--- /dev/null
+# bashrc for dak user
+# If not running interactively, don't do anything
+[ -z "$PS1" ] && return
+# append to the history file, don't overwrite it
+shopt -s histappend
+export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth
+# check the window size after each command and, if necessary,
+# update the values of LINES and COLUMNS.
+shopt -s checkwinsize
+# make less more friendly for non-text input files, see lesspipe(1)
+[ -x /usr/bin/lesspipe ] && eval "$(SHELL=/bin/sh lesspipe)"
+## A little nice prompt.
+PS1='`_ret=$?; if test $_ret -ne 0; then echo "\[\033[01;31m\]$_ret "; set ?=$_ret; unset _ret; fi`\[\033[01;33m\][`git branch 2>/dev/null|cut -f2 -d\* -s` ] \[\033[01;32m\]\u@\[\033[00;36m\]\h\[\033[01m\]:\[\033[00;37m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '
+# If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir
+case "$TERM" in
+ PS1="\[\e]0;\u@\h: \w\a\]$PS1"
+ ;;
+ ;;
+case "$HOSTNAME" in
+ franck)
+ export SCRIPTVARS=/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/dak/config/debian/vars
+ ;;
+ morricone)
+ export SCRIPTVARS=/srv/backports-master.debian.org/dak/config/backports/vars
+ ;;
+ chopin|ries)
+ export SCRIPTVARS=/srv/security-master.debian.org/dak/config/debian-security/vars
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unconfigured dak host, not importing the usual vars"
+ ;;
+function emacs() {
+ export EDITOR=$(which emacs)
+export PAGER=less
+export LESS="-X"
+export EDITOR=$(which vim)
+export HISTFILESIZE=6000
+export GREP_OPTIONS="--color=auto"
+export CDPATH=".:~:${base}:${public}:${queuedir}"
+alias base='cd ${base}'
+alias config='cd ${configdir}'
--- /dev/null
+# System configuration file for Mutt
+# default list of header fields to weed when displaying
+ignore "from " received content- mime-version status x-status message-id
+ignore sender references return-path lines
+ignore date delivered-to precedence errors-to in-reply-to user-agent
+ignore x-loop x-sender x-mailer x-msmail-priority x-mimeole x-priority
+ignore x-accept-language x-authentication-warning
+# emacs-like bindings
+bind editor "\e<delete>" kill-word
+bind editor "\e<backspace>" kill-word
+# map delete-char to a sane value
+bind editor <delete> delete-char
+# don't add the hostname to the From header
+unset use_domain
+# don't generate a From header
+unset use_from
+# Specifies how to sort messages in the index menu.
+set sort=threads
+# Exim does not remove Bcc headers
+unset write_bcc
+# Postfix and qmail use Delivered-To for detecting loops
+unset bounce_delivered
+# imitate the old search-body function
+macro index \eb '/~b ' 'search in message bodies'
+# simulate the old url menu
+macro index \cb |urlview\n 'call urlview to extract URLs out of a message'
+macro pager \cb |urlview\n 'call urlview to extract URLs out of a message'
+# Show documentation when pressing F1
+macro generic <f1> "!zless /usr/share/doc/mutt/manual.txt.gz\n" "Show Mutt documentation"
+macro index <f1> "!zless /usr/share/doc/mutt/manual.txt.gz\n" "Show Mutt documentation"
+macro pager <f1> "!zless /usr/share/doc/mutt/manual.txt.gz\n" "Show Mutt documentation"
+# Use folders which match on \\.gz$ as gzipped folders:
+open-hook \\.gz$ "gzip -cd %f > %t"
+close-hook \\.gz$ "gzip -c %t > %f"
+append-hook \\.gz$ "gzip -c %t >> %f"
+# Use folders which match on \\.xz$ as xz compressed folders:
+open-hook \\.xz$ "xz -cd %f > %t"
+close-hook \\.xz$ "xz -c %t > %f"
+append-hook \\.xz$ "xz -c %t >> %f"
+# colors
+color normal white black
+color attachment brightyellow black
+color hdrdefault cyan black
