where o.suite = :overridesuite and o.type = :type_id and o.section = s.id and
o.component = :component)
-select bc.file, substring(o.section from position('/' in o.section) + 1) || '/' || b.package as package
+select bc.file, o.section || '/' || b.package as package
from newest_binaries b, bin_contents bc, unique_override o
where b.id = bc.binary_id and o.package = b.package
order by bc.file, b.package'''
where o.suite = :overridesuite and o.type = :type_id and o.section = s.id
order by o.package, s.section, o.modified desc)
-select bc.file, substring(o.section from position('/' in o.section) + 1) || '/' || b.package as package
+select bc.file, o.section || '/' || b.package as package
from newest_binaries b, bin_contents bc, unique_override o
where b.id = bc.binary_id and o.package = b.package
order by bc.file, b.package'''