echo Archive maintenance started at $(date +%X)
+TS=$(($TS+1)); echo Archive maintenance timestamp $TS: $(date +%X)
+TS=$(($TS+1)); echo Archive maintenance timestamp $TS: $(date +%X)
lockfile $LOCKAC
cd $accepted
rm -f REPORT
chgrp debadmin REPORT
chmod 664 REPORT
+TS=$(($TS+1)); echo Archive maintenance timestamp $TS: $(date +%X)
cd $masterdir
dak check-overrides
rm -f $LOCKAC
symlinks -d -r $ftpdir
+TS=$(($TS+1)); echo Archive maintenance timestamp $TS: $(date +%X)
cd $masterdir
dak make-suite-file-list
+TS=$(($TS+1)); echo Archive maintenance timestamp $TS: $(date +%X)
# Update fingerprints
# [JT - disabled, dak import-ldap-fingerprints currently can ask questions]
#dak import-ldap-fingerprints
for i in main contrib non-free; do cat override.potato.$i >> override.potato.all3; done
for i in main contrib non-free main.debian-installer; do cat override.sid.$i >> override.sid.all3; done
+TS=$(($TS+1)); echo Archive maintenance timestamp $TS: $(date +%X)
# Generate Packages and Sources files
cd $masterdir
apt-ftparchive generate apt.conf
# Generate Release files
dak generate-releases
+TS=$(($TS+1)); echo Archive maintenance timestamp $TS: $(date +%X)
# Clean out old packages
dak clean-suites
dak clean-queues
+TS=$(($TS+1)); echo Archive maintenance timestamp $TS: $(date +%X)
# Needs to be rebuilt, as files have moved. Due to unaccepts, we need to
# update this before wanna-build is updated.
psql projectb -A -t -q -c "SELECT filename FROM queue_build WHERE suite = 5 AND queue = 0 AND in_queue = true AND filename ~ 'd(sc|eb)$'" > $dbdir/dists/unstable_accepted.list
apt-ftparchive generate apt.conf.buildd
+TS=$(($TS+1)); echo Archive maintenance timestamp $TS: $(date +%X)
# Fetch bugs information before unchecked processing is allowed again.
/org/ftp.debian.org/testing/britney bugs
rm -f $NOTICE
-sudo -u archvsync /home/archvsync/pushmerkel
+ssh buildd@buildd /org/wanna-build/trigger.daily
rm -f $LOCKCU
echo Archive maintenance finished at $(date +%X)
+TS=$(($TS+1)); echo Archive maintenance timestamp $TS: $(date +%X)
# Vacuum the database
echo "VACUUM; VACUUM ANALYZE;" | psql projectb 2>&1 | grep -v "^NOTICE: Skipping.*only table owner can VACUUM it$"
+TS=$(($TS+1)); echo Archive maintenance timestamp $TS: $(date +%X)
# Send a report on NEW/BYHAND packages
dak queue-report | mail -e -s "NEW and BYHAND on $(date +%D)" ftpmaster@ftp-master.debian.org
# and one on crufty packages
+TS=$(($TS+1)); echo Archive maintenance timestamp $TS: $(date +%X)
ulimit -m 90000 -d 90000 -s 10000 -v 90000
run-parts --report /org/ftp.debian.org/scripts/distmnt
echo Daily cron scripts successful.
+TS=$(($TS+1)); echo Archive maintenance timestamp $TS: $(date +%X)
# Stats pr0n
cd $masterdir
update-ftpstats $base/log/* > $base/misc/ftpstats.data
R --slave --vanilla < $base/misc/ftpstats.R
+TS=$(($TS+1)); echo Archive maintenance timestamp $TS: $(date +%X)