+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# 'Fix' stable to make debian-cd and dpkg -BORGiE users happy
-# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006 James Troup <james@nocrew.org>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# _ _ ____
-# | \ | | __ )_
-# | \| | _ (_)
-# | |\ | |_) | This has been obsoleted since the release of woody.
-# |_| \_|____(_)
-import os, pg, re, sys
-import apt_pkg
-import daklib.database
-import daklib.utils
-re_strip_section_prefix = re.compile(r'.*/')
-Cnf = None
-projectB = None
-def usage (exit_code=0):
- print """Usage: dak symlink-dists [OPTIONS]
-Create compatibility symlinks from legacy locations to the pool.
- -v, --verbose explain what is being done
- -h, --help show this help and exit"""
- sys.exit(exit_code)
-def fix_component_section (component, section):
- if component == "":
- component = daklib.utils.extract_component_from_section(section)[1]
- # FIXME: ugly hacks to work around override brain damage
- section = re_strip_section_prefix.sub('', section)
- if section == "main" or section == "contrib" or section == "non-free":
- section = ''
- if section != '':
- section += '/'
- return (component, section)
-def find_dislocated_stable(Conf, DBConn):
- dislocated_files = {}
- codename = Conf["Suite::Stable::Codename"]
- # Source
- q = DBConn.query("""
-SELECT DISTINCT ON (f.id) c.name, sec.section, l.path, f.filename, f.id
- FROM component c, override o, section sec, source s, files f, location l,
- dsc_files df, suite su, src_associations sa, files f2, location l2
- WHERE su.suite_name = 'stable' AND sa.suite = su.id AND sa.source = s.id
- AND f2.id = s.file AND f2.location = l2.id AND df.source = s.id
- AND f.id = df.file AND f.location = l.id AND o.package = s.source
- AND sec.id = o.section AND NOT (f.filename ~ '^%s/')
- AND l.component = c.id AND o.suite = su.id
-""" % (codename))
-# Only needed if you have files in legacy-mixed locations
-# UNION SELECT DISTINCT ON (f.id) null, sec.section, l.path, f.filename, f.id
-# FROM component c, override o, section sec, source s, files f, location l,
-# dsc_files df, suite su, src_associations sa, files f2, location l2
-# WHERE su.suite_name = 'stable' AND sa.suite = su.id AND sa.source = s.id
-# AND f2.id = s.file AND f2.location = l2.id AND df.source = s.id
-# AND f.id = df.file AND f.location = l.id AND o.package = s.source
-# AND sec.id = o.section AND NOT (f.filename ~ '^%s/') AND o.suite = su.id
-# AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM location l WHERE l.component IS NOT NULL AND f.location = l.id)
- for i in q.getresult():
- (component, section) = fix_component_section(i[0], i[1])
- if Conf.FindB("Dinstall::LegacyStableHasNoSections"):
- section=""
- dest = "%sdists/%s/%s/source/%s%s" % (Conf["Dir::Root"], codename, component, section, os.path.basename(i[3]))
- if not os.path.exists(dest):
- src = i[2]+i[3]
- src = daklib.utils.clean_symlink(src, dest, Conf["Dir::Root"])
- if Conf.Find("Symlink-Dists::Options::Verbose"):
- print src+' -> '+dest
- os.symlink(src, dest)
- dislocated_files[i[4]] = dest
- # Binary
- architectures = filter(daklib.utils.real_arch, Conf.ValueList("Suite::Stable::Architectures"))
- q = DBConn.query("""
-SELECT DISTINCT ON (f.id) c.name, a.arch_string, sec.section, b.package,
- b.version, l.path, f.filename, f.id
- FROM architecture a, bin_associations ba, binaries b, component c, files f,
- location l, override o, section sec, suite su
- WHERE su.suite_name = 'stable' AND ba.suite = su.id AND ba.bin = b.id
- AND f.id = b.file AND f.location = l.id AND o.package = b.package
- AND sec.id = o.section AND NOT (f.filename ~ '^%s/')
- AND b.architecture = a.id AND l.component = c.id AND o.suite = su.id""" %
- (codename))
-# Only needed if you have files in legacy-mixed locations
-# UNION SELECT DISTINCT ON (f.id) null, a.arch_string, sec.section, b.package,
-# b.version, l.path, f.filename, f.id
-# FROM architecture a, bin_associations ba, binaries b, component c, files f,
-# location l, override o, section sec, suite su
-# WHERE su.suite_name = 'stable' AND ba.suite = su.id AND ba.bin = b.id
-# AND f.id = b.file AND f.location = l.id AND o.package = b.package
-# AND sec.id = o.section AND NOT (f.filename ~ '^%s/')
-# AND b.architecture = a.id AND o.suite = su.id AND NOT EXISTS
-# (SELECT 1 FROM location l WHERE l.component IS NOT NULL AND f.location = l.id)
- for i in q.getresult():
- (component, section) = fix_component_section(i[0], i[2])
- if Conf.FindB("Dinstall::LegacyStableHasNoSections"):
- section=""
- architecture = i[1]
- package = i[3]
- version = daklib.utils.re_no_epoch.sub('', i[4])
- src = i[5]+i[6]
- dest = "%sdists/%s/%s/binary-%s/%s%s_%s.deb" % (Conf["Dir::Root"], codename, component, architecture, section, package, version)
- src = daklib.utils.clean_symlink(src, dest, Conf["Dir::Root"])
- if not os.path.exists(dest):
- if Conf.Find("Symlink-Dists::Options::Verbose"):
- print src+' -> '+dest
- os.symlink(src, dest)
- dislocated_files[i[7]] = dest
- # Add per-arch symlinks for arch: all debs
- if architecture == "all":
- for arch in architectures:
- dest = "%sdists/%s/%s/binary-%s/%s%s_%s.deb" % (Conf["Dir::Root"], codename, component, arch, section, package, version)
- if not os.path.exists(dest):
- if Conf.Find("Symlink-Dists::Options::Verbose"):
- print src+' -> '+dest
- os.symlink(src, dest)
- return dislocated_files
-def main ():
- global Cnf, projectB
- Cnf = daklib.utils.get_conf()
- Arguments = [('h',"help","Symlink-Dists::Options::Help"),
- ('v',"verbose","Symlink-Dists::Options::Verbose")]
- for i in ["help", "verbose" ]:
- if not Cnf.has_key("Symlink-Dists::Options::%s" % (i)):
- Cnf["Symlink-Dists::Options::%s" % (i)] = ""
- apt_pkg.ParseCommandLine(Cnf,Arguments,sys.argv)
- Options = Cnf.SubTree("Symlink-Dists::Options")
- if Options["Help"]:
- usage()
- projectB = pg.connect(Cnf["DB::Name"], Cnf["DB::Host"], int(Cnf["DB::Port"]))
- daklib.database.init(Cnf, projectB)
- find_dislocated_stable(Cnf, projectB)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()