@return: Architecture object for the given arch (None if not present)
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
q = session.query(Architecture).filter_by(arch_string=architecture)
if q.count() == 0:
- return None
- return q.one()
+ ret = None
+ else:
+ ret = q.one()
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
@rtype: list
@return: list of Suite objects for the given name (may be empty)
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
q = session.query(Suite)
q = q.join(SuiteArchitecture)
q = q.join(Architecture).filter_by(arch_string=architecture).order_by('suite_name')
- return q.all()
+ ret = q.all()
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
archive = archive.lower()
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
q = session.query(Archive).filter_by(archive_name=archive)
if q.count() == 0:
- return None
- return q.one()
+ ret = None
+ else:
+ ret = q.one()
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
@return: list of Suite objects for the given package
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
- return session.query(Suite).join(BinAssociation).join(DBBinary).filter_by(package=package).all()
+ ret = session.query(Suite).join(BinAssociation).join(DBBinary).filter_by(package=package).all()
+ session.close()
+ return ret
@rtype: DBBinary
@return: DBBinary object for the given binary (None if not present)
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
q = session.query(DBBinary).filter_by(binary_id=id)
if q.count() == 0:
- return None
- return q.one()
+ ret = None
+ else:
+ ret = q.one()
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
@rtype: list
@return: list of DBBinary objects for the given name (may be empty)
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
q = session.query(DBBinary).filter_by(package=package)
architecture = [architecture]
q = q.join(Architecture).filter(Architecture.arch_string.in_(architecture))
- return q.all()
+ ret = q.all()
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
@rtype: list
@return: list of DBBinary objects for the given name (may be empty)
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
- return session.query(DBBinary).filter_by(source_id=source_id).all()
+ privatetrans = True
+ ret = session.query(DBBinary).filter_by(source_id=source_id).all()
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
def get_binary_from_name_suite(package, suitename, session=None):
### For dak examine-package
### XXX: Doesn't use object API yet
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
sql = """SELECT DISTINCT(b.package), b.version, c.name, su.suite_name
FROM binaries b, files fi, location l, component c, bin_associations ba, suite su
AND su.suite_name=:suitename
ORDER BY b.version DESC"""
- return session.execute(sql, {'package': package, 'suitename': suitename})
+ ret = session.execute(sql, {'package': package, 'suitename': suitename})
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
def get_binary_components(package, suitename, arch, session=None):
-# Check for packages that have moved from one component to another
+ # Check for packages that have moved from one component to another
query = """SELECT c.name FROM binaries b, bin_associations ba, suite s, location l, component c, architecture a, files f
WHERE b.package=:package AND s.suite_name=:suitename
AND (a.arch_string = :arch OR a.arch_string = 'all')
vals = {'package': package, 'suitename': suitename, 'arch': arch}
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
- return session.execute(query, vals)
+ privatetrans = True
+ ret = session.execute(query, vals)
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
component = component.lower()
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
q = session.query(Component).filter_by(component_name=component)
if q.count() == 0:
- return None
- return q.one()
+ ret = None
+ else:
+ ret = q.one()
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
session = DBConn().session()
privatetrans = True
- try:
- q = session.query(ContentFilename).filter_by(filename=filename)
- if q.count() < 1:
- cf = ContentFilename()
- cf.filename = filename
- session.add(cf)
- if privatetrans:
- session.commit()
- session.close()
- else:
- session.flush()
- return cf.cafilename_id
+ q = session.query(ContentFilename).filter_by(filename=filename)
+ if q.count() < 1:
+ cf = ContentFilename()
+ cf.filename = filename
+ session.add(cf)
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.commit()
- return q.one().cafilename_id
+ session.flush()
+ ret = cf.cafilename_id
+ else:
+ ret = q.one().cafilename_id
- except:
- traceback.print_exc()
- raise
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
package, arch_id)
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
# find me all of the contents for a given suite
contents_q = """SELECT (p.path||'/'||n.file) AS fn,
contents_q += " ORDER BY fn"
- return session.execute(contents_q, vals)
+ ret = session.execute(contents_q, vals)
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
session = DBConn().session()
privatetrans = True
- try:
- q = session.query(ContentFilepath).filter_by(filepath=filepath)
- if q.count() < 1:
- cf = ContentFilepath()
- cf.filepath = filepath
- session.add(cf)
- if privatetrans:
- session.commit()
- session.close()
- else:
- session.flush()
- return cf.cafilepath_id
+ q = session.query(ContentFilepath).filter_by(filepath=filepath)
+ if q.count() < 1:
+ cf = ContentFilepath()
+ cf.filepath = filepath
+ session.add(cf)
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.commit()
- return q.one().cafilepath_id
+ session.flush()
+ ret = cf.cafilepath_id
+ else:
+ ret = q.one().cafilepath_id
- except:
- traceback.print_exc()
- raise
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
privatetrans = True
@return: Possibly empty list of DSCFiles
