import daklib.database as database
import daklib.logging as logging
import daklib.queue as queue
-import daklib.utils
+import daklib.utils as utils
from types import *
Cnf = apt_pkg.newConfiguration()
- apt_pkg.ReadConfigFileISC(Cnf,daklib.utils.which_conf_file())
+ apt_pkg.ReadConfigFileISC(Cnf,utils.which_conf_file())
Arguments = [('a',"automatic","Dinstall::Options::Automatic"),
for f in in_holding.keys():
if os.path.exists(f):
if f.find('/') != -1:
- daklib.utils.fubar("WTF? clean_holding() got a file ('%s') with / in it!" % (f))
+ utils.fubar("WTF? clean_holding() got a file ('%s') with / in it!" % (f))
in_holding = {}
# Parse the .changes field into a dictionary
- changes.update(daklib.utils.parse_changes(filename))
- except daklib.utils.cant_open_exc:
+ changes.update(utils.parse_changes(filename))
+ except utils.cant_open_exc:
reject("%s: can't read file." % (filename))
return 0
- except daklib.utils.changes_parse_error_exc, line:
+ except utils.changes_parse_error_exc, line:
reject("%s: parse error, can't grok: %s." % (filename, line))
return 0
# Parse the Files field from the .changes into another dictionary
- files.update(daklib.utils.build_file_list(changes))
- except daklib.utils.changes_parse_error_exc, line:
+ files.update(utils.build_file_list(changes))
+ except utils.changes_parse_error_exc, line:
reject("%s: parse error, can't grok: %s." % (filename, line))
- except daklib.utils.nk_format_exc, format:
+ except utils.nk_format_exc, format:
reject("%s: unknown format '%s'." % (filename, format))
return 0
(changes["maintainer822"], changes["maintainer2047"],
changes["maintainername"], changes["maintaineremail"]) = \
- daklib.utils.fix_maintainer (changes["maintainer"])
- except daklib.utils.ParseMaintError, msg:
+ utils.fix_maintainer (changes["maintainer"])
+ except utils.ParseMaintError, msg:
reject("%s: Maintainer field ('%s') failed to parse: %s" \
% (filename, changes["maintainer"], msg))
(changes["changedby822"], changes["changedby2047"],
changes["changedbyname"], changes["changedbyemail"]) = \
- daklib.utils.fix_maintainer (changes.get("changed-by", ""))
- except daklib.utils.ParseMaintError, msg:
+ utils.fix_maintainer (changes.get("changed-by", ""))
+ except utils.ParseMaintError, msg:
(changes["changedby822"], changes["changedby2047"],
changes["changedbyname"], changes["changedbyemail"]) = \
("", "", "", "")
# chopversion = no epoch; chopversion2 = no epoch and no revision (e.g. for .orig.tar.gz comparison)
- changes["chopversion"] = daklib.utils.re_no_epoch.sub('', changes["version"])
- changes["chopversion2"] = daklib.utils.re_no_revision.sub('', changes["chopversion"])
+ changes["chopversion"] = utils.re_no_epoch.sub('', changes["version"])
+ changes["chopversion2"] = utils.re_no_revision.sub('', changes["chopversion"])
# Check there isn't already a changes file of the same name in one
# of the queue directories.
(result, output) = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if result != 0:
reject("%s: 'ar t' invocation failed." % (filename))
- reject(daklib.utils.prefix_multi_line_string(output, " [ar output:] "), "")
+ reject(utils.prefix_multi_line_string(output, " [ar output:] "), "")
chunks = output.split('\n')
if len(chunks) != 3:
reject("%s: found %d chunks, expected 3." % (filename, len(chunks)))
def check_files():
global reprocess
- archive = daklib.utils.where_am_i()
+ archive = utils.where_am_i()
file_keys = files.keys()
# if reprocess is 2 we've already done this and we're checking
if not Cnf.has_key("Dir::Queue::%s" % (d)): continue
if os.path.exists(Cnf["Dir::Queue::%s" % (d) ] + '/' + f):
reject("%s file already exists in the %s directory." % (f, d))
- if not daklib.utils.re_taint_free.match(f):
+ if not utils.re_taint_free.match(f):
reject("!!WARNING!! tainted filename: '%s'." % (f))
# Check the file is readable
if os.access(f, os.R_OK) == 0:
files[f]["byhand"] = 1
files[f]["type"] = "byhand"
