metadata = association_proxy('key', 'value')
- def get_component_name(self):
- return self.poolfile.location.component.component_name
def scan_contents(self):
Yields the contents of the package. Only regular files are yielded and
- ArchiveDir "%(archivepath)s";
- OverrideDir "%(overridedir)s";
- CacheDir "%(cachedir)s";
- Packages::Compress ". bzip2 gzip";
- Sources::Compress ". bzip2 gzip";
- DeLinkLimit 0;
- FileMode 0664;
-bindirectory "incoming"
- Packages "Packages";
- Contents " ";
- BinOverride "override.sid.all3";
- BinCacheDB "packages-accepted.db";
- FileList "%(filelist)s";
- PathPrefix "";
- Packages::Extensions ".deb .udeb";
-bindirectory "incoming/"
- Sources "Sources";
- BinOverride "override.sid.all3";
- SrcOverride "override.sid.all3.src";
- FileList "%(filelist)s";
class BuildQueue(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def __repr__(self):
return '<BuildQueue %s>' % self.queue_name
- def write_metadata(self, starttime, force=False):
- # Do we write out metafiles?
- if not (force or self.generate_metadata):
- return
- session = DBConn().session().object_session(self)
- fl_fd = fl_name = ac_fd = ac_name = None
- tempdir = None
- arches = " ".join([ a.arch_string for a in session.query(Architecture).all() if a.arch_string != 'source' ])
- startdir = os.getcwd()
- try:
- # Grab files we want to include
- newer = session.query(BuildQueueFile).filter_by(build_queue_id = self.queue_id).filter(BuildQueueFile.lastused + timedelta(seconds=self.stay_of_execution) > starttime).all()
- newer += session.query(BuildQueuePolicyFile).filter_by(build_queue_id = self.queue_id).filter(BuildQueuePolicyFile.lastused + timedelta(seconds=self.stay_of_execution) > starttime).all()
- # Write file list with newer files
- (fl_fd, fl_name) = mkstemp()
- for n in newer:
- os.write(fl_fd, '%s\n' % n.fullpath)
- os.close(fl_fd)
- cnf = Config()
- # Write minimal apt.conf
- # TODO: Remove hardcoding from template
- (ac_fd, ac_name) = mkstemp()
- os.write(ac_fd, MINIMAL_APT_CONF % {'archivepath': self.path,
- 'filelist': fl_name,
- 'cachedir': cnf["Dir::Cache"],
- 'overridedir': cnf["Dir::Override"],
- })
- os.close(ac_fd)
- # Run apt-ftparchive generate
- os.chdir(os.path.dirname(ac_name))
- os.system('apt-ftparchive -qq -o APT::FTPArchive::Contents=off generate %s' % os.path.basename(ac_name))
- # Run apt-ftparchive release
- # TODO: Eww - fix this
- bname = os.path.basename(self.path)
- os.chdir(self.path)
- os.chdir('..')
- # We have to remove the Release file otherwise it'll be included in the
- # new one
- try:
- os.unlink(os.path.join(bname, 'Release'))
- except OSError:
- pass
- os.system("""apt-ftparchive -qq -o APT::FTPArchive::Release::Origin="%s" -o APT::FTPArchive::Release::Label="%s" -o APT::FTPArchive::Release::Description="%s" -o APT::FTPArchive::Release::Architectures="%s" release %s > Release""" % (self.origin, self.label, self.releasedescription, arches, bname))
- # Crude hack with open and append, but this whole section is and should be redone.
- if self.notautomatic:
- release=open("Release", "a")
- release.write("NotAutomatic: yes\n")
- release.close()
- # Sign if necessary
- if self.signingkey:
- keyring = "--secret-keyring \"%s\"" % cnf["Dinstall::SigningKeyring"]
- if cnf.has_key("Dinstall::SigningPubKeyring"):
- keyring += " --keyring \"%s\"" % cnf["Dinstall::SigningPubKeyring"]
- os.system("gpg %s --no-options --batch --no-tty --armour --default-key %s --detach-sign -o Release.gpg Release""" % (keyring, self.signingkey))
- # Move the files if we got this far
- os.rename('Release', os.path.join(bname, 'Release'))
- if self.signingkey:
- os.rename('Release.gpg', os.path.join(bname, 'Release.gpg'))
- # Clean up any left behind files
- finally:
- os.chdir(startdir)
- if fl_fd:
- try:
- os.close(fl_fd)
- except OSError:
- pass
- if fl_name:
- try:
- os.unlink(fl_name)
- except OSError:
- pass
- if ac_fd:
- try:
- os.close(ac_fd)
- except OSError:
- pass
- if ac_name:
- try:
- os.unlink(ac_name)
- except OSError:
- pass
- def clean_and_update(self, starttime, Logger, dryrun=False):
- """WARNING: This routine commits for you"""
- session = DBConn().session().object_session(self)
- if self.generate_metadata and not dryrun:
- self.write_metadata(starttime)
- # Grab files older than our execution time
- older = session.query(BuildQueueFile).filter_by(build_queue_id = self.queue_id).filter(BuildQueueFile.lastused + timedelta(seconds=self.stay_of_execution) <= starttime).all()
- older += session.query(BuildQueuePolicyFile).filter_by(build_queue_id = self.queue_id).filter(BuildQueuePolicyFile.lastused + timedelta(seconds=self.stay_of_execution) <= starttime).all()
- for o in older:
- killdb = False
- try:
- if dryrun:
- Logger.log(["I: Would have removed %s from the queue" % o.fullpath])
- else:
- Logger.log(["I: Removing %s from the queue" % o.fullpath])
- os.unlink(o.fullpath)
- killdb = True
- except OSError as e:
- # If it wasn't there, don't worry
- if e.errno == ENOENT:
- killdb = True
- else:
- # TODO: Replace with proper logging call
- Logger.log(["E: Could not remove %s" % o.fullpath])
- if killdb:
- session.delete(o)
- session.commit()
- for f in os.listdir(self.path):
- if f.startswith('Packages') or f.startswith('Source') or f.startswith('Release') or f.startswith('advisory'):
- continue
- if not self.contains_filename(f):
- fp = os.path.join(self.path, f)
- if dryrun:
- Logger.log(["I: Would remove unused link %s" % fp])
- else:
- Logger.log(["I: Removing unused link %s" % fp])
- try:
- os.unlink(fp)
- except OSError:
- Logger.log(["E: Failed to unlink unreferenced file %s" % r.fullpath])
- def contains_filename(self, filename):
- """
- @rtype Boolean
- @returns True if filename is supposed to be in the queue; False otherwise
- """
- session = DBConn().session().object_session(self)
- if session.query(BuildQueueFile).filter_by(build_queue_id = self.queue_id, filename = filename).count() > 0:
- return True
- elif session.query(BuildQueuePolicyFile).filter_by(build_queue = self, filename = filename).count() > 0:
- return True
- return False
- def add_file_from_pool(self, poolfile):
- """Copies a file into the pool. Assumes that the PoolFile object is
- attached to the same SQLAlchemy session as the Queue object is.
- The caller is responsible for committing after calling this function."""
- poolfile_basename = poolfile.filename[poolfile.filename.rindex(os.sep)+1:]
- # Check if we have a file of this name or this ID already
- for f in self.queuefiles:
- if (f.fileid is not None and f.fileid == poolfile.file_id) or \
- (f.poolfile is not None and f.poolfile.filename == poolfile_basename):
- # In this case, update the BuildQueueFile entry so we
- # don't remove it too early
- f.lastused =
- DBConn().session().object_session(poolfile).add(f)
- return f
- # Prepare BuildQueueFile object
- qf = BuildQueueFile()
- qf.build_queue_id = self.queue_id
- qf.filename = poolfile_basename
- targetpath = poolfile.fullpath
- queuepath = os.path.join(self.path, poolfile_basename)
- try:
- if self.copy_files:
- # We need to copy instead of symlink
- import utils
- utils.copy(targetpath, queuepath)
- # NULL in the fileid field implies a copy
- qf.fileid = None
- else:
- os.symlink(targetpath, queuepath)
- qf.fileid = poolfile.file_id
- except FileExistsError:
- if not poolfile.identical_to(queuepath):
- raise
- except OSError:
- return None
- # Get the same session as the PoolFile is using and add the qf to it
- DBConn().session().object_session(poolfile).add(qf)
- return qf
- def add_changes_from_policy_queue(self, policyqueue, changes):
- """
- Copies a changes from a policy queue together with its poolfiles.
- @type policyqueue: PolicyQueue
- @param policyqueue: policy queue to copy the changes from
- @type changes: DBChange
- @param changes: changes to copy to this build queue
- """
- for policyqueuefile in changes.files:
- self.add_file_from_policy_queue(policyqueue, policyqueuefile)
- for poolfile in changes.poolfiles:
- self.add_file_from_pool(poolfile)
- def add_file_from_policy_queue(self, policyqueue, policyqueuefile):
- """
- Copies a file from a policy queue.
- Assumes that the policyqueuefile is attached to the same SQLAlchemy
- session as the Queue object is. The caller is responsible for
- committing after calling this function.
- @type policyqueue: PolicyQueue
- @param policyqueue: policy queue to copy the file from
- @type policyqueuefile: ChangePendingFile
- @param policyqueuefile: file to be added to the build queue
- """
- session = DBConn().session().object_session(policyqueuefile)
- # Is the file already there?
- try:
- f = session.query(BuildQueuePolicyFile).filter_by(build_queue=self, file=policyqueuefile).one()
- f.lastused =
- return f
- except NoResultFound:
- pass # continue below
- # We have to add the file.
- f = BuildQueuePolicyFile()
- f.build_queue = self
- f.file = policyqueuefile
- f.filename = policyqueuefile.filename
- source = os.path.join(policyqueue.path, policyqueuefile.filename)
- target = f.fullpath
- try:
- # Always copy files from policy queues as they might move around.
- import utils
- utils.copy(source, target)
- except FileExistsError:
- if not policyqueuefile.identical_to(target):
- raise
- except OSError:
- return None
- session.add(f)
- return f
-def get_build_queue(queuename, session=None):
- """
- Returns BuildQueue object for given C{queue name}, creating it if it does not
- exist.
- @type queuename: string
- @param queuename: The name of the queue
- @type session: Session
- @param session: Optional SQLA session object (a temporary one will be
- generated if not supplied)
- @rtype: BuildQueue
- @return: BuildQueue object for the given queue
- """
- q = session.query(BuildQueue).filter_by(queue_name=queuename)
- try:
- return
- except NoResultFound:
- return None
-class BuildQueueFile(object):
- """
- BuildQueueFile represents a file in a build queue coming from a pool.
- """
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- pass
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<BuildQueueFile %s (%s)>' % (self.filename, self.build_queue_id)
- @property
- def fullpath(self):
- return os.path.join(self.buildqueue.path, self.filename)
-class BuildQueuePolicyFile(object):
- """
- BuildQueuePolicyFile represents a file in a build queue that comes from a
- policy queue (and not a pool).
- """
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- pass
- #@property
- #def filename(self):
- # return self.file.filename
- @property
- def fullpath(self):
- return os.path.join(self.build_queue.path, self.filename)
-class ChangePendingBinary(object):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- pass
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<ChangePendingBinary %s>' % self.change_pending_binary_id
-class ChangePendingFile(object):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- pass
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<ChangePendingFile %s>' % self.change_pending_file_id
- def identical_to(self, filename):
- """
- compare size and hash with the given file
- @rtype: bool
- @return: true if the given file has the same size and hash as this object; false otherwise
- """
- st = os.stat(filename)
- if self.size != st.st_size:
- return False
- f = open(filename, "r")
- sha256sum = apt_pkg.sha256sum(f)
- if sha256sum != self.sha256sum:
- return False
- return True
-class ChangePendingSource(object):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- pass
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<ChangePendingSource %s>' % self.change_pending_source_id
class Component(ORMObject):
def properties(self):
return ['component_name', 'component_id', 'description', \
- 'location_count', 'meets_dfsg', 'overrides_count']
+ 'meets_dfsg', 'overrides_count']
def not_null_constraints(self):
return ['component_name']
class PoolFile(ORMObject):
- def __init__(self, filename = None, location = None, filesize = -1, \
+ def __init__(self, filename = None, filesize = -1, \
md5sum = None):
self.filename = filename
- self.location = location
self.filesize = filesize
self.md5sum = md5sum
-def check_poolfile(filename, filesize, md5sum, location_id, session=None):
- """
- Returns a tuple:
- (ValidFileFound [boolean], PoolFile object or None)
- @type filename: string
- @param filename: the filename of the file to check against the DB
- @type filesize: int
- @param filesize: the size of the file to check against the DB
- @type md5sum: string
- @param md5sum: the md5sum of the file to check against the DB
- @type location_id: int
- @param location_id: the id of the location to look in
- @rtype: tuple
- @return: Tuple of length 2.
- - If valid pool file found: (C{True}, C{PoolFile object})
- - If valid pool file not found:
- - (C{False}, C{None}) if no file found
- - (C{False}, C{PoolFile object}) if file found with size/md5sum mismatch
- """
- poolfile = session.query(Location).get(location_id). \
- files.filter_by(filename=filename).first()
- valid = False
- if poolfile and poolfile.is_valid(filesize = filesize, md5sum = md5sum):
- valid = True
- return (valid, poolfile)
-# TODO: the implementation can trivially be inlined at the place where the
-# function is called
-def get_poolfile_by_id(file_id, session=None):
- """
- Returns a PoolFile objects or None for the given id
- @type file_id: int
- @param file_id: the id of the file to look for
- @rtype: PoolFile or None
- @return: either the PoolFile object or None
- """
- return session.query(PoolFile).get(file_id)
def get_poolfile_like_name(filename, session=None):
-def add_poolfile(filename, datadict, location_id, session=None):
- """
- Add a new file to the pool
- @type filename: string
- @param filename: filename
- @type datadict: dict
- @param datadict: dict with needed data
- @type location_id: int
- @param location_id: database id of the location
- @rtype: PoolFile
- @return: the PoolFile object created
- """
- poolfile = PoolFile()
- poolfile.filename = filename
- poolfile.filesize = datadict["size"]
- poolfile.md5sum = datadict["md5sum"]
- poolfile.sha1sum = datadict["sha1sum"]
- poolfile.sha256sum = datadict["sha256sum"]
- poolfile.location_id = location_id
- session.add(poolfile)
- # Flush to get a file id (NB: This is not a commit)
- session.flush()
- return poolfile
class Fingerprint(ORMObject):
def __repr__(self):
return '<DBChange %s>' % self.changesname
- def clean_from_queue(self):
- session = DBConn().session().object_session(self)
- # Remove changes_pool_files entries
- self.poolfiles = []
- # Remove changes_pending_files references
- self.files = []
- # Clear out of queue
- self.in_queue = None
- self.approved_for_id = None
-class Location(ORMObject):
- def __init__(self, path = None, component = None):
- self.path = path
- self.component = component
- # the column 'type' should go away, see comment at mapper
- self.archive_type = 'pool'
- def properties(self):
- return ['path', 'location_id', 'archive_type', 'component', \
- 'files_count']
- def not_null_constraints(self):
- return ['path', 'archive_type']
-def get_location(location, component=None, archive=None, session=None):
- """
- Returns Location object for the given combination of location, component
- and archive
- @type location: string
- @param location: the path of the location, e.g. I{/srv/}
- @type component: string
- @param component: the component name (if None, no restriction applied)
- @type archive: string
- @param archive: the archive name (if None, no restriction applied)
- @rtype: Location / None
- @return: Either a Location object or None if one can't be found
- """
- q = session.query(Location).filter_by(path=location)
- if archive is not None:
- q = q.join(Archive).filter_by(archive_name=archive)
- if component is not None:
- q = q.join(Component).filter_by(component_name=component)
- try:
- return
- except NoResultFound:
- return None
class Maintainer(ORMObject):
def __init__(self, name = None): = name
-def get_policy_queue_from_path(pathname, session=None):
- """
- Returns PolicyQueue object for given C{path name}
- @type queuename: string
- @param queuename: The path
- @type session: Session
- @param session: Optional SQLA session object (a temporary one will be
- generated if not supplied)
- @rtype: PolicyQueue
- @return: PolicyQueue object for the given queue
- """
- q = session.query(PolicyQueue).filter_by(path=pathname)
- try:
- return
- except NoResultFound:
- return None
class PolicyQueueUpload(object):
metadata = association_proxy('key', 'value')
- def get_component_name(self):
- return self.poolfile.location.component.component_name
def scan_contents(self):
Returns a set of names for non directories. The path names are
-def split_uploaders(uploaders_list):
- '''
- Split the Uploaders field into the individual uploaders and yield each of
- them. Beware: email addresses might contain commas.
- '''
- import re
- for uploader in re.sub(">[ ]*,", ">\t", uploaders_list).split("\t"):
- yield uploader.strip()
-def add_dsc_to_db(u, filename, session=None):
- entry = u.pkg.files[filename]
- source = DBSource()
- pfs = []
- source.source = u.pkg.dsc["source"]
- source.version = u.pkg.dsc["version"] # NB: not files[file]["version"], that has no epoch
- source.maintainer_id = get_or_set_maintainer(u.pkg.dsc["maintainer"], session).maintainer_id
- # If Changed-By isn't available, fall back to maintainer
- if u.pkg.changes.has_key("changed-by"):
- source.changedby_id = get_or_set_maintainer(u.pkg.changes["changed-by"], session).maintainer_id
- else:
- source.changedby_id = get_or_set_maintainer(u.pkg.dsc["maintainer"], session).maintainer_id
- source.fingerprint_id = get_or_set_fingerprint(u.pkg.changes["fingerprint"], session).fingerprint_id
- source.install_date =
- dsc_component = entry["component"]
- dsc_location_id = entry["location id"]
- source.dm_upload_allowed = (u.pkg.dsc.get("dm-upload-allowed", '') == "yes")
- # Set up a new poolfile if necessary
- if not entry.has_key("files id") or not entry["files id"]:
- filename = entry["pool name"] + filename
- poolfile = add_poolfile(filename, entry, dsc_location_id, session)
- session.flush()
- pfs.append(poolfile)
- entry["files id"] = poolfile.file_id
- source.poolfile_id = entry["files id"]
- session.add(source)
- suite_names = u.pkg.changes["distribution"].keys()
- source.suites = session.query(Suite). \
- filter(Suite.suite_name.in_(suite_names)).all()
- # Add the source files to the DB (files and dsc_files)
- dscfile = DSCFile()
- dscfile.source_id = source.source_id
- dscfile.poolfile_id = entry["files id"]
- session.add(dscfile)
- for dsc_file, dentry in u.pkg.dsc_files.items():
- df = DSCFile()
- df.source_id = source.source_id
- # If the .orig tarball is already in the pool, it's
- # files id is stored in dsc_files by check_dsc().
