replace_funcs = {}
def replace_dak_function(module,name):
def x(f):
- replace_funcs["%s:%s" % (module,name)] = f
+ def myfunc(*a,**kw):
+ global replaced_funcs
+ f(replaced_funcs[name], *a, **kw)
+ myfunc.__name__ = f.__name__
+ myfunc.__doc__ = f.__doc__
+ myfunc.__dict__.update(f.__dict__)
+ replace_funcs["%s:%s" % (module,name)] = myfunc
+ return f
return x
+def check_transition():
+ changes = dak_module.changes
+ reject = dak_module.reject
+ Cnf = dak_module.Cnf
+ sourcepkg = changes["source"]
+ # No sourceful upload -> no need to do anything else, direct return
+ if "source" not in changes["architecture"]:
+ return
+ # Also only check if there is a file defined (and existant) with
+ # checks.
+ transpath = Cnf.get("Dinstall::Reject::ReleaseTransitions", "")
+ if transpath == "" or not os.path.exists(transpath):
+ return
+ # Parse the yaml file
+ sourcefile = file(transpath, 'r')
+ sourcecontent =
+ try:
+ transitions = syck.load(sourcecontent)
+ except syck.error, msg:
+ # This shouldn't happen, there is a wrapper to edit the file which
+ # checks it, but we prefer to be safe than ending up rejecting
+ # everything.
+ daklib.utils.warn("Not checking transitions, the transitions file is broken: %s." % (msg))
+ return
+ # Now look through all defined transitions
+ for trans in transitions:
+ t = transitions[trans]
+ source = t["source"]
+ expected = t["new"]
+ # Will be None if nothing is in testing.
+ current = daklib.database.get_suite_version(source, "testing")
+ if current is not None:
+ compare = apt_pkg.VersionCompare(current, expected)
+ if current is None or compare < 0:
+ # This is still valid, the current version in testing is older than
+ # the new version we wait for, or there is none in testing yet
+ # Check if the source we look at is affected by this.
+ if sourcepkg in t['packages']:
+ # The source is affected, lets reject it.
+ rejectmsg = "%s: part of the %s transition.\n\n" % (
+ sourcepkg, trans)
+ if current is not None:
+ currentlymsg = "at version %s" % (current)
+ else:
+ currentlymsg = "not present in testing"
+ rejectmsg += "Transition description: %s\n\n" % (t["reason"])
+ rejectmsg += "\n".join(textwrap.wrap("""Your package
+is part of a testing transition designed to get %s migrated (it is
+currently %s, we need version %s). This transition is managed by the
+Release Team, and %s is the Release-Team member responsible for it.
+Please mail or contact %s directly if you
+need further assistance."""
+ % (source, currentlymsg, expected,t["rm"], t["rm"])))
+ reject(rejectmsg + "\n")
+ return
@replace_dak_function("process-unchecked", "check_signed_by_key")
- def check_signed_by_key():
+ def check_signed_by_key(oldfn):
changes = dak_module.changes
reject = dak_module.reject
# blocked until Debian's dpkg has revved past those version
# numbers
- replaced_funcs["check_signed_by_key"]()
+ oldfn()
+ check_transition()
def init(name):
global replaced_funcs