--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Check for obsolete binary packages
+@contact: Debian FTP Master <ftpmaster@debian.org>
+@copyright: 2000-2006 James Troup <james@nocrew.org>
+@copyright: 2009 Torsten Werner <twerner@debian.org>
+@copyright: 2015 Niels Thykier <niels@thykier.net>
+@license: GNU General Public License version 2 or later
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# | priviledged positions? What privilege? The honour of working harder
+# | than most people for absolutely no recognition?
+# Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> in <87lln8aqfm.fsf@glaurung.internal.golden-gryphon.com>
+import sys
+import apt_pkg
+from daklib.config import Config
+from daklib.dbconn import *
+from daklib import utils
+from daklib.cruft import *
+from daklib.rm import remove
+def usage(exit_code=0):
+ print """Usage: dak cruft-report
+Check for obsolete or duplicated packages.
+ -h, --help show this help and exit.
+ -n, --dry-run don't do anything, just show what would have been done
+ -s, --suite=SUITE check suite SUITE."""
+ sys.exit(exit_code)
+def remove_sourceless_cruft(suite_name, suite_id, session, dryrun):
+ """Remove binaries without a source
+ @type suite_name: string
+ @param suite_name: The name of the suite to remove from
+ @type suite_id: int
+ @param suite_id: The id of the suite donated by suite_name
+ @type session: SQLA Session
+ @param session: The database session in use
+ @type dryrun: bool
+ @param dryrun: If True, just to print the actions rather than actually doing them
+ """""
+ global Options
+ rows = query_without_source(suite_id, session)
+ arch_all_id = get_architecture('all', session=session)
+ message = '[auto-cruft] no longer built from source and no reverse dependencies'
+ for row in rows:
+ package = row[0]
+ if utils.check_reverse_depends([package], suite_name, [], session, True):
+ continue
+ if dryrun:
+ # Embed the -R just in case someone wants to run it manually later
+ print 'Would do: dak rm -m "%s" -s %s -a all -p -R -b %s' % \
+ (message, suite_name, package)
+ else:
+ q = session.execute("""
+ SELECT b.package, b.version, a.arch_string, b.id
+ FROM binaries b
+ JOIN bin_associations ba ON b.id = ba.bin
+ JOIN architecture a ON b.architecture = a.id
+ JOIN suite su ON ba.suite = su.id
+ WHERE a.id = :arch_all_id AND b.package = :package AND su.id = :suite_id
+ """, {arch_all_id: arch_all_id, package: package, suite_id: suite_id})
+ remove(session, message, [suite_name], list(q), partial=True, whoami="DAK's auto-decrufter")
+def removeNBS(suite_name, suite_id, session, dryrun):
+ """Remove binaries no longer built
+ @type suite_name: string
+ @param suite_name: The name of the suite to remove from
+ @type suite_id: int
+ @param suite_id: The id of the suite donated by suite_name
+ @type session: SQLA Session
+ @param session: The database session in use
+ @type dryrun: bool
+ @param dryrun: If True, just to print the actions rather than actually doing them
+ """""
+ global Options
+ rows = queryNBS(suite_id, session)
+ arch2ids = {}
+ for row in rows:
+ (pkg_list, arch_list, source, _) = row
+ if utils.check_reverse_depends(pkg_list, suite_name, arch_list, session, True):
+ continue
+ arch_string = ','.join(arch_list)
+ message = '[auto-cruft] NBS (no longer built by %s and had no reverse dependencies)' % source
+ if dryrun:
+ # Embed the -R just in case someone wants to run it manually later
+ pkg_string = ' '.join(pkg_list)
+ print 'Would do: dak rm -m "%s" -s %s -a %s -p -R -b %s' % \
+ (message, suite_name, arch_string, pkg_string)
+ else:
+ for architecture in arch_list:
+ if architecture in arch2ids:
+ arch2ids[architecture] = utils.get_architecture(architecture, session=session)
+ arch_ids = ", ".join(arch2ids[architecture] for architecture in arch_list)
+ pkg_db_set = ", ".join('"%s"' % package for package in pkg_list)
+ # TODO: Fix this properly to remove the remaining non-bind arguments
+ q = session.execute("""
+ SELECT b.package, b.version, a.arch_string, b.id
+ FROM binaries b
+ JOIN bin_associations ba ON b.id = ba.bin
+ JOIN architecture a ON b.architecture = a.id
+ JOIN suite su ON ba.suite = su.id
+ WHERE a.id IN (%s) AND b.package IN (%s) AND su.id = :suite_id
+ """ % (arch_ids, pkg_db_set), { suite_id: suite_id})
+ remove(session, message, [suite_name], list(q), partial=True, whoami="DAK's auto-decrufter")
+def main ():
+ global Options
+ cnf = Config()
+ Arguments = [('h',"help","Auto-Decruft::Options::Help"),
+ ('n',"dry-run","Auto-Decruft::Options::Dry-Run"),
+ ('s',"suite","Auto-Decruft::Options::Suite","HasArg")]
+ for i in ["help", "Dry-Run"]:
+ if not cnf.has_key("Auto-Decruft::Options::%s" % (i)):
+ cnf["Auto-Decruft::Options::%s" % (i)] = ""
+ cnf["Auto-Decruft::Options::Suite"] = cnf.get("Dinstall::DefaultSuite", "unstable")
+ apt_pkg.parse_commandline(cnf.Cnf, Arguments, sys.argv)
+ Options = cnf.subtree("Auto-Decruft::Options")
+ if Options["Help"]:
+ usage()
+ dryrun = False
+ if Options["Dry-Run"]:
+ dryrun = True
+ session = DBConn().session()
+ suite = get_suite(Options["Suite"].lower(), session)
+ if not suite:
+ utils.fubar("Cannot find suite %s" % Options["Suite"].lower())
+ suite_id = suite.suite_id
+ suite_name = suite.suite_name.lower()
+ remove_sourceless_cruft(suite_name, suite_id, session, dryrun)
+ removeNBS(suite_name, suite_id, session, dryrun)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()