if [ $rc = 0 ]; then
rm -f .newover-$f.gz
elif [ $rc = 1 -o ! -f $nf ]; then
- echo " installing new $nf $pc"
+ log " installing new $nf $pc"
mv -f .newover-$f.gz $nf
chmod g+w $nf
- echo $? $pc
+ log $? $pc
exit 1
- echo "Querying projectb..."
+ log "Querying projectb..."
echo 'SELECT l.path, f.filename, a.arch_string FROM location l JOIN files f ON (f.location = l.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN (binaries b JOIN architecture a ON (b.architecture = a.id)) ON (f.id = b.file)' | psql projectb -At | sed 's/|//;s,^/srv/ftp.debian.org/ftp,.,' | sort >$ARCHLIST
includedirs () {
perl -e '@nonpool=(); while (<>) { if (m,^\./pool/,) { print; } else { push @nonpool, $_; } } print for (@nonpool);'
- echo "Generating sources list..."
+ log "Generating sources list
sed -n 's/|$//p' $ARCHLIST
cd $base/ftp
find ./dists \! -type d | grep "/source/"
) | sort -u | gzip --rsyncable -9 > source.list.gz
- echo "Generating arch lists..."
+ log "Generating arch lists
ARCHES=$( (<$ARCHLIST sed -n 's/^.*|//p'; echo amd64) | grep . | grep -v all | sort -u)
for a in $ARCHES; do
) | sort -u | gzip --rsyncable -9 > arch-$a.list.gz
- echo "Generating suite lists..."
+ log "Generating suite lists"
suite_list () {
printf 'SELECT DISTINCT l.path, f.filename FROM (SELECT sa.source AS source FROM src_associations sa WHERE sa.suite = %d UNION SELECT b.source AS source FROM bin_associations ba JOIN binaries b ON (ba.bin = b.id) WHERE ba.suite = %d) s JOIN dsc_files df ON (s.source = df.source) JOIN files f ON (df.file = f.id) JOIN location l ON (f.location = l.id)\n' $1 $1 | psql -F' ' -A -t projectb
) | sort -u | gzip --rsyncable -9 > suite-${suite}.list.gz
- echo "Finding everything on the ftp site to generate sundries $(date +"%X")..."
+ log "Finding everything on the ftp site to generate sundries"
(cd $base/ftp; find . \! -type d \! -name 'Archive_Maintenance_In_Progress' | sort) >$ARCHLIST
zcat *.list.gz | cat - *.list | sort -u |
diff - $ARCHLIST | sed -n 's/^> //p' > sundries.list
- echo "Generating files list $(date +"%X")..."
+ log "Generating files list"
for a in $ARCHES; do
(echo ./project/trace; zcat arch-$a.list.gz source.list.gz) |
sort -u | poolfirst > ../typical.files
- echo "Done!"
+ log "Done!"
function mkchecksums() {
function mirror() {
- echo "Regenerating \"public\" mirror/ hardlink fun"
+ log "Regenerating \"public\" mirror/ hardlink fun"
cd ${mirrordir}
rsync -aH --link-dest ${ftpdir} --delete --delete-after --ignore-errors ${ftpdir}/. .