#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Generate file list which is then fed to apt-ftparchive to generate Packages and Sources files
+# Generate file lists used by apt-ftparchive to generate Packages and Sources files
# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 James Troup <james@nocrew.org>
-# $Id: jenna,v 1.17 2002-05-14 15:34:02 troup Exp $
+# $Id: jenna,v 1.18 2002-06-05 00:18:39 troup Exp $
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# BTAF: "GOD *DAMMIT*!! What the FUCK happened to my free will??"
-# -- http://www.angryflower.com/timelo.gif
+# <elmo> I'm doing it in python btw.. nothing against your monster
+# SQL, but the python wins in terms of speed and readiblity
+# <aj> bah
+# <aj> you suck!!!!!
+# <elmo> sorry :(
+# <aj> you are not!!!
+# <aj> you mock my SQL!!!!
+# <elmo> you want have contest of skillz??????
+# <aj> all your skillz are belong to my sql!!!!
+# <elmo> yo momma are belong to my python!!!!
+# <aj> yo momma was SQLin' like a pig last night!
-import pg, string, os, sys
-import apt_pkg
-import db_access, utils, claire, logging
+import copy, os, pg, string, sys;
+import apt_pkg;
+import claire, db_access, logging, utils;
-projectB = None
-Cnf = None
+projectB = None;
+Cnf = None;
Logger = None;
+Options = None;
+def Dict(**dict): return dict
-a, --architecture=ARCH only write file lists for this architecture
-c, --component=COMPONENT only write file lists for this component
- -s, --suite=SUITE only write file lists for this suite
-h, --help show this help and exit
+ -n, --no-delete don't delete older versions
+ -s, --suite=SUITE only write file lists for this suite
ARCH, COMPONENT and SUITE can be space seperated lists, e.g.
- --architecture=\"m68k i386\""""
- sys.exit(exit_code)
+ --architecture=\"m68k i386\"""";
+ sys.exit(exit_code);
-def generate_src_list(suite, component, output, dislocated_files):
- sources = {}
- suite_id = db_access.get_suite_id(suite);
- if component == "-":
- q = projectB.query("SELECT s.source, l.path, f.filename, f.id FROM source s, src_associations sa, location l, files f WHERE sa.source = s.id AND sa.suite = '%d' AND l.id = f.location AND s.file = f.id ORDER BY s.source, s.version"
- % (suite_id));
+# Handle -a, -c and -s arguments; returns them as SQL constraints
+def parse_args():
+ if Options["Suite"]:
+ suite_ids_list = [];
+ for suite in string.split(Options["Suite"]):
+ suite_id = db_access.get_suite_id(suite);
+ if suite_id == -1:
+ utils.warn("suite '%s' not recognised." % (suite));
+ else:
+ suite_ids_list.append(suite_id);
+ if suite_ids_list:
+ con_suites = "AND su.id IN (%s)" % string.join(map(str, suite_ids_list), ", ");
+ else:
+ utils.fubar("No valid suite given.");
- q = projectB.query("SELECT s.source, l.path, f.filename, f.id FROM source s, src_associations sa, location l, component c, files f WHERE lower(c.name) = '%s' AND (c.id = l.component OR l.component = NULL) AND sa.source = s.id AND sa.suite = '%d' AND l.id = f.location AND s.file = f.id ORDER BY s.source, s.version"
- % (component, suite_id));
- entries = q.getresult();
- for entry in entries:
- (source, path, filename, file_id) = entry;
- if dislocated_files.has_key(file_id):
- filename = dislocated_files[file_id];
+ con_suites = "";
+ if Options["Architecture"]:
+ arch_ids_list = [];
+ check_source = 0;
+ for architecture in string.split(Options["Architecture"]):
+ if architecture == "source":
+ check_source = 1;
+ else:
+ architecture_id = db_access.get_architecture_id(architecture);
+ if architecture_id == -1:
+ utils.warn("architecture '%s' not recognised." % (architecture));
+ else:
+ arch_ids_list.append(architecture_id);
+ if arch_ids_list:
+ con_architectures = "AND a.id IN (%s)" % string.join(map(str, arch_ids_list), ", ");
- filename = path + filename;
- if sources.has_key(source):
- utils.warn("%s in %s / %s / source is duplicated." % (source, suite, component));
+ if not check_source:
+ utils.fubar("No valid architecture given.");
+ else:
+ con_architectures = "";
+ check_source = 1;
+ if Options["Component"]:
+ component_ids_list = [];
+ for component in string.split(Options["Component"]):
+ component_id = db_access.get_component_id(component);
+ if component_id == -1:
+ utils.warn("component '%s' not recognised." % (component));
+ else:
+ component_ids_list.append(component_id);
+ if component_ids_list:
+ con_components = "AND su.id IN (%s)" % string.join(map(str, component_ids_list), ", ");
- sources[source] = filename;
+ utils.fubar("No valid component given.");
+ else:
+ con_components = "";
- # Write the list of files out
- source_keys = sources.keys();
- source_keys.sort();
- for source in source_keys:
- output.write(sources[source]+'\n')
+ return (con_suites, con_architectures, con_components, check_source);
-def generate_bin_list(suite, component, architecture, output, type, dislocated_files):
- packages = {}
+def version_cmp(a, b):
+ return -apt_pkg.VersionCompare(a[0], b[0]);
- suite_id = db_access.get_suite_id(suite);
- if component == "-":
- q = projectB.query("SELECT b.package, l.path, f.filename, f.id FROM architecture a, binaries b, bin_associations ba, location l, files f WHERE ( a.arch_string = '%s' OR a.arch_string = 'all' ) AND a.id = b.architecture AND ba.bin = b.id AND ba.suite = '%d' AND l.id = f.location AND b.file = f.id AND b.type = '%s' ORDER BY b.package, b.version, a.arch_string" % (architecture, suite_id, type));
+def delete_packages(delete_versions, pkg, dominant_arch, suite,
+ dominant_version, delete_table, delete_col, packages):
+ suite_id = db_access.get_suite_id(suite);
+ for version in delete_versions:
+ delete_unique_id = version[1];
+ if not packages.has_key(delete_unique_id):
+ continue;
+ delete_version = version[0];
+ delete_id = packages[delete_unique_id]["id"];
+ delete_arch = packages[delete_unique_id]["arch"];
+ if not Cnf.Find("Suite::%s::Untouchable" % (suite)):
+ if Options["No-Delete"]:
+ print "Would delete %s_%s_%s in %s in favour of %s_%s" % (pkg, delete_arch, delete_version, suite, dominant_version, dominant_arch);
+ else:
+ Logger.log(["dominated", pkg, delete_arch, delete_version, dominant_version, dominant_arch]);
+ projectB.query("DELETE FROM %s WHERE suite = %s AND %s = %s" % (delete_table, suite_id, delete_col, delete_id));
+ del packages[delete_unique_id];
+ else:
+ if Options["No-Delete"]:
+ print "Would delete %s_%s_%s in favour of %s_%s, but %s is untouchable" % (pkg, delete_arch, delete_version, dominant_version, dominant_arch, suite);
+ else:
+ Logger.log(["dominated but untouchable", pkg, delete_arch, delete_version, dominant_version, dominant_arch]);
+# Per-suite&pkg: resolve arch-all, vs. arch-any, assumes only one arch-all
+def resolve_arch_all_vs_any(versions, packages):
+ arch_all_version = None;
+ arch_any_versions = copy.copy(versions);
+ for i in arch_any_versions:
+ unique_id = i[1];
+ arch = packages[unique_id]["arch"];
+ if arch == "all":
+ arch_all_versions = i;
+ arch_all_version = i[0];
+ arch_any_versions.remove(i);
+ # Sort arch: any versions into descending order
+ arch_any_versions.sort(version_cmp);
+ highest_arch_any_version = arch_any_versions[0][0];
+ pkg = packages[unique_id]["pkg"];
+ suite = packages[unique_id]["suite"];
+ delete_table = "bin_associations";
+ delete_col = "bin";
