--- /dev/null
+[ This was some notes to myself that I made while removing potato; I
+ kept it because it turned out to be a far more traumatic experience
+ than was necesary. Hopefully rhona will be fixed by the time I need
+ to do this again which would obsolete most of the complex SQL
+ crap. (JT) ]
+ Potato Removal Plan
+ -------------------
+o Create potato copy on archive.debian.org
+o poolize any not-just-potato files with monica.
+o force-remove any just-potato files (i.e. by setting last used to 3 weeks ago and run rhona)
+o remove any files (dists/potato) (NB: not pool symlinks!)
+o remove oldstable etc. from the db and config files
+SELECT f.id INTO TEMP moo FROM files f, binaries b, bin_associations ba
+ WHERE ba.suite IN (2, 3) AND ba.bin = b.id AND f.id = b.file
+SELECT f.id FROM files f, binaries b, bin_associations ba
+ WHERE ba.suite NOT IN (2, 3) AND ba.bin = b.id AND f.id = b.file;
+CREATE INDEX moo_index on moo (id);
+EXPLAIN UPDATE files set last_used = '2003/09/03'
+ SELECT id FROM moo WHERE files.id = moo.id);
+DELeditmeETE FROM bin_associations WHERE suite IN (2, 3);
+[ run rhona ]
+SELECT f.id INTO TEMP moo FROM files f, source s, src_associations sa, dsc_files df
+ WHERE sa.suite IN (2, 3) AND sa.source = s.id AND df.source = s.id AND df.file = f.id
+ AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT b.id FROM binaries b WHERE b.source = s.id)
+SELECT f.id FROM files f, source s, src_associations sa, dsc_files df
+ WHERE sa.suite NOT IN (2, 3) AND sa.source = s.id AND df.source = s.id AND df.file = f.id;
+CREATE INDEX moo_index on moo (id);
+EXPLAIN UPDATE files set last_used = '2003/09/03'
+ SELECT id FROM moo WHERE files.id = moo.id);
+DELeditmeETE FROM src_associations WHERE suite IN (2, 3);
+[ run rhona ]
+[Code for catherine (poolize); to go after the move of the file]
+# Create symlink
+src = utils.clean_symlink(destination, legacy_filename, Cnf["Dir::Root"]);
+if verbose:
+ print "Symlinking: %s -> %s" % (legacy_filename, src);
+if not no_action:
+ os.symlink(src, legacy_filename);
+[Query for catherine]
+SELECT l.path, f.filename, f.id as files_id, c.name as component
+ FROM files f, binaries b, bin_associations ba, location l, component c
+ WHERE ba.suite NOT IN (2, 3) AND f.filename ~ '^potato'
+ AND ba.bin = b.id AND f.id = b.file AND l.id = f.location
+ AND c.id = l.component
+SELECT DISTINCT ON (f.filename) l.path, f.filename, f.id as files_id, c.name as component
+ FROM files f, source s, src_associations sa, dsc_files df,
+ location l, component c
+ WHERE sa.suite NOT IN (2, 3) AND f.filename ~ '^potato'
+ AND sa.source = s.id AND df.source = s.id AND f.id = df.file
+ AND l.id = f.location AND c.id = l.component;