if is_source_in_qdir(queue_dir):
# It's in p-u holding, so move it there.
move_to_holding(suite, queue_dir)
- if is_source_in_qdir(Cnf["Dir::Queue::New"]):
+ elif is_source_in_qdir(Cnf["Dir::Queue::New"]):
# It's in NEW. We expect the source to land in p-u holding
# pretty soon.
move_to_holding(suite, queue_dir)
- if is_source_in_qdir(Cnf["Dir::Queue::Accepted"]):
+ elif is_source_in_qdir(Cnf["Dir::Queue::Accepted"]):
# The source is in accepted, the binary cleared NEW: accept it.
Upload.accept(summary, short_summary)
- if Upload.source_exists(Upload.pkg.changes["source"],
+ elif Upload.source_exists(Upload.pkg.changes["source"],
# dak tells us that there is source available. At time of
# writing this means that it is installed, so put it into
# accepted.
Upload.accept(summary, short_summary)
+ return
move_to_holding(suite, queue_dir)
def do_accept():