# Checks for a binary package...
- elif daklib.utils.re_isadeb.match(f):
+ elif utils.re_isadeb.match(f):
has_binaries = 1
files[f]["type"] = "deb"
# Extract package control information
- deb_file = daklib.utils.open_file(f)
+ deb_file = utils.open_file(f)
control = apt_pkg.ParseSection(apt_inst.debExtractControl(deb_file))
source = files[f]["source"]
source_version = ""
if source.find("(") != -1:
- m = daklib.utils.re_extract_src_version.match(source)
+ m = utils.re_extract_src_version.match(source)
source =
source_version =
if not source_version:
files[f]["source version"] = source_version
# Ensure the filename matches the contents of the .deb
- m = daklib.utils.re_isadeb.match(f)
+ m = utils.re_isadeb.match(f)
# package name
file_package =
if files[f]["package"] != file_package:
reject("%s: package part of filename (%s) does not match package name in the %s (%s)." % (f, file_package, files[f]["dbtype"], files[f]["package"]))
- epochless_version = daklib.utils.re_no_epoch.sub('', control.Find("Version"))
+ epochless_version = utils.re_no_epoch.sub('', control.Find("Version"))
# version
file_version =
if epochless_version != file_version:
# Check in the SQL database
if not Upload.source_exists(source_package, source_version, changes["distribution"].keys()):
# Check in one of the other directories
- source_epochless_version = daklib.utils.re_no_epoch.sub('', source_version)
+ source_epochless_version = utils.re_no_epoch.sub('', source_version)
dsc_filename = "%s_%s.dsc" % (source_package, source_epochless_version)
if os.path.exists(Cnf["Dir::Queue::Byhand"] + '/' + dsc_filename):
files[f]["byhand"] = 1
# Checks for a source package...
- m = daklib.utils.re_issource.match(f)
+ m = utils.re_issource.match(f)
if m:
has_source = 1
files[f]["package"] =
# Check the signature of a .dsc file
if files[f]["type"] == "dsc":
- dsc["fingerprint"] = daklib.utils.check_signature(f, reject)
+ dsc["fingerprint"] = utils.check_signature(f, reject)
files[f]["architecture"] = "source"
files[f]["location id"] = location_id
# Check the md5sum & size against existing files (if any)
- files[f]["pool name"] = daklib.utils.poolify (changes["source"], files[f]["component"])
+ files[f]["pool name"] = utils.poolify (changes["source"], files[f]["component"])
files_id = database.get_files_id(files[f]["pool name"] + f, files[f]["size"], files[f]["md5sum"], files[f]["location id"])
if files_id == -1:
reject("INTERNAL ERROR, get_files_id() returned multiple matches for %s." % (f))
# Parse the .dsc file
- dsc.update(daklib.utils.parse_changes(dsc_filename, signing_rules=1))
- except daklib.utils.cant_open_exc:
+ dsc.update(utils.parse_changes(dsc_filename, signing_rules=1))
+ except utils.cant_open_exc:
# if not -n copy_to_holding() will have done this for us...
if Options["No-Action"]:
reject("%s: can't read file." % (dsc_filename))
- except daklib.utils.changes_parse_error_exc, line:
+ except utils.changes_parse_error_exc, line:
reject("%s: parse error, can't grok: %s." % (dsc_filename, line))
- except daklib.utils.invalid_dsc_format_exc, line:
+ except utils.invalid_dsc_format_exc, line:
reject("%s: syntax error on line %s." % (dsc_filename, line))
# Build up the file list of files mentioned by the .dsc
- dsc_files.update(daklib.utils.build_file_list(dsc, is_a_dsc=1))
- except daklib.utils.no_files_exc:
+ dsc_files.update(utils.build_file_list(dsc, is_a_dsc=1))
+ except utils.no_files_exc:
reject("%s: no Files: field." % (dsc_filename))
return 0
- except daklib.utils.changes_parse_error_exc, line:
+ except utils.changes_parse_error_exc, line:
reject("%s: parse error, can't grok: %s." % (dsc_filename, line))
return 0
# Validate the Maintainer field
- daklib.utils.fix_maintainer (dsc["maintainer"])
- except daklib.utils.ParseMaintError, msg:
+ utils.fix_maintainer (dsc["maintainer"])
+ except utils.ParseMaintError, msg:
reject("%s: Maintainer field ('%s') failed to parse: %s" \
% (dsc_filename, dsc["maintainer"], msg))
# Ensure the version number in the .dsc matches the version number in the .changes
- epochless_dsc_version = daklib.utils.re_no_epoch.sub('', dsc["version"])
+ epochless_dsc_version = utils.re_no_epoch.sub('', dsc["version"])
changes_version = files[dsc_filename]["version"]
if epochless_dsc_version != files[dsc_filename]["version"]:
reject("version ('%s') in .dsc does not match version ('%s') in .changes." % (epochless_dsc_version, changes_version))
# Ensure there is a .tar.gz in the .dsc file
has_tar = 0
for f in dsc_files.keys():
- m = daklib.utils.re_issource.match(f)
+ m = utils.re_issource.match(f)
if not m:
reject("%s: %s in Files field not recognised as source." % (dsc_filename, f))
# Create a symlink mirror of the source files in our temporary directory
for f in files.keys():
- m = daklib.utils.re_issource.match(f)
+ m = utils.re_issource.match(f)
if m:
src = os.path.join(source_dir, f)
