# Don't remove this, we re-export the exceptions to scripts which import us
from sqlalchemy.exc import *
+# Only import Config until Queue stuff is changed to store its config
+# in the database
+from config import Config
from singleton import Singleton
from textutils import fix_maintainer
+def get_poolfile_like_name(filename, session=None):
+ """
+ Returns an array of PoolFile objects which are like the given name
+ @type filename: string
+ @param filename: the filename of the file to check against the DB
+ @rtype: array
+ @return: array of PoolFile objects
+ """
+ if session is not None:
+ session = DBConn().session()
+ # TODO: There must be a way of properly using bind parameters with %FOO%
+ q = session.query(PoolFile).filter(PoolFile.filename.like('%%%s%%' % filename))
+ return q.all()
class Fingerprint(object):
+def get_override(package, suite=None, component=None, overridetype=None, session=None):
+ """
+ Returns Override object for the given parameters
+ @type package: string
+ @param package: The name of the package
+ @type suite: string, list or None
+ @param suite: The name of the suite (or suites if a list) to limit to. If
+ None, don't limit. Defaults to None.
+ @type component: string, list or None
+ @param component: The name of the component (or components if a list) to
+ limit to. If None, don't limit. Defaults to None.
+ @type overridetype: string, list or None
+ @param overridetype: The name of the overridetype (or overridetypes if a list) to
+ limit to. If None, don't limit. Defaults to None.
+ @type session: Session
+ @param session: Optional SQLA session object (a temporary one will be
+ generated if not supplied)
+ @rtype: list
+ @return: A (possibly empty) list of Override objects will be returned
+ """
+ if session is None:
+ session = DBConn().session()
+ q = session.query(Override)
+ q = q.filter_by(package=package)
+ if suite is not None:
+ if not isinstance(suite, list): suite = [suite]
+ q = q.join(Suite).filter(Suite.suite_name.in_(suite))
+ if component is not None:
+ if not isinstance(component, list): component = [component]
+ q = q.join(Component).filter(Component.component_name.in_(component))
+ if overridetype is not None:
+ if not isinstance(overridetype, list): overridetype = [overridetype]
+ q = q.join(OverrideType).filter(OverrideType.overridetype.in_(overridetype))
+ return q.all()
class OverrideType(object):
def __repr__(self):
return '<Queue %s>' % self.queue_name
+ def autobuild_upload(self, changes, srcpath, session=None):
+ """
+ Update queue_build database table used for incoming autobuild support.
+ @type changes: Changes
+ @param changes: changes object for the upload to process
+ @type srcpath: string
+ @param srcpath: path for the queue file entries/link destinations
+ @type session: SQLAlchemy session
+ @param session: Optional SQLAlchemy session. If this is passed, the
+ caller is responsible for ensuring a transaction has begun and
+ committing the results or rolling back based on the result code. If
+ not passed, a commit will be performed at the end of the function,
+ otherwise the caller is responsible for commiting.
+ @rtype: NoneType or string
+ @return: None if the operation failed, a string describing the error if not
+ """
+ localcommit = False
+ if session is None:
+ session = DBConn().session()
+ localcommit = True
+ # TODO: Remove by moving queue config into the database
+ conf = Config()
+ for suitename in changes.changes["distribution"].keys():
+ # TODO: Move into database as:
+ # buildqueuedir TEXT DEFAULT NULL (i.e. NULL is no build)
+ # buildqueuecopy BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE (i.e. default is symlink)
+ # This also gets rid of the SecurityQueueBuild hack below
+ if suitename not in conf.ValueList("Dinstall::QueueBuildSuites"):
+ continue
+ # Find suite object
+ s = get_suite(suitename, session)
+ if s is None:
+ return "INTERNAL ERROR: Could not find suite %s" % suitename
+ # TODO: Get from database as above
+ dest_dir = conf["Dir::QueueBuild"]
+ # TODO: Move into database as above
+ if conf.FindB("Dinstall::SecurityQueueBuild"):
+ dest_dir = os.path.join(dest_dir, suitename)
+ for file_entry in changes.files.keys():
+ src = os.path.join(srcpath, file_entry)
+ dest = os.path.join(dest_dir, file_entry)
+ # TODO: Move into database as above
+ if Cnf.FindB("Dinstall::SecurityQueueBuild"):
+ # Copy it since the original won't be readable by www-data
+ utils.copy(src, dest)
+ else:
+ # Create a symlink to it
+ os.symlink(src, dest)
+ qb = QueueBuild()
+ qb.suite_id = s.suite_id
+ qb.queue_id = self.queue_id
+ qb.filename = dest
+ qb.in_queue = True
+ session.add(qb)
+ # If the .orig.tar.gz is in the pool, create a symlink to
+ # it (if one doesn't already exist)
+ if changes.orig_tar_id:
+ # Determine the .orig.tar.gz file name
+ for dsc_file in changes.dsc_files.keys():
+ if dsc_file.endswith(".orig.tar.gz"):
+ filename = dsc_file
+ dest = os.path.join(dest_dir, filename)
+ # If it doesn't exist, create a symlink
+ if not os.path.exists(dest):
+ q = session.execute("SELECT l.path, f.filename FROM location l, files f WHERE f.id = :id and f.location = l.id",
+ {'id': changes.orig_tar_id})
+ res = q.fetchone()
+ if not res:
+ return "[INTERNAL ERROR] Couldn't find id %s in files table." % (changes.orig_tar_id)
+ src = os.path.join(res[0], res[1])
+ os.symlink(src, dest)
+ # Add it to the list of packages for later processing by apt-ftparchive
+ qb = QueueBuild()
+ qb.suite_id = s.suite_id
+ qb.queue_id = self.queue_id
+ qb.filename = dest
+ qb.in_queue = True
+ session.add(qb)
+ # If it does, update things to ensure it's not removed prematurely
+ else:
+ qb = get_queue_build(dest, suite_id, session)
+ if qb is None:
+ qb.in_queue = True
+ qb.last_used = None
+ session.add(qb)
+ if localcommit:
+ session.commit()
+ return None
+def get_queue(queuename, session=None):
+ """
+ Returns Queue object for given C{queue name}.
