# Populate the DB
# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 James Troup <james@nocrew.org>
-# $Id: neve,v 1.14 2002-10-16 02:47:32 troup Exp $
+# $Id: neve,v 1.15 2002-11-22 04:07:16 troup Exp $
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
source_cache = {};
arch_all_cache = {};
binary_cache = {};
+location_path_cache = {};
files_id_serial = 0;
source_id_serial = 0;
for priority in Cnf.SubTree("Priority").List():
projectB.query("INSERT INTO priority (priority, level) VALUES ('%s', %s)" % (priority, Cnf["Priority::%s" % (priority)]));
+def get_location_path(directory):
+ global location_path_cache;
+ if location_path_cache.has_key(directory):
+ return location_path_cache[directory];
+ q = projectB.query("SELECT DISTINCT path FROM location WHERE path ~ '%s'" % (directory));
+ try:
+ path = q.getresult()[0][0];
+ except:
+ utils.fubar("[neve] get_location_path(): Couldn't get path for %s" % (directory));
+ location_path_cache[directory] = path;
+ return path;
def get_or_set_files_id (filename, size, md5sum, location_id):
-def process_sources (location, filename, suite, component, archive, dsc_dir):
+def process_sources (filename, suite, component, archive):
global source_cache, source_query_cache, src_associations_query_cache, dsc_files_query_cache, source_id_serial, src_associations_id_serial, dsc_files_id_serial, source_cache_for_binaries, orig_tar_gz_cache, reject_message;
suite = suite.lower();
file = utils.open_file (filename);
except utils.cant_open_exc:
- print "WARNING: can't open '%s'" % (filename);
+ utils.warn("can't open '%s'" % (filename));
Scanner = apt_pkg.ParseTagFile(file);
while Scanner.Step() != 0:
package = Scanner.Section["package"];
version = Scanner.Section["version"];
- dsc_file = os.path.join(dsc_dir, "%s_%s.dsc" % (package, utils.re_no_epoch.sub('', version)));
+ directory = Scanner.Section["directory"];
+ dsc_file = os.path.join(Cnf["Dir::Root"], directory, "%s_%s.dsc" % (package, utils.re_no_epoch.sub('', version)));
install_date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(os.path.getmtime(dsc_file)));
fingerprint = check_signature(dsc_file);
fingerprint_id = db_access.get_or_set_fingerprint_id(fingerprint);
maintainer = Scanner.Section["maintainer"]
maintainer = maintainer.replace("'", "\\'");
maintainer_id = db_access.get_or_set_maintainer_id(maintainer);
- directory = Scanner.Section["directory"];
+ location = get_location_path(directory.split('/')[0]);
location_id = db_access.get_location_id (location, component, archive);
if not directory.endswith("/"):
directory += '/';
-def process_packages (location, filename, suite, component, archive):
+def process_packages (filename, suite, component, archive):
global arch_all_cache, binary_cache, binaries_id_serial, binaries_query_cache, bin_associations_id_serial, bin_associations_query_cache, reject_message;
count_total = 0;
file = utils.open_file (filename);
except utils.cant_open_exc:
- print "WARNING: can't open '%s'" % (filename);
+ utils.warn("can't open '%s'" % (filename));
Scanner = apt_pkg.ParseTagFile(file);
while Scanner.Step() != 0:
if not source_version:
source_version = version
filename = Scanner.Section["filename"]
+ location = get_location_path(filename.split('/')[0]);
location_id = db_access.get_location_id (location, component, archive)
filename = poolify (filename, location)
if architecture == "all":
-def do_sources(location, prefix, suite, component, server):
+def do_sources(sources, suite, component, server):
temp_filename = tempfile.mktemp();
fd = os.open(temp_filename, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT|os.O_EXCL, 0700);
- sources = location + prefix + 'Sources.gz';
(result, output) = commands.getstatusoutput("gunzip -c %s > %s" % (sources, temp_filename));
if (result != 0):
utils.fubar("Gunzip invocation failed!\n%s" % (output), result);
print 'Processing '+sources+'...';
- process_sources (location, temp_filename, suite, component, server, os.path.dirname(sources));
+ process_sources (temp_filename, suite, component, server);
-def main ():
+def do_da_do_da ():
global Cnf, projectB, query_cache, files_query_cache, source_query_cache, src_associations_query_cache, dsc_files_query_cache, bin_associations_query_cache, binaries_query_cache;
Cnf = utils.get_conf();
server = SubSec["Archive"];
type = Cnf.Find("Location::%s::Type" % (location));
if type == "legacy-mixed":
- prefix = ''
+ sources = location + 'Sources.gz';
suite = Cnf.Find("Location::%s::Suite" % (location));
- do_sources(location, prefix, suite, "", server);
- elif type == "legacy":
+ do_sources(sources, suite, "", server);
+ elif type == "legacy" or type == "pool":
for suite in Cnf.ValueList("Location::%s::Suites" % (location)):
for component in Cnf.SubTree("Component").List():
- prefix = Cnf["Suite::%s::CodeName" % (suite)] + '/' + component + '/source/'
- do_sources(location, prefix, suite, component, server);
- elif type == "pool":
- continue;
-# for component in Cnf.SubTree("Component").List():
-# prefix = component + '/'
-# do_sources(location, prefix);
+ sources = Cnf["Dir::Root"] + "dists/" + Cnf["Suite::%s::CodeName" % (suite)] + '/' + component + '/source/' + 'Sources.gz';
+ do_sources(sources, suite, component, server);
utils.fubar("Unknown location type ('%s')." % (type));
packages = location + 'Packages';
suite = Cnf.Find("Location::%s::Suite" % (location));
print 'Processing '+location+'...';
- process_packages (location, packages, suite, "", server);
- elif type == "legacy":
+ process_packages (packages, suite, "", server);
+ elif type == "legacy" or type == "pool":
for suite in Cnf.ValueList("Location::%s::Suites" % (location)):
for component in Cnf.SubTree("Component").List():
architectures = filter(utils.real_arch,
Cnf.ValueList("Suite::%s::Architectures" % (suite)));
for architecture in architectures:
- packages = location + Cnf["Suite::%s::CodeName" % (suite)] + '/' + component + '/binary-' + architecture + '/Packages'
+ packages = Cnf["Dir::Root"] + "dists/" + Cnf["Suite::%s::CodeName" % (suite)] + '/' + component + '/binary-' + architecture + '/Packages'
print 'Processing '+packages+'...';
- process_packages (location, packages, suite, component, server);
- elif type == "pool":
- continue;
+ process_packages (packages, suite, component, server);
+def main():
+ try:
+ do_da_do_da();
+ except:
+ utils.print_exc();
if __name__ == '__main__':