--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
++#!/usr/bin/env python
++# coding=utf8
++Adding a trainee field to the process-new notes
++@contact: Debian FTP Master <ftpmaster@debian.org>
++@copyright: 2009 Mike O'Connor <stew@debian.org>
++@license: GNU General Public License version 2 or later
++# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
++import psycopg2
++import time
++from daklib.dak_exceptions import DBUpdateError
++def suites():
++ """
++ return a list of suites to operate on
++ """
++ if Config().has_key( "%s::%s" %(options_prefix,"Suite")):
++ suites = utils.split_args(Config()[ "%s::%s" %(options_prefix,"Suite")])
++ else:
++ suites = [ 'unstable', 'testing' ]
++# suites = Config().SubTree("Suite").List()
++ return suites
++def arches(cursor, suite):
++ """
++ return a list of archs to operate on
++ """
++ arch_list = []
++ cursor.execute("""SELECT s.architecture, a.arch_string
++ FROM suite_architectures s
++ JOIN architecture a ON (s.architecture=a.id)
++ WHERE suite = :suite""", {'suite' : suite })
++ while True:
++ r = cursor.fetchone()
++ if not r:
++ break
++ if r[1] != "source" and r[1] != "all":
++ arch_list.append((r[0], r[1]))
++ return arch_list
++def do_update(self):
++ """
++ Adding contents table as first step to maybe, finally getting rid
++ of apt-ftparchive
++ """
++ print __doc__
++ try:
++ c = self.db.cursor()
++ c.execute("""CREATE TABLE pending_bin_contents (
++ id serial NOT NULL,
++ package text NOT NULL,
++ version debversion NOT NULL,
++ arch int NOT NULL,
++ filename text NOT NULL,
++ type int NOT NULL,
++ PRIMARY KEY(id))""" );
++ c.execute("""CREATE TABLE deb_contents (
++ filename text,
++ section text,
++ package text,
++ binary_id integer,
++ arch integer,
++ suite integer)""" )
++ c.execute("""CREATE TABLE udeb_contents (
++ filename text,
++ section text,
++ package text,
++ binary_id integer,
++ suite integer,
++ arch integer)""" )
++ c.execute("""ALTER TABLE ONLY deb_contents
++ ADD CONSTRAINT deb_contents_arch_fkey
++ FOREIGN KEY (arch) REFERENCES architecture(id)
++ c.execute("""ALTER TABLE ONLY udeb_contents
++ ADD CONSTRAINT udeb_contents_arch_fkey
++ FOREIGN KEY (arch) REFERENCES architecture(id)
++ c.execute("""ALTER TABLE ONLY deb_contents
++ ADD CONSTRAINT deb_contents_pkey
++ PRIMARY KEY (filename,package,arch,suite);""")
++ c.execute("""ALTER TABLE ONLY udeb_contents
++ ADD CONSTRAINT udeb_contents_pkey
++ PRIMARY KEY (filename,package,arch,suite);""")
++ c.execute("""ALTER TABLE ONLY deb_contents
++ ADD CONSTRAINT deb_contents_suite_fkey
++ FOREIGN KEY (suite) REFERENCES suite(id)
++ c.execute("""ALTER TABLE ONLY udeb_contents
++ ADD CONSTRAINT udeb_contents_suite_fkey
++ FOREIGN KEY (suite) REFERENCES suite(id)
++ c.execute("""ALTER TABLE ONLY deb_contents
++ ADD CONSTRAINT deb_contents_binary_fkey
++ FOREIGN KEY (binary_id) REFERENCES binaries(id)
++ c.execute("""ALTER TABLE ONLY udeb_contents
++ ADD CONSTRAINT udeb_contents_binary_fkey
++ FOREIGN KEY (binary_id) REFERENCES binaries(id)
++ c.execute("""CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_binary ON deb_contents(binary_id);""" )
++ suites = self.suites()
++ for suite in [i.lower() for i in suites]:
++ suite_id = DBConn().get_suite_id(suite)
++ arch_list = arches(c, suite_id)
++ arch_list = arches(c, suite_id)
++ for (arch_id,arch_str) in arch_list:
++ c.execute( "CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_%s_%s ON deb_contents (arch,suite) WHERE (arch=2 OR arch=%d) AND suite=$d"%(arch_str,suite,arch_id,suite_id) )
++ for section, sname in [("debian-installer","main"),
++ ("non-free/debian-installer", "nonfree")]:
++ c.execute( "CREATE INDEX ind_udeb_contents_%s_%s ON udeb_contents (section,suite) WHERE section=%s AND suite=$d"%(sname,suite,section,suite_id) )
++ c.execute( """CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_contents_for_bin_a() RETURNS trigger AS $$
++ event = TD["event"]
++ if event == "DELETE" or event == "UPDATE":
++ plpy.execute(plpy.prepare("DELETE FROM deb_contents WHERE binary_id=$1 and suite=$2",
++ ["int","int"]),
++ [TD["old"]["bin"], TD["old"]["suite"]])
++ if event == "INSERT" or event == "UPDATE":
++ content_data = plpy.execute(plpy.prepare(
++ """SELECT s.section, b.package, b.architecture, ot.type
++ FROM override o
++ JOIN override_type ot on o.type=ot.id
++ JOIN binaries b on b.package=o.package
++ JOIN files f on b.file=f.id
++ JOIN location l on l.id=f.location
++ JOIN section s on s.id=o.section
++ WHERE b.id=$1
++ AND o.suite=$2
++ """,
++ ["int", "int"]),
++ [TD["new"]["bin"], TD["new"]["suite"]])[0]
++ tablename="%s_contents" % content_data['type']
++ plpy.execute(plpy.prepare("""DELETE FROM %s
++ WHERE package=$1 and arch=$2 and suite=$3""" % tablename,
++ ['text','int','int']),
++ [content_data['package'],
++ content_data['architecture'],
++ TD["new"]["suite"]])
++ filenames = plpy.execute(plpy.prepare(
++ "SELECT bc.file FROM bin_contents bc where bc.binary_id=$1",
++ ["int"]),
++ [TD["new"]["bin"]])
++ for filename in filenames:
++ plpy.execute(plpy.prepare(
++ """INSERT INTO %s
++ (filename,section,package,binary_id,arch,suite)
++ VALUES($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6)""" % tablename,
++ ["text","text","text","int","int","int"]),
++ [filename["file"],
++ content_data["section"],
++ content_data["package"],
++ TD["new"]["bin"],
++ content_data["architecture"],
++ TD["new"]["suite"]] )
++ c.execute( """CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_contents_for_override() RETURNS trigger AS $$
++ event = TD["event"]
++ if event == "UPDATE":
++ otype = plpy.execute(plpy.prepare("SELECT type from override_type where id=$1",["int"]),[TD["new"]["type"]] )[0];
++ if otype["type"].endswith("deb"):
++ section = plpy.execute(plpy.prepare("SELECT section from section where id=$1",["int"]),[TD["new"]["section"]] )[0];
++ table_name = "%s_contents" % otype["type"]
++ plpy.execute(plpy.prepare("UPDATE %s set section=$1 where package=$2 and suite=$3" % table_name,
++ ["text","text","int"]),
++ [section["section"],
++ TD["new"]["package"],
++ TD["new"]["suite"]])
++ c.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_contents_for_override()
++ RETURNS trigger AS $$
++ event = TD["event"]
++ if event == "UPDATE" or event == "INSERT":
++ row = TD["new"]
++ r = plpy.execute(plpy.prepare( """SELECT 1 from suite_architectures sa
++ JOIN binaries b ON b.architecture = sa.architecture
++ WHERE b.id = $1 and sa.suite = $2""",
++ ["int", "int"]),
++ [row["bin"], row["suite"]])
++ if not len(r):
++ plpy.error("Illegal architecture for this suite")
++$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu VOLATILE;""")
++ c.execute( """CREATE TRIGGER illegal_suite_arch_bin_associations_trigger
++ BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON bin_associations
++ FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_contents_for_override();""")
++ c.execute( """CREATE TRIGGER bin_associations_contents_trigger
++ FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_contents_for_bin_a();""")
++ c.execute("""CREATE TRIGGER override_contents_trigger
++ AFTER UPDATE ON override
++ FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_contents_for_override();""")
++ c.execute( "CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_name ON deb_contents(package);");
++ c.execute( "CREATE INDEX ind_udeb_contents_name ON udeb_contents(package);");
++ c.execute("UPDATE config SET value = '28' WHERE name = 'db_revision'")
++ self.db.commit()
++ except psycopg2.ProgrammingError, msg:
++ self.db.rollback()
++ raise DBUpdateError, "Unable to apply process-new update 28, rollback issued. Error message : %s" % (str(msg))
--- /dev/null
+ #!/usr/bin/env python
+ # coding=utf8
+ """
+ Import known_changes files
+ @contact: Debian FTP Master <ftpmaster@debian.org>
+ @copyright: 2009 Mike O'Connor <stew@debian.org>
+ @license: GNU General Public License version 2 or later
+ """
+ # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ # (at your option) any later version.
+ # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ # GNU General Public License for more details.
+ # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ ################################################################################
+ ################################################################################
+ import sys
+ import os
+ import logging
+ import threading
+ import glob
+ import apt_pkg
+ from daklib.dbconn import DBConn, get_dbchange, get_policy_queue, session_wrapper, ChangePendingFile, get_location, check_poolfile
+ from daklib.config import Config
+ from daklib.queue import Upload
+ from daklib.utils import poolify
+ # where in dak.conf all of our configuration will be stowed
+ options_prefix = "NewFiles"
+ options_prefix = "%s::Options" % options_prefix
+ log = logging.getLogger()
+ ################################################################################
+ def usage (exit_code=0):
+ print """Usage: dak import-new-files [options]
+ -v, --verbose
+ show verbose information messages
+ -q, --quiet
+ supress all output but errors
+ """
+ sys.exit(exit_code)
+ class ImportNewFiles(object):
+ @session_wrapper
+ def __init__(self, session=None):
+ cnf = Config()
+ try:
+ newq = get_policy_queue('new', session)
+ for changes_fn in glob.glob(newq.path + "/*.changes"):
+ changes_bn = os.path.basename(changes_fn)
+ chg = get_dbchange(changes_bn, session)
+ u = Upload()
+ success = u.load_changes(changes_fn)
+ u.pkg.changes_file = changes_bn
+ u.check_hashes()
+ if not chg:
+ chg = u.pkg.add_known_changes(newq.path, newq.policy_queue_id, session)
+ session.add(chg)
+ if not success:
+ log.critical("failed to load %s" % changes_fn)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ log.critical("ACCLAIM: %s" % changes_fn)
+ files=[]
+ for chg_fn in u.pkg.files.keys():
+ try:
+ f = open(os.path.join(newq.path, chg_fn))
+ cpf = ChangePendingFile()
+ cpf.filename = chg_fn
+ cpf.size = u.pkg.files[chg_fn]['size']
+ cpf.md5sum = u.pkg.files[chg_fn]['md5sum']
+ if u.pkg.files[chg_fn].has_key('sha1sum'):
+ cpf.sha1sum = u.pkg.files[chg_fn]['sha1sum']
+ else:
+ log.warning("Having to generate sha1sum for %s" % chg_fn)
+ f.seek(0)
+ cpf.sha1sum = apt_pkg.sha1sum(f)
+ if u.pkg.files[chg_fn].has_key('sha256sum'):
+ cpf.sha256sum = u.pkg.files[chg_fn]['sha256sum']
+ else:
+ log.warning("Having to generate sha256sum for %s" % chg_fn)
+ f.seek(0)
+ cpf.sha256sum = apt_pkg.sha256sum(f)
+ session.add(cpf)
+ files.append(cpf)
+ f.close()
+ except IOError:
+ # Can't find the file, try to look it up in the pool
+ poolname = poolify(u.pkg.changes["source"], u.pkg.files[chg_fn]["component"])
+ l = get_location(cnf["Dir::Pool"], u.pkg.files[chg_fn]["component"], session=session)
+ if not l:
+ log.critical("ERROR: Can't find location for %s (component %s)" % (chg_fn, u.pkg.files[chg_fn]["component"]))
+ found, poolfile = check_poolfile(os.path.join(poolname, chg_fn),
+ u.pkg.files[chg_fn]['size'],
+ u.pkg.files[chg_fn]["md5sum"],
+ l.location_id,
+ session=session)
+ if found is None:
+ log.critical("ERROR: Found multiple files for %s in pool" % chg_fn)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif found is False and poolfile is not None:
+ log.critical("ERROR: md5sum / size mismatch for %s in pool" % chg_fn)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ if poolfile is None:
+ log.critical("ERROR: Could not find %s in pool" % chg_fn)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ chg.poolfiles.append(poolfile)
+ chg.files = files
+ session.commit()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print("Caught C-c; terminating.")
+ utils.warn("Caught C-c; terminating.")