+ @type queuename: string
+ @param queuename: The name of the queue
+ @type session: Session
+ @param session: Optional SQLA session object (a temporary one will be
+ generated if not supplied)
+ @rtype: Queue
+ @return: Queue object for the given queue
+ """
+ if session is None:
+ session = DBConn().session()
+ q = session.query(Queue).filter_by(queue_name=queuename)
+ if q.count() == 0:
+ return None
+ return q.one()
class QueueBuild(object):
+def get_queue_build(filename, suite_id, session=None):
+ """
+ Returns QueueBuild object for given C{filename} and C{suite id}.
+ @type filename: string
+ @param filename: The name of the file
+ @type suiteid: int
+ @param suiteid: Suite ID
+ @type session: Session
+ @param session: Optional SQLA session object (a temporary one will be
+ generated if not supplied)
+ @rtype: Queue
+ @return: Queue object for the given queue
+ """
+ if session is None:
+ session = DBConn().session()
+ q = session.query(QueueBuild).filter_by(filename=filename).filter_by(suite_id=suite_id)
+ if q.count() == 0:
+ return None
+ return q.one()
class Section(object):
+def source_exists(source, source_version, suites = ["any"], session=None):
+ """
+ Ensure that source exists somewhere in the archive for the binary
+ upload being processed.
+ 1. exact match => 1.0-3
+ 2. bin-only NMU => 1.0-3+b1 , 1.0-3.1+b1
+ @type package: string
+ @param package: package source name
+ @type source_version: string
+ @param source_version: expected source version
+ @type suites: list
+ @param suites: list of suites to check in, default I{any}
+ @type session: Session
+ @param session: Optional SQLA session object (a temporary one will be
+ generated if not supplied)
+ @rtype: int
+ @return: returns 1 if a source with expected version is found, otherwise 0
+ """
+ if session is None:
+ session = DBConn().session()
+ cnf = Config()
+ for suite in suites:
+ q = session.query(DBSource).filter_by(source=source)
+ if suite != "any":
+ # source must exist in suite X, or in some other suite that's
+ # mapped to X, recursively... silent-maps are counted too,
+ # unreleased-maps aren't.
+ maps = cnf.ValueList("SuiteMappings")[:]
+ maps.reverse()
+ maps = [ m.split() for m in maps ]
+ maps = [ (x[1], x[2]) for x in maps
+ if x[0] == "map" or x[0] == "silent-map" ]
+ s = [suite]
+ for x in maps:
+ if x[1] in s and x[0] not in s:
+ s.append(x[0])
+ q = q.join(SrcAssociation).join(Suite)
+ q = q.filter(Suite.suite_name.in_(s))
+ # Reduce the query results to a list of version numbers
+ ql = [ j.version for j in q.all() ]
+ # Try (1)
+ if source_version in ql:
+ continue
+ # Try (2)
+ from daklib.regexes import re_bin_only_nmu
+ orig_source_version = re_bin_only_nmu.sub('', source_version)
+ if orig_source_version in ql:
+ continue
+ # No source found so return not ok
+ return 0
+ # We're good
+ return 1
def get_sources_from_name(source, dm_upload_allowed=None, session=None):
Returns list of DBSource objects for given C{source} name
mapper(QueueBuild, self.tbl_queue_build,
properties = dict(suite_id = self.tbl_queue_build.c.suite,
queue_id = self.tbl_queue_build.c.queue,
- queue = relation(Queue)))
+ queue = relation(Queue, backref='queuebuild')))
mapper(Section, self.tbl_section,
properties = dict(section_id = self.tbl_section.c.id))