touch "${LOCK_BRITNEY}"
- FUNC="savetimestamp"
- TIME=""
- ARGS=""
- ERR="false"
-stage $GO
- FUNC="qa1"
- TIME="init"
- ARGS=""
- ERR="false"
-stage $GO &
- FUNC="pg_timestamp"
- TIME="pg_dump1"
- ARGS="predinstall"
- ERR=""
-stage $GO
- FUNC="updates"
- TIME="External Updates"
- ARGS=""
- ERR="false"
-stage $GO
- FUNC="i18n1"
- TIME="i18n 1"
- ARGS=""
- ERR="false"
-stage $GO
- FUNC="dep11"
- TIME="dep11 1"
- ARGS=""
- ERR="false"
-stage $GO
-lockfile "$LOCK_ACCEPTED"
-trap remove_all_locks EXIT TERM HUP INT QUIT
- FUNC="punew"
- TIME="p-u-new"
- ARGS="stable-new"
- ERR="false"
-stage $GO
- FUNC="opunew"
- TIME="o-p-u-new"
- ARGS="oldstable-new"
- ERR="false"
-stage $GO
- FUNC="backports_policy"
- TIME="backports-policy"
- ARGS=""
- ERR="false"
-stage $GO
- FUNC="cruft"
- TIME="cruft"
- ARGS=""
- ERR=""
-stage $GO
-state "indices"
- FUNC="dominate"
- TIME="dominate"
- ARGS=""
- ERR=""
-stage $GO
- FUNC="autocruft"
- TIME="autocruft"
- ARGS="unstable experimental"
- ERR=""
-stage $GO
- FUNC="fingerprints"
- TIME="import-keyring"
- ARGS=""
- ERR="false"
-stage $GO
- FUNC="overrides"
- TIME="overrides"
- ARGS=""
- ERR=""
-stage $GO
- FUNC="mpfm"
- TIME="pkg-file-mapping"
- ARGS=""
- ERR="false"
-stage $GO
-state "packages/contents"
- FUNC="packages"
- TIME="apt-ftparchive"
- ARGS=""
- ERR=""
-stage $GO
-state "dists/"
- FUNC="pdiff"
- TIME="pdiff"
- ARGS=""
- ERR=""
-stage $GO
- FUNC="gitpdiff"
- TIME="gitpdiff"
- ARGS=""
- ERR=""
-#stage $GO
- FUNC="release"
- TIME="release files"
- ARGS=""
- ERR=""
-stage $GO
- FUNC="dakcleanup"
- TIME="cleanup"
- ARGS=""
- ERR=""
-stage $GO
-state "scripts"
- FUNC="mkmaintainers"
- TIME="mkmaintainers"
- ARGS=""
- ERR=""
-stage $GO
- FUNC="copyoverrides"
- TIME="copyoverrides"
- ARGS=""
- ERR=""
-stage $GO
- FUNC="mklslar"
- TIME="mklslar"
- ARGS=""
- ERR=""
-stage $GO
- FUNC="mkfilesindices"
- TIME="mkfilesindices"
- ARGS=""
- ERR=""
-stage $GO
- FUNC="mkchecksums"
- TIME="mkchecksums"
- ARGS=""
- ERR=""
-stage $GO
- FUNC="mirror"
- TIME="mirror hardlinks"
- ARGS=""
- ERR=""
-stage $GO
- FUNC="ddaccess"
- TIME="ddaccessible sync"
- ARGS=""
- ERR="false"
-stage $GO
-ts "locked part finished"
-state "postlock"
- FUNC="changelogs"
- TIME="changelogs"
- ARGS=""
- ERR="false"
-stage $GO &
- FUNC="pg_timestamp"
- TIME="pg_dump2"
- ARGS="postdinstall"
- ERR=""
-stage $GO
- FUNC="expire"
- TIME="expire_dumps"
- ARGS=""
- ERR=""
-stage $GO &
- FUNC="transitionsclean"
- TIME="transitionsclean"
- ARGS=""
- ERR=""
-stage $GO &
- FUNC="dm"
- TIME=""
- ARGS=""
- ERR=""
-stage $GO &
- FUNC="bts"
- TIME=""
- ARGS=""
- ERR="false"
-stage $GO &
- FUNC="mirrorpush"
- TIME="mirrorpush"
- ARGS=""
- ERR="false"
-stage $GO &
- FUNC="mirrorpush-backports"
- TIME="mirrorpush-backports"
- ARGS=""
- ERR="false"
-stage $GO &
- FUNC="i18n2"
- TIME="i18n 2"
- ARGS=""
- ERR="false"
-stage $GO &
- FUNC="stats"
- TIME="stats"
- ARGS=""
- ERR="false"
-stage $GO &
- FUNC="testingsourcelist"
- TIME=""
- ARGS=""
- ERR="false"
-stage $GO &
-rm -f "${LOCK_BRITNEY}"
- FUNC="cleantransactions"
- TIME=""
- ARGS=""
- ERR=""
-stage $GO
+# This loop simply wants to be fed by a list of values (see below)
+# which consists of 5 values currently.