+ self.plsDie()
+ def main():
+ cnf = Config()
+ arguments = [('h',"help", "%s::%s" % (options_prefix,"Help")),
+ ('q',"quiet", "%s::%s" % (options_prefix,"Quiet")),
+ ('v',"verbose", "%s::%s" % (options_prefix,"Verbose")),
+ ]
+ args = apt_pkg.ParseCommandLine(cnf.Cnf, arguments,sys.argv)
+ num_threads = 1
+ if len(args) > 0:
+ usage(1)
+ if cnf.has_key("%s::%s" % (options_prefix,"Help")):
+ usage(0)
+ level=logging.INFO
+ if cnf.has_key("%s::%s" % (options_prefix,"Quiet")):
+ level=logging.ERROR
+ elif cnf.has_key("%s::%s" % (options_prefix,"Verbose")):
+ level=logging.DEBUG
+ logging.basicConfig( level=level,
+ format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',
+ stream = sys.stderr )
+ ImportNewFiles()
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
multivalues[key] = self.changes[key]
- # TODO: Use ORM
- session.execute(
- """INSERT INTO changes
- (changesname, in_queue, seen, source, binaries, architecture, version,
- distribution, urgency, maintainer, fingerprint, changedby, date)
- VALUES (:changesfile,:in_queue,:filetime,:source,:binary, :architecture,
- :version,:distribution,:urgency,:maintainer,:fingerprint,:changedby,:date)""",
- { 'changesfile': self.changes_file,
- 'filetime': filetime,
- 'in_queue': in_queue,
- 'source': self.changes["source"],
- 'binary': multivalues["binary"],
- 'architecture': multivalues["architecture"],
- 'version': self.changes["version"],
- 'distribution': multivalues["distribution"],
- 'urgency': self.changes["urgency"],
- 'maintainer': self.changes["maintainer"],
- 'fingerprint': self.changes["fingerprint"],
- 'changedby': self.changes["changed-by"],
- 'date': self.changes["date"]} )
+ chg = DBChange()
+ chg.changesname = self.changes_file
+ chg.seen = filetime
+ chg.in_queue_id = in_queue
+ chg.source = self.changes["source"]
+ chg.binaries = multivalues["binary"]
+ chg.architecture = multivalues["architecture"]
+ chg.version = self.changes["version"]
+ chg.distribution = multivalues["distribution"]
+ chg.urgency = self.changes["urgency"]
+ chg.maintainer = self.changes["maintainer"]
+ chg.fingerprint = self.changes["fingerprint"]
+ chg.changedby = self.changes["changed-by"]
+ chg.date = self.changes["date"]
+ session.add(chg)
+ files = []
+ for chg_fn, entry in self.files.items():
+ try:
+ f = open(os.path.join(dirpath, chg_fn))
+ cpf = ChangePendingFile()
+ cpf.filename = chg_fn
+ cpf.size = entry['size']
+ cpf.md5sum = entry['md5sum']
+ if entry.has_key('sha1sum'):
+ cpf.sha1sum = entry['sha1sum']
+ else:
+ f.seek(0)
+ cpf.sha1sum = apt_pkg.sha1sum(f)
+ if entry.has_key('sha256sum'):
+ cpf.sha256sum = entry['sha256sum']
+ else:
+ f.seek(0)
+ cpf.sha256sum = apt_pkg.sha256sum(f)
+ session.add(cpf)
+ files.append(cpf)
+ f.close()
+ except IOError:
+ # Can't find the file, try to look it up in the pool
+ poolname = poolify(entry["source"], entry["component"])
+ l = get_location(cnf["Dir::Pool"], entry["component"], session=session)
+ found, poolfile = check_poolfile(os.path.join(poolname, chg_fn),
+ entry['size'],
+ entry["md5sum"],
+ l.location_id,
+ session=session)
+ if found is None:
+ Logger.log(["E: Found multiple files for pool (%s) for %s" % (chg_fn, entry["component"])])
+ elif found is False and poolfile is not None:
+ Logger.log(["E: md5sum/size mismatch for %s in pool" % (chg_fn)])
+ else:
+ if poolfile is None:
+ Logger.log(["E: Could not find %s in pool" % (chg_fn)])
+ else:
+ chg.poolfiles.append(poolfile)
+ chg.files = files
+ chg = session.query(DBChange).filter_by(changesname = self.changes_file).one();
- return session.query(DBChange).filter_by(changesname = self.changes_file).one()
+ return chg
def unknown_files_fields(self, name):
return sorted(list( set(self.files[name].keys()) -