* commit 'lamby/lintian_autoreject':
Disable check_lintian for now.
Only lintian reject uploads to unstable or experimental
Fix use of "wayout" name.
dict[k] raises IndexError if does not exist - check with infix 'in' instead.
Actually add a seperator to our --tags-from-file input.
lintian YAML has a "lintian" root element.
Close sourcefile.
Dedent again by returning if lintian doesn't return any content.
Return all the lintian-related rejections, not just the first one.
It's called 'next', not 'continue'. =)
Dedent again by using continue.
Remove one level of indentation by using continue
Simple check for lintian regex
Use set() instead of Perlesque hash[key] = 1
Add lintian tags file
Signed-off-by: Joerg Jaspert <joerg@debian.org>
self.assertEqual(self.MATCH('Foo::bar').groups(), ('Foo', ':bar'))
self.assertEqual(self.MATCH('Foo: :bar').groups(), ('Foo', ':bar'))
+ class re_parse_lintian(unittest.TestCase):
+ MATCH = regexes.re_parse_lintian.match
+ def testSimple(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.MATCH('W: tzdata: binary-without-manpage usr/sbin/tzconfig').groups(),
+ ('W', 'tzdata', 'binary-without-manpage', 'usr/sbin/tzconfig')
+ )
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()