-h, --help show this help and exit
-l, --list=SUITE list the contents of SUITE
-r, --remove=SUITE remove from SUITE
- -s, --set=SUITE set SUITE"""
+ -s, --set=SUITE set SUITE
+ -b, --britney generate changelog entry for britney runs"""
-def set_suite(file, suite, session):
+def britney_changelog(packages, suite, session):
+ old = {}
+ current = {}
+ q = session.execute("""SELECT s.source, s.version, sa.id
+ FROM source s, src_associations sa
+ WHERE sa.suite = :suiteid
+ AND sa.source = s.id""", {'suiteid': suite.suite_id})
+ for p in q.fetchall():
+ current[p[0]] = p[1]
+ for p in packages.keys():
+ p = p.split()
+ if p[2] == "source":
+ old[p[0]] = p[1]
+ new = {}
+ for p in current.keys():
+ if p in old.keys():
+ if apt_pkg.VersionCompare(current[p], old[p]) > 0:
+ new[p] = [current[p], old[p]]
+ else:
+ new[p] = [current[p], 0]
+ query = "SELECT source, changelog FROM changelogs WHERE"
+ for p in new.keys():
+ query += " source = '%s' AND version > '%s' AND version <= '%s'" \
+ % (p, new[p][1], new[p][0])
+ query += " AND architecture LIKE '%source%' OR"
+ query += " False ORDER BY source, version DESC"
+ q = session.execute(query)
+ pu = None
+ brit = utils.open_file(Config()["Changelogs::Britney"], 'w')
+ for u in q:
+ if pu and pu != u[0]:
+ brit.write("\n")
+ brit.write("%s\n" % u[1])
+ pu = u[0]
+ if len(u): brit.write("\n\n\n")
+ for p in list(set(old.keys()).difference(current.keys())):
+ brit.write("REMOVED: %s %s\n" % (p, old[p]))
+ brit.flush()
+ brit.close()
+def set_suite(file, suite, session, britney=False):
suite_id = suite.suite_id
lines = file.readlines()
+ if britney:
+ britney_changelog(current, suite, session)
-def process_file(file, suite, action, session):
+def process_file(file, suite, action, session, britney=False):
if action == "set":
- set_suite(file, suite, session)
+ set_suite(file, suite, session, britney)
suite_id = suite.suite_id
cnf = Config()
Arguments = [('a',"add","Control-Suite::Options::Add", "HasArg"),
+ ('b',"britney","Control-Suite::Options::Britney"),
('r',"remove", "Control-Suite::Options::Remove", "HasArg"),
('s',"set", "Control-Suite::Options::Set", "HasArg")]
- for i in ["add", "help", "list", "remove", "set", "version" ]:
+ for i in ["add", "britney", "help", "list", "remove", "set", "version" ]:
if not cnf.has_key("Control-Suite::Options::%s" % (i)):
cnf["Control-Suite::Options::%s" % (i)] = ""
if action == "set" and suite_name not in ["testing"]:
utils.fubar("Will not reset suite %s" % (suite_name))
+ britney = False
+ if action == "set" and cnf["Control-Suite::Options::Britney"]:
+ britney = True
if action == "list":
get_list(suite, session)
Logger = daklog.Logger(cnf.Cnf, "control-suite")
if file_list:
for f in file_list:
- process_file(utils.open_file(f), suite, action, session)
+ process_file(utils.open_file(f), suite, action, session, britney)
- process_file(sys.stdin, suite, action, session)
+ process_file(sys.stdin, suite, action, session, britney)