delete no longer existing users instead of just needlessly spamming us
with their names
Signed-off-by: Joerg Jaspert <>
keys = postgres_unames.keys()
for uname in keys:
- if not passwd_unames.has_key(uname)and not known_postgres_unames.has_key(uname):
- print "W: %s is in Postgres but not the passwd file or list of known Postgres users." % (uname)
+ if not passwd_unames.has_key(uname) and not known_postgres_unames.has_key(uname):
+ print "I: Deleting %s from Postgres, no longer in passwd or list of known Postgres users" % (uname)
+ q = session.execute('DROP USER "%s"' % (uname))
keys = passwd_unames.keys()