+ if apt_pkg.VersionCompare(highest_arch_any_version, arch_all_version) != 1:
+ # arch: all dominates
+ delete_packages(arch_any_versions, pkg, "all", suite,
+ arch_all_version, delete_table, delete_col, packages);
- q = projectB.query("SELECT b.package, l.path, f.filename, f.id FROM architecture a, binaries b, bin_associations ba, location l, component c, files f WHERE lower(c.name) = '%s' AND (c.id = l.component OR l.component = NULL) AND (a.arch_string = '%s' OR a.arch_string = 'all') AND a.id = b.architecture AND ba.bin = b.id AND ba.suite = '%d' AND l.id = f.location AND b.file = f.id AND b.type = '%s' ORDER BY b.package, b.version, a.arch_string" % (component, architecture, suite_id, type));
- entries = q.getresult();
- for entry in entries:
- (package, path, filename, file_id) = entry;
- if dislocated_files.has_key(file_id):
+ # arch: any dominates
+ delete_packages(arch_all_versions, pkg, "any", suite,
+ highest_arch_any_version, delete_table, delete_col,
+ packages);
+# Per-suite&pkg&arch: resolve duplicate versions
+def remove_duplicate_versions(versions, packages):
+ # Sort versions into descending order
+ versions.sort(version_cmp);
+ dominant_versions = versions[0];
+ dominated_versions = versions[1:];
+ (dominant_version, dominant_unqiue_id) = dominant_versions;
+ pkg = packages[dominant_unqiue_id]["pkg"];
+ arch = packages[dominant_unqiue_id]["arch"];
+ suite = packages[dominant_unqiue_id]["suite"];
+ if arch == "source":
+ delete_table = "src_associations";
+ delete_col = "source";
+ else: # !source
+ delete_table = "bin_associations";
+ delete_col = "bin";
+ # Remove all but the highest
+ delete_packages(dominated_versions, pkg, arch, suite,
+ dominant_version, delete_table, delete_col, packages);
+ return dominant_versions;
+def cleanup(packages):
+ # Build up the index used by the clean up functions
+ d = {};
+ for unique_id in packages.keys():
+ suite = packages[unique_id]["suite"];
+ pkg = packages[unique_id]["pkg"];
+ arch = packages[unique_id]["arch"];
+ version = packages[unique_id]["version"];
+ if not d.has_key(suite):
+ d[suite] = {};
+ if not d[suite].has_key(pkg):
+ d[suite][pkg] = {};
+ if not d[suite][pkg].has_key(arch):
+ d[suite][pkg][arch] = [];
+ d[suite][pkg][arch].append([version, unique_id]);
+ # Clean up old versions
+ for suite in d.keys():
+ for pkg in d[suite].keys():
+ for arch in d[suite][pkg].keys():
+ versions = d[suite][pkg][arch];
+ if len(versions) > 1:
+ d[suite][pkg][arch] = remove_duplicate_versions(versions, packages);
+ # Arch: all -> any and vice versa
+ for suite in d.keys():
+ for pkg in d[suite].keys():
+ arches = d[suite][pkg];
+ # If we don't have any arch: all; we've nothing to do
+ if not arches.has_key("all"):
+ continue;
+ # Check to see if we have arch: all and arch: !all (ignoring source)
+ num_arches = len(arches.keys());
+ if arches.has_key("source"):
+ num_arches = num_arches - 1;
+ # If we do, remove the duplicates
+ if num_arches > 1:
+ versions = [];
+ for arch in arches.keys():
+ if arch != "source":
+ versions.extend(d[suite][pkg][arch]);
+ remove_duplicate_versions(versions, packages);
+def write_legacy_mixed_filelist(suite, list, packages, dislocated_files):
+ # Work out the filename
+ filename = os.path.join(Cnf["Dir::Lists"], "%s_-_all.list" % (suite));
+ output = utils.open_file(filename, "w");
+ # Generate the final list of files
+ files = {};
+ for id in list:
+ path = packages[id]["path"];
+ filename = packages[id]["filename"];
+ file_id = packages[id]["file_id"];
+ if suite == "stable" and dislocated_files.has_key(file_id):
filename = dislocated_files[file_id];
filename = path + filename;
