--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2012, Ansgar Burchardt <ansgar@debian.org>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+"""module to manipulate the archive
+This module provides classes to manipulate the archive.
+from .dbconn import *
+import daklib.checks as checks
+from daklib.config import Config
+import daklib.upload as upload
+import daklib.utils as utils
+from .fstransactions import FilesystemTransaction
+from .regexes import re_changelog_versions
+import apt_pkg
+from datetime import datetime
+import os
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
+import tempfile
+import traceback
+class ArchiveException(Exception):
+ pass
+class HashMismatchException(ArchiveException):
+ pass
+class ArchiveTransaction(object):
+ """manipulate the archive in a transaction
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.fs = FilesystemTransaction()
+ self.session = DBConn().session()
+ def get_file(self, hashed_file, source_name):
+ """Look for file `hashed_file` in database
+ Args:
+ hashed_file (daklib.upload.HashedFile): file to look for in the database
+ Raises:
+ KeyError: file was not found in the database
+ HashMismatchException: hash mismatch
+ Returns:
+ `daklib.dbconn.PoolFile` object for the database
+ """
+ poolname = os.path.join(utils.poolify(source_name), hashed_file.filename)
+ try:
+ poolfile = self.session.query(PoolFile).filter_by(filename=poolname).one()
+ if poolfile.filesize != hashed_file.size or poolfile.md5sum != hashed_file.md5sum or poolfile.sha1sum != hashed_file.sha1sum or poolfile.sha256sum != hashed_file.sha256sum:
+ raise HashMismatchException('{0}: Does not match file already existing in the pool.'.format(hashed_file.filename))
+ return poolfile
+ except NoResultFound:
+ raise KeyError('{0} not found in database.'.format(poolname))
+ def _install_file(self, directory, hashed_file, archive, component, source_name):
+ """Install a file
+ Will not give an error when the file is already present.
+ Returns:
+ `daklib.dbconn.PoolFile` object for the new file
+ """
+ session = self.session
+ poolname = os.path.join(utils.poolify(source_name), hashed_file.filename)
+ try:
+ poolfile = self.get_file(hashed_file, source_name)
+ except KeyError:
+ poolfile = PoolFile(filename=poolname, filesize=hashed_file.size)
+ poolfile.md5sum = hashed_file.md5sum
+ poolfile.sha1sum = hashed_file.sha1sum
+ poolfile.sha256sum = hashed_file.sha256sum
+ session.add(poolfile)
+ session.flush()
+ try:
+ session.query(ArchiveFile).filter_by(archive=archive, component=component, file=poolfile).one()
+ except NoResultFound:
+ archive_file = ArchiveFile(archive, component, poolfile)
+ session.add(archive_file)
+ session.flush()
+ path = os.path.join(archive.path, 'pool', component.component_name, poolname)
+ hashed_file_path = os.path.join(directory, hashed_file.filename)
+ self.fs.copy(hashed_file_path, path, link=False, mode=archive.mode)
+ return poolfile
+ def install_binary(self, directory, binary, suite, component, allow_tainted=False, fingerprint=None, source_suites=None, extra_source_archives=None):
+ """Install a binary package
+ Args:
+ directory (str): directory the binary package is located in
+ binary (daklib.upload.Binary): binary package to install
+ suite (daklib.dbconn.Suite): target suite
+ component (daklib.dbconn.Component): target component
+ Kwargs:
+ allow_tainted (bool): allow to copy additional files from tainted archives
+ fingerprint (daklib.dbconn.Fingerprint): optional fingerprint
+ source_suites (list of daklib.dbconn.Suite or True): suites to copy
+ the source from if they are not in `suite` or True to allow
+ copying from any suite.
+ This can also be a SQLAlchemy (sub)query object.
+ extra_source_archives (list of daklib.dbconn.Archive): extra archives to copy Built-Using sources from
+ Returns:
+ `daklib.dbconn.DBBinary` object for the new package
+ """
+ session = self.session
+ control = binary.control
+ maintainer = get_or_set_maintainer(control['Maintainer'], session)
+ architecture = get_architecture(control['Architecture'], session)
+ (source_name, source_version) = binary.source
+ source_query = session.query(DBSource).filter_by(source=source_name, version=source_version)
+ source = source_query.filter(DBSource.suites.contains(suite)).first()
+ if source is None:
+ if source_suites != True:
+ source_query = source_query.filter(DBSource.suites.any(source_suites))
+ source = source_query.first()
+ if source is None:
+ raise ArchiveException('{0}: trying to install to {1}, but could not find source'.format(binary.hashed_file.filename, suite.suite_name))
+ self.copy_source(source, suite, component)
+ db_file = self._install_file(directory, binary.hashed_file, suite.archive, component, source_name)
+ unique = dict(
+ package=control['Package'],
+ version=control['Version'],
+ architecture=architecture,
+ )
+ rest = dict(
+ source=source,
+ maintainer=maintainer,
+ poolfile=db_file,
+ binarytype=binary.type,
+ fingerprint=fingerprint,
+ )
+ try:
+ db_binary = session.query(DBBinary).filter_by(**unique).one()
+ for key, value in rest.iteritems():
+ if getattr(db_binary, key) != value:
+ raise ArchiveException('{0}: Does not match binary in database.'.format(binary.hashed_file.filename))
+ except NoResultFound:
+ db_binary = DBBinary(**unique)
+ for key, value in rest.iteritems():
+ setattr(db_binary, key, value)
+ session.add(db_binary)
+ session.flush()
+ import_metadata_into_db(db_binary, session)
+ self._add_built_using(db_binary, binary.hashed_file.filename, control, suite, extra_archives=extra_source_archives)
+ if suite not in db_binary.suites:
+ db_binary.suites.append(suite)
+ session.flush()
+ return db_binary
+ def _ensure_extra_source_exists(self, filename, source, archive, extra_archives=None):
+ """ensure source exists in the given archive
+ This is intended to be used to check that Built-Using sources exist.
+ Args:
+ filename (str): filename to use in error messages
+ source (daklib.dbconn.DBSource): source to look for
+ archive (daklib.dbconn.Archive): archive to look in
+ Kwargs:
+ extra_archives (list of daklib.dbconn.Archive): list of archives to copy
+ the source package from if it is not yet present in `archive`
+ """
+ session = self.session
+ db_file = session.query(ArchiveFile).filter_by(file=source.poolfile, archive=archive).first()
+ if db_file is not None:
+ return True
+ # Try to copy file from one extra archive
+ if extra_archives is None:
+ extra_archives = []
+ db_file = session.query(ArchiveFile).filter_by(file=source.poolfile).filter(ArchiveFile.archive_id.in_([ a.archive_id for a in extra_archives])).first()
+ if db_file is None:
+ raise ArchiveException('{0}: Built-Using refers to package {1} (= {2}) not in target archive {3}.'.format(filename, source.source, source.version, archive.archive_name))
+ source_archive = db_file.archive
+ for dsc_file in source.srcfiles:
+ af = session.query(ArchiveFile).filter_by(file=dsc_file.poolfile, archive=source_archive, component=db_file.component).one()
+ # We were given an explicit list of archives so it is okay to copy from tainted archives.
+ self._copy_file(af.file, archive, db_file.component, allow_tainted=True)
+ def _add_built_using(self, db_binary, filename, control, suite, extra_archives=None):
+ """Add Built-Using sources to `db_binary.extra_sources`
+ """
+ session = self.session
+ built_using = control.get('Built-Using', None)
+ if built_using is not None:
+ for dep in apt_pkg.parse_depends(built_using):
+ assert len(dep) == 1, 'Alternatives are not allowed in Built-Using field'
+ bu_source_name, bu_source_version, comp = dep[0]
+ assert comp == '=', 'Built-Using must contain strict dependencies'
+ bu_source = session.query(DBSource).filter_by(source=bu_source_name, version=bu_source_version).first()
+ if bu_source is None:
+ raise ArchiveException('{0}: Built-Using refers to non-existing source package {1} (= {2})'.format(filename, bu_source_name, bu_source_version))
+ self._ensure_extra_source_exists(filename, bu_source, suite.archive, extra_archives=extra_archives)
+ db_binary.extra_sources.append(bu_source)
+ def install_source(self, directory, source, suite, component, changed_by, allow_tainted=False, fingerprint=None):
+ """Install a source package
+ Args:
+ directory (str): directory the source package is located in
+ source (daklib.upload.Source): source package to install
+ suite (daklib.dbconn.Suite): target suite
+ component (daklib.dbconn.Component): target component
+ changed_by (daklib.dbconn.Maintainer): person who prepared this version of the package
+ Kwargs:
+ allow_tainted (bool): allow to copy additional files from tainted archives
+ fingerprint (daklib.dbconn.Fingerprint): optional fingerprint
+ Returns:
+ `daklib.dbconn.DBSource` object for the new source
+ """
+ session = self.session
+ archive = suite.archive
+ control = source.dsc
+ maintainer = get_or_set_maintainer(control['Maintainer'], session)
+ source_name = control['Source']
+ ### Add source package to database
+ # We need to install the .dsc first as the DBSource object refers to it.
+ db_file_dsc = self._install_file(directory, source._dsc_file, archive, component, source_name)
+ unique = dict(
+ source=source_name,
+ version=control['Version'],
+ )
+ rest = dict(
+ maintainer=maintainer,
+ changedby=changed_by,
+ #install_date=datetime.now().date(),
+ poolfile=db_file_dsc,
+ fingerprint=fingerprint,
+ dm_upload_allowed=(control.get('DM-Upload-Allowed', 'no') == 'yes'),
+ )
+ created = False
+ try:
+ db_source = session.query(DBSource).filter_by(**unique).one()
+ for key, value in rest.iteritems():
+ if getattr(db_source, key) != value:
+ raise ArchiveException('{0}: Does not match source in database.'.format(source._dsc_file.filename))
+ except NoResultFound:
+ created = True
+ db_source = DBSource(**unique)
+ for key, value in rest.iteritems():
+ setattr(db_source, key, value)
+ # XXX: set as default in postgres?
+ db_source.install_date = datetime.now().date()
+ session.add(db_source)
+ session.flush()
+ # Add .dsc file. Other files will be added later.
+ db_dsc_file = DSCFile()
+ db_dsc_file.source = db_source
+ db_dsc_file.poolfile = db_file_dsc
+ session.add(db_dsc_file)
+ session.flush()
+ if suite in db_source.suites:
+ return db_source
+ db_source.suites.append(suite)
+ if not created:
+ return db_source
+ ### Now add remaining files and copy them to the archive.
+ for hashed_file in source.files.itervalues():
+ hashed_file_path = os.path.join(directory, hashed_file.filename)
+ if os.path.exists(hashed_file_path):
+ db_file = self._install_file(directory, hashed_file, archive, component, source_name)
+ session.add(db_file)
+ else:
+ db_file = self.get_file(hashed_file, source_name)
+ self._copy_file(db_file, archive, component, allow_tainted=allow_tainted)
+ db_dsc_file = DSCFile()
+ db_dsc_file.source = db_source
+ db_dsc_file.poolfile = db_file
+ session.add(db_dsc_file)
+ session.flush()
+ # Importing is safe as we only arrive here when we did not find the source already installed earlier.
+ import_metadata_into_db(db_source, session)
+ # Uploaders are the maintainer and co-maintainers from the Uploaders field
+ db_source.uploaders.append(maintainer)
+ if 'Uploaders' in control:
+ def split_uploaders(field):
+ import re
+ for u in re.sub(">[ ]*,", ">\t", field).split("\t"):
+ yield u.strip()
+ for u in split_uploaders(control['Uploaders']):
+ db_source.uploaders.append(get_or_set_maintainer(u, session))
+ session.flush()
+ return db_source
+ def _copy_file(self, db_file, archive, component, allow_tainted=False):
+ """Copy a file to the given archive and component
+ Args:
+ db_file (daklib.dbconn.PoolFile): file to copy
+ archive (daklib.dbconn.Archive): target archive
+ component (daklib.dbconn.Component): target component
+ Kwargs:
+ allow_tainted (bool): allow to copy from tainted archives (such as NEW)
+ """
+ session = self.session
+ if session.query(ArchiveFile).filter_by(archive=archive, component=component, file=db_file).first() is None:
+ query = session.query(ArchiveFile).filter_by(file=db_file, component=component)
+ if not allow_tainted:
+ query = query.join(Archive).filter(Archive.tainted == False)
+ source_af = query.first()
+ if source_af is None:
+ raise ArchiveException('cp: Could not find {0} in component {1} in any archive.'.format(db_file.filename, component.component_name))
+ target_af = ArchiveFile(archive, component, db_file)
+ session.add(target_af)
+ session.flush()
+ self.fs.copy(source_af.path, target_af.path, link=False, mode=archive.mode)
+ def copy_binary(self, db_binary, suite, component, allow_tainted=False, extra_archives=None):
+ """Copy a binary package to the given suite and component
+ Args:
+ db_binary (daklib.dbconn.DBBinary): binary to copy
+ suite (daklib.dbconn.Suite): target suite
+ component (daklib.dbconn.Component): target component
+ Kwargs:
+ allow_tainted (bool): allow to copy from tainted archives (such as NEW)
+ extra_archives (list of daklib.dbconn.Archive): extra archives to copy Built-Using sources from
+ """
+ session = self.session
+ archive = suite.archive
+ if archive.tainted:
+ allow_tainted = True
+ # make sure built-using packages are present in target archive
+ filename = db_binary.poolfile.filename
+ for db_source in db_binary.extra_sources:
+ self._ensure_extra_source_exists(filename, db_source, archive, extra_archives=extra_archives)
+ # copy binary
+ db_file = db_binary.poolfile
+ self._copy_file(db_file, suite.archive, component, allow_tainted=allow_tainted)
