def reverse_depends_check(removals, suite, arches=None, session=None):
+ dbsuite = get_suite(suite, session)
cnf = Config()
print "Checking reverse dependencies..."
- components = get_component_names()
dep_problem = 0
p2c = {}
all_broken = {}
all_arches = set([x.arch_string for x in get_suite_architectures(suite)])
all_arches -= set(["source", "all"])
+ metakey_d = get_or_set_metadatakey("Depends", session)
+ metakey_p = get_or_set_metadatakey("Provides", session)
+ params = {
+ 'suite_id': dbsuite.suite_id,
+ 'metakey_d_id': metakey_d.key_id,
+ 'metakey_p_id': metakey_p.key_id,
+ 'arch_all_id' : get_architecture('all', session).arch_id,
+ }
for architecture in all_arches:
deps = {}
sources = {}
virtual_packages = {}
- for component in components:
- filename = "%s/dists/%s/%s/binary-%s/Packages.gz" % (cnf["Dir::Root"], suite, component, architecture)
- # apt_pkg.ParseTagFile needs a real file handle and can't handle a GzipFile instance...
- (fd, temp_filename) = utils.temp_filename()
- (result, output) = commands.getstatusoutput("gunzip -c %s > %s" % (filename, temp_filename))
- if (result != 0):
- utils.fubar("Gunzip invocation failed!\n%s\n" % (output), result)
- # Also check for udebs
- filename = "%s/dists/%s/%s/debian-installer/binary-%s/Packages.gz" % (cnf["Dir::Root"], suite, component, architecture)
- if os.path.exists(filename):
- (result, output) = commands.getstatusoutput("gunzip -c %s >> %s" % (filename, temp_filename))
- if (result != 0):
- utils.fubar("Gunzip invocation failed!\n%s\n" % (output), result)
- packages = utils.open_file(temp_filename)
- Packages = apt_pkg.ParseTagFile(packages)
- while Packages.Step():
- package = Packages.Section.Find("Package")
- source = Packages.Section.Find("Source")
- if not source:
- source = package
- elif ' ' in source:
- source = source.split(' ', 1)[0]
- sources[package] = source
- depends = Packages.Section.Find("Depends")
- if depends:
- deps[package] = depends
- provides = Packages.Section.Find("Provides")
- # Maintain a counter for each virtual package. If a
- # Provides: exists, set the counter to 0 and count all
- # provides by a package not in the list for removal.
- # If the counter stays 0 at the end, we know that only
- # the to-be-removed packages provided this virtual
- # package.
- if provides:
- for virtual_pkg in provides.split(","):
- virtual_pkg = virtual_pkg.strip()
- if virtual_pkg == package: continue
- if not virtual_packages.has_key(virtual_pkg):
- virtual_packages[virtual_pkg] = 0
- if package not in removals:
- virtual_packages[virtual_pkg] += 1
- p2c[package] = component
- packages.close()
- os.unlink(temp_filename)
+ params['arch_id'] = get_architecture(architecture, session).arch_id
+ statement = '''
+ SELECT b.id, b.package, s.source, c.name as component,
+ bmd.value as depends, bmp.value as provides
+ FROM binaries b
+ LEFT OUTER JOIN binaries_metadata bmd
+ ON b.id = bmd.bin_id AND bmd.key_id = :metakey_d_id
+ LEFT OUTER JOIN binaries_metadata bmp
+ ON b.id = bmp.bin_id AND bmp.key_id = :metakey_p_id
+ JOIN source s ON b.source = s.id
+ JOIN files f ON b.file = f.id
+ JOIN location l ON f.location = l.id
+ JOIN component c ON l.component = c.id
+ WHERE b.id in
+ (SELECT bin FROM bin_associations WHERE suite = :suite_id)
+ AND b.architecture in (:arch_id, :arch_all_id)'''
+ query = session.query('id', 'package', 'source', 'component', 'depends', 'provides'). \
+ from_statement(statement).params(params)
+ for binary_id, package, source, component, depends, provides in query:
+ sources[package] = source
+ p2c[package] = component
+ if depends is not None:
+ deps[package] = depends
+ # Maintain a counter for each virtual package. If a
+ # Provides: exists, set the counter to 0 and count all
+ # provides by a package not in the list for removal.
+ # If the counter stays 0 at the end, we know that only
+ # the to-be-removed packages provided this virtual
+ # package.
+ if provides is not None:
+ for virtual_pkg in provides.split(","):
+ virtual_pkg = virtual_pkg.strip()
+ if virtual_pkg == package: continue
+ if not virtual_packages.has_key(virtual_pkg):
+ virtual_packages[virtual_pkg] = 0
+ if package not in removals:
+ virtual_packages[virtual_pkg] += 1
# If a virtual package is only provided by the to-be-removed
# packages, treat the virtual package as to-be-removed too.
# Check source dependencies (Build-Depends and Build-Depends-Indep)
- dbsuite = get_suite(suite, session)
metakey_bd = get_or_set_metadatakey("Build-Depends", session)
metakey_bdi = get_or_set_metadatakey("Build-Depends-Indep", session)
params = {