- if packages.has_key(package):
- utils.warn("%s in %s / %s / %s / %s is duplicated." % (package, suite, component, architecture, type));
+ if files.has_key(filename):
+ utils.warn("%s (in %s) is duplicated." % (filename, suite));
- packages[package] = filename;
+ files[filename] = "";
+ # Sort the files since apt-ftparchive doesn't
+ keys = files.keys();
+ keys.sort();
# Write the list of files out
- package_keys = packages.keys();
- package_keys.sort();
- for package in package_keys:
- output.write(packages[package]+'\n')
+ for file in keys:
+ output.write(file+'\n')
+ output.close();
+def write_filelist(suite, component, arch, type, list, packages, dislocated_files):
+ # Work out the filename
+ if arch != "source":
+ if type == "udeb":
+ arch = "debian-installer_binary-%s" % (arch);
+ elif type == "deb":
+ arch = "binary-%s" % (arch);
+ filename = os.path.join(Cnf["Dir::Lists"], "%s_%s_%s.list" % (suite, component, arch));
+ output = utils.open_file(filename, "w");
+ # Generate the final list of files
+ files = {};
+ for id in list:
+ path = packages[id]["path"];
+ filename = packages[id]["filename"];
+ file_id = packages[id]["file_id"];
+ pkg = packages[id]["pkg"];
+ if suite == "stable" and dislocated_files.has_key(file_id):
+ filename = dislocated_files[file_id];
+ else:
+ filename = path + filename;
+ if files.has_key(pkg):
+ utils.warn("%s (in %s/%s, %s) is duplicated." % (pkg, suite, component, filename));
+ else:
+ files[pkg] = filename;
+ # Sort the files since apt-ftparchive doesn't
+ pkgs = files.keys();
+ pkgs.sort();
+ # Write the list of files out
+ for pkg in pkgs:
+ output.write(files[pkg]+'\n')
+ output.close();
-# <elmo> I'm doing it in python btw.. nothing against your monster
-# SQL, but the python wins in terms of speed and readiblity
-# <aj> bah
-# <aj> you suck!!!!!
-# <elmo> sorry :(
-# <aj> you are not!!!
-# <aj> you mock my SQL!!!!
-# <elmo> you want have contest of skillz??????
-# <aj> all your skillz are belong to my sql!!!!
-# <elmo> yo momma are belong to my python!!!!
-# <aj> yo momma was SQLin' like a pig last night!
-# If something has gone from arch:all to arch:any or vice-versa,
-# clean out the old versions here. The rest of jenna won't do this
-# because it's lame. I have no idea. </aj>
-def clean_duplicate_packages(suite):
- Logger.log(["Cleaning duplicate packages", suite]);
- suite_id = db_access.get_suite_id(suite)
- q = projectB.query("""
-SELECT b1.package,
- b1.id, b1.version, a1.arch_string,
- b2.id, b2.version, a2.arch_string
- FROM bin_associations ba1, binaries b1, architecture a1,
- bin_associations ba2, binaries b2, architecture a2
- WHERE ba1.suite = ba2.suite AND ba1.suite = %s
- AND ba1.bin = b1.id AND b1.architecture = a1.id
- AND ba2.bin = b2.id AND b2.architecture = a2.id
- AND b1.package = b2.package
- AND (a1.id = a2.id OR a1.arch_string = 'all' OR a2.arch_string = 'all')
- AND b1.id != b2.id
- AND versioncmp(b1.version, b2.version) <= 0
-ORDER BY b1.package, b1.version, a1.arch_string;""" % (suite_id))
- ql = q.getresult()
- seen = {}
- for i in ql:
- (package, oldid, oldver, oldarch, newid, newver, newarch) = i
- if not seen.has_key(oldid):
- seen[oldid] = newid
- Logger.log(["Removing", package, oldver, oldarch, newver, newarch]);
- projectB.query("DELETE FROM bin_associations WHERE suite = %s AND bin = %s" % (suite_id, oldid))
- else:
- Logger.log(["Superceded", package, oldver, oldarch, newver, newarch]);
-# If something has moved from one component to another we need to
-# clean out the old versions here. The rest of jenna won't do this
-# because it works on a per-component level for flexibility.
