projectB = None
out = None
AptCnf = None
-content_path_id_cache = {}
-content_file_id_cache = {}
-insert_contents_file_cache = {}
+has_opened_temp_file_lists = False
+content_path_file = ""
+content_name_file = ""
+content_file_cache = {}
+content_name_cache = {}
+content_path_cache = {}
-def set_contents_file_id(file):
- global content_file_id_cache
- if not content_file_id_cache.has_key(file):
- # since this can be called within a transaction, we can't use currval
- q = projectB.query("INSERT INTO content_file_names VALUES (DEFAULT, '%s') RETURNING id" % (file))
- content_file_id_cache[file] = int(q.getresult()[0][0])
- return content_file_id_cache[file]
-def set_contents_path_id(path):
- global content_path_id_cache
- if not content_path_id_cache.has_key(path):
- q = projectB.query("INSERT INTO content_file_paths VALUES (DEFAULT, '%s') RETURNING id" % (path))
- content_path_id_cache[path] = int(q.getresult()[0][0])
- return content_path_id_cache[path]
-def insert_content_path(bin_id, fullpath):
- global insert_contents_file_cache
- cache_key = "%s_%s" % (bin_id, fullpath)
+def cache_content_path(fullpath):
+ global content_file_cache, contents_name_cache, content_path_cache
+ global content_path_file, content_name_file, has_opened_temp_file_lists
# have we seen this contents before?
- # probably only revelant during package import
- if insert_contents_file_cache.has_key(cache_key):
+ if content_file_cache.has_key(fullpath):
# split the path into basename, and pathname
(path, file) = os.path.split(fullpath)
- # Get the necessary IDs ...
- file_id = set_contents_file_id(file)
- path_id = set_contents_path_id(path)
+ # Due to performance reasons, we need to get the entire filelists table
+ # sorted first before we can do assiocation tables.
+ if has_opened_temp_file_lists == False:
+ content_path_file = open("/tmp/content_file_path.tmp", "w")
+ content_name_file = open("/tmp/content_name_path.tmp", "w")
+ has_opened_temp_file_lists = True
- # Put them into content_assiocations
- projectB.query("INSERT INTO content_associations VALUES (DEFAULT, '%d', '%d', '%d')" % (bin_id, path_id, file_id))
+ if not content_path_cache.has_key(path):
+ content_path_file.write("DEFAULT %s\n" % (path))
+ content_path_cache[path] = 1
+ if not content_name_cache.has_key(file):
+ content_name_file.write("DEFAULT %s\n" % (file))
+ content_name_cache[file] = 1
# Needed to make sure postgreSQL doesn't freak out on some of the data
+ # Precache everything
+ #print "Precaching binary information, this will take a few moments ..."
+ #database.preload_binary_id_cache()
# Prep regexs
line_regex = re.compile(r'^(.+?)\s+(\S+)$')
pkg_regex = re.compile(r'(\S+)/(\S+)$')
for arch in arch_list:
print "Processing %s/%s" % (s, arch[1])
arch_id = database.get_architecture_id(arch[1])
- f =["Dir::Root"] + "dists/%s/Contents-%s.gz" % (s, arch[1]), "r")
+ try:
+ f =["Dir::Root"] + "dists/%s/Contents-%s.gz" % (s, arch[1]), "r")
+ except:
+ print "Unable to open dists/%s/Contents-%s.gz" % (s, arch[1])
+ print "Skipping ..."
+ continue
# Get line count
lines = f.readlines()
filename = matchs[0][0]
packages = matchs[0][1].split(',')
+ cache_content_path(filename)
# Iterate through each file's packages
- for package in packages:
- matchs = pkg_regex.findall(package)
+ #for package in packages:
+ # matchs = pkg_regex.findall(package)
# Needed since the DB is unicode, and these files
# are ASCII
- section_name = matchs[0][0]
- package_name = matchs[0][1]
+ # section_name = matchs[0][0]
+ # package_name = matchs[0][1]
- section_id = database.get_section_id(section_name)
- package_id = database.get_latest_binary_version_id(package_name, section_id, suite_id, arch_id)
+ #section_id = database.get_section_id(section_name)
+ #package_id = database.get_latest_binary_version_id(package_name, section_id, suite_id, arch_id)
- if package_id == None:
- # Likely got an arch all package
- package_id = database.get_latest_binary_version_id(package_name, section_id, suite_id, arch_all_id)
+ # if package_id == None:
+ # This can happen if the Contents file refers to a non-existant package
+ # it seems Contents sometimes can be stale due to use of caches (i.e., hurd-i386)
+ # hurd-i386 was removed from the archive, but its Contents file still exists
+ # and is seemingly still updated. The sane thing to do is skip it and continue
+ # continue
- insert_content_path(package_id, filename)
lines_processed += 1
+ print "" # newline since the Progress bar doesn't print one
# Commit work
+ content_name_file.close()
+ content_path_file.close()
print "Committing to database ..."
content_path_id_cache = {}
content_file_id_cache = {}
insert_contents_file_cache = {}
+cache_preloaded = False
def get_latest_binary_version_id(binary, section, suite, arch):
global suite_bin_version_cache
cache_key = "%s_%s_%s_%s" % (binary, section, suite, arch)
+ cache_key_all = "%s_%s_%s_%s" % (binary, section, suite, get_architecture_id("all"))
+ # Check for the cache hit for its arch, then arch all
if suite_bin_version_cache.has_key(cache_key):
return suite_bin_version_cache[cache_key]
+ if suite_bin_version_cache.has_key(cache_key_all):
+ return suite_bin_version_cache[cache_key_all]
+ if cache_preloaded == True:
+ return # package does not exist
- q = projectB.query("SELECT, b.version FROM binaries b JOIN bin_associations ba ON ( = ba.bin) JOIN override o ON (o.package=b.package) WHERE b.package = '%s' AND b.architecture = '%d' AND ba.suite = '%d' AND o.section = '%d'" % (binary, int(arch), int(suite), int(section)))
+ q = projectB.query("SELECT DISTINCT FROM binaries b JOIN bin_associations ba ON ( = ba.bin) JOIN override o ON (o.package=b.package) WHERE b.package = '%s' AND b.architecture = '%d' AND ba.suite = '%d' AND o.section = '%d'" % (binary, int(arch), int(suite), int(section)))
- highest_bid, highest_version = None, None
+ if not q.getresult():
+ return False
- for bi in q.getresult():
- if highest_version == None or apt_pkg.VersionCompare(bi[1], highest_version) == 1:
- highest_bid = bi[0]
- highest_version = bi[1]
+ highest_bid = q.getresult()[0][0]
suite_bin_version_cache[cache_key] = highest_bid
return highest_bid
+def preload_binary_id_cache():
+ global suite_bin_version_cache, cache_preloaded
+ # Get suite info
+ q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM suite")
+ suites = q.getresult()
+ # Get arch mappings
+ q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM architecture")
+ arches = q.getresult()
+ for suite in suites:
+ for arch in arches:
+ q = projectB.query("SELECT DISTINCT, b.package, o.section FROM binaries b JOIN bin_associations ba ON ( = ba.bin) JOIN override o ON (o.package=b.package) WHERE b.architecture = '%d' AND ba.suite = '%d'" % (int(arch[0]), int(suite[0])))
+ for bi in q.getresult():
+ cache_key = "%s_%s_%s_%s" % (bi[1], bi[2], suite[0], arch[0])
+ suite_bin_version_cache[cache_key] = int(bi[0])
+ cache_preloaded = True
def get_or_set_maintainer_id (maintainer):