# ping target only if there is the possibility that we'll contact it (but
# also don't wait too long).
- my @have_changes = <*.changes *.commands>;
+ my @have_changes = <*.changes *.commands *.dak-commands>;
for ( my $delayed_dirs = 0 ;
$delayed_dirs <= $conf::max_delayed ;
$delayed_dirs++ )
- # look for *.commands files but not in delayed queues
+ # look for *.commands and *.dak-commands files but not in delayed queues
if ( $adelay == -1 ) {
foreach $file (<*.commands>) {
write_status_file() if $conf::statusdelay;
} ## end foreach $file (<*.commands>)
+ foreach $file (<*.dak-commands>) {
+ init_mail($file);
+ block_signals();
+ process_dak_commands($file);
+ unblock_signals();
+ $main::dstat = "c";
+ write_status_file() if $conf::statusdelay;
+ finish_mail();
+ }
} ## end if ( $adelay == -1 )
opendir( INC, "." )
or (
} ## end sub process_changes($\@)
+# process one .dak-commands file
+sub process_dak_commands {
+ my $commands = shift;
+ # TODO: get mail address from signed contents
+ # and NOT implement a third parser for armored PGP...
+ $main::mail_addr = undef;
+ # check signature
+ my $signator = pgp_check($commands);
+ if (!$signator) {
+ msg("log,mail",
+ "$main::current_incoming_short/$commands has bad PGP/GnuPG signature!\n");
+ msg("log,mail",
+ "Removing $main::current_incoming_short/$commands\n");
+ rm($commands);
+ return;
+ }
+ elsif ($signator eq 'LOCAL ERROR') {
+ debug("Can't check signature for $main::current_incoming_short/$commands -- don't process it for now");
+ return;
+ }
+ msg("log,mail", "(PGP/GnuPG signature by $signator)\n");
+ # check target
+ my @filenames = ($commands);
+ if (my $ls_l = is_on_target($commands, @filenames)) {
+ msg("log,mail", "$main::current_incoming_short/$commands is already present on target host:\n");
+ msg("log,mail", "$ls_l\n");
+ msg("log,mail", "Job $commands removed.\n");
+ rm($commands);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!copy_to_target($commands)) {
+ msg("log,mail", "$commands couldn't be uploaded to target.\n");
+ msg("log,mail", "Giving up and removing it.\n");
+ rm($commands);
+ return;
+ }
+ rm($commands);
+ msg("mail", "$commands uploaded successfully to $conf::target\n");
# process one .commands file