-def clean_suite (suite):
- Logger.log(["Cleaning out packages", suite]);
- suite_id = db_access.get_suite_id(suite)
- q = projectB.query("""
-SELECT b.id, b.package, a.arch_string, b.version, l.path, f.filename, c.name
- FROM binaries b, bin_associations ba, files f, location l, architecture a, component c
- WHERE ba.suite = %s AND ba.bin = b.id AND b.file = f.id AND
- f.location = l.id AND l.component = c.id AND b.architecture = a.id
-SELECT s.id, s.source, 'source', s.version, l.path, f.filename, c.name
- FROM source s, src_associations sa, files f, location l, component c
- WHERE sa.suite = %s AND sa.source = s.id AND s.file = f.id AND
- f.location = l.id AND l.component = c.id;""" % (suite_id, suite_id));
- ql = q.getresult();
+def write_filelists(packages, dislocated_files):
+ # Build up the index to iterate over
d = {};
- for i in ql:
- (id, package, architecture, version, path, filename, component) = i;
- filename = path + filename;
- if architecture == "source":
- delete_table = "src_associations";
- delete_col = "source";
+ for unique_id in packages.keys():
+ suite = packages[unique_id]["suite"];
+ component = packages[unique_id]["component"];
+ arch = packages[unique_id]["arch"];
+ type = packages[unique_id]["type"];
+ if not d.has_key(suite):
+ d[suite] = {};
+ if not d[suite].has_key(component):
+ d[suite][component] = {};
+ if not d[suite][component].has_key(arch):
+ d[suite][component][arch] = {};
+ if not d[suite][component].has_key(arch):
+ d[suite][component][arch] = {};
+ if not d[suite][component][arch].has_key(type):
+ d[suite][component][arch][type] = [];
+ d[suite][component][arch][type].append(unique_id);
+ # Flesh out the index
+ if not Options["Suite"]:
+ suites = Cnf.SubTree("Suite").List();
+ else:
+ suites = string.split(Options["Suite"]);
+ for suite in map(string.lower, suites):
+ if not d.has_key(suite):
+ d[suite] = {};
+ if not Options["Component"]:
+ components = Cnf.ValueList("Suite::%s::Components" % (suite));
- delete_table = "bin_associations";
- delete_col = "bin";
- key = "%s~%s" % (package, architecture);
- if os.path.exists(filename):
- if d.has_key(key):
- (other_version, other_component, other_id) = d[key];
- if apt_pkg.VersionCompare(version, other_version) != 1:
- (keep_version, keep_component) = (other_version, other_component)
- (delete_id, delete_version, delete_component) = (id, version, component)
- else:
- (keep_version, keep_component) = (version, component)
- (delete_id, delete_version, delete_component) = (other_id, other_version, other_component)
- d[key] = (version, component, id);
- if not Cnf.Find("Suite::%s::Untouchable" % (suite)):
- Logger.log(["deleting", package, architecture, delete_version, delete_component, keep_version, keep_component]);
- projectB.query("DELETE FROM %s WHERE suite = %s AND %s = %s" % (delete_table, suite_id, delete_col, delete_id));
- else:
- Logger.log(["[untouchable]", package, architecture, delete_version, delete_component, keep_version, keep_component]);
+ components = string.split(Options["Components"]);
+ udeb_components = Cnf.ValueList("Suite::%s::UdebComponents" % (suite));
+ udeb_components = map(string.lower, udeb_components);
+ for component in map(string.lower, components):
+ if not d[suite].has_key(component):
+ d[suite][component] = {};
+ if component in udeb_components:
+ binary_types = [ "deb", "udeb" ];
- d[key] = (version, component, id);
- else:
- utils.warn("%s is in %s but doesn't appear to exist?" % (filename, suite));
+ binary_types = [ "deb" ];
+ if not Options["Architecture"]:
+ architectures = Cnf.ValueList("Suite::%s::Architectures" % (suite));
+ else:
+ architectures = string.split(Options["Architectures"]);
+ for arch in map(string.lower, architectures):
+ if not d[suite][component].has_key(arch):
+ d[suite][component][arch] = {};
+ if arch == "source":
+ types = [ "dsc" ];
+ else:
+ types = binary_types;
+ for type in types:
+ if not d[suite][component][arch].has_key(type):
+ d[suite][component][arch][type] = [];
+ # Then walk it
+ for suite in d.keys():
+ if Cnf.has_key("Suite::%s::Components" % (suite)):
+ for component in d[suite].keys():
+ for arch in d[suite][component].keys():
+ if arch == "all":
+ continue;
+ for type in d[suite][component][arch].keys():
+ list = d[suite][component][arch][type];
+ # If it's a binary, we need to add in the arch: all debs too
+ if arch != "source" and d[suite][component].has_key("all") \
+ and d[suite][component]["all"].has_key(type):
+ list.extend(d[suite][component]["all"][type]);
+ write_filelist(suite, component, arch, type, list,
+ packages, dislocated_files);
+ else: # legacy-mixed suite
+ list = [];
+ for component in d[suite].keys():
+ for arch in d[suite][component].keys():
+ for type in d[suite][component][arch].keys():
+ list.extend(d[suite][component][arch][type]);
+ write_legacy_mixed_filelist(suite, list, packages, dislocated_files);
-def main():
- global Cnf, projectB, Logger;
- dislocated_files = {};
+# Want to use stable dislocation support: True or false?
+def stable_dislocation_p():
+ # If the support is not explicitly enabled, assume it's disabled
+ if not Cnf.FindB("Dinstall::StableDislocationSupport"):
+ return 0;
+ # If we don't have a stable suite, obviously a no-op
+ if not Cnf.has_key("Suite::Stable"):
+ return 0;
+ # If the suite(s) weren't explicitly listed, all suites are done
+ if not Options["Suite"]:
+ return 1;
+ # Otherwise, look in what suites the user specified
+ suites = string.split(Options["Suite"]);
+ return suites.count("stable");
+def do_da_do_da():
+ (con_suites, con_architectures, con_components, check_source) = parse_args();
- Cnf = utils.get_conf()
+ if stable_dislocation_p():
+ dislocated_files = claire.find_dislocated_stable(Cnf, projectB);
+ else:
+ dislocated_files = {};
+ query = """
+SELECT b.id, b.package, a.arch_string, b.version, l.path, f.filename, c.name,
+ f.id, su.suite_name, b.type
+ FROM binaries b, bin_associations ba, architecture a, files f, location l,
+ component c, suite su
+ WHERE b.id = ba.bin AND b.file = f.id AND b.architecture = a.id
+ AND f.location = l.id AND l.component = c.id AND ba.suite = su.id
+ %s %s %s""" % (con_suites, con_architectures, con_components);
+ if check_source:
+ query = query + """
+SELECT s.id, s.source, 'source', s.version, l.path, f.filename, c.name, f.id,
+ su.suite_name, 'dsc'
+ FROM source s, src_associations sa, files f, location l, component c, suite su
+ WHERE s.id = sa.source AND s.file = f.id AND f.location = l.id
+ AND l.component = c.id AND sa.suite = su.id %s %s""" % (con_suites, con_components);
+ q = projectB.query(query);
+ ql = q.getresult();
+ # Build up the main index of packages
+ packages = {};
+ unique_id = 0;
+ for i in ql:
+ (id, pkg, arch, version, path, filename, component, file_id, suite, type) = i;
+ # 'id' comes from either 'binaries' or 'source', so it's not unique
+ unique_id = unique_id + 1;
