To make the external_files table useful, it needs to be populated. But
it only needs to have that on security, so lets export 7 push the
table there from cron.hourly. (Commented out for now, pending info)
Signed-off-by: Gergely Nagy <>
+# Push files over to security
+#pg_dump -a -F p -t files | sed -e "s,^COPY files (,DELETE FROM external_files; COPY external_files (," | xz -3 | \
+# ssh -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=30 -o SetupTimeout=30 -2 -i ${base}/s3kr1t/push-external_files dak@wherever sync
+# The key should run the following command:
+# 'xzcat | pg_restore -1 -a'
# do the buildd key updates