+def get_dscfiles(dscfile_id=None, source_id=None, poolfile_id=None, session=None):
+ """
+ Returns a list of DSCFiles which may be empty
+ @type dscfile_id: int (optional)
+ @param dscfile_id: the dscfile_id of the DSCFiles to find
+ @type source_id: int (optional)
+ @param source_id: the source id related to the DSCFiles to find
+ @type poolfile_id: int (optional)
+ @param poolfile_id: the poolfile id related to the DSCFiles to find
+ @rtype: list
+ @return: Possibly empty list of DSCFiles
+ """
+ if session is None:
+ session = DBConn().session()
+ q = session.query(DSCFile)
+ if dscfile_id is not None:
+ q = q.filter_by(dscfile_id=dscfile_id)
+ if source_id is not None:
+ q = q.filter_by(source_id=source_id)
+ if poolfile_id is not None:
+ q = q.filter_by(poolfile_id=poolfile_id)
+ return q.all()
class PoolFile(object):
+def get_poolfile_by_id(file_id, session=None):
+ """
+ Returns a PoolFile objects or None for the given id
+ @type file_id: int
+ @param file_id: the id of the file to look for
+ @rtype: PoolFile or None
+ @return: either the PoolFile object or None
+ """
+ if session is None:
+ session = DBConn().session()
+ q = session.query(PoolFile).filter_by(file_id=file_id)
+ if q.count() > 0:
+ return q.one()
+ return None
def get_poolfile_by_name(filename, location_id=None, session=None):