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
q = session.query(DSCFile)
if poolfile_id is not None:
q = q.filter_by(poolfile_id=poolfile_id)
- return q.all()
+ ret = q.all()
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
(False, PoolFile object) if file found with size/md5sum mismatch
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
q = session.query(PoolFile).filter_by(filename=filename)
q = q.join(Location).filter_by(location_id=location_id)
+ ret = None
if q.count() > 1:
- return (None, None)
- if q.count() < 1:
- return (False, None)
+ ret = (None, None)
+ elif q.count() < 1:
+ ret = (False, None)
+ else:
+ obj = q.one()
+ if obj.md5sum != md5sum or obj.filesize != filesize:
+ ret = (False, obj)
- obj = q.one()
- if obj.md5sum != md5sum or obj.filesize != filesize:
- return (False, obj)
+ if ret is None:
+ ret = (True, obj)
- return (True, obj)
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
@return: either the PoolFile object or None
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
q = session.query(PoolFile).filter_by(file_id=file_id)
if q.count() > 0:
- return q.one()
+ ret = q.one()
+ else:
+ ret = None
- return None
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
@return: array of PoolFile objects
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
q = session.query(PoolFile).filter_by(filename=filename)
if location_id is not None:
q = q.join(Location).filter_by(location_id=location_id)
- return q.all()
+ ret = q.all()
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
@return: array of PoolFile objects
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
# TODO: There must be a way of properly using bind parameters with %FOO%
q = session.query(PoolFile).filter(PoolFile.filename.like('%%%s%%' % filename))
- return q.all()
+ ret = q.all()
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
session = DBConn().session()
privatetrans = True
- try:
- q = session.query(Fingerprint).filter_by(fingerprint=fpr)
- if q.count() < 1:
- fingerprint = Fingerprint()
- fingerprint.fingerprint = fpr
- session.add(fingerprint)
- if privatetrans:
- session.commit()
- else:
- session.flush()
- return fingerprint
+ q = session.query(Fingerprint).filter_by(fingerprint=fpr)
+ if q.count() < 1:
+ fingerprint = Fingerprint()
+ fingerprint.fingerprint = fpr
+ session.add(fingerprint)
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.commit()
- return q.one()
+ session.flush()
+ ret = fingerprint
+ else:
+ ret = q.one()
- except:
- traceback.print_exc()
- raise
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
@return: Either a Location object or None if one can't be found
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
q = session.query(Location).filter_by(path=location)
q = q.join(Component).filter_by(component_name=component)
if q.count() < 1:
- return None
+ ret = None
- return q.one()
+ ret = q.one()
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
session = DBConn().session()
privatetrans = True
- try:
- q = session.query(Maintainer).filter_by(name=name)
- if q.count() < 1:
- maintainer = Maintainer()
- maintainer.name = name
- session.add(maintainer)
- if privatetrans:
- session.commit()
- else:
- session.flush()
- return maintainer
+ q = session.query(Maintainer).filter_by(name=name)
+ if q.count() < 1:
+ maintainer = Maintainer()
+ maintainer.name = name
+ session.add(maintainer)
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.commit()
- return q.one()
+ session.flush()
+ ret = maintainer
+ else:
+ ret = q.one()
- except:
- traceback.print_exc()
- raise
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
@return: true/false
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
q = session.query(NewComment)
q = q.filter_by(package=package)
q = q.filter_by(version=version)
- return q.count() > 0
+ ret = q.count() > 0
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
q = session.query(NewComment)
if package is not None: q = q.filter_by(package=package)
if version is not None: q = q.filter_by(version=version)
if comment_id is not None: q = q.filter_by(comment_id=comment_id)
- return q.all()
+ ret = q.all()
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
@return: A (possibly empty) list of Override objects will be returned
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
q = session.query(Override)
q = q.filter_by(package=package)
if not isinstance(overridetype, list): overridetype = [overridetype]
q = q.join(OverrideType).filter(OverrideType.overridetype.in_(overridetype))
- return q.all()
+ ret = q.all()
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
@return: the database id for the given override type
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
q = session.query(OverrideType).filter_by(overridetype=override_type)
if q.count() == 0:
- return None
- return q.one()
+ ret = None
+ else:
+ ret = q.one()
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
# Only commit if we set up the session ourself
if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
return True
- except:
+ except Exception, e:
# Only rollback if we set up the session ourself
if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
return False
@return: Priority object for the given priority
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
q = session.query(Priority).filter_by(priority=priority)
if q.count() == 0:
- return None
- return q.one()
+ ret = None
+ else:
+ ret = q.one()
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
@rtype: dictionary
@return: dictionary of priority names -> id mappings
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
ret = {}
q = session.query(Priority)
for x in q.all():
ret[x.priority] = x.priority_id
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
return ret
@return: None if the operation failed, a string describing the error if not
