use POSIX qw(strftime);
use CGI qw/:standard/;
-open REMOVALS, "</srv/";
+die "usage: $0 <configfile>\n" unless scalar @ARGV;
+my $config;
+my $cfgfname = $ARGV[0];
+open my $cfgfile, "<", $cfgfname
+ or die "config file $cfgfname not found: $!\n";
+while (<$cfgfile>){
+ chomp;
+ s/#.*//;
+ next if m/^$/;
+ my ($key, $val) = split ": ", $_, 2;
+ warn "$0: warning: redefining config key $key\n" if defined $config->{$key};
+ $config->{$key} = $val;
+close $cfgfile;
+for ( qw/input items title link description subject creator publisher rights language/ ) {
+ die "config option '$_' missing in $cfgfname\n" unless $config->{$_};
+open REMOVALS, "<", $config->{input};
my @removals;
my $rss = new XML::RSS (version => '1.0');
- title => "Removals from Debian",
- link => "",
- description => "List of all the removals from Debian's archives",
+ title => $config->{title},
+ link => $config->{link},
+ description => $config->{description},
dc => {
date => POSIX::strftime ("%FT%R+00:00",gmtime()),
- subject => "Removals from Debian",
- creator => '',
- publisher => '',
- rights => 'Copyright 2005, Tollef Fog Heen',
- language => 'en-us',
+ subject => $config->{subject},
+ creator => $config->{creator},
+ publisher => $config->{publisher},
+ rights => $config->{rights},
+ language => $config->{language},
syn => {
updatePeriod => "hourly",
-my $num_to_display = 16;
+my $num_to_display = $config->{items};
for my $removal (@removals ) {
my ($null, $date, $ftpmaster, $body, $reason);
$removal =~ s/=========================================================================//g;
$rss->add_item(title => "$reason",
- link => "" . $link,
+ link => $config->{link} . "?" . $link,
description => qq[<pre>$body</pre>],
dc => {
creator => "$ftpmaster",