- files_id = dentry.get("files id", None)
- # Find the entry in the files hash
- # TODO: Bail out here properly
- dfentry = None
- for f, e in u.pkg.files.items():
- if f == dsc_file:
- dfentry = e
- break
- if files_id is None:
- filename = dfentry["pool name"] + dsc_file
- (found, obj) = check_poolfile(filename, dentry["size"], dentry["md5sum"], dsc_location_id)
- # FIXME: needs to check for -1/-2 and or handle exception
- if found and obj is not None:
- files_id = obj.file_id
- pfs.append(obj)
- # If still not found, add it
- if files_id is None:
- # HACK: Force sha1sum etc into dentry
- dentry["sha1sum"] = dfentry["sha1sum"]
- dentry["sha256sum"] = dfentry["sha256sum"]
- poolfile = add_poolfile(filename, dentry, dsc_location_id, session)
- pfs.append(poolfile)
- files_id = poolfile.file_id
- else:
- poolfile = get_poolfile_by_id(files_id, session)
- if poolfile is None:
- utils.fubar("INTERNAL ERROR. Found no poolfile with id %d" % files_id)
- pfs.append(poolfile)
- df.poolfile_id = files_id
- session.add(df)
- # Add the src_uploaders to the DB
- session.flush()
- session.refresh(source)
- source.uploaders = [source.maintainer]
- if u.pkg.dsc.has_key("uploaders"):
- for up in split_uploaders(u.pkg.dsc["uploaders"]):
- source.uploaders.append(get_or_set_maintainer(up, session))
- session.flush()
- return source, dsc_component, dsc_location_id, pfs
-def add_deb_to_db(u, filename, session=None):
- """
- Contrary to what you might expect, this routine deals with both
- debs and udebs. That info is in 'dbtype', whilst 'type' is
- 'deb' for both of them
- """
- cnf = Config()
- entry = u.pkg.files[filename]
- bin = DBBinary()
- bin.package = entry["package"]
- bin.version = entry["version"]
- bin.maintainer_id = get_or_set_maintainer(entry["maintainer"], session).maintainer_id
- bin.fingerprint_id = get_or_set_fingerprint(u.pkg.changes["fingerprint"], session).fingerprint_id
- bin.arch_id = get_architecture(entry["architecture"], session).arch_id
- bin.binarytype = entry["dbtype"]
- # Find poolfile id
- filename = entry["pool name"] + filename
- fullpath = os.path.join(cnf["Dir::Pool"], filename)
- if not entry.get("location id", None):
- entry["location id"] = get_location(cnf["Dir::Pool"], entry["component"], session=session).location_id
- if entry.get("files id", None):
- poolfile = get_poolfile_by_id(bin.poolfile_id)
- bin.poolfile_id = entry["files id"]
- else:
- poolfile = add_poolfile(filename, entry, entry["location id"], session)
- bin.poolfile_id = entry["files id"] = poolfile.file_id
- # Find source id
- bin_sources = get_sources_from_name(entry["source package"], entry["source version"], session=session)
- # If we couldn't find anything and the upload contains Arch: source,
- # fall back to trying the source package, source version uploaded
- # This maintains backwards compatibility with previous dak behaviour
- # and deals with slightly broken binary debs which don't properly
- # declare their source package name
- if len(bin_sources) == 0:
- if u.pkg.changes["architecture"].has_key("source") \
- and u.pkg.dsc.has_key("source") and u.pkg.dsc.has_key("version"):
- bin_sources = get_sources_from_name(u.pkg.dsc["source"], u.pkg.dsc["version"], session=session)
- # If we couldn't find a source here, we reject
- # TODO: Fix this so that it doesn't kill process-upload and instead just
- # performs a reject. To be honest, we should probably spot this
- # *much* earlier than here
- if len(bin_sources) != 1:
- raise NoSourceFieldError("Unable to find a unique source id for %s (%s), %s, file %s, type %s, signed by %s" % \
- (bin.package, bin.version, entry["architecture"],
- filename, bin.binarytype, u.pkg.changes["fingerprint"]))
- bin.source_id = bin_sources[0].source_id
- if entry.has_key("built-using"):
- for srcname, version in entry["built-using"]:
- exsources = get_sources_from_name(srcname, version, session=session)
- if len(exsources) != 1:
- raise NoSourceFieldError("Unable to find source package (%s = %s) in Built-Using for %s (%s), %s, file %s, type %s, signed by %s" % \
- (srcname, version, bin.package, bin.version, entry["architecture"],
- filename, bin.binarytype, u.pkg.changes["fingerprint"]))
- bin.extra_sources.append(exsources[0])
- # Add and flush object so it has an ID
- session.add(bin)
- suite_names = u.pkg.changes["distribution"].keys()
- bin.suites = session.query(Suite). \
- filter(Suite.suite_name.in_(suite_names)).all()
- session.flush()
- # Deal with contents - disabled for now
- #contents = copy_temporary_contents(bin.package, bin.version, bin.architecture.arch_string, os.path.basename(filename), None, session)
- #if not contents:
- # print "REJECT\nCould not determine contents of package %s" % bin.package
- # session.rollback()
- # raise MissingContents, "No contents stored for package %s, and couldn't determine contents of %s" % (bin.package, filename)
- return bin, poolfile
class SourceACL(object):
- 'build_queue_files',
- 'build_queue_policy_files',
- 'changes_pending_binaries',
- 'changes_pending_files',
- 'changes_pending_source',
- 'changes_pending_files_map',
- 'changes_pending_source_files',
- 'changes_pool_files',
- 'location',
properties = dict(queue_id =,
suite = relation(Suite, primaryjoin=(
- mapper(BuildQueueFile, self.tbl_build_queue_files,
- properties = dict(buildqueue = relation(BuildQueue, backref='queuefiles'),
- poolfile = relation(PoolFile, backref='buildqueueinstances')))
- mapper(BuildQueuePolicyFile, self.tbl_build_queue_policy_files,
- properties = dict(
- build_queue = relation(BuildQueue, backref='policy_queue_files'),
- file = relation(ChangePendingFile, lazy='joined')))
mapper(DBBinary, self.tbl_binaries,
properties = dict(binary_id =,
package = self.tbl_binaries.c.package,
mapper(DBChange, self.tbl_changes,
properties = dict(change_id =,
- poolfiles = relation(PoolFile,
- secondary=self.tbl_changes_pool_files,
- backref="changeslinks"),
seen = self.tbl_changes.c.seen,
source = self.tbl_changes.c.source,
binaries = self.tbl_changes.c.binaries,
maintainer = self.tbl_changes.c.maintainer,
changedby = self.tbl_changes.c.changedby,
date =,
- version = self.tbl_changes.c.version,
- files = relation(ChangePendingFile,
- secondary=self.tbl_changes_pending_files_map,
- backref="changesfile"),
- in_queue_id = self.tbl_changes.c.in_queue,
- in_queue = relation(PolicyQueue,
- primaryjoin=(,
- approved_for_id = self.tbl_changes.c.approved_for))
- mapper(ChangePendingBinary, self.tbl_changes_pending_binaries,
- properties = dict(change_pending_binary_id =
- mapper(ChangePendingFile, self.tbl_changes_pending_files,
- properties = dict(change_pending_file_id =,
- filename = self.tbl_changes_pending_files.c.filename,
- size = self.tbl_changes_pending_files.c.size,
- md5sum = self.tbl_changes_pending_files.c.md5sum,
- sha1sum = self.tbl_changes_pending_files.c.sha1sum,
- sha256sum = self.tbl_changes_pending_files.c.sha256sum))
- mapper(ChangePendingSource, self.tbl_changes_pending_source,
- properties = dict(change_pending_source_id =,
- change = relation(DBChange),
- maintainer = relation(Maintainer,
- primaryjoin=(,
- changedby = relation(Maintainer,
- primaryjoin=(,
- fingerprint = relation(Fingerprint),
- source_files = relation(ChangePendingFile,
- secondary=self.tbl_changes_pending_source_files,
- backref="pending_sources")))
+ version = self.tbl_changes.c.version))
mapper(KeyringACLMap, self.tbl_keyring_acl_map,
properties = dict(keyring_acl_map_id =,
keyring = relation(Keyring, backref="keyring_acl_map"),
architecture = relation(Architecture)))
- mapper(Location, self.tbl_location,
- properties = dict(location_id =,
- component_id = self.tbl_location.c.component,
- component = relation(Component, backref='location'),
- archive_id = self.tbl_location.c.archive,
- archive = relation(Archive),
- # FIXME: the 'type' column is old cruft and
- # should be removed in the future.
- archive_type = self.tbl_location.c.type),
- extension = validator)
mapper(Maintainer, self.tbl_maintainer,
properties = dict(maintainer_id =,
maintains_sources = relation(DBSource, backref='maintainer',
overridetype_id =
mapper(PolicyQueue, self.tbl_policy_queue,
- properties = dict(policy_queue_id =
+ properties = dict(policy_queue_id =,
+ suite = relation(Suite, primaryjoin=(self.tbl_policy_queue.c.suite_id ==
mapper(PolicyQueueUpload, self.tbl_policy_queue_upload,
properties = dict(
mapper(Suite, self.tbl_suite,
properties = dict(suite_id =,
- policy_queue = relation(PolicyQueue),
+ policy_queue = relation(PolicyQueue, primaryjoin=(self.tbl_suite.c.policy_queue_id ==,
copy_queues = relation(BuildQueue,
srcformats = relation(SrcFormat, secondary=self.tbl_suite_src_formats,
from lintian import parse_lintian_output, generate_reject_messages
from contents import UnpackedSource
-def get_type(f, session):
- """
- Get the file type of C{f}
- @type f: dict
- @param f: file entry from Changes object
- @type session: SQLA Session
- @param session: SQL Alchemy session object
- @rtype: string
- @return: filetype
- """
- # Determine the type
- if f.has_key("dbtype"):
- file_type = f["dbtype"]
- elif re_source_ext.match(f["type"]):
- file_type = "dsc"
- elif f['architecture'] == 'source' and f["type"] == 'unreadable':
- utils.warn('unreadable source file (will continue and hope for the best)')
- return f["type"]
- else:
- file_type = f["type"]
- utils.fubar("invalid type (%s) for new. Dazed, confused and sure as heck not continuing." % (file_type))
- # Validate the override type
- type_id = get_override_type(file_type, session)
- if type_id is None:
- utils.fubar("invalid type (%s) for new. Say wha?" % (file_type))
- return file_type
-# Determine what parts in a .changes are NEW
-def determine_new(filename, changes, files, warn=1, session = None, dsc = None, new = None):
- """
- Determine what parts in a C{changes} file are NEW.
- @type filename: str
- @param filename: changes filename
- @type changes: Upload.Pkg.changes dict
- @param changes: Changes dictionary
- @type files: Upload.Pkg.files dict
- @param files: Files dictionary
- @type warn: bool
- @param warn: Warn if overrides are added for (old)stable
- @type dsc: Upload.Pkg.dsc dict
- @param dsc: (optional); Dsc dictionary
- @type new: dict
- @param new: new packages as returned by a previous call to this function, but override information may have changed
- @rtype: dict
- @return: dictionary of NEW components.
- """
- # TODO: This should all use the database instead of parsing the changes
- # file again
- byhand = {}
- if new is None:
- new = {}
- dbchg = get_dbchange(filename, session)
- if dbchg is None:
- print "Warning: cannot find changes file in database; won't check byhand"
- # Try to get the Package-Set field from an included .dsc file (if possible).
- if dsc:
- for package, entry in build_package_list(dsc, session).items():
- if package not in new:
- new[package] = entry
- # Build up a list of potentially new things
- for name, f in files.items():
- # Keep a record of byhand elements
- if f["section"] == "byhand":
- byhand[name] = 1
- continue
- pkg = f["package"]
- priority = f["priority"]
- section = f["section"]
- file_type = get_type(f, session)
- component = f["component"]
- if file_type == "dsc":
- priority = "source"
- if not new.has_key(pkg):
- new[pkg] = {}
- new[pkg]["priority"] = priority
- new[pkg]["section"] = section
- new[pkg]["type"] = file_type
- new[pkg]["component"] = component
- new[pkg]["files"] = []
- else:
- old_type = new[pkg]["type"]
- if old_type != file_type:
- # source gets trumped by deb or udeb
- if old_type == "dsc":
- new[pkg]["priority"] = priority
- new[pkg]["section"] = section
- new[pkg]["type"] = file_type
- new[pkg]["component"] = component
- new[pkg]["files"].append(name)
- if f.has_key("othercomponents"):
- new[pkg]["othercomponents"] = f["othercomponents"]
- # Fix up the list of target suites
- cnf = Config()
- for suite in changes["suite"].keys():
- oldsuite = get_suite(suite, session)
- if not oldsuite:
- print "WARNING: Invalid suite %s found" % suite
- continue
- if oldsuite.overridesuite:
- newsuite = get_suite(oldsuite.overridesuite, session)
- if newsuite:
- print "INFORMATION: Using overrides from suite %s instead of suite %s" % (
- oldsuite.overridesuite, suite)
- del changes["suite"][suite]
- changes["suite"][oldsuite.overridesuite] = 1
- else:
- print "WARNING: Told to use overridesuite %s for %s but it doesn't exist. Bugger" % (
- oldsuite.overridesuite, suite)
- # Check for unprocessed byhand files
- if dbchg is not None:
- for b in byhand.keys():
- # Find the file entry in the database
- found = False
- for f in dbchg.files:
- if f.filename == b:
- found = True
- # If it's processed, we can ignore it
- if f.processed:
- del byhand[b]
- break
- if not found:
- print "Warning: Couldn't find BYHAND item %s in the database; assuming unprocessed"
- # Check for new stuff
- for suite in changes["suite"].keys():
- for pkg in new.keys():
- ql = get_override(pkg, suite, new[pkg]["component"], new[pkg]["type"], session)
- if len(ql) > 0:
- for file_entry in new[pkg]["files"]:
- if files[file_entry].has_key("new"):
- del files[file_entry]["new"]
- del new[pkg]
- if warn:
- for s in ['stable', 'oldstable']:
- if changes["suite"].has_key(s):
- print "WARNING: overrides will be added for %s!" % s
- for pkg in new.keys():
- if new[pkg].has_key("othercomponents"):
- print "WARNING: %s already present in %s distribution." % (pkg, new[pkg]["othercomponents"])
- return new, byhand
def check_valid(overrides, session):
-# Used by Upload.check_timestamps
-class TarTime(object):
- def __init__(self, future_cutoff, past_cutoff):
- self.reset()
- self.future_cutoff = future_cutoff
- self.past_cutoff = past_cutoff
- def reset(self):
- self.future_files = {}
- self.ancient_files = {}
- def callback(self, member, data):
- if member.mtime > self.future_cutoff:
- self.future_files[Name] = member.mtime
- if member.mtime < self.past_cutoff:
- self.ancient_files[Name] = member.mtime
def prod_maintainer(notes, upload):
cnf = Config()
changes = upload.changes
- def reset (self):
- """ Reset a number of internal variables."""