# If a file is missing for whatever reason, give up.
(result, output) = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if (result != 0):
reject("'dpkg-source -x' failed for %s [return code: %s]." % (dsc_filename, result))
- reject(daklib.utils.prefix_multi_line_string(output, " [dpkg-source output:] "), "")
+ reject(utils.prefix_multi_line_string(output, " [dpkg-source output:] "), "")
if not Cnf.Find("Dir::Queue::BTSVersionTrack"):
# Get the upstream version
- upstr_version = daklib.utils.re_no_epoch.sub('', dsc["version"])
+ upstr_version = utils.re_no_epoch.sub('', dsc["version"])
upstr_version = re_strip_revision.sub('', upstr_version)
# Parse the changelog
dsc["bts changelog"] = ""
- changelog_file = daklib.utils.open_file(changelog_filename)
+ changelog_file = utils.open_file(changelog_filename)
for line in changelog_file.readlines():
m = re_changelog_versions.match(line)
if m:
except OSError, e:
if errno.errorcode[e.errno] != 'EACCES':
- daklib.utils.fubar("%s: couldn't remove tmp dir for source tree." % (dsc["source"]))
+ utils.fubar("%s: couldn't remove tmp dir for source tree." % (dsc["source"]))
reject("%s: source tree could not be cleanly removed." % (dsc["source"]))
# We probably have u-r or u-w directories so chmod everything
cmd = "chmod -R u+rwx %s" % (tmpdir)
result = os.system(cmd)
if result != 0:
- daklib.utils.fubar("'%s' failed with result %s." % (cmd, result))
+ utils.fubar("'%s' failed with result %s." % (cmd, result))
- daklib.utils.fubar("%s: couldn't remove tmp dir for source tree." % (dsc["source"]))
+ utils.fubar("%s: couldn't remove tmp dir for source tree." % (dsc["source"]))
for h,f in hashes:
- fs = daklib.utils.build_file_list(changes, 0, "checksums-%s" % h, h)
+ fs = utils.build_file_list(changes, 0, "checksums-%s" % h, h)
check_hash(".changes %s" % (h), fs, h, f, files)
- except daklib.utils.no_files_exc:
+ except utils.no_files_exc:
reject("No Checksums-%s: field in .changes" % (h))
- except daklib.utils.changes_parse_error_exc, line:
+ except utils.changes_parse_error_exc, line:
reject("parse error for Checksums-%s in .changes, can't grok: %s." % (h, line))
if "source" not in changes["architecture"]: continue
- fs = daklib.utils.build_file_list(dsc, 1, "checksums-%s" % h, h)
+ fs = utils.build_file_list(dsc, 1, "checksums-%s" % h, h)
check_hash(".dsc %s" % (h), fs, h, f, dsc_files)
- except daklib.utils.no_files_exc:
+ except utils.no_files_exc:
reject("No Checksums-%s: field in .dsc" % (h))
- except daklib.utils.changes_parse_error_exc, line:
+ except utils.changes_parse_error_exc, line:
reject("parse error for Checksums-%s in .dsc, can't grok: %s." % (h, line))
reject("%s: extraneous entry in %s checksums" % (f, key))
- file_handle = daklib.utils.open_file(f)
- except daklib.utils.cant_open_exc:
+ file_handle = utils.open_file(f)
+ except utils.cant_open_exc:
# Check hash
if files[filename]["type"] == "deb":
- deb_file = daklib.utils.open_file(filename)
+ deb_file = utils.open_file(filename)
sponsored = 1
if ("source" in changes["architecture"] and
- daklib.utils.is_email_alias(uid_email)):
- sponsor_addresses = daklib.utils.gpg_get_key_addresses(changes["fingerprint"])
+ utils.is_email_alias(uid_email)):
+ sponsor_addresses = utils.gpg_get_key_addresses(changes["fingerprint"])
if (changes["maintaineremail"] not in sponsor_addresses and
