+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-""" Dependency check proposed-updates """
-# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006 James Troup <james@nocrew.org>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# | > amd64 is more mature than even some released architectures
-# |
-# | This might be true of the architecture, unfortunately it seems to be the
-# | exact opposite for most of the people involved with it.
-# <1089213290.24029.6.camel@descent.netsplit.com>
-import sys, os
-import apt_pkg, apt_inst
-from daklib.dbconn import *
-from daklib.config import Config
-from daklib import utils
-from daklib.regexes import re_no_epoch
-Options = None
-stable = {}
-stable_virtual = {}
-architectures = None
-def usage (exit_code=0):
- print """Usage: dak check-proposed-updates [OPTION] <CHANGES FILE | DEB FILE | ADMIN FILE>[...]
-(Very) Basic dependency checking for proposed-updates.
- -q, --quiet be quieter about what is being done
- -v, --verbose be more verbose about what is being done
- -h, --help show this help and exit
-Need either changes files, deb files or an admin.txt file with a '.joey' suffix."""
- sys.exit(exit_code)
-def d_test (dict, key, positive, negative):
- if not dict:
- return negative
- if dict.has_key(key):
- return positive
- else:
- return negative
-def check_dep (depends, dep_type, check_archs, filename, files):
- pkg_unsat = 0
- for arch in check_archs:
- for parsed_dep in apt_pkg.ParseDepends(depends):
- unsat = []
- for atom in parsed_dep:
- (dep, version, constraint) = atom
- # As a real package?
- if stable.has_key(dep):
- if stable[dep].has_key(arch):
- if apt_pkg.CheckDep(stable[dep][arch], constraint, version):
- if Options["debug"]:
- print "Found %s as a real package." % (utils.pp_deps(parsed_dep))
- unsat = 0
- break
- # As a virtual?
- if stable_virtual.has_key(dep):
- if stable_virtual[dep].has_key(arch):
- if not constraint and not version:
- if Options["debug"]:
- print "Found %s as a virtual package." % (utils.pp_deps(parsed_dep))
- unsat = 0
- break
- # As part of the same .changes?
- epochless_version = re_no_epoch.sub('', version)
- dep_filename = "%s_%s_%s.deb" % (dep, epochless_version, arch)
- if files.has_key(dep_filename):
- if Options["debug"]:
- print "Found %s in the same upload." % (utils.pp_deps(parsed_dep))
- unsat = 0
- break
- # Not found...
- # [FIXME: must be a better way ... ]
- error = "%s not found. [Real: " % (utils.pp_deps(parsed_dep))
- if stable.has_key(dep):
- if stable[dep].has_key(arch):
- error += "%s:%s:%s" % (dep, arch, stable[dep][arch])
- else:
- error += "%s:-:-" % (dep)
- else:
- error += "-:-:-"
- error += ", Virtual: "
- if stable_virtual.has_key(dep):
- if stable_virtual[dep].has_key(arch):
- error += "%s:%s" % (dep, arch)
- else:
- error += "%s:-"
- else:
- error += "-:-"
- error += ", Upload: "
- if files.has_key(dep_filename):
- error += "yes"
- else:
- error += "no"
- error += "]"
- unsat.append(error)
- if unsat:
- sys.stderr.write("MWAAP! %s: '%s' %s can not be satisifed:\n" % (filename, utils.pp_deps(parsed_dep), dep_type))
- for error in unsat:
- sys.stderr.write(" %s\n" % (error))
- pkg_unsat = 1
- return pkg_unsat
-def check_package(filename, files):
- try:
- control = apt_pkg.ParseSection(apt_inst.debExtractControl(utils.open_file(filename)))
- except:
- utils.warn("%s: debExtractControl() raised %s." % (filename, sys.exc_type))
- return 1
- Depends = control.Find("Depends")
- Pre_Depends = control.Find("Pre-Depends")
- #Recommends = control.Find("Recommends")
- pkg_arch = control.Find("Architecture")
- base_file = os.path.basename(filename)
- if pkg_arch == "all":
- check_archs = architectures
- else:
- check_archs = [pkg_arch]
- pkg_unsat = 0
- if Pre_Depends:
- pkg_unsat += check_dep(Pre_Depends, "pre-dependency", check_archs, base_file, files)
- if Depends:
