+class SrcFormat(object):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<SrcFormat %s>' % (self.format_name)
class SrcUploader(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+class SuiteSrcFormat(object):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<SuiteSrcFormat (%s, %s)>' % (self.suite_id, self.src_format_id)
+def get_suite_src_formats(suite, session=None):
+ """
+ Returns list of allowed SrcFormat for C{suite}.
+ @type suite: str
+ @param suite: Suite name to search for
+ @type session: Session
+ @param session: Optional SQL session object (a temporary one will be
+ generated if not supplied)
+ @rtype: list
+ @return: the list of allowed source formats for I{suite}
+ """
+ privatetrans = False
+ if session is None:
+ session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
+ q = session.query(SrcFormat)
+ q = q.join(SuiteSrcFormat)
+ q = q.join(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=suite)
+ q = q.order_by('format_name')
+ ret = q.all()
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
class Uid(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.tbl_section = Table('section', self.db_meta, autoload=True)
self.tbl_source = Table('source', self.db_meta, autoload=True)
self.tbl_src_associations = Table('src_associations', self.db_meta, autoload=True)
+ self.tbl_src_format = Table('src_format', self.db_meta, autoload=True)
self.tbl_src_uploaders = Table('src_uploaders', self.db_meta, autoload=True)
self.tbl_suite = Table('suite', self.db_meta, autoload=True)
self.tbl_suite_architectures = Table('suite_architectures', self.db_meta, autoload=True)
+ self.tbl_suite_src_formats = Table('suite_src_formats', self.db_meta, autoload=True)
self.tbl_uid = Table('uid', self.db_meta, autoload=True)
def __setupmappers(self):
source_id = self.tbl_src_associations.c.source,
source = relation(DBSource)))
+ mapper(SrcFormat, self.tbl_src_format,
+ properties = dict(src_format_id = self.tbl_src_format.c.id,
+ format_name = self.tbl_src_format.c.format_name))
mapper(SrcUploader, self.tbl_src_uploaders,
properties = dict(uploader_id = self.tbl_src_uploaders.c.id,
source_id = self.tbl_src_uploaders.c.source,
arch_id = self.tbl_suite_architectures.c.architecture,
architecture = relation(Architecture)))
+ mapper(SuiteSrcFormat, self.tbl_suite_src_formats,
+ properties = dict(suite_id = self.tbl_suite_src_formats.c.suite,
+ suite = relation(Suite, backref='suitesrcformats'),
+ src_format_id = self.tbl_suite_src_formats.c.src_format,
+ src_format = relation(SrcFormat)))
mapper(Uid, self.tbl_uid,
properties = dict(uid_id = self.tbl_uid.c.id,
fingerprint = relation(Fingerprint)))