+nfs-utils (1:1.0.8+1.0.9pre1-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Provide LSB dependency information in the nfs-common and nfs-kernel-server
+ init scripts; replaces the obsolete chkconfig info. (Closes: #376976)
+ * Update the long descriptions.
+ -- Steinar H. Gunderson <sesse@debian.org> Thu, 6 Jul 2006 19:37:58 +0200
nfs-utils (1:1.0.8+1.0.9pre1-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
Conflicts: knfs, nfs-server
Replaces: knfs, nfs-server
Description: Kernel NFS server support
- Use this package if you have a fairly recent kernel (2.2.13 or better)
- and you want to use the kernel-mode NFS server. The user-mode NFS
- server in the "nfs-user-server" package is slower but more featureful
- and easier to debug than the kernel-mode server.
+ Use this package if you want to use the kernel-mode NFS server.
+ The user-mode NFS server in the "nfs-user-server" package is slower
+ and less featureful but easier to debug than the kernel-mode server.
Upstream: SourceForge project "nfs", CVS module nfs-utils.
Conflicts: nfs-client
Replaces: nfs-client, nfs-kernel-server (<< 1:1.0.7-5)
Description: NFS support files common to client and server
- Use this package on any machine that does NFS either as client or
- server. Programs included: lockd, statd, showmount, and nfsstat.
+ Use this package on any machine that uses NFS, either as client or
+ server. Programs included: lockd, statd, showmount, nfsstat, gssd
+ and idmapd.
Upstream: SourceForge project "nfs", CVS module nfs-utils.
-# nfs-common This shell script takes care of starting and stopping
-# common daemons required for NFS clients and servers.
-# chkconfig: 345 20 80
-# description: NFS is a popular protocol for file sharing across \
-# TCP/IP networks. This service provides NFS file \
-# locking functionality.
+# Provides: nfs-common
+# Required-Start: $time
+# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
+# Short-Description: NFS support files common to client and server
+# Description: NFS is a popular protocol for file sharing across
+# TCP/IP networks. This service provides various
+# support functions for NFS mounts.
# What is this?
DESC="NFS common utilities"
-# nfs-kernel-server
-# This shell script takes care of starting and stopping
-# the kernel-mode NFS server.
-# chkconfig: 345 60 20
-# description: NFS is a popular protocol for file sharing across TCP/IP \
-# networks. This service provides NFS server functionality, \
-# which is configured via the /etc/exports file.
+# Provides: nfs-kernel-server
+# Required-Start: $portmap $time
+# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
+# Short-Description: Kernel NFS server support
+# Description: NFS is a popular protocol for file sharing across
+# TCP/IP networks. This service provides NFS server
+# functionality, which is configured via the
+# /etc/exports file.
# What is this?
DESC="NFS kernel daemon"