+ if suite not in db_binary.suites:
+ db_binary.suites.append(suite)
+ self.session.flush()
+ def copy_source(self, db_source, suite, component, allow_tainted=False):
+ """Copy a source package to the given suite and component
+ Args:
+ db_source (daklib.dbconn.DBSource): source to copy
+ suite (daklib.dbconn.Suite): target suite
+ component (daklib.dbconn.Component): target component
+ Kwargs:
+ allow_tainted (bool): allow to copy from tainted archives (such as NEW)
+ """
+ archive = suite.archive
+ if archive.tainted:
+ allow_tainted = True
+ for db_dsc_file in db_source.srcfiles:
+ self._copy_file(db_dsc_file.poolfile, archive, component, allow_tainted=allow_tainted)
+ if suite not in db_source.suites:
+ db_source.suites.append(suite)
+ self.session.flush()
+ def remove_file(self, db_file, archive, component):
+ """Remove a file from a given archive and component
+ Args:
+ db_file (daklib.dbconn.PoolFile): file to remove
+ archive (daklib.dbconn.Archive): archive to remove the file from
+ component (daklib.dbconn.Component): component to remove the file from
+ """
+ af = self.session.query(ArchiveFile).filter_by(file=db_file, archive=archive, component=component)
+ self.fs.unlink(af.path)
+ self.session.delete(af)
+ def remove_binary(self, binary, suite):
+ """Remove a binary from a given suite and component
+ Args:
+ binary (daklib.dbconn.DBBinary): binary to remove
+ suite (daklib.dbconn.Suite): suite to remove the package from
+ """
+ binary.suites.remove(suite)
+ self.session.flush()
+ def remove_source(self, source, suite):
+ """Remove a source from a given suite and component
+ Raises:
+ ArchiveException: source package is still referenced by other
+ binaries in the suite
+ Args:
+ binary (daklib.dbconn.DBSource): source to remove
+ suite (daklib.dbconn.Suite): suite to remove the package from
+ """
+ session = self.session
+ query = session.query(DBBinary).filter_by(source=source) \
+ .filter(DBBinary.suites.contains(suite))
+ if query.first() is not None:
+ raise ArchiveException('src:{0} is still used by binaries in suite {1}'.format(source.source, suite.suite_name))
+ source.suites.remove(suite)
+ session.flush()
+ def commit(self):
+ """commit changes"""
+ try:
+ self.session.commit()
+ self.fs.commit()
+ finally:
+ self.session.rollback()
+ self.fs.rollback()
+ def rollback(self):
+ """rollback changes"""
+ self.session.rollback()
+ self.fs.rollback()
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
+ if type is None:
+ self.commit()
+ else:
+ self.rollback()
+ return None
+class ArchiveUpload(object):
+ """handle an upload
+ This class can be used in a with-statement:
+ with ArchiveUpload(...) as upload:
+ ...
+ Doing so will automatically run any required cleanup and also rollback the
+ transaction if it was not committed.
+ Attributes:
+ changes (daklib.upload.Changes): upload to process
+ directory (str): directory with temporary copy of files. set by `prepare`
+ fingerprint (daklib.dbconn.Fingerprint): fingerprint used to sign the upload
+ new (bool): upload is NEW. set by `check`
+ reject_reasons (list of str): reasons why the upload cannot be accepted
+ session: database session
+ transaction (daklib.archive.ArchiveTransaction): transaction used to handle the upload
+ warnings (list of str): warnings (NOT USED YET)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, directory, changes, keyrings):
+ self.transaction = ArchiveTransaction()
+ self.session = self.transaction.session
+ self.original_directory = directory
+ self.original_changes = changes
+ self.changes = None
+ self.directory = None
+ self.keyrings = keyrings
+ self.fingerprint = self.session.query(Fingerprint).filter_by(fingerprint=changes.primary_fingerprint).one()
+ self.reject_reasons = []
+ self.warnings = []
+ self.final_suites = None
+ self.new = False
+ self._new_queue = self.session.query(PolicyQueue).filter_by(queue_name='new').one()
+ self._new = self._new_queue.suite
+ def prepare(self):
+ """prepare upload for further processing
+ This copies the files involved to a temporary directory. If you use
+ this method directly, you have to remove the directory given by the
+ `directory` attribute later on your own.
+ Instead of using the method directly, you can also use a with-statement:
+ with ArchiveUpload(...) as upload:
+ ...
+ This will automatically handle any required cleanup.
