+ o What to do with multi-suite uploads? Presumably hold in unapproved
+ and warn? Or what? Can't accept just for unstable or reject just
+ from stable.
+ o Whenever we check for anything in accepted we also need to check in
+ unapproved.
+ o non-sourceful uploads should go straight through if they have
+ source in accepted or the archive.
+ o security uploads on auric should be pre-approved.
More Urgent
+ o julia should sync debadmin and ftpmaster
<drow> Can't read file.: /org/security.debian.org/queue/accepted/accepted/apache-perl_1.3.9-14.1-1.21.20000309-1_sparc.katie. You assume that the filenames are relative to accepted/, might want to doc or fix that.
<neuro> the orig was in NEW, the changes that caused it to be NEW were pulled out in -2, and we end up with no orig in the archive :(