+# The first four are the array values for the stage function, the
+# fifths tells us if we should background the stage call.
+# - FUNC - the function name to call
+# - ARGS - Possible arguments to hand to the function. Can be the empty string
+# - TIME - The timestamp name. Can be the empty string
+# - ERR - if this is the string false, then the call will be surrounded by
+# set +e ... set -e calls, so errors in the function do not exit
+# dinstall. Can be the empty string, meaning true.
+# - BG - Background the function stage?
+# ATTENTION: Spaces in arguments or timestamp names need to be escaped by \
+# ATTENTION: There are two special values for the first column (FUNC).
+# STATE - do not call stage function, call the state
+# function to update the public statefile "where is dinstall"
+# NOSTAGE - do not call stage function, call the command directly.
+ # Empty values in the value list are the string "none" (or the
+ # while read loop won't work). Here we ensure that variables that
+ # can be empty, are empty if the string none is set for them.
+ for var in ARGS TIME; do
+ if [[ ${!var} == none ]]; then
+ typeset ${var}=''
+ fi
+ done
+ case ${FUNC} in
+ state ${ARGS}
+ ;;
+ ${ARGS}
+ ;;
+ *)
+ GO=(
+ ERR=${ERR}
+ )
+ if [[ ${BACKGROUND} == true ]]; then
+ stage $GO &
+ else
+ stage $GO
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+done < <(cat - <<EOF
+savetimestamp none none false false
+qa1 init none false true
+pg_timestamp pg_dump1 predinstall false false
+updates External\ Updates none false false
+i18n1 i18n\ 1 none false false
+dep11 dep11\ 1 none false false
+NOSTAGE lockaccepted none false false
+punew p-u-new stable-new false false
+opunew o-p-u-new oldstable-new false false
+backports_policy backports-policy none false false
+cruft cruft none false false
+STATE indices none false false
+dominate dominate none false false
+autocruft autocruft unstable\ experimental false false
+fingerprints import-keyring none false false
+overrides overrides none false false
+mpfm pkg-file-mapping none false false
+STATE packages/contents none false false
+packages apt-ftparchive none false false
+STATE dists/ none false false
+pdiff pdiff none false false
+release release\ files none false false
+dakcleanup cleanup none false false
+STATE scripts none false false
+mkmaintainers mkmaintainers none false false
+copyoverrides copyoverrides none false false
+mklslar mklslar none false false
+mkfilesindices mkfilesindices none false false
+mkchecksums mkchecksums none false false
+mirror mirror\ hardlinks none false false
+ddaccess ddaccessible\ sync none false false
+NOSTAGE remove_locks none false false
+STATE postlock none false false
+changelogs changelogs none false true
+pg_timestamp pg_dump2 postdinstall false false
+expire expire_dumps none false true
+transitionsclean transitionsclean none false true
+dm none none false true
+bts none none false true
+mirrorpush mirrorpush none false true
+mirrorpush-backports mirrorpush-backports none false true
+i18n2 i18n\ 2 none false true
+stats stats none false true
+testingsourcelist none none false true
+NOSTAGE rm\ -f\ "\${LOCK_BRITNEY}" none false false
+cleantransactions none none false false
+ )
# we need to wait for the background processes before the end of dinstall