- # Initialize the substitution template map
- cnf = Config()
- self.Subst = {}
- self.Subst["__ADMIN_ADDRESS__"] = cnf["Dinstall::MyAdminAddress"]
- if cnf.has_key("Dinstall::BugServer"):
- self.Subst["__BUG_SERVER__"] = cnf["Dinstall::BugServer"]
- self.Subst["__DISTRO__"] = cnf["Dinstall::MyDistribution"]
- self.Subst["__DAK_ADDRESS__"] = cnf["Dinstall::MyEmailAddress"]
- self.rejects = []
- self.warnings = []
- self.notes = []
- self.later_check_files = []
- self.pkg.reset()
- def package_info(self):
- """
- Format various messages from this Upload to send to the maintainer.
- """
- msgs = (
- ('Reject Reasons', self.rejects),
- ('Warnings', self.warnings),
- ('Notes', self.notes),
- )
- msg = ''
- for title, messages in msgs:
- if messages:
- msg += '\n\n%s:\n%s' % (title, '\n'.join(messages))
- msg += '\n\n'
- return msg
- ###########################################################################
def update_subst(self):
""" Set up the per-package template substitution mappings """
+ raise Exception('to be removed')
cnf = Config()
self.Subst["__VERSION__"] = self.pkg.changes.get("version", "Unknown")
self.Subst["__SUITE__"] = ", ".join(self.pkg.changes["distribution"])
- ###########################################################################
- def load_changes(self, filename):
- """
- Load a changes file and setup a dictionary around it. Also checks for mandantory
- fields within.
- @type filename: string
- @param filename: Changes filename, full path.
- @rtype: boolean
- @return: whether the changes file was valid or not. We may want to
- reject even if this is True (see what gets put in self.rejects).
- This is simply to prevent us even trying things later which will
- fail because we couldn't properly parse the file.
- """
- Cnf = Config()
- self.pkg.changes_file = filename
- # Parse the .changes field into a dictionary
- try:
- self.pkg.changes.update(parse_changes(filename))
- except CantOpenError:
- self.rejects.append("%s: can't read file." % (filename))
- return False
- except ParseChangesError as line:
- self.rejects.append("%s: parse error, can't grok: %s." % (filename, line))
- return False
- except ChangesUnicodeError:
- self.rejects.append("%s: changes file not proper utf-8" % (filename))
- return False
- # Parse the Files field from the .changes into another dictionary
- try:
- self.pkg.files.update(utils.build_file_list(self.pkg.changes))
- except ParseChangesError as line:
- self.rejects.append("%s: parse error, can't grok: %s." % (filename, line))
- return False
- except UnknownFormatError as format:
- self.rejects.append("%s: unknown format '%s'." % (filename, format))
- return False
- # Check for mandatory fields
- for i in ("distribution", "source", "binary", "architecture",
- "version", "maintainer", "files", "changes", "description"):
- if not self.pkg.changes.has_key(i):
- # Avoid undefined errors later
- self.rejects.append("%s: Missing mandatory field `%s'." % (filename, i))
- return False
- # Strip a source version in brackets from the source field
- if["source"]):
- self.pkg.changes["source"] = re_strip_srcver.sub('', self.pkg.changes["source"])
- # Ensure the source field is a valid package name.
- if not re_valid_pkg_name.match(self.pkg.changes["source"]):
- self.rejects.append("%s: invalid source name '%s'." % (filename, self.pkg.changes["source"]))
- # Split multi-value fields into a lower-level dictionary
- for i in ("architecture", "distribution", "binary", "closes"):
- o = self.pkg.changes.get(i, "")
- if o != "":
- del self.pkg.changes[i]
- self.pkg.changes[i] = {}
- for j in o.split():
- self.pkg.changes[i][j] = 1
- # Fix the Maintainer: field to be RFC822/2047 compatible
- try:
- (self.pkg.changes["maintainer822"],
- self.pkg.changes["maintainer2047"],
- self.pkg.changes["maintainername"],
- self.pkg.changes["maintaineremail"]) = \
- fix_maintainer (self.pkg.changes["maintainer"])
- except ParseMaintError as msg:
- self.rejects.append("%s: Maintainer field ('%s') failed to parse: %s" \
- % (filename, self.pkg.changes["maintainer"], msg))
- # ...likewise for the Changed-By: field if it exists.
- try:
- (self.pkg.changes["changedby822"],
- self.pkg.changes["changedby2047"],
- self.pkg.changes["changedbyname"],
- self.pkg.changes["changedbyemail"]) = \
- fix_maintainer (self.pkg.changes.get("changed-by", ""))
- except ParseMaintError as msg:
- self.pkg.changes["changedby822"] = ""
- self.pkg.changes["changedby2047"] = ""
- self.pkg.changes["changedbyname"] = ""
- self.pkg.changes["changedbyemail"] = ""
- self.rejects.append("%s: Changed-By field ('%s') failed to parse: %s" \
- % (filename, self.pkg.changes["changed-by"], msg))
- # Ensure all the values in Closes: are numbers
- if self.pkg.changes.has_key("closes"):
- for i in self.pkg.changes["closes"].keys():
- if re_isanum.match (i) == None:
- self.rejects.append(("%s: `%s' from Closes field isn't a number." % (filename, i)))
- # chopversion = no epoch; chopversion2 = no epoch and no revision (e.g. for .orig.tar.gz comparison)
- self.pkg.changes["chopversion"] = re_no_epoch.sub('', self.pkg.changes["version"])
- self.pkg.changes["chopversion2"] = re_no_revision.sub('', self.pkg.changes["chopversion"])
- # Check the .changes is non-empty
- if not self.pkg.files:
- self.rejects.append("%s: nothing to do (Files field is empty)." % (os.path.basename(self.pkg.changes_file)))
- return False
- # Changes was syntactically valid even if we'll reject
- return True
def check_distributions(self):
- def binary_file_checks(self, f, session):
- cnf = Config()
- entry = self.pkg.files[f]
- # Extract package control information
- deb_file = utils.open_file(f)
- try:
- control = apt_pkg.TagSection(utils.deb_extract_control(deb_file))
- except:
- self.rejects.append("%s: deb_extract_control() raised %s." % (f, sys.exc_info()[0]))
- deb_file.close()
- # Can't continue, none of the checks on control would work.
- return
- deb_file.close()
- # Check for mandatory fields
- for field in [ "Package", "Architecture", "Version", "Description" ]:
- if field not in control:
- # Can't continue
- self.rejects.append("%s: No %s field in control." % (f, field))
- return
- # Ensure the package name matches the one give in the .changes
- if not self.pkg.changes["binary"].has_key(control.find("Package", "")):
- self.rejects.append("%s: control file lists name as `%s', which isn't in changes file." % (f, control.find("Package", "")))
- # Validate the package field
- package = control["Package"]
- if not re_valid_pkg_name.match(package):
- self.rejects.append("%s: invalid package name '%s'." % (f, package))
- # Validate the version field
- version = control["Version"]
- if not re_valid_version.match(version):
- self.rejects.append("%s: invalid version number '%s'." % (f, version))
- # Ensure the architecture of the .deb is one we know about.
- default_suite = cnf.get("Dinstall::DefaultSuite", "unstable")
- architecture = control["Architecture"]
- upload_suite = self.pkg.changes["distribution"].keys()[0]
- if architecture not in [a.arch_string for a in get_suite_architectures(default_suite, session = session)] \
- and architecture not in [a.arch_string for a in get_suite_architectures(upload_suite, session = session)]:
- self.rejects.append("Unknown architecture '%s'." % (architecture))
- # Ensure the architecture of the .deb is one of the ones
- # listed in the .changes.
- if not self.pkg.changes["architecture"].has_key(architecture):
- self.rejects.append("%s: control file lists arch as `%s', which isn't in changes file." % (f, architecture))
- # Sanity-check the Depends field
- depends = control.find("Depends")
- if depends == '':
- self.rejects.append("%s: Depends field is empty." % (f))
- # Sanity-check the Provides field
- provides = control.find("Provides")
- if provides is not None:
- provide = re_spacestrip.sub('', provides)
- if provide == '':
- self.rejects.append("%s: Provides field is empty." % (f))
- prov_list = provide.split(",")
- for prov in prov_list:
- if not re_valid_pkg_name.match(prov):
- self.rejects.append("%s: Invalid Provides field content %s." % (f, prov))
- # If there is a Built-Using field, we need to check we can find the
- # exact source version
- built_using = control.find("Built-Using")
- if built_using is not None:
- try:
- entry["built-using"] = []
- for dep in apt_pkg.parse_depends(built_using):
- bu_s, bu_v, bu_e = dep[0]
- # Check that it's an exact match dependency and we have
- # some form of version
- if bu_e != "=" or len(bu_v) < 1:
- self.rejects.append("%s: Built-Using contains non strict dependency (%s %s %s)" % (f, bu_s, bu_e, bu_v))
- else:
- # Find the source id for this version
- bu_so = get_sources_from_name(bu_s, version=bu_v, session = session)
- if len(bu_so) != 1:
- self.rejects.append("%s: Built-Using (%s = %s): Cannot find source package" % (f, bu_s, bu_v))
- else:
- entry["built-using"].append( (bu_so[0].source, bu_so[0].version, ) )
- except ValueError as e:
- self.rejects.append("%s: Cannot parse Built-Using field: %s" % (f, str(e)))
- # Check the section & priority match those given in the .changes (non-fatal)
- if control.find("Section") and entry["section"] != "" \
- and entry["section"] != control.find("Section"):
- self.warnings.append("%s control file lists section as `%s', but changes file has `%s'." % \
- (f, control.find("Section", ""), entry["section"]))
- if control.find("Priority") and entry["priority"] != "" \
- and entry["priority"] != control.find("Priority"):
- self.warnings.append("%s control file lists priority as `%s', but changes file has `%s'." % \
- (f, control.find("Priority", ""), entry["priority"]))
- entry["package"] = package
- entry["architecture"] = architecture
- entry["version"] = version
- entry["maintainer"] = control.find("Maintainer", "")
- if f.endswith(".udeb"):
- self.pkg.files[f]["dbtype"] = "udeb"
- elif f.endswith(".deb"):
- self.pkg.files[f]["dbtype"] = "deb"
- else:
- self.rejects.append("%s is neither a .deb or a .udeb." % (f))
- entry["source"] = control.find("Source", entry["package"])
- # Get the source version
- source = entry["source"]
- source_version = ""
- if source.find("(") != -1:
- m = re_extract_src_version.match(source)
- source =
- source_version =
- if not source_version:
- source_version = self.pkg.files[f]["version"]
- entry["source package"] = source
- entry["source version"] = source_version
- # Ensure the filename matches the contents of the .deb
- m = re_isadeb.match(f)
- # package name
- file_package =
- if entry["package"] != file_package:
- self.rejects.append("%s: package part of filename (%s) does not match package name in the %s (%s)." % \
- (f, file_package, entry["dbtype"], entry["package"]))
- epochless_version = re_no_epoch.sub('', control.find("Version"))
- # version
- file_version =
- if epochless_version != file_version:
- self.rejects.append("%s: version part of filename (%s) does not match package version in the %s (%s)." % \
- (f, file_version, entry["dbtype"], epochless_version))
- # architecture
- file_architecture =
- if entry["architecture"] != file_architecture:
- self.rejects.append("%s: architecture part of filename (%s) does not match package architecture in the %s (%s)." % \
- (f, file_architecture, entry["dbtype"], entry["architecture"]))
- # Check for existent source
- source_version = entry["source version"]
- source_package = entry["source package"]
- if self.pkg.changes["architecture"].has_key("source"):
- if source_version != self.pkg.changes["version"]:
- self.rejects.append("source version (%s) for %s doesn't match changes version %s." % \
- (source_version, f, self.pkg.changes["version"]))
- else:
- # Check in the SQL database
- if not source_exists(source_package, source_version, suites = \
- self.pkg.changes["distribution"].keys(), session = session):
- # Check in one of the other directories
- source_epochless_version = re_no_epoch.sub('', source_version)
- dsc_filename = "%s_%s.dsc" % (source_package, source_epochless_version)
- byhand_dir = get_policy_queue('byhand', session).path
- new_dir = get_policy_queue('new', session).path
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(byhand_dir, dsc_filename)):
- entry["byhand"] = 1
- elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(new_dir, dsc_filename)):
- entry["new"] = 1
- else:
- dsc_file_exists = False
- # TODO: Don't hardcode this list: use all relevant queues
- # The question is how to determine what is relevant
- for queue_name in ["embargoed", "unembargoed", "proposedupdates", "oldproposedupdates"]:
- queue = get_policy_queue(queue_name, session)
- if queue:
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(queue.path, dsc_filename)):
- dsc_file_exists = True
- break
- if not dsc_file_exists:
- self.rejects.append("no source found for %s %s (%s)." % (source_package, source_version, f))
- # Check the version and for file overwrites
- self.check_binary_against_db(f, session)
- def source_file_checks(self, f, session):
- entry = self.pkg.files[f]
- m = re_issource.match(f)
- if not m:
- return
- entry["package"] =
- entry["version"] =
- entry["type"] =
- # Ensure the source package name matches the Source filed in the .changes
- if self.pkg.changes["source"] != entry["package"]:
- self.rejects.append("%s: changes file doesn't say %s for Source" % (f, entry["package"]))
- # Ensure the source version matches the version in the .changes file
- if re_is_orig_source.match(f):
- changes_version = self.pkg.changes["chopversion2"]
- else:
- changes_version = self.pkg.changes["chopversion"]
- if changes_version != entry["version"]:
- self.rejects.append("%s: should be %s according to changes file." % (f, changes_version))
- # Ensure the .changes lists source in the Architecture field
- if not self.pkg.changes["architecture"].has_key("source"):
- self.rejects.append("%s: changes file doesn't list `source' in Architecture field." % (f))
- # Check the signature of a .dsc file
- if entry["type"] == "dsc":
- # check_signature returns either:
- # (None, [list, of, rejects]) or (signature, [])
- (self.pkg.dsc["fingerprint"], rejects) = utils.check_signature(f)
- for j in rejects:
- self.rejects.append(j)
- entry["architecture"] = "source"
def per_suite_file_checks(self, f, suite, session):
- cnf = Config()
- entry = self.pkg.files[f]
- # Skip byhand
- if entry.has_key("byhand"):
- return
- # Check we have fields we need to do these checks
- oktogo = True
- for m in ['component', 'package', 'priority', 'size', 'md5sum']:
- if not entry.has_key(m):
- self.rejects.append("file '%s' does not have field %s set" % (f, m))
- oktogo = False
- if not oktogo:
- return
+ raise Exception('removed')
# Handle component mappings
for m in cnf.value_list("ComponentMappings"):
entry["original component"] = source
entry["component"] = dest
- # Ensure the component is valid for the target suite
- if entry["component"] not in get_component_names(session):
- self.rejects.append("unknown component `%s' for suite `%s'." % (entry["component"], suite))
- return
- # Validate the component
- if not get_component(entry["component"], session):
- self.rejects.append("file '%s' has unknown component '%s'." % (f, entry["component"]))
- return
- # See if the package is NEW
- if not self.in_override_p(entry["package"], entry["component"], suite, entry.get("dbtype",""), f, session):
- entry["new"] = 1
- # Validate the priority
- if entry["priority"].find('/') != -1:
- self.rejects.append("file '%s' has invalid priority '%s' [contains '/']." % (f, entry["priority"]))
- # Determine the location
- location = cnf["Dir::Pool"]
- l = get_location(location, entry["component"], session=session)
- if l is None:
- self.rejects.append("[INTERNAL ERROR] couldn't determine location (Component: %s)" % entry["component"])
- entry["location id"] = -1
- else:
- entry["location id"] = l.location_id
- # Check the md5sum & size against existing files (if any)
- entry["pool name"] = utils.poolify(self.pkg.changes["source"], entry["component"])
- found, poolfile = check_poolfile(os.path.join(entry["pool name"], f),
- entry["size"], entry["md5sum"], entry["location id"])
- if found is None:
- self.rejects.append("INTERNAL ERROR, get_files_id() returned multiple matches for %s." % (f))
- elif found is False and poolfile is not None:
- self.rejects.append("md5sum and/or size mismatch on existing copy of %s." % (f))
- else:
- if poolfile is None:
- entry["files id"] = None
- else:
- entry["files id"] = poolfile.file_id
- # Check for packages that have moved from one component to another
- entry['suite'] = suite
- arch_list = [entry["architecture"], 'all']
- component = get_component_by_package_suite(self.pkg.files[f]['package'], \
- [suite], arch_list = arch_list, session = session)
- if component is not None:
- entry["othercomponents"] = component
- def check_files(self, action=True):
- file_keys = self.pkg.files.keys()
- holding = Holding()
- cnf = Config()
- if action:
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(
- for f in file_keys:
- ret = holding.copy_to_holding(f)
- if ret is not None:
- self.warnings.append('Could not copy %s to holding; will attempt to find in DB later' % f)
- os.chdir(cwd)
- # check we already know the changes file
- # [NB: this check must be done post-suite mapping]
- base_filename = os.path.basename(self.pkg.changes_file)
- session = DBConn().session()
- try:
- dbc = session.query(DBChange).filter_by(changesname=base_filename).one()
- # if in the pool or in a queue other than unchecked, reject
- if (dbc.in_queue is None) \
- or (dbc.in_queue is not None
- and dbc.in_queue.queue_name not in ["unchecked", "newstage"]):
- self.rejects.append("%s file already known to dak" % base_filename)
- except NoResultFound as e:
- # not known, good
- pass
- has_binaries = False
- has_source = False
- for f, entry in self.pkg.files.items():
- # Ensure the file does not already exist in one of the accepted directories
- # TODO: Dynamically generate this list
- for queue_name in [ "byhand", "new", "proposedupdates", "oldproposedupdates", "embargoed", "unembargoed" ]:
- queue = get_policy_queue(queue_name, session)
- if queue and os.path.exists(os.path.join(queue.path, f)):
- self.rejects.append("%s file already exists in the %s queue." % (f, queue_name))
- if not re_taint_free.match(f):
- self.rejects.append("!!WARNING!! tainted filename: '%s'." % (f))
- # Check the file is readable
- if os.access(f, os.R_OK) == 0:
- # When running in -n, copy_to_holding() won't have
- # generated the reject_message, so we need to.
- if action:
- if os.path.exists(f):
- self.rejects.append("Can't read `%s'. [permission denied]" % (f))
- else:
- # Don't directly reject, mark to check later to deal with orig's
- # we can find in the pool
- self.later_check_files.append(f)
- entry["type"] = "unreadable"
- continue
- # If it's byhand skip remaining checks
- if entry["section"] == "byhand" or entry["section"][:4] == "raw-":
- entry["byhand"] = 1
- entry["type"] = "byhand"
- # Checks for a binary package...
- elif re_isadeb.match(f):
- has_binaries = True
- entry["type"] = "deb"
- # This routine appends to self.rejects/warnings as appropriate
- self.binary_file_checks(f, session)
- # Checks for a source package...
- elif re_issource.match(f):
- has_source = True
- # This routine appends to self.rejects/warnings as appropriate
- self.source_file_checks(f, session)
- # Not a binary or source package? Assume byhand...
- else:
- entry["byhand"] = 1
- entry["type"] = "byhand"
- # Per-suite file checks
- entry["oldfiles"] = {}
- for suite in self.pkg.changes["distribution"].keys():
- self.per_suite_file_checks(f, suite, session)
- session.close()
- # If the .changes file says it has source, it must have source.
- if self.pkg.changes["architecture"].has_key("source"):
- if not has_source:
- self.rejects.append("no source found and Architecture line in changes mention source.")
- if (not has_binaries) and (not cnf.find_b("Dinstall::AllowSourceOnlyUploads")):
- self.rejects.append("source only uploads are not supported.")
- ###########################################################################
- def __dsc_filename(self):
- """
- Returns: (Status, Dsc_Filename)
- where
- Status: Boolean; True when there was no error, False otherwise
- Dsc_Filename: String; name of the dsc file if Status is True, reason for the error otherwise
- """
- dsc_filename = None
- # find the dsc
- for name, entry in self.pkg.files.items():
- if entry.has_key("type") and entry["type"] == "dsc":
- if dsc_filename:
- return False, "cannot process a .changes file with multiple .dsc's."
