"Check for users with no packages in the archive"),
"Populate SQL database based from an archive tree"),
+ ("import-contents",
+ "Populate SQL database with Contents files"),
"Populate fingerprint/uid table based on a new/updated keyring"),
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Debian Archive Kit Database Update Script 2
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Michael Casadevall <mcasadevall@debian.org>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# <tomv_w> really, if we want to screw ourselves, let's find a better way.
+# <Ganneff> rm -rf /srv/ftp.debian.org
+import psycopg2, time
+def do_update(self):
+ print "Adding content fields to database"
+ try:
+ c = self.db.cursor()
+ c.execute("""CREATE TABLE content_file_paths (
+ id serial primary key not null,
+ path text unique not null
+ )""")
+ c.execute("""CREATE TABLE content_file_names (
+ id serial primary key not null,
+ file text unique not null
+ )""")
+ c.execute("""CREATE TABLE content_associations (
+ id serial not null,
+ binary_pkg int4 not null references binaries(id) on delete cascade,
+ filepath int4 not null references content_file_paths(id) on delete cascade,
+ filename int4 not null references content_file_names(id) on delete cascade
+ );""")
+ c.execute("""CREATE FUNCTION comma_concat(text, text) RETURNS text
+ AS $_$select case
+ WHEN $2 is null or $2 = '' THEN $1
+ WHEN $1 is null or $1 = '' THEN $2
+ ELSE $1 || ',' || $2
+ END$_$
+ LANGUAGE sql""")
+ c.execute("""CREATE AGGREGATE comma_separated_list (
+ BASETYPE = text,
+ SFUNC = comma_concat,
+ STYPE = text,
+ );""")
+ c.execute("UPDATE config SET value = '2' WHERE name = 'db_revision'")
+ self.db.commit()
+ print "REMINDER: Remember to fully regenerate the Contents files before running import-contents"
+ print ""
+ print "Pausing for five seconds ..."
+ time.sleep (5)
+ except psycopg2.ProgrammingError, msg:
+ self.db.rollback()
+ print "FATAL: Unable to apply content table update 2!"
+ print "Error Message: " + str(msg)
+ print "Database changes have been rolled back."
# Get our suites, and the architectures
- for s in suites:
+ for s in [i.lower() for i in suites]:
suite_id = database.get_suite_id(s)
q = projectB.query("SELECT s.architecture, a.arch_string FROM suite_architectures s JOIN architecture a ON (s.architecture=a.id) WHERE suite = '%d'" % suite_id)
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Import contents files
+# Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Michael Casadevall <mcasadevall@debian.org>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import sys, os, popen2, tempfile, stat, time, pg
+import re, gzip, apt_pkg
+from daklib import database, utils
+from daklib.dak_exceptions import *
+Cnf = None
+projectB = None
+out = None
+AptCnf = None
+def usage (exit_code=0):
+ print """Usage: dak import-contents
+Import Contents files
+ -h, --help show this help and exit
+ -s, --suite=SUITE only write file lists for this suite
+ sys.exit(exit_code)
+def import_contents(suites):
+ global projectB, Cnf
+ # Start transaction
+ projectB.query("BEGIN WORK")
+ # Needed to make sure postgreSQL doesn't freak out on some of the data
+ projectB.query("SET CLIENT_ENCODING TO 'LATIN1'")
+ # Get our suites, and the architectures
+ for s in suites:
+ suite_id = database.get_suite_id(s)
+ q = projectB.query("SELECT s.architecture, a.arch_string FROM suite_architectures s JOIN architecture a ON (s.architecture=a.id) WHERE suite = '%d'" % suite_id)
+ arch_list = [ ]
+ for r in q.getresult():
+ if r[1] != "source" and r[1] != "all":
+ arch_list.append((r[0], r[1]))
+ arch_all_id = database.get_architecture_id("all")
+ for arch in arch_list:
+ print "Processing %s/%s" % (s, arch[1])
+ arch_id = database.get_architecture_id(arch[1])
+ f = gzip.open(Cnf["Dir::Root"] + "dists/%s/Contents-%s.gz" % (s, arch[1]), "r")
+ # Get line count
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ num_of_lines = len(lines)
+ # Ok, the file cursor is at the first entry, now comes the fun 'lets parse' bit
+ lines_processed = 0
+ found_header = False
+ for line in lines:
+ if found_header == False:
+ if not line:
+ print "Unable to find end of Contents-%s.gz header!" % ( arch[1])
+ sys.exit(255)
+ lines_processed += 1
+ p = re.compile('^FILE')
+ if p.match(line):
+ found_header = True
+ continue
+ # The format is simple enough, *filename*, *section/package1,section/package2,etc*
+ # Each file appears once per Contents file, so first, use some regex match
+ # to split the two bits
+ # Print out progress bar
+ print "\rProcessed %d lines of %d (%%%.2f)" % (lines_processed, num_of_lines, (float(lines_processed)/num_of_lines)),
+ # regex lifted from packages.d.o code
+ p = re.compile('^(.+?)\s+(\S+)$')
+ matchs = p.findall(line)
+ filename = matchs[0][0]
+ packages = matchs[0][1].split(',')
+ # Iterate through each file's packages
+ for package in packages:
+ p = re.compile('(\S+)/(\S+)$')
+ matchs = p.findall(package)
+ # Needed since the DB is unicode, and these files
+ # are ASCII
+ section_name = matchs[0][0]
+ package_name = matchs[0][1]
+ section_id = database.get_section_id(section_name)
+ package_id = database.get_latest_binary_version_id(package_name, section_id, suite_id, arch_id)
+ if package_id == None:
+ # Likely got an arch all package
+ package_id = database.get_latest_binary_version_id(package_name, section_id, suite_id, arch_all_id)
+ database.insert_content_path(package_id, filename)
+ lines_processed += 1
+ f.close()
+ # Commit work
+ print "Committing to database ..."
