#!/usr/bin/env python
-""" Check for obsolete binary packages """
-# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006 James Troup <james@nocrew.org>
+Check for obsolete binary packages
+@contact: Debian FTP Master <ftpmaster@debian.org>
+@copyright: 2000-2006 James Troup <james@nocrew.org>
+@copyright: 2009 Torsten Werner <twerner@debian.org>
+@license: GNU General Public License version 2 or later
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-def do_nbs(real_nbs):
- output = "Not Built from Source\n"
- output += "---------------------\n\n"
+def queryWithoutSource(suite_id, session):
+ """searches for arch: all packages from suite that do no longer
+ reference a source package in the same suite
- cmd_output = ""
- nbs_keys = real_nbs.keys()
- nbs_keys.sort()
- for source in nbs_keys:
- output += " * %s_%s builds: %s\n" % (source,
- source_versions.get(source, "??"),
- source_binaries.get(source, "(source does not exist)"))
- output += " but no longer builds:\n"
- versions = real_nbs[source].keys()
- versions.sort(apt_pkg.VersionCompare)
- all_packages = []
- for version in versions:
- packages = real_nbs[source][version].keys()
- packages.sort()
- all_packages.extend(packages)
- output += " o %s: %s\n" % (version, ", ".join(packages))
- if all_packages:
- all_packages.sort()
- cmd_output += " dak rm -m \"[auto-cruft] NBS (was built by %s)\" -s %s -b %s -R\n\n" % (source, suite.suite_name, " ".join(all_packages))
+ subquery unique_binaries: selects all packages with only 1 version
+ in suite since 'dak rm' does not allow to specify version numbers"""
- output += "\n"
+ query = """
+ with unique_binaries as
+ (select package, max(version) as version, max(source) as source
+ from bin_associations_binaries
+ where architecture = 2 and suite = :suite_id
+ group by package having count(*) = 1)
+ select ub.package, ub.version
+ from unique_binaries ub
+ left join src_associations_src sas
+ on ub.source = sas.src and sas.suite = :suite_id
+ where sas.id is null
+ order by ub.package"""
+ return session.execute(query, { 'suite_id': suite_id })
+def reportWithoutSource(suite_name, suite_id, session):
+ rows = queryWithoutSource(suite_id, session)
+ title = 'packages without source in suite %s' % suite_name
+ if rows.rowcount > 0:
+ print '%s\n%s\n' % (title, '-' * len(title))
+ message = '"[auto-cruft] no longer built from source"'
+ for row in rows:
+ (package, version) = row
+ print "* package %s in version %s is no longer built from source" % \
+ (package, version)
+ print " - suggested command:"
+ print " dak rm -m %s -s %s -a all -p -R -b %s\n" % \
+ (message, suite_name, package)
+def queryNewerAll(suite_name, session):
+ """searches for arch != all packages that have an arch == all
+ package with a higher version in the same suite"""
- if len(cmd_output):
- print output
- print "Suggested commands:\n"
- print cmd_output
+ query = """
+select bab1.package, bab1.version as oldver,
+ array_to_string(array_agg(a.arch_string), ',') as oldarch,
+ bab2.version as newver
+ from bin_associations_binaries bab1
+ join bin_associations_binaries bab2
+ on bab1.package = bab2.package and bab1.version < bab2.version and
+ bab1.suite = bab2.suite and bab1.architecture > 2 and
+ bab2.architecture = 2
+ join architecture a on bab1.architecture = a.id
+ join suite s on bab1.suite = s.id
+ where s.suite_name = :suite_name
+ group by bab1.package, oldver, bab1.suite, newver"""
+ return session.execute(query, { 'suite_name': suite_name })
+def reportNewerAll(suite_name, session):
+ rows = queryNewerAll(suite_name, session)
+ title = 'obsolete arch any packages in suite %s' % suite_name
+ if rows.rowcount > 0:
+ print '%s\n%s\n' % (title, '-' * len(title))
+ message = '"[auto-cruft] obsolete arch any package"'
+ for row in rows:
+ (package, oldver, oldarch, newver) = row
+ print "* package %s is arch any in version %s but arch all in version %s" % \
+ (package, oldver, newver)
+ print " - suggested command:"
+ print " dak rm -m %s -s %s -a %s -p -b %s\n" % \
+ (message, suite_name, oldarch, package)
+def queryNBS(suite_id, session):
+ """This one is really complex. It searches arch != all packages that
+ are no longer built from current source packages in suite.