changes["changedbyemail"] not in sponsor_addresses):
changes["sponsoremail"] = uid_email
is_nmu = 1
q = Upload.projectB.query("SELECT FROM maintainer m WHERE IN (SELECT maintainer FROM src_uploaders WHERE src_uploaders.source = %s)" % (si))
for m in q.getresult():
- (rfc822, rfc2047, name, email) = daklib.utils.fix_maintainer(m[0])
+ (rfc822, rfc2047, name, email) = utils.fix_maintainer(m[0])
if email == uid_email or name == uid_name:
answer = 'A'
while prompt.find(answer) == -1:
- answer = daklib.utils.our_raw_input(prompt)
+ answer = utils.our_raw_input(prompt)
m = queue.re_default_answer.match(prompt)
if answer == "":
answer =
def move_to_dir (dest, perms=0660, changesperms=0664):
- daklib.utils.move (pkg.changes_file, dest, perms=changesperms)
+ utils.move (pkg.changes_file, dest, perms=changesperms)
file_keys = files.keys()
for f in file_keys:
- daklib.utils.move (f, dest, perms=perms)
+ utils.move (f, dest, perms=perms)
if not Options["No-Mail"]:
print "Sending new ack."
Subst["__SUMMARY__"] = summary
- new_ack_message = daklib.utils.TemplateSubst(Subst,Cnf["Dir::Templates"]+"/")
- daklib.utils.send_mail(new_ack_message)
+ new_ack_message = utils.TemplateSubst(Subst,Cnf["Dir::Templates"]+"/")
+ utils.send_mail(new_ack_message)
# Relativize the filename so we use the copy in holding
# rather than the original...
pkg.changes_file = os.path.basename(pkg.changes_file)
- changes["fingerprint"] = daklib.utils.check_signature(pkg.changes_file, reject)
+ changes["fingerprint"] = utils.check_signature(pkg.changes_file, reject)
if changes["fingerprint"]:
valid_changes_p = check_changes()
# Ensure all the arguments we were given are .changes files
for f in changes_files:
if not f.endswith(".changes"):
- daklib.utils.warn("Ignoring '%s' because it's not a .changes file." % (f))
+ utils.warn("Ignoring '%s' because it's not a .changes file." % (f))
if changes_files == []:
- daklib.utils.fubar("Need at least one .changes file as an argument.")
+ utils.fubar("Need at least one .changes file as an argument.")
# Check that we aren't going to clash with the daily cron job
if not Options["No-Action"] and os.path.exists("%s/daily.lock" % (Cnf["Dir::Lock"])) and not Options["No-Lock"]:
- daklib.utils.fubar("Archive maintenance in progress. Try again later.")
+ utils.fubar("Archive maintenance in progress. Try again later.")
# Obtain lock if not in no-action mode and initialize the log
fcntl.lockf(lock_fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
except IOError, e:
if errno.errorcode[e.errno] == 'EACCES' or errno.errorcode[e.errno] == 'EAGAIN':
- daklib.utils.fubar("Couldn't obtain lock; assuming another 'dak process-unchecked' is already running.")
+ utils.fubar("Couldn't obtain lock; assuming another 'dak process-unchecked' is already running.")
Logger = Upload.Logger = logging.Logger(Cnf, "process-unchecked")
# Sort the .changes files so that we process sourceful ones first
- changes_files.sort(daklib.utils.changes_compare)
+ changes_files.sort(utils.changes_compare)
# Process the changes files
for changes_file in changes_files:
sets = "set"
if accept_count > 1:
sets = "sets"
- print "Accepted %d package %s, %s." % (accept_count, sets, daklib.utils.size_type(int(accept_bytes)))
+ print "Accepted %d package %s, %s." % (accept_count, sets, utils.size_type(int(accept_bytes)))
if not Options["No-Action"]: