# 'Fix' stable to make debian-cd and dpkg -BORGiE users happy
# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 James Troup <james@nocrew.org>
-# $Id: madison,v 1.5 2001-03-21 06:26:19 troup Exp $
+# $Id: madison,v 1.6 2001-04-03 10:03:30 troup Exp $
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
Cnf = apt_pkg.newConfiguration();
- Arguments = [('d',"debug","Claire::Options::Debug", "IntVal"),
- ('h',"help","Claire::Options::Help"),
- ('v',"version","Claire::Options::Version")];
+ Arguments = [('s',"suite","Madison::Options::Suite", "HasArg"),
+ ('D',"debug","Madison::Options::Debug", "IntVal"),
+ ('h',"help","Madison::Options::Help"),
+ ('V',"version","Madison::Options::Version")];
packages = apt_pkg.ParseCommandLine(Cnf,Arguments,sys.argv);
+ Options = Cnf.SubTree("Madison::Options")
projectB = pg.connect(Cnf["DB::Name"], Cnf["DB::Host"], int(Cnf["DB::Port"]), None, None, Cnf["DB::ROUser"]);
db_access.init(Cnf, projectB);
+ if packages == []:
+ utils.fubar("need at least one package name as an argument.");
+ if Options["Suite"]:
+ con_suites = "AND (";
+ for suite in string.split(Options["Suite"]):
+ suite_id = db_access.get_suite_id(suite);
+ if suite_id == -1:
+ utils.warn("suite '%s' not recognised." % (suite));
+ else:
+ con_suites = con_suites + "su.id = %s OR " % (suite_id)
+ con_suites = con_suites[:-3] + ")"
+ else:
+ con_suites = "";
for package in packages:
- q = projectB.query("SELECT b.package, b.version, a.arch_string, su.suite_name FROM binaries b, architecture a, suite su, bin_associations ba WHERE b.package = '%s' AND a.id = b.architecture AND su.id = ba.suite AND b.id = ba.bin" % (package));
+ q = projectB.query("SELECT b.package, b.version, a.arch_string, su.suite_name FROM binaries b, architecture a, suite su, bin_associations ba WHERE b.package = '%s' AND a.id = b.architecture AND su.id = ba.suite AND b.id = ba.bin %s" % (package, con_suites));
+ ql = q.getresult();
+ q = projectB.query("SELECT s.source, s.version, 'source', su.suite_name FROM source s, suite su, src_associations sa WHERE s.source = '%s' AND su.id = sa.suite AND s.id = sa.source %s" % (package, con_suites));
+ ql.extend(q.getresult());
d = {};
- for i in q.getresult():
+ for i in ql:
package = i[0];
version = i[1];
architecture = i[2];