+color indicator black cyan
+color markers brightred black
+color quoted green black
+color signature cyan black
+color status brightgreen blue
+color tilde blue black
+color tree red black
+# aliases for broken MUAs
+charset-hook windows-1250 CP1250
+charset-hook windows-1251 CP1251
+charset-hook windows-1252 CP1252
+charset-hook windows-1253 CP1253
+charset-hook windows-1254 CP1254
+charset-hook windows-1255 CP1255
+charset-hook windows-1256 CP1256
+charset-hook windows-1257 CP1257
+charset-hook windows-1258 CP1258
+## More settings
+set ispell=ispell
+# GnuPG configuration
+set pgp_decode_command="/usr/bin/gpg --status-fd=2 %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --no-verbose --quiet --batch --output - %f"
+set pgp_verify_command="/usr/bin/gpg --status-fd=2 --no-verbose --quiet --batch --output - --verify %s %f"
+set pgp_decrypt_command="/usr/bin/gpg --status-fd=2 --passphrase-fd 0 --no-verbose --quiet --batch --output - %f"
+set pgp_sign_command="/usr/bin/gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --output - --passphrase-fd 0 --armor --detach-sign --textmode %?a?-u %a? %f"
+set pgp_clearsign_command="/usr/bin/gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --output - --passphrase-fd 0 --armor --textmode --clearsign %?a?-u %a? %f"
+set pgp_encrypt_only_command="/usr/lib/mutt/pgpewrap /usr/bin/gpg --batch --quiet --no-verbose --output - --encrypt --textmode --armor --always-trust -- -r %r -- %f"
+set pgp_encrypt_sign_command="/usr/lib/mutt/pgpewrap /usr/bin/gpg --passphrase-fd 0 --batch --quiet --no-verbose --textmode --output - --encrypt --sign %?a?-u %a? --armor --always-trust -- -r %r -- %f"
+set pgp_import_command="/usr/bin/gpg --no-verbose --import -v %f"
+set pgp_export_command="/usr/bin/gpg --no-verbose --export --armor %r"
+set pgp_verify_key_command="/usr/bin/gpg --verbose --batch --fingerprint --check-sigs %r"
+set pgp_list_pubring_command="/usr/bin/gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --with-colons --list-keys %r"
+set pgp_list_secring_command="/usr/bin/gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --with-colons --list-secret-keys %r"
+set pgp_good_sign="^\\[GNUPG:\\] VALIDSIG"
+set nomove
+bind pager <up> previous-line
+bind pager <down> next-line
+bind index <up> previous-entry
+bind index <down> next-entry
+bind index <left> previous-entry
+bind index <right> next-entry
+bind pager <left> previous-entry
+bind pager <right> next-entry
+bind pager $ bottom
+bind index <tab> next-unread
+bind index \c? search-reverse
+bind index \c\\ search-opposite
+set edit_hdrs
+set xterm_set_titles
+ignore *
+unignore date from to cc subject x-mailer resent-from reply-to mail-followup-to
+set index_format="%4C %Z %(%b%d %H) %-15.15L (%?l?%4l&%4c?) %s"
+set folder=~/mail
+unset confirmappend
+my_hdr From: Archive Administrator <ftpmaster@debian.org>
+macro index s <save-message>=
+set tmpdir="/tmp"
+macro index s <save-message>=
+macro index c <change-folder>=
+macro pager s <save-message>=
+macro pager c <change-folder>=
+set index_format="%4C %Z %(%b%d %H) %-15.15L (%?l?%4l&%4c?) %s"
+set delete=yes
+unset confirmappend
+set implicit_autoview
+auto_view text/html
+set pager_stop
+set wrap_search # Wrap search to top/bottom.
+set smart_wrap # wrap long lines at word boundary.
+set tilde # Internal Pager: ~~~~ at and of message?
+set pager_context=3
+set pager_index_lines=9 # number of lines to see from the index
+set pgp_timeout=60 # number of seconds to cache passphrase
+set mail_check=1
+set timeout=1
+set beep
+set beep_new
+set fast_reply
+set metoo