from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Table, MetaData, select
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, mapper, relation
+# Don't remove this, we re-export the exceptions to scripts which import us
+from sqlalchemy.exc import *
from singleton import Singleton
return None
+def get_architecture_suites(architecture, session=None):
+ """
+ Returns list of Suite objects for given C{architecture} name
+ @type source: str
+ @param source: Architecture name to search for
+ @type session: Session
+ @param session: Optional SQL session object (a temporary one will be
+ generated if not supplied)
+ @rtype: list
+ @return: list of Suite objects for the given name (may be empty)
+ """
+ if session is None:
+ session = DBConn().session()
+ q = session.query(Suite)
+ q = q.join(SuiteArchitecture)
+ q = q.join(Architecture).filter_by(arch_string=architecture).order_by('suite_name')
+ return q.all()
class Archive(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def __repr__(self):
return '<SuiteArchitecture (%s, %s)>' % (self.suite_id, self.arch_id)
+def get_suite_architectures(suite, session=None):
+ """
+ Returns list of Architecture objects for given C{suite} name
+ @type source: str
+ @param source: Suite name to search for
+ @type session: Session
+ @param session: Optional SQL session object (a temporary one will be
+ generated if not supplied)
+ @rtype: list
+ @return: list of Architecture objects for the given name (may be empty)
+ """
+ if session is None:
+ session = DBConn().session()
+ q = session.query(Architecture)
+ q = q.join(SuiteArchitecture)
+ q = q.join(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=suite).order_by('arch_string')
+ return q.all()
class Uid(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-def get_suite_architectures(self, suite):
- """
- Returns list of architectures for C{suite}.
- @type suite: string, int
- @param suite: the suite name or the suite_id
- @rtype: list
- @return: the list of architectures for I{suite}
- """
- suite_id = None
- if type(suite) == str:
- suite_id = self.get_suite_id(suite)
- elif type(suite) == int:
- suite_id = suite
- else:
- return None
- c = self.db_con.cursor()
- c.execute( """SELECT a.arch_string FROM suite_architectures sa
- JOIN architecture a ON ( = sa.architecture)
- WHERE suite='%s'""" % suite_id )
- return map(lambda x: x[0], c.fetchall())
def insert_content_paths(self, bin_id, fullpaths):