+ packages[unique_id] = Dict(id=id, pkg=pkg, arch=arch, version=version,
+ path=path, filename=filename,
+ component=component, file_id=file_id,
+ suite=suite, type = type);
+ cleanup(packages);
+ write_filelists(packages, dislocated_files);
- Arguments = [('a',"architecture","Jenna::Options::Architecture", "HasArg"),
- ('c',"component","Jenna::Options::Component", "HasArg"),
- ('h',"help","Jenna::Options::Help"),
- ('s',"suite", "Jenna::Options::Suite", "HasArg")];
- for i in ["architecture", "component", "help", "suite" ]:
+def main():
+ global Cnf, projectB, Options, Logger;
+ Cnf = utils.get_conf();
+ Arguments = [('a', "architecture", "Jenna::Options::Architecture", "HasArg"),
+ ('c', "component", "Jenna::Options::Component", "HasArg"),
+ ('h', "help", "Jenna::Options::Help"),
+ ('n', "no-delete", "Jenna::Options::No-Delete"),
+ ('s', "suite", "Jenna::Options::Suite", "HasArg")];
+ for i in ["architecture", "component", "help", "no-delete", "suite" ]:
if not Cnf.has_key("Jenna::Options::%s" % (i)):
Cnf["Jenna::Options::%s" % (i)] = "";
Options = Cnf.SubTree("Jenna::Options");
if Options["Help"]:
projectB = pg.connect(Cnf["DB::Name"], Cnf["DB::Host"], int(Cnf["DB::Port"]));
db_access.init(Cnf, projectB);
Logger = logging.Logger(Cnf, "jenna");
- if Options["Suite"] == "":
- Options["Suite"] = string.join(Cnf.SubTree("Suite").List());
- for suite in string.split(Options["Suite"]):
- suite = string.lower(suite);
- if suite == 'stable':
- dislocated_files = claire.find_dislocated_stable(Cnf, projectB);
- else:
- dislocated_files = {};
- clean_suite(suite);
- clean_duplicate_packages(suite)
- components = Options["Component"];
- if not Cnf.has_key("Suite::%s::Components" % (suite)):
- components = "-";
- if components == "":
- components = string.join(Cnf.ValueList("Suite::%s::Components" % (suite)));
- for component in string.split(components):
- component = string.lower(component)
- architectures = Options["Architecture"];
- if architectures == "":
- architectures = string.join(Cnf.ValueList("Suite::%s::Architectures" % (suite)));
- for architecture in string.split(architectures):
- architecture = string.lower(architecture)
- if architecture == "all":
- continue
- if architecture == "source":
- Logger.log(["Processing dists/%s/%s/%s..." % (suite, component, architecture)]);
- output = utils.open_file("%s/%s_%s_%s.list" % (Cnf["Dir::Lists"], suite, component, architecture), "w")
- generate_src_list(suite, component, output, dislocated_files);
- output.close();
- else:
- Logger.log(["Processing dists/%s/%s/binary-%s..." % (suite, component, architecture)]);
- output = utils.open_file("%s/%s_%s_binary-%s.list" % (Cnf["Dir::Lists"], suite, component, architecture), "w");
- generate_bin_list(suite, component, architecture, output, "deb", dislocated_files);
- output.close();
- if component == "main" and (suite == "unstable" or suite == "testing") and Cnf.has_key("Section::debian-installer"): # FIXME: must be a cleaner way to say debian-installer is main only?
- Logger.log(["Processing dists/%s/%s/debian-installer/binary-%s..." % (suite,component, architecture)]);
- output = utils.open_file("%s/%s_%s_debian-installer_binary-%s.list" % (Cnf["Dir::Lists"], suite, component, architecture), "w");
- generate_bin_list(suite, component, architecture, output, "udeb", dislocated_files);
- output.close();
+ do_da_do_da();
if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
+ main();