- localcommit = False
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
- localcommit = True
+ privatetrans = True
# TODO: Remove by moving queue config into the database
conf = Config()
qb.last_used = None
- if localcommit:
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
return None
@return: Queue object for the given queue
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
q = session.query(Queue).filter_by(queue_name=queuename)
if q.count() == 0:
- return None
- return q.one()
+ ret = None
+ else:
+ ret = q.one()
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
@return: Queue object for the given queue
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
if isinstance(suite, int):
q = session.query(QueueBuild).filter_by(filename=filename).filter_by(suite_id=suite)
q = q.join(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=suite)
if q.count() == 0:
- return None
- return q.one()
+ ret = None
+ else:
+ ret = q.one()
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
@return: Section object for the given section name
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
q = session.query(Section).filter_by(section=section)
if q.count() == 0:
- return None
- return q.one()
+ ret = None
+ else:
+ ret = q.one()
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
@rtype: dictionary
@return: dictionary of section names -> id mappings
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
ret = {}
q = session.query(Section)
for x in q.all():
ret[x.section] = x.section_id
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
return ret
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
cnf = Config()
+ ret = 1
for suite in suites:
q = session.query(DBSource).filter_by(source=source)
# No source found so return not ok
- return 0
+ ret = 0
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
- # We're good
- return 1
+ return ret
@return: list of Suite objects for the given source
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
- return session.query(Suite).join(SrcAssociation).join(DBSource).filter_by(source=source).all()
+ ret = session.query(Suite).join(SrcAssociation).join(DBSource).filter_by(source=source).all()
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
@rtype: list
@return: list of DBSource objects for the given name (may be empty)
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
q = session.query(DBSource).filter_by(source=source)
if dm_upload_allowed is not None:
q = q.filter_by(dm_upload_allowed=dm_upload_allowed)
- return q.all()
+ ret = q.all()
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
@return: the version for I{source} in I{suite}
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
q = session.query(SrcAssociation)
q = q.join('source').filter_by(source=source)
q = q.join('suite').filter_by(suite_name=suite)
if q.count() == 0:
- return None
- # ???: Maybe we should just return the SrcAssociation object instead
- return q.one().source
+ ret = None
+ else:
+ # ???: Maybe we should just return the SrcAssociation object instead
+ ret = q.one().source
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
@return: the SuiteArchitecture object or None
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
q = session.query(SuiteArchitecture)
q = q.join(Architecture).filter_by(arch_string=architecture)
q = q.join(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=suite)
if q.count() == 0:
- return None
- return q.one()
+ ret = None
+ else:
+ ret = q.one()
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
@return: Suite object for the requested suite name (None if not presenT)
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
q = session.query(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=suite)
if q.count() == 0:
- return None
- return q.one()
+ ret = None
+ else:
+ ret = q.one()
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
@return: list of Architecture objects for the given name (may be empty)
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
q = session.query(Architecture)
q = q.join(SuiteArchitecture)
q = q.join(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=suite)
if skipsrc:
q = q.filter(Architecture.arch_string != 'source')
if skipall:
q = q.filter(Architecture.arch_string != 'all')
q = q.order_by('arch_string')
- return q.all()
+ ret = q.all()
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
@rtype: Uid
@return: the uid object for the given uidname
privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
privatetrans = True
- try:
- session.execute("CREATE USER :uid", {'uid': uidname})
- if privatetrans:
- session.commit()
- except:
- traceback.print_exc()
- raise
+ session.execute("CREATE USER :uid", {'uid': uidname})
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.commit()
+ session.close()
@rtype: Uid
@return: the uid object for the given uidname
privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
privatetrans = True
- try:
- q = session.query(Uid).filter_by(uid=uidname)
- if q.count() < 1:
- uid = Uid()
- uid.uid = uidname
- session.add(uid)
- if privatetrans:
- session.commit()
- else:
- session.flush()
- return uid
+ q = session.query(Uid).filter_by(uid=uidname)
+ if q.count() < 1:
+ uid = Uid()
+ uid.uid = uidname
+ session.add(uid)
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.commit()
- return q.one()
+ session.flush()
+ ret = uid
+ else:
+ ret = q.one()
- except:
- traceback.print_exc()
- raise
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret
def get_uid_from_fingerprint(fpr, session=None):
+ privatetrans = False
if session is None:
session = DBConn().session()
+ privatetrans = True
q = session.query(Uid)
q = q.join(Fingerprint).filter_by(fingerprint=fpr)
if q.count() != 1:
- return None
+ ret = None
- return q.one()
+ ret = q.one()
+ if privatetrans:
+ session.close()
+ return ret