import apt_pkg
import examine_package
+from daklib import policy
from daklib.dbconn import *
-from daklib.queue import determine_new, check_valid, Upload, get_policy_queue
from daklib import utils
from daklib.regexes import re_source_ext
from daklib.config import Config
-def html_header(name, filestoexamine):
+def html_header(name, missing):
if name.endswith('.changes'):
name = ' '.join(name.split('_')[:2])
result = """<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<p><a href="#source-lintian" onclick="show('source-lintian-body')">source lintian</a></p>
- for fn in filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.deb') or x.endswith('.udeb'),filestoexamine):
- packagename = fn.split('_')[0]
+ for binarytype, packagename in filter(lambda m: m[0] in ('deb', 'udeb'), missing):
result += """
<p class="subtitle">%(pkg)s</p>
<p><a href="#binary-%(pkg)s-control" onclick="show('binary-%(pkg)s-control-body')">control file</a></p>
-def do_pkg(changes_file):
- changes_file = utils.validate_changes_file_arg(changes_file, 0)
- if not changes_file:
- return
- print "\n" + changes_file
+def do_pkg(upload_id):
+ session = DBConn().session()
+ upload = session.query(PolicyQueueUpload).filter_by(id=upload_id).one()
- u = Upload()
- u.pkg.changes_file = changes_file
- # We can afoord not to check the signature before loading the changes file
- # as we've validated it already (otherwise it couldn't be in new)
- # and we can more quickly skip over already processed files this way
- u.load_changes(changes_file)
+ queue = upload.policy_queue
+ changes = upload.changes
- origchanges = os.path.abspath(u.pkg.changes_file)
+ origchanges = os.path.join(queue.path, changes.changesname)
+ print origchanges
- # Still be cautious in case paring the changes file went badly
- if u.pkg.changes.has_key('source') and u.pkg.changes.has_key('version'):
- htmlname = u.pkg.changes["source"] + "_" + u.pkg.changes["version"] + ".html"
- htmlfile = os.path.join(cnf["Show-New::HTMLPath"], htmlname)
- else:
- # Changes file was bad
- print "Changes file %s missing source or version field" % changes_file
- return
+ htmlname = "{0}_{1}.html".format(changes.source, changes.version)
+ htmlfile = os.path.join(cnf['Show-New::HTMLPath'], htmlname)
# Have we already processed this?
- if os.path.exists(htmlfile) and \
- os.stat(htmlfile).st_mtime > os.stat(origchanges).st_mtime:
+ if False and os.path.exists(htmlfile) and \
+ os.stat(htmlfile).st_mtime > time.mktime(changes.created.timetuple()):
with open(htmlfile, "r") as fd:
if != timeout_str:
'%s already up-to-date' % htmlfile)
- # Now we'll load the fingerprint
- session = DBConn().session()
+ # Go, process it... Now!
- (u.pkg.changes["fingerprint"], rejects) = utils.check_signature(changes_file, session=session)
- new_queue = get_policy_queue('new', session );
- = new_queue.path
- u.update_subst()
- files = u.pkg.files
- changes = u.pkg.changes
- for deb_filename, f in files.items():
- if deb_filename.endswith(".udeb") or deb_filename.endswith(".deb"):
- u.binary_file_checks(deb_filename, session)
- u.check_binary_against_db(deb_filename, session)
- else:
- u.source_file_checks(deb_filename, session)
- u.check_source_against_db(deb_filename, session)
- u.pkg.changes["suite"] = u.pkg.changes["distribution"]
- new, byhand = determine_new(u.pkg.changes_file, u.pkg.changes, files, 0, dsc=u.pkg.dsc, session=session)
- outfile = open(os.path.join(cnf["Show-New::HTMLPath"],htmlname),"w")
- filestoexamine = []
- for pkg in new.keys():
- for fn in new[pkg]["files"]:
- filestoexamine.append(fn)
- print >> outfile, html_header(changes["source"], filestoexamine)
+ with open(htmlfile, 'w') as outfile:
+ with policy.UploadCopy(upload) as upload_copy:
+ handler = policy.PolicyQueueUploadHandler(upload, session)
+ missing = [ (o['type'], o['package']) for o in handler.missing_overrides() ]
+ distribution = changes.distribution
- check_valid(new, session)
- distribution = changes["distribution"].keys()[0]
- print >> outfile, examine_package.display_changes(distribution, changes_file)
+ print >>outfile, html_header(changes.source, missing)
+ print >>outfile, examine_package.display_changes(distribution, origchanges)
- for fn in filter(lambda fn: fn.endswith(".dsc"), filestoexamine):
- print >> outfile, examine_package.check_dsc(distribution, fn, session)
- for fn in filter(lambda fn: fn.endswith(".deb") or fn.endswith(".udeb"), filestoexamine):
- print >> outfile, examine_package.check_deb(distribution, fn, session)
+ if upload.source is not None and ('dsc', upload.source.source) in missing:
+ fn = os.path.join(, upload.source.poolfile.basename)
+ print >>outfile, examine_package.check_dsc(distribution, fn, session)
+ for binary in upload.binaries:
+ if (binary.binarytype, binary.package) not in missing:
+ continue
+ fn = os.path.join(, binary.poolfile.basename)
+ print >>outfile, examine_package.check_deb(distribution, fn, session)
- print >> outfile, html_footer()
+ print >>outfile, html_footer()
- outfile.close()
- return (PROC_STATUS_SUCCESS, '%s already updated' % htmlfile)
+ return (PROC_STATUS_SUCCESS, '{0} already updated'.format(htmlfile))
if not cnf.has_key("Show-New::Options::%s" % (i)):
cnf["Show-New::Options::%s" % (i)] = ""
- changes_files = apt_pkg.parse_commandline(cnf.Cnf,Arguments,sys.argv)
- if len(changes_files) == 0:
- new_queue = get_policy_queue('new', session );
- changes_files = utils.get_changes_files(new_queue.path)
+ changesnames = apt_pkg.parse_commandline(cnf.Cnf,Arguments,sys.argv)
Options = cnf.subtree("Show-New::Options")
if Options["help"]:
- return changes_files
+ uploads = session.query(PolicyQueueUpload) \
+ .join(PolicyQueueUpload.policy_queue).filter(PolicyQueue.queue_name == 'new') \
+ .join(PolicyQueueUpload.changes).order_by(DBChange.source)
+ if len(changesnames) > 0:
+ uploads = uploads.filter(DBChange.changesname.in_(changesnames))
+ return uploads
def main():
session = DBConn().session()
- changes_files = init(session)
+ upload_ids = [ for u in init(session) ]
+ session.close()
pool = DakProcessPool(processes=5)
- p = pool.map_async(do_pkg, changes_files)
+ p = pool.map_async(do_pkg, upload_ids)
for htmlfile in htmlfiles_to_process:
with open(htmlfile, "w") as fd: