import sys
import apt_pkg
+from itertools import chain, product
+from collections import defaultdict
from daklib.config import Config
from daklib.dbconn import *
def usage(exit_code=0):
print """Usage: dak cruft-report
Check for obsolete or duplicated packages.
-def remove_sourceless_cruft(suite_name, suite_id, session, dryrun, debug):
- """Remove binaries without a source
+def compute_sourceless_groups(suite_id, session):
+ """Find binaries without a source
+ @type suite_id: int
+ @param suite_id: The id of the suite donated by suite_name
+ @type session: SQLA Session
+ @param session: The database session in use
+ """""
+ rows = query_without_source(suite_id, session)
+ message = '[auto-cruft] no longer built from source, no reverse dependencies'
+ arch_all_id_tuple = tuple([get_architecture('all', session=session)])
+ arch_all_list = ["all"]
+ for row in rows:
+ package = row[0]
+ group_info = {
+ "name": "sourceless:%s" % package,
+ "packages": tuple([package]),
+ "architectures": arch_all_list,
+ "architecture_ids": arch_all_id_tuple,
+ "message": message,
+ "removal_request": {
+ package: arch_all_list,
+ },
+ }
+ yield group_info
+def compute_nbs_groups(suite_id, suite_name, session):
+ """Find binaries no longer built
+ @type suite_id: int
+ @param suite_id: The id of the suite donated by suite_name
+ @type suite_name: string
+ @param suite_name: The name of the suite to remove from
+ @type session: SQLA Session
+ @param session: The database session in use
+ """""
+ rows = queryNBS(suite_id, session)
+ arch2ids = dict((a.arch_string, a.arch_id) for a in get_suite_architectures(suite_name))
+ for row in rows:
+ (pkg_list, arch_list, source, _) = row
+ message = '[auto-cruft] NBS (no longer built by %s, no reverse dependencies)' % source
+ removal_request = dict((pkg, arch_list) for pkg in pkg_list)
+ group_info = {
+ "name": "NBS:%s" % source,
+ "packages": tuple(sorted(pkg_list)),
+ "architectures": sorted(arch_list, cmp=utils.arch_compare_sw),
+ "architecture_ids": tuple(arch2ids[arch] for arch in arch_list),
+ "message": message,
+ "removal_request": removal_request,
+ }
+ yield group_info
+def remove_groups(groups, suite_id, suite_name, session):
+ for group in groups:
+ message = group["message"]
+ params = {
+ "architecture_ids": group["architecture_ids"],
+ "packages": group["packages"],
+ "suite_id": suite_id
+ }
+ q = session.execute("""
+ SELECT b.package, b.version, a.arch_string,
+ FROM binaries b
+ JOIN bin_associations ba ON = ba.bin
+ JOIN architecture a ON b.architecture =
+ JOIN suite su ON ba.suite =
+ WHERE IN :architecture_ids AND b.package IN :packages AND = :suite_id
+ """, params)
+ remove(session, message, [suite_name], list(q), partial=True, whoami="DAK's auto-decrufter")
+def auto_decruft_suite(suite_name, suite_id, session, dryrun, debug):
+ """Run the auto-decrufter on a given suite
@type suite_name: string
@param suite_name: The name of the suite to remove from
@type debug: bool
@param debug: If True, print some extra information
- """""
- global Options
- rows = query_without_source(suite_id, session)
- arch_all_id = get_architecture('all', session=session)
- discarded_removal = set()
- message = '[auto-cruft] no longer built from source, no reverse dependencies'
- all_packages = dict((row[0], None) for row in rows)
- if not all_packages:
+ """
+ all_architectures = [a.arch_string for a in get_suite_architectures(suite_name)]
+ pkg_arch2groups = defaultdict(set)
+ group_order = []
+ groups = {}
+ full_removal_request = []
+ group_generator = chain(
+ compute_sourceless_groups(suite_id, session),
+ compute_nbs_groups(suite_id, suite_name, session)
+ )
+ for group in group_generator:
+ group_name = group["name"]
+ pkgs = group["packages"]
+ affected_archs = group["architectures"]
+ removal_request = group["removal_request"]
+ # If we remove an arch:all package, then the breakage can occur on any
+ # of the architectures.
+ if "all" in affected_archs:
+ affected_archs = all_architectures
+ for pkg_arch in product(pkgs, affected_archs):
+ pkg_arch2groups[pkg_arch].add(group_name)
+ groups[group_name] = group
+ group_order.append(group_name)
+ full_removal_request.extend(removal_request.iteritems())
+ if not groups:
if debug:
print "N: Found no candidates"
if debug:
- print "N: Considering to remove %s" % str(sorted(all_packages.iterkeys()))
+ print "N: Considering to remove the following packages:"
+ for group_name in sorted(groups):
+ group_info = groups[group_name]
+ pkgs = group_info["packages"]
+ archs = group_info["architectures"]
+ print "N: * %s: %s [%s]" % (group_name, ", ".join(pkgs), " ".join(archs))
if debug:
print "N: Compiling ReverseDependencyChecker (RDC) - please hold ..."
rdc = ReverseDependencyChecker(session, suite_name)
if debug:
print "N: Computing initial breakage..."
