2008-06-15 Joerg Jaspert <joerg@debian.org>
+ * config/debian/cron.dinstall: (various ssh calls): Make them use
+ batchmode/connect/setuptimeout to not take too long with
+ connections... Also || true them, no need to die in dinstall if
+ one host isn't reachable.
* README: Updated mailing list location
2008-06-14 Otavio Salvador <otavio@debian.org>
# Push merkels qa user, so the qa pages can show "dinstall is running" information
echo "Telling merkels QA user that we start dinstall"
-ssh -2 -i ~dak/.ssh/push_merkel_qa -o BatchMode=yes -o SetupTimeOut=30 -o ConnectTimeout=30 qa@merkel.debian.org sleep 1
+ssh -2 -i ~dak/.ssh/push_merkel_qa -o BatchMode=yes -o SetupTimeOut=90 -o ConnectTimeout=90 qa@merkel.debian.org sleep 1 || true
echo "Trigger daily wanna-build run"
-ssh buildd@buildd /org/wanna-build/trigger.daily
+ssh -o BatchMode=yes -o SetupTimeOut=90 -o ConnectTimeout=90 buildd@buildd /org/wanna-build/trigger.daily || echo "W-B trigger.daily failed" | mail -s "W-B Daily trigger failed" ftpmaster@ftp-master.debian.org
rm -f $NOTICE
rm -f $LOCKCU
# Push katie@merkel so it syncs the projectb there. Returns immediately, the sync runs detached
echo "Trigger merkels projectb sync"
-ssh -2 -i ~/.ssh/push_merkel_projectb katie@merkel.debian.org sleep 1
+ssh -2 -o BatchMode=yes -o SetupTimeOut=30 -o ConnectTimeout=30 -i ~/.ssh/push_merkel_projectb katie@merkel.debian.org sleep 1 || true