q = session.query(DBSource).filter_by(source=source). \
filter(DBSource.version.in_([source_version, orig_source_version]))
if suite != "any":
- # source must exist in suite X, or in some other suite that's
- # mapped to X, recursively... silent-maps are counted too,
- # unreleased-maps aren't.
- maps = cnf.ValueList("SuiteMappings")[:]
- maps.reverse()
- maps = [ m.split() for m in maps ]
- maps = [ (x[1], x[2]) for x in maps
- if x[0] == "map" or x[0] == "silent-map" ]
- s = [suite]
- for (from_, to) in maps:
- if from_ in s and to not in s:
- s.append(to)
- q = q.filter(DBSource.suites.any(Suite.suite_name.in_(s)))
+ # source must exist in 'suite' or a suite that is enhanced by 'suite'
+ s = get_suite(suite, session)
+ enhances_vcs = session.query(VersionCheck).filter(VersionCheck.suite==s).filter_by(check='Enhances')
+ considered_suites = [ vc.reference for vc in enhances_vcs ]
+ considered_suites.append(s)
+ q = q.filter(DBSource.suites.any(Suite.suite_id.in_([s.suite_id for s in considered_suites])))
if q.count() > 0: