# Add the binaries to stable (and remove it/them from proposed-updates)
for file in files.keys():
if files[file]["type"] == "deb":
- binNMU = 0
package = files[file]["package"]
version = files[file]["version"]
architecture = files[file]["architecture"]
q = projectB.query("SELECT b.id FROM binaries b, architecture a WHERE b.package = '%s' AND b.version = '%s' AND (a.arch_string = '%s' OR a.arch_string = 'all') AND b.architecture = a.id" % (package, version, architecture))
ql = q.getresult()
if not ql:
- suite_id = daklib.database.get_suite_id('proposed-updates')
- que = "SELECT b.version FROM binaries b JOIN bin_associations ba ON (b.id = ba.bin) JOIN suite su ON (ba.suite = su.id) WHERE b.package = '%s' AND (ba.suite = '%s')" % (package, suite_id)
- q = projectB.query(que)
- # Reduce the query results to a list of version numbers
- ql = [ i[0] for i in q.getresult() ]
- if not ql:
- daklib.utils.fubar("[INTERNAL ERROR] couldn't find '%s' (%s for %s architecture) in binaries table." % (package, version, architecture))
- else:
- for x in ql:
- if re.match(re.compile(r"%s((\.0)?\.)|(\+b)\d+$" % re.escape(version)),x):
- binNMU = 1
- break
- if not binNMU:
- binary_id = ql[0][0]
- suite_id = daklib.database.get_suite_id('proposed-updates')
- projectB.query("DELETE FROM bin_associations WHERE suite = '%s' AND bin = '%s'" % (suite_id, binary_id))
- suite_id = daklib.database.get_suite_id('stable')
- projectB.query("INSERT INTO bin_associations (suite, bin) VALUES ('%s', '%s')" % (suite_id, binary_id))
- else:
- del files[file]
+ daklib.utils.fubar("[INTERNAL ERROR] couldn't find '%s' (%s for %s architecture) in binaries table." % (package, version, architecture))
+ binary_id = ql[0][0]
+ suite_id = daklib.database.get_suite_id('proposed-updates')
+ projectB.query("DELETE FROM bin_associations WHERE suite = '%s' AND bin = '%s'" % (suite_id, binary_id))
+ suite_id = daklib.database.get_suite_id('stable')
+ projectB.query("INSERT INTO bin_associations (suite, bin) VALUES ('%s', '%s')" % (suite_id, binary_id))
projectB.query("COMMIT WORK")