+ projectB.query("COMMIT")
+def main ():
+ global Cnf, projectB, out
+ out = sys.stdout
+ Cnf = utils.get_conf()
+ Arguments = [('h',"help","Import-Contents::Options::Help"),
+ ('s',"suite","Import-Contents::Options::Suite","HasArg"),
+ ]
+ for i in [ "help", "suite" ]:
+ if not Cnf.has_key("Import-Contents::Options::%s" % (i)):
+ Cnf["Import-Contents::Options::%s" % (i)] = ""
+ suites = apt_pkg.ParseCommandLine(Cnf,Arguments,sys.argv)
+ Options = Cnf.SubTree("Import-Contents::Options")
+ if Options["Help"]:
+ usage()
+ if Options["Suite"]:
+ suites = utils.split_args(Options["Suite"])
+ else:
+ suites = Cnf.SubTree("Suite").List()
+ projectB = pg.connect(Cnf["DB::Name"], Cnf["DB::Host"], int(Cnf["DB::Port"]))
+ database.init(Cnf, projectB)
+ import_contents(suites)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
Cnf = None
projectB = None
-required_database_schema = 1
+required_database_schema = 2
suite_bin_version_cache = {}
content_path_id_cache = {}
content_file_id_cache = {}
+insert_contents_file_cache = {}
return version
-def get_latest_binary_version_id(binary, suite, arch):
+def get_latest_binary_version_id(binary, section, suite, arch):
global suite_bin_version_cache
- cache_key = "%s_%s" % (binary, suite)
+ cache_key = "%s_%s_%s_%s" % (binary, section, suite, arch)
if suite_bin_version_cache.has_key(cache_key):
return suite_bin_version_cache[cache_key]
- q = projectB.query("SELECT b.id, b.version FROM binaries b JOIN bin_associations ba ON (b.id = ba.bin) WHERE b.package = '%s' AND b.architecture = '%d' AND ba.suite = '%d'" % (binary, int(arch), int(suite)))
+ q = projectB.query("SELECT b.id, b.version FROM binaries b JOIN bin_associations ba ON (b.id = ba.bin) JOIN override o ON (o.package=b.package) WHERE b.package = '%s' AND b.architecture = '%d' AND ba.suite = '%d' AND o.section = '%d'" % (binary, int(arch), int(suite), int(section)))
highest_bid, highest_version = None, None
highest_bid = bi[0]
highest_version = bi[1]
+ suite_bin_version_cache[cache_key] = highest_bid
return highest_bid
def insert_content_path(bin_id, fullpath):
+ global insert_contents_file_cache
+ cache_key = "%s_%s" % (bin_id, fullpath)
+ # have we seen this contents before?
+ # probably only revelant during package import
+ if insert_contents_file_cache.has_key(cache_key):
+ return
# split the path into basename, and pathname
(path, file) = os.path.split(fullpath)
file_id = get_or_set_contents_file_id(file)
path_id = get_or_set_contents_path_id(path)
+ # Determine if we're inserting a duplicate row
+ q = projectB.query("SELECT 1 FROM content_associations WHERE binary_pkg = '%d' AND filepath = '%d' AND filename = '%d'" % (int(bin_id), path_id, file_id))
+ if q.getresult():
+ # Yes we are, return without doing the insert
+ print "Inserting dup row"
+ return
# Put them into content_assiocations
projectB.query("INSERT INTO content_associations VALUES (DEFAULT, '%d', '%d', '%d')" % (bin_id, path_id, file_id))
<helix> elmo: I can't believe people pay you to fix computers
+* Ganneff ponders how to best write the text to -devel. (need to tell em in
+ case they find more bugs). "We fixed the fucking idiotic broken implementation
+ to be less so" is probably not the nicest, even if perfect valid, way to say so