queue_name) VALUES ('%s')" % (queue))
- q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM queue WHERE queue_name = '%s'" % (queue))
- queue_id = q.getresult()[0][0]
- queue_id_cache[queue] = queue_id
- return queue_id
-def set_files_id (filename, size, md5sum, sha1sum, sha256sum, location_id):
- """
- Insert a new entry into the files table and return its id.
- @type filename: string
- @param filename: the filename
- @type size: int
- @param size: the size in bytes
- @type md5sum: string
- @param md5sum: md5sum of the file
- @type sha1sum: string
- @param sha1sum: sha1sum of the file
- @type sha256sum: string
- @param sha256sum: sha256sum of the file
- @type location_id: int
- @param location_id: the id of the location as returned by L{get_location_id}
- @rtype: int
- @return: the database id for the new file
- """
- global files_id_cache
- projectB.query("INSERT INTO files (filename, size, md5sum, sha1sum, sha256sum, location) VALUES ('%s', %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d)" % (filename, long(size), md5sum, sha1sum, sha256sum, location_id))
- return get_files_id (filename, size, md5sum, location_id)
- ### currval has issues with postgresql 7.1.3 when the table is big
- ### it was taking ~3 seconds to return on auric which is very Not
- ### Cool(tm).
- ##
- ##q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM files WHERE id = currval('files_id_seq')")
- ##ql = q.getresult()[0]
- ##cache_key = "%s_%d" % (filename, location_id)
- ##files_id_cache[cache_key] = ql[0]
- ##return files_id_cache[cache_key]
-def get_maintainer (maintainer_id):
- """
- Return the name of the maintainer behind C{maintainer_id}.
- Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
- @type maintainer_id: int
- @param maintainer_id: the id of the maintainer, eg. from L{get_or_set_maintainer_id}
- @rtype: string
- @return: the name of the maintainer
- """
- global maintainer_cache
- if not maintainer_cache.has_key(maintainer_id):
- q = projectB.query("SELECT name FROM maintainer WHERE id = %s" % (maintainer_id))
- maintainer_cache[maintainer_id] = q.getresult()[0][0]
- return maintainer_cache[maintainer_id]
-def get_suites(pkgname, src=False):
- """
- Return the suites in which C{pkgname} can be found. If C{src} is True query for source
- package, else binary package.
- @type pkgname: string
- @param pkgname: name of the package
- @type src: bool
- @param src: if True look for source packages, false (default) looks for binary.
- @rtype: list
- @return: list of suites, or empty list if no match
- """
- if src:
- sql = """
- SELECT suite_name
- FROM source,
- src_associations,
- suite
- WHERE source.id = src_associations.source
- AND source.source = '%s'
- AND src_associations.suite = suite.id
- """ % (pkgname)
- else:
- sql = """
- SELECT suite_name
- FROM binaries,
- bin_associations,
- suite
- WHERE binaries.id = bin_associations.bin
- AND package = '%s'
- AND bin_associations.suite = suite.id
- """ % (pkgname)
- q = projectB.query(sql)
- return map(lambda x: x[0], q.getresult())
-def get_new_comments(package):
- """
- Returns all the possible comments attached to C{package} in NEW. All versions.
- @type package: string
- @param package: name of the package
- @rtype: list
- @return: list of strings containing comments for all versions from all authors for package
- """
- comments = []
- query = projectB.query(""" SELECT version, comment, author, notedate
- FROM new_comments
- WHERE package = '%s'
- ORDER BY notedate
- """ % (package))
- for row in query.getresult():
- comments.append("\nAuthor: %s\nVersion: %s\nTimestamp: %s\n\n%s\n" % (row[2], row[0], row[3], row[1]))
- comments.append("-"*72)
- return comments
-def has_new_comment(package, version, ignore_trainee=False):
- """
- Returns true if the given combination of C{package}, C{version} has a comment.
- If C{ignore_trainee} is true, comments from a trainee are ignored.
- @type package: string
- @param package: name of the package
- @type version: string
- @param version: package version
- @type ignore_trainee: boolean
- @param ignore_trainee: ignore trainee comments
- @rtype: boolean
- @return: true/false
- """
- trainee=""
- if ignore_trainee:
- trainee='AND trainee=false'
- exists = projectB.query("""SELECT 1 FROM new_comments
- WHERE package='%s'
- AND version='%s'
- %s
- LIMIT 1"""
- % (package, version, trainee) ).getresult()
- if not exists:
- return False
- else:
- return True
-def add_new_comment(package, version, comment, author, trainee=False):
- """
- Add a new comment for C{package}, C{version} written by C{author}
- @type package: string
- @param package: name of the package
- @type version: string
- @param version: package version
- @type comment: string
- @param comment: the comment
- @type author: string
- @param author: the authorname
- @type trainee: boolean
- @param trainee: trainee comment
- """
- projectB.query(""" INSERT INTO new_comments (package, version, comment, author, trainee)
- VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')
- """ % (package, version, pg.escape_string(comment), pg.escape_string(author), trainee))
- return
-def delete_new_comments(package, version):
- """
- Delete a comment for C{package}, C{version}, if one exists
- """
- projectB.query(""" DELETE FROM new_comments
- WHERE package = '%s' AND version = '%s'
- """ % (package, version))
- return
-def delete_all_new_comments(package):
- """
- Delete all comments for C{package}, if they exist
- """
- projectB.query(""" DELETE FROM new_comments
- WHERE package = '%s'
- """ % (package))
- return
-def copy_temporary_contents(package, version, arch, deb, reject):
- """
- copy the previously stored contents from the temp table to the permanant one
- during process-unchecked, the deb should have been scanned and the
- contents stored in pending_content_associations
- """
- # first see if contents exist:
- arch_id = get_architecture_id (arch)
- exists = projectB.query("""SELECT 1 FROM pending_content_associations
- WHERE package='%s'
- AND version='%s'
- AND architecture=%d LIMIT 1"""
- % (package, version, arch_id) ).getresult()
- if not exists:
- # This should NOT happen. We should have added contents
- # during process-unchecked. if it did, log an error, and send
- # an email.
- subst = {
- "__PACKAGE__": package,
- "__VERSION__": version,
- "__ARCH__": arch,
- "__TO_ADDRESS__": Cnf["Dinstall::MyAdminAddress"],
- "__DAK_ADDRESS__": Cnf["Dinstall::MyEmailAddress"] }
- message = utils.TemplateSubst(subst, Cnf["Dir::Templates"]+"/missing-contents")
- utils.send_mail( message )
- exists = Binary(deb, reject).scan_package()
- if exists:
- sql = """INSERT INTO content_associations(binary_pkg,filepath,filename)
- SELECT currval('binaries_id_seq'), filepath, filename FROM pending_content_associations
- WHERE package='%s'
- AND version='%s'
- AND architecture=%d""" % (package, version, arch_id)
- projectB.query(sql)
- projectB.query("""DELETE from pending_content_associations
- WHERE package='%s'
- AND version='%s'
- AND architecture=%d""" % (package, version, arch_id))
- return exists