--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# coding=utf8
+# Debian Archive Kit Database Update Script
+# Copyright © 2008 Michael Casadevall <mcasadevall@debian.org>
+# Copyright © 2008 Roger Leigh <rleigh@debian.org>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import psycopg2, time
+def do_update(self):
+ print "Note the PL/Perl (plperl) procedural language must be enabled first."
+ print "Run 'createlang plpgsql projectb' to add it."
+ try:
+ c = self.db.cursor()
+ print "Adding debversion type to database."
+# Not present in all databases, maybe PL/Perl version-dependent?
+# c.execute("SET SESSION plperl.use_strict TO 't';")
+ c.execute("CREATE DOMAIN debversion AS TEXT;")
+ c.execute("COMMENT ON DOMAIN debversion IS 'Debian package version number';")
+ c.execute("""ALTER DOMAIN debversion
+ ADD CONSTRAINT debversion_syntax
+ CHECK (VALUE !~ '[^-+:.0-9a-zA-Z~]');""")
+ # From Dpkg::Version::parseversion
+ c.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION debversion_split (debversion)
+ RETURNS text[] AS $$
+ my $ver = shift;
+ my %verhash;
+ if ($ver =~ /:/)
+ {
+ $ver =~ /^(\d+):(.+)/ or die "bad version number '$ver'";
+ $verhash{epoch} = $1;
+ $ver = $2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $verhash{epoch} = 0;
+ }
+ if ($ver =~ /(.+)-(.*)$/)
+ {
+ $verhash{version} = $1;
+ $verhash{revision} = $2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $verhash{version} = $ver;
+ $verhash{revision} = 0;
+ }
+ return [$verhash{'epoch'}, $verhash{'version'}, $verhash{'revision'}];
+ LANGUAGE plperl
+ c.execute("""COMMENT ON FUNCTION debversion_split (debversion)
+ IS 'Split debian version into epoch, upstream version and revision';""")
+ c.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION debversion_epoch (version debversion)
+ RETURNS text AS $$
+ split text[];
+ split := debversion_split(version);
+ RETURN split[1];
+ LANGUAGE plpgsql
+COMMENT ON FUNCTION debversion_epoch (debversion)
+ IS 'Get debian version epoch';
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION debversion_version (version debversion)
+ RETURNS text AS $$
+ split text[];
+ split := debversion_split(version);
+ RETURN split[2];
+ LANGUAGE plpgsql
+ c.execute("""COMMENT ON FUNCTION debversion_version (debversion)
+ IS 'Get debian version upstream version';""")
+ c.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION debversion_revision (version debversion)
+ RETURNS text AS $$
+ split text[];
+ split := debversion_split(version);
+ RETURN split[3];
+ LANGUAGE plpgsql
+ c.execute("""COMMENT ON FUNCTION debversion_revision (debversion)
+ IS 'Get debian version revision';""")
+# From Dpkg::Version::parseversion
+ c.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION debversion_compare_single (version1 text, version2 text)
+ RETURNS integer AS $$
+ sub order{
+ my ($x) = @_;
+ ##define order(x) ((x) == '~' ? -1 \
+ # : cisdigit((x)) ? 0 \
+ # : !(x) ? 0 \
+ # : cisalpha((x)) ? (x) \
+ # : (x) + 256)
+ # This comparison is out of dpkg's order to avoid
+ # comparing things to undef and triggering warnings.
+ if (not defined $x or not length $x) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ elsif ($x eq '~') {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ elsif ($x =~ /^\d$/) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ elsif ($x =~ /^[A-Z]$/i) {
+ return ord($x);
+ }
+ else {
+ return ord($x) + 256;
+ }
+ }
+ sub next_elem(\@){
+ my $a = shift;
+ return @{$a} ? shift @{$a} : undef;
+ }
+ my ($val, $ref) = @_;
+ $val = "" if not defined $val;
+ $ref = "" if not defined $ref;
+ my @val = split //,$val;
+ my @ref = split //,$ref;
+ my $vc = next_elem @val;
+ my $rc = next_elem @ref;
+ while (defined $vc or defined $rc) {
+ my $first_diff = 0;
+ while ((defined $vc and $vc !~ /^\d$/) or
+ (defined $rc and $rc !~ /^\d$/)) {
+ my $vo = order($vc); my $ro = order($rc);
+ # Unlike dpkg's verrevcmp, we only return 1 or -1 here.