+ """
+ assert self.directory is None
+ assert self.original_changes.valid_signature
+ cnf = Config()
+ session = self.transaction.session
+ self.directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=cnf.get('Dir::TempPath'))
+ with FilesystemTransaction() as fs:
+ src = os.path.join(self.original_directory, self.original_changes.filename)
+ dst = os.path.join(self.directory, self.original_changes.filename)
+ fs.copy(src, dst)
+ self.changes = upload.Changes(self.directory, self.original_changes.filename, self.keyrings)
+ for f in self.changes.files.itervalues():
+ src = os.path.join(self.original_directory, f.filename)
+ dst = os.path.join(self.directory, f.filename)
+ fs.copy(src, dst)
+ source = self.changes.source
+ if source is not None:
+ for f in source.files.itervalues():
+ src = os.path.join(self.original_directory, f.filename)
+ dst = os.path.join(self.directory, f.filename)
+ if f.filename not in self.changes.files:
+ db_file = self.transaction.get_file(f, source.dsc['Source'])
+ db_archive_file = session.query(ArchiveFile).filter_by(file=db_file).first()
+ fs.copy(db_archive_file.path, dst, symlink=True)
+ def unpacked_source(self):
+ """Path to unpacked source
+ Get path to the unpacked source. This method does unpack the source
+ into a temporary directory under `self.directory` if it has not
+ been done so already.
+ Returns:
+ String giving the path to the unpacked source directory
+ or None if no source was included in the upload.
+ """
+ assert self.directory is not None
+ source = self.changes.source
+ if source is None:
+ return None
+ dsc_path = os.path.join(self.directory, source._dsc_file.filename)
+ sourcedir = os.path.join(self.directory, 'source')
+ if not os.path.exists(sourcedir):
+ subprocess.check_call(["dpkg-source", "--no-copy", "-x", dsc_path, sourcedir], shell=False)
+ if not os.path.isdir(sourcedir):
+ raise Exception("{0} is not a directory after extracting source package".format(sourcedir))
+ return sourcedir
+ def _map_suite(self, suite_name):
+ for rule in Config().value_list("SuiteMappings"):
+ fields = rule.split()
+ rtype = fields[0]
+ if rtype == "map" or rtype == "silent-map":
+ (src, dst) = fields[1:3]
+ if src == suite_name:
+ suite_name = dst
+ if rtype != "silent-map":
+ self.warnings.append('Mapping {0} to {0}.'.format(src, dst))
+ elif rtype == "ignore":
+ ignored = fields[1]
+ if suite_name == ignored:
+ self.warnings.append('Ignoring target suite {0}.'.format(ignored))
+ suite_name = None
+ elif rtype == "reject":
+ rejected = fields[1]
+ if suite_name == rejected:
+ self.reject_reasons.append('Uploads to {0} are not accepted.'.format(suite))
+ ## XXX: propup-version and map-unreleased not yet implemented
+ return suite_name
+ def _mapped_suites(self):
+ """Get target suites after mappings
+ Returns:
+ list of daklib.dbconn.Suite giving the mapped target suites of this upload
+ """
+ session = self.session
+ suite_names = []
+ for dist in self.changes.distributions:
+ suite_name = self._map_suite(dist)
+ if suite_name is not None:
+ suite_names.append(suite_name)
+ suites = session.query(Suite).filter(Suite.suite_name.in_(suite_names))
+ return suites
+ def _check_new(self, suite):
+ """Check if upload is NEW
+ An upload is NEW if it has binary or source packages that do not have
+ an override in `suite` OR if it references files ONLY in a tainted
+ archive (eg. when it references files in NEW).
+ Returns:
+ True if the upload is NEW, False otherwise
+ """
+ session = self.session
+ # Check for missing overrides
+ for b in self.changes.binaries:
+ override = self._binary_override(suite, b)
+ if override is None:
+ return True
+ if self.changes.source is not None:
+ override = self._source_override(suite, self.changes.source)
+ if override is None:
+ return True
+ # Check if we reference a file only in a tainted archive
+ files = self.changes.files.values()
+ if self.changes.source is not None:
+ files.extend(self.changes.source.files.values())
+ for f in files:
+ query = session.query(ArchiveFile).join(PoolFile).filter(PoolFile.sha1sum == f.sha1sum)
+ query_untainted = query.join(Archive).filter(Archive.tainted == False)
+ in_archive = (query.first() is not None)
+ in_untainted_archive = (query_untainted.first() is not None)
+ if in_archive and not in_untainted_archive:
+ return True
+ def _final_suites(self):
+ session = self.session
+ mapped_suites = self._mapped_suites()
+ final_suites = set()
+ for suite in mapped_suites:
+ overridesuite = suite
+ if suite.overridesuite is not None:
+ overridesuite = session.query(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=suite.overridesuite).one()
+ if self._check_new(overridesuite):
+ self.new = True
+ final_suites.add(suite)
+ return final_suites
+ def _binary_override(self, suite, binary):
+ """Get override entry for a binary
+ Args:
+ suite (daklib.dbconn.Suite)
+ binary (daklib.upload.Binary)
+ Returns:
+ daklib.dbconn.Override or None
+ """
+ if suite.overridesuite is not None:
+ suite = session.query(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=suite.overridesuite).one()
+ query = self.session.query(Override).filter_by(suite=suite, package=binary.control['Package']) \
+ .join(Component).filter(Component.component_name == binary.component) \
+ .join(OverrideType).filter(OverrideType.overridetype == binary.type)
+ try:
+ return query.one()
+ except NoResultFound:
+ return None
+ def _source_override(self, suite, source):
+ """Get override entry for a source
+ Args:
+ suite (daklib.dbconn.Suite)
+ source (daklib.upload.Source)
+ Returns:
+ daklib.dbconn.Override or None
+ """
+ if suite.overridesuite is not None:
+ suite = session.query(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=suite.overridesuite).one()
+ # XXX: component for source?