- else:
- dsc_filename = name
- if not dsc_filename:
- return False, "source uploads must contain a dsc file"
- return True, dsc_filename
- def load_dsc(self, action=True, signing_rules=1):
- """
- Find and load the dsc from self.pkg.files into self.dsc
- Returns: (Status, Reason)
- where
- Status: Boolean; True when there was no error, False otherwise
- Reason: String; When Status is False this describes the error
- """
- # find the dsc
- (status, dsc_filename) = self.__dsc_filename()
- if not status:
- # If status is false, dsc_filename has the reason
- return False, dsc_filename
- try:
- self.pkg.dsc.update(utils.parse_changes(dsc_filename, signing_rules=signing_rules, dsc_file=1))
- except CantOpenError:
- if not action:
- return False, "%s: can't read file." % (dsc_filename)
- except ParseChangesError as line:
- return False, "%s: parse error, can't grok: %s." % (dsc_filename, line)
- except InvalidDscError as line:
- return False, "%s: syntax error on line %s." % (dsc_filename, line)
- except ChangesUnicodeError:
- return False, "%s: dsc file not proper utf-8." % (dsc_filename)
- return True, None
- ###########################################################################
- def check_dsc(self, action=True, session=None):
- """Returns bool indicating whether or not the source changes are valid"""
- # Ensure there is source to check
- if not self.pkg.changes["architecture"].has_key("source"):
- return True
- if session is None:
- session = DBConn().session()
- (status, reason) = self.load_dsc(action=action)
- if not status:
- self.rejects.append(reason)
- return False
- (status, dsc_filename) = self.__dsc_filename()
- if not status:
- # If status is false, dsc_filename has the reason
- self.rejects.append(dsc_filename)
- return False
- # Build up the file list of files mentioned by the .dsc
- try:
- self.pkg.dsc_files.update(utils.build_file_list(self.pkg.dsc, is_a_dsc=1))
- except NoFilesFieldError:
- self.rejects.append("%s: no Files: field." % (dsc_filename))
- return False
- except UnknownFormatError as format:
- self.rejects.append("%s: unknown format '%s'." % (dsc_filename, format))
- return False
- except ParseChangesError as line:
- self.rejects.append("%s: parse error, can't grok: %s." % (dsc_filename, line))
- return False
- # Enforce mandatory fields
- for i in ("format", "source", "version", "binary", "maintainer", "architecture", "files"):
- if not self.pkg.dsc.has_key(i):
- self.rejects.append("%s: missing mandatory field `%s'." % (dsc_filename, i))
- return False
- # Validate the source and version fields
- if not re_valid_pkg_name.match(self.pkg.dsc["source"]):
- self.rejects.append("%s: invalid source name '%s'." % (dsc_filename, self.pkg.dsc["source"]))
- if not re_valid_version.match(self.pkg.dsc["version"]):
- self.rejects.append("%s: invalid version number '%s'." % (dsc_filename, self.pkg.dsc["version"]))
- # Only a limited list of source formats are allowed in each suite
- for dist in self.pkg.changes["distribution"].keys():
- suite = get_suite(dist, session=session)
- if not suite:
- self.rejects.append("%s: cannot find suite %s when checking source formats" % (dsc_filename, dist))
- continue
- allowed = [ x.format_name for x in suite.srcformats ]
- if self.pkg.dsc["format"] not in allowed:
- self.rejects.append("%s: source format '%s' not allowed in %s (accepted: %s) " % (dsc_filename, self.pkg.dsc["format"], dist, ", ".join(allowed)))
- # Validate the Maintainer field
- try:
- # We ignore the return value
- fix_maintainer(self.pkg.dsc["maintainer"])
- except ParseMaintError as msg:
- self.rejects.append("%s: Maintainer field ('%s') failed to parse: %s" \
- % (dsc_filename, self.pkg.dsc["maintainer"], msg))
- # Validate the build-depends field(s)
- for field_name in [ "build-depends", "build-depends-indep" ]:
- field = self.pkg.dsc.get(field_name)
- if field:
- # Have apt try to parse them...
- try:
- apt_pkg.parse_src_depends(field)
- except:
- self.rejects.append("%s: invalid %s field (can not be parsed by apt)." % (dsc_filename, field_name.title()))
- # Ensure the version number in the .dsc matches the version number in the .changes
- epochless_dsc_version = re_no_epoch.sub('', self.pkg.dsc["version"])
- changes_version = self.pkg.files[dsc_filename]["version"]
- if epochless_dsc_version != self.pkg.files[dsc_filename]["version"]:
- self.rejects.append("version ('%s') in .dsc does not match version ('%s') in .changes." % (epochless_dsc_version, changes_version))
- # Ensure the Files field contain only what's expected
- self.rejects.extend(check_dsc_files(dsc_filename, self.pkg.dsc, self.pkg.dsc_files))
- # Ensure source is newer than existing source in target suites
- session = DBConn().session()
- self.check_source_against_db(dsc_filename, session)
- self.check_dsc_against_db(dsc_filename, session)
- dbchg = get_dbchange(self.pkg.changes_file, session)
- # Finally, check if we're missing any files
- for f in self.later_check_files:
- print 'XXX: %s' % f
- # Check if we've already processed this file if we have a dbchg object
- ok = False
- if dbchg:
- for pf in dbchg.files:
- if pf.filename == f and pf.processed:
- self.notes.append('%s was already processed so we can go ahead' % f)
- ok = True
- del self.pkg.files[f]
- if not ok:
- self.rejects.append("Could not find file %s references in changes" % f)
- session.close()
- return (len(self.rejects) == 0)
- ###########################################################################
- def get_changelog_versions(self, source_dir):
- """Extracts a the source package and (optionally) grabs the
- version history out of debian/changelog for the BTS."""
- cnf = Config()
- # Find the .dsc (again)
- dsc_filename = None
- for f in self.pkg.files.keys():
- if self.pkg.files[f]["type"] == "dsc":
- dsc_filename = f
- # If there isn't one, we have nothing to do. (We have reject()ed the upload already)
- if not dsc_filename:
- return
- # Create a symlink mirror of the source files in our temporary directory
- for f in self.pkg.files.keys():
- m = re_issource.match(f)
- if m:
- src = os.path.join(source_dir, f)
- # If a file is missing for whatever reason, give up.
- if not os.path.exists(src):
- return
- ftype =
- if re_is_orig_source.match(f) and self.pkg.orig_files.has_key(f) and \
- self.pkg.orig_files[f].has_key("path"):
- continue
- dest = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f)
- os.symlink(src, dest)
- # If the orig files are not a part of the upload, create symlinks to the
- # existing copies.
- for orig_file in self.pkg.orig_files.keys():
- if not self.pkg.orig_files[orig_file].has_key("path"):
- continue
- dest = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.basename(orig_file))
- os.symlink(self.pkg.orig_files[orig_file]["path"], dest)
- # Extract the source
- try:
- unpacked = UnpackedSource(dsc_filename)
- except Exception as e:
- self.rejects.append("'dpkg-source -x' failed for %s. (%s)" % (dsc_filename, str(e)))
- return
- if not cnf.find("Dir::BTSVersionTrack"):
- return
- # Get the upstream version
- upstr_version = re_no_epoch.sub('', self.pkg.dsc["version"])
- if
- upstr_version = re_strip_revision.sub('', upstr_version)
- # Ensure the changelog file exists
- changelog_file = unpacked.get_changelog_file()
- if changelog_file is None:
- self.rejects.append("%s: debian/changelog not found in extracted source." % (dsc_filename))
- return
- # Parse the changelog
- self.pkg.dsc["bts changelog"] = ""
- for line in changelog_file.readlines():
- m = re_changelog_versions.match(line)
- if m:
- self.pkg.dsc["bts changelog"] += line
- changelog_file.close()
- unpacked.cleanup()
- # Check we found at least one revision in the changelog
- if not self.pkg.dsc["bts changelog"]:
- self.rejects.append("%s: changelog format not recognised (empty version tree)." % (dsc_filename))
- def check_source(self):
- # Bail out if:
- # a) there's no source
- if not self.pkg.changes["architecture"].has_key("source"):
- return
- tmpdir = utils.temp_dirname()
- # Move into the temporary directory
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(tmpdir)
- # Get the changelog version history
- self.get_changelog_versions(cwd)
- # Move back and cleanup the temporary tree
- os.chdir(cwd)
- try:
- shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
- except OSError as e:
- if e.errno != errno.EACCES:
- print "foobar"
- utils.fubar("%s: couldn't remove tmp dir for source tree." % (self.pkg.dsc["source"]))
- self.rejects.append("%s: source tree could not be cleanly removed." % (self.pkg.dsc["source"]))
- # We probably have u-r or u-w directories so chmod everything
- # and try again.
- cmd = "chmod -R u+rwx %s" % (tmpdir)
- result = os.system(cmd)
- if result != 0:
- utils.fubar("'%s' failed with result %s." % (cmd, result))
- shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
- except Exception as e:
- print "foobar2 (%s)" % e
- utils.fubar("%s: couldn't remove tmp dir for source tree." % (self.pkg.dsc["source"]))
- ###########################################################################
- def ensure_hashes(self):
- # Make sure we recognise the format of the Files: field in the .changes
- format = self.pkg.changes.get("format", "0.0").split(".", 1)
- if len(format) == 2:
- format = int(format[0]), int(format[1])
- else:
- format = int(float(format[0])), 0
- # We need to deal with the original changes blob, as the fields we need
- # might not be in the changes dict serialised into the .dak anymore.
- orig_changes = utils.parse_deb822(self.pkg.changes['filecontents'])
- # Copy the checksums over to the current changes dict. This will keep
- # the existing modifications to it intact.
- for field in orig_changes:
- if field.startswith('checksums-'):
- self.pkg.changes[field] = orig_changes[field]
- # Check for unsupported hashes
- for j in utils.check_hash_fields(".changes", self.pkg.changes):
- self.rejects.append(j)
- for j in utils.check_hash_fields(".dsc", self.pkg.dsc):
- self.rejects.append(j)
- # We have to calculate the hash if we have an earlier changes version than
- # the hash appears in rather than require it exist in the changes file
- for hashname, hashfunc, version in utils.known_hashes:
- # TODO: Move _ensure_changes_hash into this class
- for j in utils._ensure_changes_hash(self.pkg.changes, format, version, self.pkg.files, hashname, hashfunc):
- self.rejects.append(j)
- if "source" in self.pkg.changes["architecture"]:
- # TODO: Move _ensure_dsc_hash into this class
- for j in utils._ensure_dsc_hash(self.pkg.dsc, self.pkg.dsc_files, hashname, hashfunc):
- self.rejects.append(j)
- def check_hashes(self):
- for m in utils.check_hash(".changes", self.pkg.files, "md5", apt_pkg.md5sum):
- self.rejects.append(m)
- for m in utils.check_size(".changes", self.pkg.files):
- self.rejects.append(m)
- for m in utils.check_hash(".dsc", self.pkg.dsc_files, "md5", apt_pkg.md5sum):
- self.rejects.append(m)
- for m in utils.check_size(".dsc", self.pkg.dsc_files):
- self.rejects.append(m)
- self.ensure_hashes()
- ###########################################################################
- def ensure_orig(self, target_dir='.', session=None):
- """
- Ensures that all orig files mentioned in the changes file are present
- in target_dir. If they do not exist, they are symlinked into place.
- An list containing the symlinks that were created are returned (so they
- can be removed).