+ return (($vo - $ro > 0) ? 1 : -1) if $vo != $ro;
+ $vc = next_elem @val; $rc = next_elem @ref;
+ }
+ while (defined $vc and $vc eq '0') {
+ $vc = next_elem @val;
+ }
+ while (defined $rc and $rc eq '0') {
+ $rc = next_elem @ref;
+ }
+ while (defined $vc and $vc =~ /^\d$/ and
+ defined $rc and $rc =~ /^\d$/) {
+ $first_diff = ord($vc) - ord($rc) if !$first_diff;
+ $vc = next_elem @val; $rc = next_elem @ref;
+ }
+ return 1 if defined $vc and $vc =~ /^\d$/;
+ return -1 if defined $rc and $rc =~ /^\d$/;
+ return (($first_diff > 0) ? 1 : -1) if $first_diff;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ LANGUAGE plperl
+ c.execute("""COMMENT ON FUNCTION debversion_compare_single (text, text)
+ IS 'Compare upstream or revision parts of Debian versions';""")
+# Logic only derived from Dpkg::Version::parseversion
+ c.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION debversion_compare (version1 debversion, version2 debversion)
+ RETURNS integer AS $$
+ split1 text[];
+ split2 text[];
+ result integer;
+ result := 0;
+ split1 := debversion_split(version1);
+ split2 := debversion_split(version2);
+ -- RAISE NOTICE 'Version 1: %', version1;
+ -- RAISE NOTICE 'Version 2: %', version2;
+ -- RAISE NOTICE 'Split 1: %', split1;
+ -- RAISE NOTICE 'Split 2: %', split2;
+ IF split1[1] > split2[1] THEN
+ result := 1;
+ ELSIF split1[1] < split2[1] THEN
+ result := -1;
+ result := debversion_compare_single(split1[2], split2[2]);
+ IF result = 0 THEN
+ result := debversion_compare_single(split1[3], split2[3]);
+ RETURN result;
+ LANGUAGE plpgsql
+ c.execute("""COMMENT ON FUNCTION debversion_compare (debversion, debversion)
+ IS 'Compare Debian versions';""")
+ c.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION debversion_eq (version1 debversion, version2 debversion)
+ RETURNS boolean AS $$
+ comp integer;
+ result boolean;
+ comp := debversion_compare(version1, version2);
+ result := comp = 0;
+ RETURN result;
+ LANGUAGE plpgsql
+ c.execute("""COMMENT ON FUNCTION debversion_eq (debversion, debversion)
+ IS 'debversion equal';""")
+ c.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION debversion_ne (version1 debversion, version2 debversion)
+ RETURNS boolean AS $$
+ comp integer;
+ result boolean;
+ comp := debversion_compare(version1, version2);
+ result := comp <> 0;
+ RETURN result;
+ LANGUAGE plpgsql
+ c.execute("""COMMENT ON FUNCTION debversion_ne (debversion, debversion)
+ IS 'debversion not equal';""")
+ c.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION debversion_lt (version1 debversion, version2 debversion)
+ RETURNS boolean AS $$
+ comp integer;
+ result boolean;
+ comp := debversion_compare(version1, version2);
+ result := comp < 0;
+ RETURN result;
+ LANGUAGE plpgsql
+ c.execute("""COMMENT ON FUNCTION debversion_lt (debversion, debversion)
+ IS 'debversion less-than';""")
+ c.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION debversion_gt (version1 debversion, version2 debversion) RETURNS boolean AS $$
+ comp integer;
+ result boolean;
+ comp := debversion_compare(version1, version2);
+ result := comp > 0;
+ RETURN result;
+ LANGUAGE plpgsql
+ c.execute("""COMMENT ON FUNCTION debversion_gt (debversion, debversion)
+ IS 'debversion greater-than';""")
+ c.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION debversion_le (version1 debversion, version2 debversion)
+ RETURNS boolean AS $$
+ comp integer;
+ result boolean;
+ comp := debversion_compare(version1, version2);
+ result := comp <= 0;
+ RETURN result;
+ LANGUAGE plpgsql
+ c.execute("""COMMENT ON FUNCTION debversion_le (debversion, debversion)
+ IS 'debversion less-than-or-equal';""")
+ c.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION debversion_ge (version1 debversion, version2 debversion)
+ RETURNS boolean AS $$
+ comp integer;
+ result boolean;
+ comp := debversion_compare(version1, version2);
+ result := comp >= 0;
+ RETURN result;
+ LANGUAGE plpgsql
+ c.execute("""COMMENT ON FUNCTION debversion_ge (debversion, debversion)
+ IS 'debversion greater-than-or-equal';""")
+ c.execute("""CREATE OPERATOR = (
+ PROCEDURE = debversion_eq,
+ LEFTARG = debversion,
+ RIGHTARG = debversion,
+ NEGATOR = !=);""")
+ c.execute("""COMMENT ON OPERATOR = (debversion, debversion)
+ IS 'debversion equal';""")
+ c.execute("""CREATE OPERATOR != (
+ PROCEDURE = debversion_eq,
+ LEFTARG = debversion,
+ RIGHTARG = debversion,
+ NEGATOR = =);""")
+ c.execute("""COMMENT ON OPERATOR != (debversion, debversion)
+ IS 'debversion not equal';""")
+ c.execute("""CREATE OPERATOR < (
+ PROCEDURE = debversion_lt,
+ LEFTARG = debversion,
+ RIGHTARG = debversion,
+ NEGATOR = >=);""")
+ c.execute("""COMMENT ON OPERATOR < (debversion, debversion)
+ IS 'debversion less-than';""")
+ c.execute("""CREATE OPERATOR > (
+ PROCEDURE = debversion_gt,
+ LEFTARG = debversion,
+ RIGHTARG = debversion,
+ NEGATOR = >=);""")
+ c.execute("""COMMENT ON OPERATOR > (debversion, debversion)
+ IS 'debversion greater-than';""")
+ c.execute("""CREATE OPERATOR <= (
+ PROCEDURE = debversion_le,
+ LEFTARG = debversion,
+ RIGHTARG = debversion,
+ NEGATOR = >);""")
+ c.execute("""COMMENT ON OPERATOR <= (debversion, debversion)
+ IS 'debversion less-than-or-equal';""")
+ c.execute("""CREATE OPERATOR >= (
+ PROCEDURE = debversion_ge,
+ LEFTARG = debversion,
+ RIGHTARG = debversion,
+ NEGATOR = <);""")
+ c.execute("""COMMENT ON OPERATOR >= (debversion, debversion)
+ IS 'debversion greater-than-or-equal';""")
+ c.execute("ALTER TABLE source ALTER COLUMN version TYPE debversion;")
+ c.execute("ALTER TABLE binaries ALTER COLUMN version TYPE debversion;")
+ c.execute("UPDATE config SET value = '1' WHERE name = 'db_revision'")
+ self.db.commit()
+ except psycopg2.ProgrammingError, msg:
+ self.db.rollback()
+ print "FATAL: Unable to apply debversion table update 2!"
+ print "Error Message: " + str(msg)
+ print "Database changes have been rolled back."