- pkg_unsat += check_dep(Depends, "dependency", check_archs, base_file, files)
- #if Recommends:
- #pkg_unsat += check_dep(Recommends, "recommendation", check_archs, base_file, files)
- return pkg_unsat
-def pass_fail (filename, result):
- if not Options["quiet"]:
- print "%s:" % (os.path.basename(filename)),
- if result:
- print "FAIL"
- else:
- print "ok"
-def check_changes (filename):
- cnf = Config()
- try:
- changes = utils.parse_changes(filename)
- files = utils.build_file_list(changes)
- except ChangesUnicodeError:
- utils.warn("Improperly encoded changes file, not utf-8")
- return
- except:
- utils.warn("Error parsing changes file '%s'" % (filename))
- return
- result = 0
- # Move to the pool directory
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- f = files.keys()[0]
- pool_dir = cnf["Dir::Pool"] + '/' + utils.poolify(changes["source"], files[f]["component"])
- os.chdir(pool_dir)
- changes_result = 0
- for f in files.keys():
- if f.endswith(".deb"):
- result = check_package(f, files)
- if Options["verbose"]:
- pass_fail(f, result)
- changes_result += result
- pass_fail (filename, changes_result)
- # Move back
- os.chdir(cwd)
-def check_deb (filename):
- result = check_package(filename, {})
- pass_fail(filename, result)
-def check_joey (filename):
- cnf = Config()
- f = utils.open_file(filename)
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir("%s/dists/proposed-updates" % (cnf["Dir::Root"]))
- for line in f.readlines():
- line = line.rstrip()
- if line.find('install') != -1:
- split_line = line.split()
- if len(split_line) != 2:
- utils.fubar("Parse error (not exactly 2 elements): %s" % (line))
- install_type = split_line[0]
- if install_type not in [ "install", "install-u", "sync-install" ]:
- utils.fubar("Unknown install type ('%s') from: %s" % (install_type, line))
- changes_filename = split_line[1]
- if Options["debug"]:
- print "Processing %s..." % (changes_filename)
- check_changes(changes_filename)
- f.close()
- os.chdir(cwd)
-def parse_packages():
- global stable, stable_virtual, architectures
- cnf = Config()
- # Parse the Packages files (since it's a sub-second operation on auric)
- suite = "stable"
- stable = {}
- components = get_component_names()
- architectures = [ a.arch_string for a in get_suite_architectures(suite, skipsrc=True, skipall=True) ]
- for component in components:
- for architecture in architectures:
- filename = "%s/dists/%s/%s/binary-%s/Packages" % (cnf["Dir::Root"], suite, component, architecture)
- packages = utils.open_file(filename, 'r')
- Packages = apt_pkg.ParseTagFile(packages)
- while Packages.Step():
- package = Packages.Section.Find('Package')
- version = Packages.Section.Find('Version')
- provides = Packages.Section.Find('Provides')
- if not stable.has_key(package):
- stable[package] = {}
- stable[package][architecture] = version
- if provides:
- for virtual_pkg in provides.split(","):
- virtual_pkg = virtual_pkg.strip()
- if not stable_virtual.has_key(virtual_pkg):
- stable_virtual[virtual_pkg] = {}
- stable_virtual[virtual_pkg][architecture] = "NA"
- packages.close()
-def main ():
- global Options
- cnf = Config()
- Arguments = [('d', "debug", "Check-Proposed-Updates::Options::Debug"),
- ('q',"quiet","Check-Proposed-Updates::Options::Quiet"),
- ('v',"verbose","Check-Proposed-Updates::Options::Verbose"),
- ('h',"help","Check-Proposed-Updates::Options::Help")]
- for i in [ "debug", "quiet", "verbose", "help" ]:
- if not cnf.has_key("Check-Proposed-Updates::Options::%s" % (i)):
- cnf["Check-Proposed-Updates::Options::%s" % (i)] = ""
- arguments = apt_pkg.ParseCommandLine(cnf.Cnf, Arguments, sys.argv)
- Options = cnf.SubTree("Check-Proposed-Updates::Options")
- if Options["Help"]:
- usage(0)
- if not arguments:
- utils.fubar("need at least one package name as an argument.")
- DBConn()
- print "Parsing packages files...",
- parse_packages()
- print "done."
- for f in arguments:
- if f.endswith(".changes"):
- check_changes(f)
- elif f.endswith(".deb"):
- check_deb(f)
- elif f.endswith(".joey"):
- check_joey(f)
- else:
- utils.fubar("Unrecognised file type: '%s'." % (f))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-""" Remove obsolete .changes files from proposed-updates """
-# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008 James Troup <james@nocrew.org>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-import os, sys
-import apt_pkg
-from daklib.dbconn import *
-from daklib.config import Config
-from daklib import utils
-from daklib.regexes import re_isdeb, re_isadeb, re_issource, re_no_epoch
-Options = None
-pu = {}
-def usage (exit_code=0):
- print """Usage: dak clean-proposed-updates [OPTION] <CHANGES FILE | ADMIN FILE>[...]
-Remove obsolete changes files from proposed-updates.
- -v, --verbose be more verbose about what is being done
- -h, --help show this help and exit
-Need either changes files or an admin.txt file with a '.joey' suffix."""
- sys.exit(exit_code)
-def check_changes (filename):
- cnf = Config()
- try:
- changes = utils.parse_changes(filename)
- files = utils.build_file_list(changes)
- except:
- utils.warn("Couldn't read changes file '%s'." % (filename))
- return
- num_files = len(files.keys())
- for f in files.keys():
- if re_isadeb.match(f):
- m = re_isdeb.match(f)
- pkg = m.group(1)
- version = m.group(2)
- arch = m.group(3)
- if Options["debug"]:
- print "BINARY: %s ==> %s_%s_%s" % (f, pkg, version, arch)
- else:
- m = re_issource.match(f)
- if m:
- pkg = m.group(1)
- version = m.group(2)
- ftype = m.group(3)
- if ftype != "dsc":
- del files[f]
- num_files -= 1
- continue
- arch = "source"
- if Options["debug"]:
- print "SOURCE: %s ==> %s_%s_%s" % (f, pkg, version, arch)
- else:
- utils.fubar("unknown type, fix me")
- if not pu.has_key(pkg):
- utils.warn("%s doesn't seem to exist in %s?? (from %s [%s])" % (pkg, Options["suite"], f, filename))
- continue
- if not pu[pkg].has_key(arch):
- utils.warn("%s doesn't seem to exist for %s in %s?? (from %s [%s])" % (pkg, arch, Options["suite"], f, filename))
- continue
- pu_version = re_no_epoch.sub('', pu[pkg][arch])
- if pu_version == version:
- if Options["verbose"]:
- print "%s: ok" % (f)
- else:
- if Options["verbose"]:
- print "%s: superseded, removing. [%s]" % (f, pu_version)
- del files[f]
- new_num_files = len(files.keys())
- if new_num_files == 0:
- print "%s: no files left, superseded by %s" % (filename, pu_version)
- dest = cnf["Dir::Morgue"] + "/misc/"
- if not Options["no-action"]:
- utils.move(filename, dest)
- elif new_num_files < num_files:
- print "%s: lost files, MWAAP." % (filename)
- else:
- if Options["verbose"]:
- print "%s: ok" % (filename)
-def check_joey (filename):
- cnf = Config()
- f = utils.open_file(filename)
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir("%s/dists/%s" % (cnf["Dir::Root"]), Options["suite"])
- for line in f.readlines():
- line = line.rstrip()
- if line.find('install') != -1:
- split_line = line.split()
- if len(split_line) != 2:
- utils.fubar("Parse error (not exactly 2 elements): %s" % (line))
- install_type = split_line[0]
- if install_type not in [ "install", "install-u", "sync-install" ]:
- utils.fubar("Unknown install type ('%s') from: %s" % (install_type, line))
- changes_filename = split_line[1]
- if Options["debug"]:
- print "Processing %s..." % (changes_filename)
- check_changes(changes_filename)
- os.chdir(cwd)
-def init_pu ():
- global pu
- q = DBConn().session().execute("""
-SELECT b.package, b.version, a.arch_string
- FROM bin_associations ba, binaries b, suite su, architecture a
- WHERE b.id = ba.bin AND ba.suite = su.id
- AND su.suite_name = :suite_name AND a.id = b.architecture
-UNION SELECT s.source, s.version, 'source'
- FROM src_associations sa, source s, suite su
- WHERE s.id = sa.source AND sa.suite = su.id
- AND su.suite_name = :suite_name
-ORDER BY package, version, arch_string
-""" % {'suite_name': Options["suite"]})
- for i in q.fetchall():
- pkg = i[0]
- version = i[1]
- arch = i[2]
- if not pu.has_key(pkg):
- pu[pkg] = {}
- pu[pkg][arch] = version
-def main ():
- global Options
- cnf = Config()
- Arguments = [('d', "debug", "Clean-Proposed-Updates::Options::Debug"),
- ('v', "verbose", "Clean-Proposed-Updates::Options::Verbose"),
- ('h', "help", "Clean-Proposed-Updates::Options::Help"),
- ('s', "suite", "Clean-Proposed-Updates::Options::Suite", "HasArg"),
- ('n', "no-action", "Clean-Proposed-Updates::Options::No-Action"),]
- for i in [ "debug", "verbose", "help", "no-action" ]:
- if not cnf.has_key("Clean-Proposed-Updates::Options::%s" % (i)):
- cnf["Clean-Proposed-Updates::Options::%s" % (i)] = ""
- # suite defaults to proposed-updates
- if not cnf.has_key("Clean-Proposed-Updates::Options::Suite"):
- cnf["Clean-Proposed-Updates::Options::Suite"] = "proposed-updates"
- arguments = apt_pkg.ParseCommandLine(cnf.Cnf, Arguments, sys.argv)
- Options = cnf.SubTree("Clean-Proposed-Updates::Options")
- if Options["Help"]:
- usage(0)
- if not arguments:
- utils.fubar("need at least one package name as an argument.")
- DBConn()
- init_pu()
- for f in arguments:
- if f.endswith(".changes"):
- check_changes(f)
- elif f.endswith(".joey"):
- check_joey(f)
- else:
- utils.fubar("Unrecognised file type: '%s'." % (f))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
"Clean and update metadata for build queues"),
"Clean cruft from incoming"),
- ("clean-proposed-updates",
- "Remove obsolete .changes from proposed-updates"),
"Manage the release transition file"),
"Override cruft checks"),
- ("check-proposed-updates",
- "Dependency checking for proposed-updates"),
"Manipulate/list override entries in bulk"),
o dak security-install - wrapper for Debian security team
-o dak clean-proposed-updates - removes obsolete .changes files from proposed-updates
-o dak check-proposed-updates - basic dependency checking for proposed-updates
-o dak reject-proposed-updates - manually reject packages from proposed-updates
o dak import-ldap-fingerprints - syncs fingerprint and uid information with a debian.org LDAP DB
Very Incomplete or otherwise not generally useful
- o 'dak reject-proposed-updates' should only start an editor once to
- capture a message; it will usually be the same message for all
- files on the same command line.
o drop map-unreleased
o check email only portions of addresses match too, iff the names
o 'dak control-suite' should have a diff mode that accepts diff output!
- o 'dak clean-proposed-updates' doesn't deal with 'dak rm'-d
- packages, partial replacements etc. and more.
- o 'dak reject-proposed-updates' blindly deletes with no check that
- the delete failed which it might well given we only look for
- package/version, not package/version _in p-u_. duh.
- o 'dak rm' should remove obsolete changes when removing from p-u, or
- at least warn. or 'dak reject-proposed-updates' should handle it.
o 'dak process-unchecked' crashes if run as a user in -n mode when
orig.tar.gz is in queue/new...
null and s.name linked from it != the source given in
-S/--source-and-binary ignore.
- o 'dak reject-proposed-updates' sucks; it should a) only spam d-i
- for sourceful rejections, b) sort stuff so it rejects sourceful
- stuff first. the non-sourceful should probably get a form mail, c)
- automate the non-sourceful stuff (see b).
o 'dak process-unchecked' should do q-d stuff for faster AA [ryan]
o split the morgue into source and binary so binaries can be purged first!
o 'dak init-archive' shouldn't be using location, it should run down suites instead
- o 'dak clean-proposed-updates' needs to know about udebs
o by default hamstring dak's mail sending so that it won't send
anything until someone edits a script; it's been used far too
much to send spam atm :(
o check linking of .tar.gz's to .dsc's.. see proftpd 1.2.1 as an example
o archive needs md5sum'ed regularly, but takes too long to do all
in one go; make progressive or weekly.
- o something needs to clear out .changes files from p-u when
- removing stuff superseded by newer versions. [but for now we have
- 'dak clean-proposed-updates']
o test sig checking stuff in test/ (stupid thing is not modularized due to global abuse)
o when encountering suspicous things (e.g. file tainting) do something more drastic
check-archive X
check-overrides X X
-check-proposed-updates X
-clean-proposed-updates X
clean-queues X
clean-suites X X
compare-suites X