+ temp table unique_binaries: will be populated with packages that
+ have only one version in suite because 'dak rm' does not allow
+ specifying version numbers
+ temp table newest_binaries: will be populated with packages that are
+ built from current sources
+ subquery uptodate_arch: returns all architectures built from current
+ sources
+ subquery unique_binaries_uptodate_arch: returns all packages in
+ architectures from uptodate_arch
+ subquery unique_binaries_uptodate_arch_agg: same as
+ unique_binaries_uptodate_arch but with column architecture
+ aggregated to array
+ subquery uptodate_packages: similar to uptodate_arch but returns all
+ packages built from current sources
+ subquery outdated_packages: returns all packages with architectures
+ no longer built from current source
+ """
+ query = """
+create temp table unique_binaries (
+ package text not null,
+ architecture integer not null,
+ source integer not null);
+insert into unique_binaries
+ select bab.package, bab.architecture, max(bab.source)
+ from bin_associations_binaries bab
+ where bab.suite = :suite_id and bab.architecture > 2
+ group by package, architecture having count(*) = 1;
+create temp table newest_binaries (
+ package text not null,
+ architecture integer not null,
+ source text not null,
+ version debversion not null);
+insert into newest_binaries
+ select ub.package, ub.architecture, nsa.source, nsa.version
+ from unique_binaries ub
+ join newest_src_association nsa
+ on ub.source = nsa.src and nsa.suite = :suite_id;
+with uptodate_arch as
+ (select architecture, source, version
+ from newest_binaries
+ group by architecture, source, version),
+ unique_binaries_uptodate_arch as
+ (select ub.package, ub.architecture, ua.source, ua.version
+ from unique_binaries ub
+ join source s
+ on ub.source = s.id
+ join uptodate_arch ua
+ on ub.architecture = ua.architecture and s.source = ua.source),
+ unique_binaries_uptodate_arch_agg as
+ (select ubua.package,
+ array(select unnest(array_agg(a.arch_string)) order by 1) as arch_list,
+ ubua.source, ubua.version
+ from unique_binaries_uptodate_arch ubua
+ join architecture a
+ on ubua.architecture = a.id
+ group by ubua.source, ubua.version, ubua.package),
+ uptodate_packages as
+ (select package, source, version
+ from newest_binaries
+ group by package, source, version),
+ outdated_packages as
+ (select array(select unnest(array_agg(package)) order by 1) as pkg_list,
+ arch_list, source, version
+ from unique_binaries_uptodate_arch_agg
+ where package not in
+ (select package from uptodate_packages)
+ group by arch_list, source, version)
+ select * from outdated_packages order by source"""
+ return session.execute(query, { 'suite_id': suite_id })
+def reportNBS(suite_name, suite_id):
+ session = DBConn().session()
+ nbsRows = queryNBS(suite_id, session)
+ title = 'NBS packages in suite %s' % suite_name
+ if nbsRows.rowcount > 0:
+ print '%s\n%s\n' % (title, '-' * len(title))
+ for row in nbsRows:
+ (pkg_list, arch_list, source, version) = row
+ pkg_string = ' '.join(pkg_list)
+ arch_string = ','.join(arch_list)
+ print "* source package %s version %s no longer builds" % \
+ (source, version)
+ print " binary package(s): %s" % pkg_string
+ print " on %s" % arch_string
+ print " - suggested command:"
+ message = '"[auto-cruft] NBS (no longer built by %s)"' % source
+ print " dak rm -m %s -s %s -a %s -p -R -b %s\n" % \
+ (message, suite_name, arch_string, pkg_string)
+ session.close()
+def reportAllNBS(suite_name, suite_id, session):
+ reportWithoutSource(suite_name, suite_id, session)
+ reportNewerAll(suite_name, session)
+ reportNBS(suite_name, suite_id)
if "obsolete source" in checks:
report_obsolete_source(suite_name, session)
+ if "nbs" in checks:
+ reportAllNBS(suite_name, suite_id, session)
bin_not_built = {}
if "bnb" in checks:
# Distinguish dubious (version numbers match) and 'real' NBS (they don't)
dubious_nbs = {}
- real_nbs = {}
for source in nbs.keys():
for package in nbs[source].keys():
versions = nbs[source][package].keys()
source_version = source_versions.get(source,"0")
if apt_pkg.VersionCompare(latest_version, source_version) == 0:
add_nbs(dubious_nbs, source, latest_version, package, suite_id, session)
- else:
- add_nbs(real_nbs, source, latest_version, package, suite_id, session)
if "nviu" in checks:
do_newer_version('unstable', 'experimental', 'NVIU', session)
if "nvit" in checks:
do_newer_version('testing', 'testing-proposed-updates', 'NVIT', session)
- if "nbs" in checks:
- do_nbs(real_nbs)
if Options["Mode"] == "full":