+ query = self.session.query(Override).filter_by(suite=suite, package=source.dsc['Source']) \
+ .join(OverrideType).filter(OverrideType.overridetype == 'dsc')
+ try:
+ return query.one()
+ except NoResultFound:
+ return None
+ def check(self, force=False):
+ """run checks against the upload
+ Args:
+ force (bool): ignore failing forcable checks
+ Returns:
+ True if all checks passed, False otherwise
+ """
+ # XXX: needs to be better structured.
+ assert self.changes.valid_signature
+ try:
+ for chk in (
+ checks.SignatureCheck,
+ checks.ChangesCheck,
+ checks.HashesCheck,
+ checks.SourceCheck,
+ checks.BinaryCheck,
+ checks.ACLCheck,
+ checks.SingleDistributionCheck,
+ checks.NoSourceOnlyCheck,
+ checks.LintianCheck,
+ ):
+ chk().check(self)
+ final_suites = self._final_suites()
+ if len(final_suites) == 0:
+ self.reject_reasons.append('Ended with no suite to install to.')
+ return False
+ for chk in (
+ checks.SourceFormatCheck,
+ checks.SuiteArchitectureCheck,
+ checks.VersionCheck,
+ ):
+ for suite in final_suites:
+ chk().per_suite_check(self, suite)
+ if len(self.reject_reasons) != 0:
+ return False
+ self.final_suites = final_suites
+ return True
+ except checks.Reject as e:
+ self.reject_reasons.append(unicode(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.reject_reasons.append("Processing raised an exception: {0}.\n{1}".format(e, traceback.format_exc()))
+ return False
+ def _install_to_suite(self, suite, source_component_func, binary_component_func, source_suites=None, extra_source_archives=None):
+ """Install upload to the given suite
+ Args:
+ suite (daklib.dbconn.Suite): suite to install the package into.
+ This is the real suite, ie. after any redirection to NEW or a policy queue
+ source_component_func: function to get the `daklib.dbconn.Component`
+ for a `daklib.upload.Source` object
+ binary_component_func: function to get the `daklib.dbconn.Component`
+ for a `daklib.upload.Binary` object
+ Kwargs:
+ source_suites: see `daklib.archive.ArchiveTransaction.install_binary`
+ extra_source_archives: see `daklib.archive.ArchiveTransaction.install_binary`
+ Returns:
+ tuple with two elements. The first is a `daklib.dbconn.DBSource`
+ object for the install source or None if no source was included.
+ The second is a list of `daklib.dbconn.DBBinary` objects for the
+ installed binary packages.
+ """
+ # XXX: move this function to ArchiveTransaction?
+ control = self.changes.changes
+ changed_by = get_or_set_maintainer(control.get('Changed-By', control['Maintainer']), self.session)
+ if source_suites is None:
+ source_suites = self.session.query(Suite).join(VersionCheck, VersionCheck.reference_id == Suite.suite_id).filter(VersionCheck.suite == suite).subquery()
+ source = self.changes.source
+ if source is not None:
+ component = source_component_func(source)
+ db_source = self.transaction.install_source(self.directory, source, suite, component, changed_by, fingerprint=self.fingerprint)
+ else:
+ db_source = None
+ db_binaries = []
+ for binary in self.changes.binaries:
+ component = binary_component_func(binary)
+ db_binary = self.transaction.install_binary(self.directory, binary, suite, component, fingerprint=self.fingerprint, source_suites=source_suites, extra_source_archives=extra_source_archives)
+ db_binaries.append(db_binary)
+ if suite.copychanges:
+ src = os.path.join(self.directory, self.changes.filename)
+ dst = os.path.join(suite.archive.path, 'dists', suite.suite_name, self.changes.filename)
+ self.transaction.fs.copy(src, dst)
+ return (db_source, db_binaries)
+ def _install_changes(self):
+ assert self.changes.valid_signature
+ control = self.changes.changes
+ session = self.transaction.session
+ config = Config()
+ changelog_id = None
+ # Only add changelog for sourceful uploads and binNMUs
+ if 'source' in self.changes.architectures or re_bin_only_nmu.search(control['Version']):
+ query = 'INSERT INTO changelogs_text (changelog) VALUES (:changelog) RETURNING id'
+ changelog_id = session.execute(query, {'changelog': control['Changes']}).scalar()
+ assert changelog_id is not None
+ db_changes = DBChange()
+ db_changes.changesname = self.changes.filename
+ db_changes.source = control['Source']
+ db_changes.binaries = control.get('Binary', None)
+ db_changes.architecture = control['Architecture']
+ db_changes.version = control['Version']
+ db_changes.distribution = control['Distribution']
+ db_changes.urgency = control['Urgency']
+ db_changes.maintainer = control['Maintainer']
+ db_changes.changedby = control.get('Changed-By', control['Maintainer'])
+ db_changes.date = control['Date']
+ db_changes.fingerprint = self.fingerprint.fingerprint
+ db_changes.changelog_id = changelog_id
+ db_changes.closes = self.changes.closed_bugs
+ self.transaction.session.add(db_changes)
+ self.transaction.session.flush()
+ return db_changes
+ def _install_policy(self, policy_queue, target_suite, db_changes, db_source, db_binaries):
+ u = PolicyQueueUpload()
+ u.policy_queue = policy_queue
+ u.target_suite = target_suite
+ u.changes = db_changes
+ u.source = db_source
+ u.binaries = db_binaries
+ self.transaction.session.add(u)
+ self.transaction.session.flush()
+ dst = os.path.join(policy_queue.path, self.changes.filename)
+ self.transaction.fs.copy(self.changes.path, dst)
+ return u
+ def try_autobyhand(self):
+ Try to handle byhand packages automatically.
+ Returns:
+ list of `daklib.upload.hashed_file` for the remaining byhand packages
+ """
+ assert len(self.reject_reasons) == 0
+ assert self.changes.valid_signature
+ assert self.final_suites is not None
+ byhand = self.changes.byhand_files
+ if len(byhand) == 0:
+ return True
+ suites = list(self.final_suites)
+ assert len(suites) == 1, "BYHAND uploads must be to a single suite"
+ suite = suites[0]
+ cnf = Config()
+ control = self.changes.changes
+ automatic_byhand_packages = cnf.subtree("AutomaticByHandPackages")
+ remaining = []
+ for f in byhand:
+ package, version, archext = f.filename.split('_', 2)
+ arch, ext = archext.split('.', 1)
+ rule = automatic_byhand_packages.get(package)
+ if rule is None:
+ remaining.append(f)
+ continue
+ if rule['Source'] != control['Source'] or rule['Section'] != f.section or rule['Extension'] != ext:
+ remaining.append(f)
+ continue
+ script = rule['Script']
+ retcode = subprocess.call([script, os.path.join(self.directory, f.filename), control['Version'], arch, os.path.join(self.directory, self.changes.filename)], shell=False)
+ if retcode != 0:
+ print "W: error processing {0}.".format(f.filename)
+ remaining.append(f)
+ return len(remaining) == 0
+ def _install_byhand(self, policy_queue_upload, hashed_file):
+ """
+ Args:
+ policy_queue_upload (daklib.dbconn.PolicyQueueUpload): XXX
+ hashed_file (daklib.upload.HashedFile): XXX
+ """
+ fs = self.transaction.fs
+ session = self.transaction.session
+ policy_queue = policy_queue_upload.policy_queue
+ byhand_file = PolicyQueueByhandFile()
+ byhand_file.upload = policy_queue_upload
+ byhand_file.filename = hashed_file.filename
+ session.add(byhand_file)
+ session.flush()
+ src = os.path.join(self.directory, hashed_file.filename)
+ dst = os.path.join(policy_queue.path, hashed_file.filename)
+ fs.copy(src, dst)
+ return byhand_file
+ def _do_bts_versiontracking(self):
+ cnf = Config()
+ fs = self.transaction.fs
+ btsdir = cnf.get('Dir::BTSVersionTrack')
+ if btsdir is None or btsdir == '':
+ return
+ base = os.path.join(btsdir, self.changes.filename[:-8])
+ # version history
+ sourcedir = self.unpacked_source()
+ if sourcedir is not None:
+ fh = open(os.path.join(sourcedir, 'debian', 'changelog'), 'r')
+ versions = fs.create("{0}.versions".format(base), mode=0o644)
+ for line in fh.readlines():
+ if re_changelog_versions.match(line):
+ versions.write(line)
+ fh.close()
+ versions.close()
+ # binary -> source mapping
+ debinfo = fs.create("{0}.debinfo".format(base), mode=0o644)
+ for binary in self.changes.binaries:
+ control = binary.control
+ source_package, source_version = binary.source
+ line = " ".join([control['Package'], control['Version'], source_package, source_version])
+ print >>debinfo, line
+ debinfo.close()
+ def install(self):
+ """install upload
+ Install upload to a suite or policy queue. This method does *not*
+ handle uploads to NEW.