- """
- symlinked = []
- cnf = Config()
- for filename, entry in self.pkg.dsc_files.iteritems():
- if not re_is_orig_source.match(filename):
- # File is not an orig; ignore
- continue
- if os.path.exists(filename):
- # File exists, no need to continue
- continue
- def symlink_if_valid(path):
- f = utils.open_file(path)
- md5sum = apt_pkg.md5sum(f)
- f.close()
- fingerprint = (os.stat(path)[stat.ST_SIZE], md5sum)
- expected = (int(entry['size']), entry['md5sum'])
- if fingerprint != expected:
- return False
- dest = os.path.join(target_dir, filename)
- os.symlink(path, dest)
- symlinked.append(dest)
- return True
- session_ = session
- if session is None:
- session_ = DBConn().session()
- found = False
- # Look in the pool
- for poolfile in get_poolfile_like_name('%s' % filename, session_):
- poolfile_path = os.path.join(
- poolfile.location.path, poolfile.filename
- )
- if symlink_if_valid(poolfile_path):
- found = True
- break
- if session is None:
- session_.close()
- if found:
- continue
- # Look in some other queues for the file
- queue_names = ['new', 'byhand',
- 'proposedupdates', 'oldproposedupdates',
- 'embargoed', 'unembargoed']
- for queue_name in queue_names:
- queue = get_policy_queue(queue_name, session)
- if not queue:
- continue
- queuefile_path = os.path.join(queue.path, filename)
- if not os.path.exists(queuefile_path):
- # Does not exist in this queue
- continue
- if symlink_if_valid(queuefile_path):
- break
- return symlinked
- ###########################################################################
- def check_lintian(self):
- """
- Extends self.rejects by checking the output of lintian against tags
- specified in Dinstall::LintianTags.
- """
- cnf = Config()
- # Don't reject binary uploads
- if not self.pkg.changes['architecture'].has_key('source'):
- return
- # Only check some distributions
- for dist in ('unstable', 'experimental'):
- if dist in self.pkg.changes['distribution']:
- break
- else:
- return
- # If we do not have a tagfile, don't do anything
- tagfile = cnf.get("Dinstall::LintianTags")
- if not tagfile:
- return
- # Parse the yaml file
- sourcefile = file(tagfile, 'r')
- sourcecontent =
- sourcefile.close()
- try:
- lintiantags = yaml.load(sourcecontent)['lintian']
- except yaml.YAMLError as msg:
- utils.fubar("Can not read the lintian tags file %s, YAML error: %s." % (tagfile, msg))
- return
- # Try and find all orig mentioned in the .dsc
- symlinked = self.ensure_orig()
- # Setup the input file for lintian
- fd, temp_filename = utils.temp_filename()
- temptagfile = os.fdopen(fd, 'w')
- for tags in lintiantags.values():
- temptagfile.writelines(['%s\n' % x for x in tags])
- temptagfile.close()
- try:
- cmd = "lintian --show-overrides --tags-from-file %s %s" % \
- (temp_filename, self.pkg.changes_file)
- result, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
- finally:
- # Remove our tempfile and any symlinks we created
- os.unlink(temp_filename)
- for symlink in symlinked:
- os.unlink(symlink)
- if result == 2:
- utils.warn("lintian failed for %s [return code: %s]." % \
- (self.pkg.changes_file, result))
- utils.warn(utils.prefix_multi_line_string(output, \
- " [possible output:] "))
- def log(*txt):
- if self.logger:
- self.logger.log(
- [self.pkg.changes_file, "check_lintian"] + list(txt)
- )
- # Generate messages
- parsed_tags = parse_lintian_output(output)
- self.rejects.extend(
- generate_reject_messages(parsed_tags, lintiantags, log=log)
- )
- ###########################################################################
- def check_urgency(self):
- cnf = Config()
- if self.pkg.changes["architecture"].has_key("source"):
- if not self.pkg.changes.has_key("urgency"):
- self.pkg.changes["urgency"] = cnf["Urgency::Default"]
- self.pkg.changes["urgency"] = self.pkg.changes["urgency"].lower()
- if self.pkg.changes["urgency"] not in cnf.value_list("Urgency::Valid"):
- self.warnings.append("%s is not a valid urgency; it will be treated as %s by testing." % \
- (self.pkg.changes["urgency"], cnf["Urgency::Default"]))
- self.pkg.changes["urgency"] = cnf["Urgency::Default"]
# Sanity check the time stamps of files inside debs.
# [Files in the near future cause ugly warnings and extreme time
# travel can cause errors on extraction]
- def check_timestamps(self):
- Cnf = Config()
- future_cutoff = time.time() + int(Cnf["Dinstall::FutureTimeTravelGrace"])
- past_cutoff = time.mktime(time.strptime(Cnf["Dinstall::PastCutoffYear"],"%Y"))
- tar = TarTime(future_cutoff, past_cutoff)
- for filename, entry in self.pkg.files.items():
- if entry["type"] == "deb":
- tar.reset()
- try:
- deb = apt_inst.DebFile(filename)
- deb.control.go(tar.callback)
- future_files = tar.future_files.keys()
- if future_files:
- num_future_files = len(future_files)
- future_file = future_files[0]
- future_date = tar.future_files[future_file]
- self.rejects.append("%s: has %s file(s) with a time stamp too far into the future (e.g. %s [%s])."
- % (filename, num_future_files, future_file, time.ctime(future_date)))
- ancient_files = tar.ancient_files.keys()
- if ancient_files:
- num_ancient_files = len(ancient_files)
- ancient_file = ancient_files[0]
- ancient_date = tar.ancient_files[ancient_file]
- self.rejects.append("%s: has %s file(s) with a time stamp too ancient (e.g. %s [%s])."
- % (filename, num_ancient_files, ancient_file, time.ctime(ancient_date)))
- except:
- self.rejects.append("%s: deb contents timestamp check failed [%s: %s]" % (filename, sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
def check_if_upload_is_sponsored(self, uid_email, uid_name):
for key in "maintaineremail", "changedbyemail", "maintainername", "changedbyname":
if not self.pkg.changes.has_key(key):
return sponsored
- ###########################################################################
- # check_signed_by_key checks
- ###########################################################################
- def check_signed_by_key(self):
- """Ensure the .changes is signed by an authorized uploader."""
- session = DBConn().session()
- # First of all we check that the person has proper upload permissions
- # and that this upload isn't blocked
- fpr = get_fingerprint(self.pkg.changes['fingerprint'], session=session)
- if fpr is None:
- self.rejects.append("Cannot find fingerprint %s" % self.pkg.changes["fingerprint"])
- return
- # TODO: Check that import-keyring adds UIDs properly
- if not fpr.uid:
- self.rejects.append("Cannot find uid for fingerprint %s. Please contact" % fpr.fingerprint)
- return
- # Check that the fingerprint which uploaded has permission to do so
- self.check_upload_permissions(fpr, session)
- # Check that this package is not in a transition
- self.check_transition(session)
- session.close()
- def check_upload_permissions(self, fpr, session):
- # Check any one-off upload blocks
- self.check_upload_blocks(fpr, session)
- # If the source_acl is None, source is never allowed
- if fpr.source_acl is None:
- if self.pkg.changes["architecture"].has_key("source"):
- rej = 'Fingerprint %s may not upload source' % fpr.fingerprint
- rej += '\nPlease contact ftpmaster if you think this is incorrect'
- self.rejects.append(rej)
- return
- # Do DM as a special case
- # DM is a special case unfortunately, so we check it first
- # (keys with no source access get more access than DMs in one
- # way; DMs can only upload for their packages whether source
- # or binary, whereas keys with no access might be able to
- # upload some binaries)
- elif fpr.source_acl.access_level == 'dm':
- self.check_dm_upload(fpr, session)
- else:
- # If not a DM, we allow full upload rights
- uid_email = "" % (fpr.uid.uid)
- self.check_if_upload_is_sponsored(uid_email,
- # Check binary upload permissions
- # By this point we know that DMs can't have got here unless they
- # are allowed to deal with the package concerned so just apply
- # normal checks
- if fpr.binary_acl.access_level == 'full':
- return
- # Otherwise we're in the map case
- tmparches = self.pkg.changes["architecture"].copy()
- tmparches.pop('source', None)
- for bam in fpr.binary_acl_map:
- tmparches.pop(bam.architecture.arch_string, None)
- if len(tmparches.keys()) > 0:
- if fpr.binary_reject:
- rej = "changes file contains files of architectures not permitted for fingerprint %s" % fpr.fingerprint
- if len(tmparches.keys()) == 1:
- rej += "\n\narchitecture involved is: %s" % ",".join(tmparches.keys())
- else:
- rej += "\n\narchitectures involved are: %s" % ",".join(tmparches.keys())
- self.rejects.append(rej)
- else:
- # TODO: This is where we'll implement reject vs throw away binaries later
- rej = "Uhm. I'm meant to throw away the binaries now but that's not implemented yet"
- rej += "\nPlease complain to as this shouldn't have been turned on"
- rej += "\nFingerprint: %s", (fpr.fingerprint)
- self.rejects.append(rej)
- def check_upload_blocks(self, fpr, session):
- """Check whether any upload blocks apply to this source, source
- version, uid / fpr combination"""
- def block_rej_template(fb):
- rej = 'Manual upload block in place for package %s' % fb.source
- if fb.version is not None:
- rej += ', version %s' % fb.version
- return rej
- for fb in session.query(UploadBlock).filter_by(source = self.pkg.changes['source']).all():
- # version is None if the block applies to all versions
- if fb.version is None or fb.version == self.pkg.changes['version']:
- # Check both fpr and uid - either is enough to cause a reject
- if fb.fpr is not None:
- if fb.fpr.fingerprint == fpr.fingerprint:
- self.rejects.append(block_rej_template(fb) + ' for fingerprint %s\nReason: %s' % (fpr.fingerprint, fb.reason))
- if fb.uid is not None:
- if fb.uid == fpr.uid:
- self.rejects.append(block_rej_template(fb) + ' for uid %s\nReason: %s' % (fb.uid.uid, fb.reason))
def check_dm_upload(self, fpr, session):
# Quoth the GR (
## none of the uploaded packages are NEW
- rej = False
- for f in self.pkg.files.keys():
- if self.pkg.files[f].has_key("byhand"):
- self.rejects.append("%s may not upload BYHAND file %s" % (fpr.uid.uid, f))
- rej = True
- if self.pkg.files[f].has_key("new"):
- self.rejects.append("%s may not upload NEW file %s" % (fpr.uid.uid, f))
- rej = True
- if rej:
- return
- r = get_newest_source(self.pkg.changes["source"], session)
- if r is None:
- rej = "Could not find existing source package %s in the DM allowed suites and this is a DM upload" % self.pkg.changes["source"]
- self.rejects.append(rej)
- return
- if not r.dm_upload_allowed:
- rej = "Source package %s does not have 'DM-Upload-Allowed: yes' in its most recent version (%s)" % (self.pkg.changes["source"], r.version)
- self.rejects.append(rej)
- return
- ## the Maintainer: field of the uploaded .changes file corresponds with
- ## the owner of the key used (ie, non-developer maintainers may not sponsor
- ## uploads)
- if self.check_if_upload_is_sponsored(fpr.uid.uid,
- self.rejects.append("%s (%s) is not authorised to sponsor uploads" % (fpr.uid.uid, fpr.fingerprint))
- ## the most recent version of the package uploaded to unstable or
- ## experimental lists the uploader in the Maintainer: or Uploaders: fields (ie,
- ## non-developer maintainers cannot NMU or hijack packages)
- # uploader includes the maintainer
- accept = False
- for uploader in r.uploaders:
- (rfc822, rfc2047, name, email) = uploader.get_split_maintainer()
- # Eww - I hope we never have two people with the same name in Debian
- if email == fpr.uid.uid or name ==
- accept = True
- break
- if not accept:
- self.rejects.append("%s is not in Maintainer or Uploaders of source package %s" % (fpr.uid.uid, self.pkg.changes["source"]))
- return
## none of the packages are being taken over from other source packages
for b in self.pkg.changes["binary"].keys():
for suite in self.pkg.changes["distribution"].keys():
if s.source != self.pkg.changes["source"]:
self.rejects.append("%s may not hijack %s from source package %s in suite %s" % (fpr.uid.uid, b, s, suite))
- def check_transition(self, session):
- cnf = Config()
- sourcepkg = self.pkg.changes["source"]
- # No sourceful upload -> no need to do anything else, direct return
- # We also work with unstable uploads, not experimental or those going to some
- # proposed-updates queue
- if "source" not in self.pkg.changes["architecture"] or \
- "unstable" not in self.pkg.changes["distribution"]:
- return
- # Also only check if there is a file defined (and existant) with
- # checks.