- breakage = rdc.check_reverse_depends(all_packages)
+ breakage = rdc.check_reverse_depends(full_removal_request)
while breakage:
by_breakers = [(len(breakage[x]), x, breakage[x]) for x in breakage]
broken_str = ", ".join("%s/%s" % b for b in sorted(broken))
print "N: * %s => %s" % (bname, broken_str)
- _, worst_package_arch, worst_breakage = by_breakers.pop(0)
- averted_breakage = set(worst_breakage)
- del all_packages[worst_package_arch[0]]
- discarded_removal.add(worst_package_arch[0])
- if debug:
- print "N: - skip removal of %s (due to %s)" % (worst_package_arch[0], sorted(averted_breakage))
+ averted_breakage = set()
for _, package_arch, breakage in by_breakers:
- package = package_arch[0]
if breakage <= averted_breakage:
# We already avoided this break
- if package in discarded_removal:
- averted_breakage |= breakage
- continue
+ guilty_groups = pkg_arch2groups[package_arch]
+ if not guilty_groups:
+ utils.fubar("Cannot figure what group provided %s" % str(package_arch))
if debug:
- print "N: - skip removal of %s (due to %s)" % (
- package, str(sorted(breakage - averted_breakage)))
- discarded_removal.add(package)
+ # Only output it, if it truly a new group being discarded
+ # - a group can reach this part multiple times, if it breaks things on
+ # more than one architecture. This being rather common in fact.
+ already_discard = True
+ if any(group_name for group_name in guilty_groups if group_name in groups):
+ already_discard = False
+ if not already_discard:
+ avoided = sorted(breakage - averted_breakage)
+ print "N: - skipping removal of %s (breakage: %s)" % (", ".join(sorted(guilty_groups)), str(avoided))
averted_breakage |= breakage
- del all_packages[package]
+ for group_name in guilty_groups:
+ if group_name in groups:
+ del groups[group_name]
- if not all_packages:
+ if not groups:
if debug:
print "N: Nothing left to remove"
if debug:
- print "N: Now considering to remove %s" % str(sorted(all_packages.iterkeys()))
- breakage = rdc.check_reverse_depends(all_packages)
+ print "N: Now considering to remove: %s" % str(", ".join(sorted(groups.iterkeys())))
+ # Rebuild the removal request with the remaining groups and off
+ # we go to (not) break the world once more time
+ full_removal_request = []
+ for group_info in groups.itervalues():
+ full_removal_request.extend(group_info["removal_request"].iteritems())
+ breakage = rdc.check_reverse_depends(full_removal_request)
if debug:
print "N: Removal looks good"
if dryrun:
- # Embed the -R just in case someone wants to run it manually later
- print 'Would do: dak rm -m "%s" -s %s -a all -p -R -b %s' % \
- (message, suite_name, " ".join(sorted(all_packages)))
- else:
- params = {
- arch_all_id: arch_all_id,
- all_packages: tuple(all_packages),
- suite_id: suite_id
- }
- q = session.execute("""
- SELECT b.package, b.version, a.arch_string,
- FROM binaries b
- JOIN bin_associations ba ON = ba.bin
- JOIN architecture a ON b.architecture =
- JOIN suite su ON ba.suite =
- WHERE = :arch_all_id AND b.package IN :all_packages AND = :suite_id
- """, params)
- remove(session, message, [suite_name], list(q), partial=True, whoami="DAK's auto-decrufter")
-def removeNBS(suite_name, suite_id, session, dryrun):
- """Remove binaries no longer built
- @type suite_name: string
- @param suite_name: The name of the suite to remove from
- @type suite_id: int
- @param suite_id: The id of the suite donated by suite_name
- @type session: SQLA Session
- @param session: The database session in use
- @type dryrun: bool
- @param dryrun: If True, just print the actions rather than actually doing them
- """""
- global Options
- rows = queryNBS(suite_id, session)
- arch2ids = {}
- for row in rows:
- (pkg_list, arch_list, source, _) = row
- if utils.check_reverse_depends(pkg_list, suite_name, arch_list, session, cruft=True, quiet=True):
- continue
- arch_string = ','.join(arch_list)
- message = '[auto-cruft] NBS (no longer built by %s, no reverse dependencies)' % source
+ print "Would remove the equivalent of:"
+ for group_name in group_order:
+ if group_name not in groups:
+ continue
+ group_info = groups[group_name]
+ pkgs = group_info["packages"]
+ archs = group_info["architectures"]
+ message = group_info["message"]
- if dryrun:
# Embed the -R just in case someone wants to run it manually later
- pkg_string = ' '.join(pkg_list)
- print 'Would do: dak rm -m "%s" -s %s -a %s -p -R -b %s' % \
- (message, suite_name, arch_string, pkg_string)
- else:
- for architecture in arch_list:
- if architecture in arch2ids:
- arch2ids[architecture] = utils.get_architecture(architecture, session=session)
- arch_ids = tuple(arch2ids[architecture] for architecture in arch_list)
- params = {
- suite_id: suite_id,
- arch_ids: arch2ids,
- pkg_list: tuple(pkg_list),
- }
- q = session.execute("""
- SELECT b.package, b.version, a.arch_string,
- FROM binaries b
- JOIN bin_associations ba ON = ba.bin
- JOIN architecture a ON b.architecture =
- JOIN suite su ON ba.suite =
- WHERE IN :arch_ids AND b.package IN :pkg_db_set AND = :suite_id
- """, params)
- remove(session, message, [suite_name], list(q), partial=True, whoami="DAK's auto-decrufter")
+ print ' dak rm -m "{message}" -s {suite} -a {architectures} -p -R -b {packages}'.format(
+ message=message, suite=suite_name,
+ architectures=",".join(archs), packages=" ".join(pkgs),
+ )
+ print
+ print "Note: The removals may be interdependent. A non-breaking result may require the execution of all"
+ print "of the removals"
+ else:
+ remove_groups(groups.itervalues(), suite_id, suite_name, session)
suite_id = suite.suite_id
suite_name = suite.suite_name.lower()
- remove_sourceless_cruft(suite_name, suite_id, session, dryrun, debug)
- #removeNBS(suite_name, suite_id, session, dryrun)
+ auto_decruft_suite(suite_name, suite_id, session, dryrun, debug)