+ You need to have called the `check` method before calling this method.
+ """
+ assert len(self.reject_reasons) == 0
+ assert self.changes.valid_signature
+ assert self.final_suites is not None
+ assert not self.new
+ db_changes = self._install_changes()
+ for suite in self.final_suites:
+ overridesuite = suite
+ if suite.overridesuite is not None:
+ overridesuite = self.session.query(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=suite.overridesuite).one()
+ redirected_suite = suite
+ if suite.policy_queue is not None:
+ redirected_suite = suite.policy_queue.suite
+ source_component_func = lambda source: self._source_override(overridesuite, source).component
+ binary_component_func = lambda binary: self._binary_override(overridesuite, binary).component
+ (db_source, db_binaries) = self._install_to_suite(redirected_suite, source_component_func, binary_component_func, extra_source_archives=[suite.archive])
+ if suite.policy_queue is not None:
+ self._install_policy(suite.policy_queue, suite, db_changes, db_source, db_binaries)
+ # copy to build queues
+ if suite.policy_queue is None or suite.policy_queue.send_to_build_queues:
+ for build_queue in suite.copy_queues:
+ self._install_to_suite(build_queue.suite, source_component_func, binary_component_func, extra_source_archives=[suite.archive])
+ self._do_bts_versiontracking()
+ def install_to_new(self):
+ """install upload to NEW
+ Install upload to NEW. This method does *not* handle regular uploads
+ to suites or policy queues.
+ You need to have called the `check` method before calling this method.
+ """
+ # Uploads to NEW are special as we don't have overrides.
+ assert len(self.reject_reasons) == 0
+ assert self.changes.valid_signature
+ assert self.final_suites is not None
+ source = self.changes.source
+ binaries = self.changes.binaries
+ byhand = self.changes.byhand_files
+ new_queue = self.transaction.session.query(PolicyQueue).filter_by(queue_name='new').one()
+ if len(byhand) > 0:
+ new_queue = self.transaction.session.query(PolicyQueue).filter_by(queue_name='byhand').one()
+ new_suite = new_queue.suite
+ # we need a suite to guess components
+ suites = list(self.final_suites)
+ assert len(suites) == 1, "NEW uploads must be to a single suite"
+ suite = suites[0]
+ def binary_component_func(binary):
+ override = self._binary_override(suite, binary)
+ if override is not None:
+ return override.component
+ component_name = binary.component
+ component = self.session.query(Component).filter_by(component_name=component_name).one()
+ return component
+ # guess source component
+ # XXX: should be moved into an extra method
+ binary_component_names = set()
+ for binary in binaries:
+ component = binary_component_func(binary)
+ binary_component_names.add(component.component_name)
+ source_component_name = None
+ for guess in ('main', 'contrib', 'non-free'):
+ if guess in binary_component_names:
+ source_component_name = guess
+ break
+ if source_component_name is None:
+ raise Exception('Could not guess source component.')
+ source_component = self.session.query(Component).filter_by(component_name=source_component_name).one()
+ source_component_func = lambda source: source_component
+ db_changes = self._install_changes()
+ (db_source, db_binaries) = self._install_to_suite(new_suite, source_component_func, binary_component_func, source_suites=True, extra_source_archives=[suite.archive])
+ policy_upload = self._install_policy(new_queue, suite, db_changes, db_source, db_binaries)
+ for f in byhand:
+ self._install_byhand(policy_upload, f)
+ self._do_bts_versiontracking()
+ def commit(self):
+ """commit changes"""
+ self.transaction.commit()
+ def rollback(self):
+ """rollback changes"""
+ self.transaction.rollback()
+ def __enter__(self):
+ self.prepare()
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
+ if self.directory is not None:
+ shutil.rmtree(self.directory)
+ self.directory = None
+ self.changes = None
+ self.transaction.rollback()
+ return None