- transpath = cnf.get("Dinstall::ReleaseTransitions", "")
- if transpath == "" or not os.path.exists(transpath):
- return
- # Parse the yaml file
- sourcefile = file(transpath, 'r')
- sourcecontent =
- try:
- transitions = yaml.load(sourcecontent)
- except yaml.YAMLError as msg:
- # This shouldn't happen, there is a wrapper to edit the file which
- # checks it, but we prefer to be safe than ending up rejecting
- # everything.
- utils.warn("Not checking transitions, the transitions file is broken: %s." % (msg))
- return
- # Now look through all defined transitions
- for trans in transitions:
- t = transitions[trans]
- source = t["source"]
- expected = t["new"]
- # Will be None if nothing is in testing.
- current = get_source_in_suite(source, "testing", session)
- if current is not None:
- compare = apt_pkg.version_compare(current.version, expected)
- if current is None or compare < 0:
- # This is still valid, the current version in testing is older than
- # the new version we wait for, or there is none in testing yet
- # Check if the source we look at is affected by this.
- if sourcepkg in t['packages']:
- # The source is affected, lets reject it.
- rejectmsg = "%s: part of the %s transition.\n\n" % (
- sourcepkg, trans)
- if current is not None:
- currentlymsg = "at version %s" % (current.version)
- else:
- currentlymsg = "not present in testing"
- rejectmsg += "Transition description: %s\n\n" % (t["reason"])
- rejectmsg += "\n".join(textwrap.wrap("""Your package
-is part of a testing transition designed to get %s migrated (it is
-currently %s, we need version %s). This transition is managed by the
-Release Team, and %s is the Release-Team member responsible for it.
-Please mail or contact %s directly if you
-need further assistance. You might want to upload to experimental until this
-transition is done."""
- % (source, currentlymsg, expected,t["rm"], t["rm"])))
- self.rejects.append(rejectmsg)
- return
# End check_signed_by_key checks
- def close_bugs(self, summary, action):
- """
- Send mail to close bugs as instructed by the closes field in the changes file.
- Also add a line to summary if any work was done.
- @type summary: string
- @param summary: summary text, as given by L{build_summaries}
- @type action: bool
- @param action: Set to false no real action will be done.
- @rtype: string
- @return: summary. If action was taken, extended by the list of closed bugs.
- """
- template = os.path.join(Config()["Dir::Templates"], 'process-unchecked.bug-close')
- bugs = self.pkg.changes["closes"].keys()
- if not bugs:
- return summary
- bugs.sort()
- summary += "Closing bugs: "
- for bug in bugs:
- summary += "%s " % (bug)
- if action:
- self.update_subst()
- self.Subst["__BUG_NUMBER__"] = bug
- if self.pkg.changes["distribution"].has_key("stable"):
- self.Subst["__STABLE_WARNING__"] = """
-Note that this package is not part of the released stable Debian
-distribution. It may have dependencies on other unreleased software,
-or other instabilities. Please take care if you wish to install it.
-The update will eventually make its way into the next released Debian
- else:
- self.Subst["__STABLE_WARNING__"] = ""
- mail_message = utils.TemplateSubst(self.Subst, template)
- utils.send_mail(mail_message)
- # Clear up after ourselves
- del self.Subst["__BUG_NUMBER__"]
- del self.Subst["__STABLE_WARNING__"]
- if action and self.logger:
- self.logger.log(["closing bugs"] + bugs)
- summary += "\n"
- return summary
- ###########################################################################
def announce(self, short_summary, action):
Send an announce mail about a new upload.
return summary
- @session_wrapper
- def accept (self, summary, short_summary, session=None):
- """
- Accept an upload.
- This moves all files referenced from the .changes into the pool,
- sends the accepted mail, announces to lists, closes bugs and
- also checks for override disparities. If enabled it will write out
- the version history for the BTS Version Tracking and will finally call
- L{queue_build}.
- @type summary: string
- @param summary: Summary text
- @type short_summary: string
- @param short_summary: Short summary
- """
- cnf = Config()
- stats = SummaryStats()
- print "Installing."
- self.logger.log(["installing changes", self.pkg.changes_file])
- binaries = []
- poolfiles = []
- # Add the .dsc file to the DB first
- for newfile, entry in self.pkg.files.items():
- if entry["type"] == "dsc":
- source, dsc_component, dsc_location_id, pfs = add_dsc_to_db(self, newfile, session)
- for j in pfs:
- poolfiles.append(j)
- # Add .deb / .udeb files to the DB (type is always deb, dbtype is udeb/deb)
- for newfile, entry in self.pkg.files.items():
- if entry["type"] == "deb":
- b, pf = add_deb_to_db(self, newfile, session)
- binaries.append(b)
- poolfiles.append(pf)
- # If this is a sourceful diff only upload that is moving
- # cross-component we need to copy the .orig files into the new
- # component too for the same reasons as above.
- # XXX: mhy: I think this should be in add_dsc_to_db
- if self.pkg.changes["architecture"].has_key("source"):
- for orig_file in self.pkg.orig_files.keys():
- if not self.pkg.orig_files[orig_file].has_key("id"):
- continue # Skip if it's not in the pool
- orig_file_id = self.pkg.orig_files[orig_file]["id"]
- if self.pkg.orig_files[orig_file]["location"] == dsc_location_id:
- continue # Skip if the location didn't change
- # Do the move
- oldf = get_poolfile_by_id(orig_file_id, session)
- old_filename = os.path.join(oldf.location.path, oldf.filename)
- old_dat = {'size': oldf.filesize, 'md5sum': oldf.md5sum,
- 'sha1sum': oldf.sha1sum, 'sha256sum': oldf.sha256sum}
- new_filename = os.path.join(utils.poolify(self.pkg.changes["source"], dsc_component), os.path.basename(old_filename))
- # TODO: Care about size/md5sum collisions etc
- (found, newf) = check_poolfile(new_filename, old_dat['size'], old_dat['md5sum'], dsc_location_id, session)
- # TODO: Uhm, what happens if newf isn't None - something has gone badly and we should cope
- if newf is None:
- utils.copy(old_filename, os.path.join(cnf["Dir::Pool"], new_filename))
- newf = add_poolfile(new_filename, old_dat, dsc_location_id, session)
- session.flush()
- # Don't reference the old file from this changes
- for p in poolfiles:
- if p.file_id == oldf.file_id:
- poolfiles.remove(p)
- poolfiles.append(newf)
- # Fix up the DSC references
- toremove = []
- for df in source.srcfiles:
- if df.poolfile.file_id == oldf.file_id:
- # Add a new DSC entry and mark the old one for deletion
- # Don't do it in the loop so we don't change the thing we're iterating over
- newdscf = DSCFile()
- newdscf.source_id = source.source_id
- newdscf.poolfile_id = newf.file_id
- session.add(newdscf)
- toremove.append(df)
- for df in toremove:
- session.delete(df)
- # Flush our changes
- session.flush()
- # Make sure that our source object is up-to-date
- session.expire(source)
- # Add changelog information to the database
- self.store_changelog()
- # Install the files into the pool
- for newfile, entry in self.pkg.files.items():
- destination = os.path.join(cnf["Dir::Pool"], entry["pool name"], newfile)
- utils.move(newfile, destination)
- self.logger.log(["installed", newfile, entry["type"], entry["size"], entry["architecture"]])
- stats.accept_bytes += float(entry["size"])
- # Copy the .changes file across for suite which need it.
- copy_changes = dict([(x.copychanges, '')
- for x in session.query(Suite).filter(Suite.suite_name.in_(self.pkg.changes["distribution"].keys())).all()
- if x.copychanges is not None])
- for dest in copy_changes.keys():
- utils.copy(self.pkg.changes_file, os.path.join(cnf["Dir::Root"], dest))
- # We're done - commit the database changes
- session.commit()
- # Our SQL session will automatically start a new transaction after
- # the last commit
- # Now ensure that the metadata has been added
- # This has to be done after we copy the files into the pool
- # For source if we have it:
- if self.pkg.changes["architecture"].has_key("source"):
- import_metadata_into_db(source, session)
- # Now for any of our binaries
- for b in binaries:
- import_metadata_into_db(b, session)
- session.commit()
- # Move the .changes into the 'done' directory
- ye, mo, da = time.gmtime()[0:3]
- donedir = os.path.join(cnf["Dir::Done"], str(ye), "%0.2d" % mo, "%0.2d" % da)
- if not os.path.isdir(donedir):
- os.makedirs(donedir)
- utils.move(self.pkg.changes_file,
- os.path.join(donedir, os.path.basename(self.pkg.changes_file)))
- if self.pkg.changes["architecture"].has_key("source"):
- UrgencyLog().log(self.pkg.dsc["source"], self.pkg.dsc["version"], self.pkg.changes["urgency"])
- self.update_subst()
- self.Subst["__SUMMARY__"] = summary
- mail_message = utils.TemplateSubst(self.Subst,
- os.path.join(cnf["Dir::Templates"], 'process-unchecked.accepted'))
- utils.send_mail(mail_message)
- self.announce(short_summary, 1)
- ## Helper stuff for DebBugs Version Tracking
- if cnf.find("Dir::BTSVersionTrack"):
- if self.pkg.changes["architecture"].has_key("source"):
- (fd, temp_filename) = utils.temp_filename(cnf["Dir::BTSVersionTrack"], prefix=".")
- version_history = os.fdopen(fd, 'w')
- version_history.write(self.pkg.dsc["bts changelog"])
- version_history.close()
- filename = "%s/%s" % (cnf["Dir::BTSVersionTrack"],
- self.pkg.changes_file[:-8]+".versions")
- os.rename(temp_filename, filename)
- os.chmod(filename, 0o644)
- # Write out the binary -> source mapping.
- (fd, temp_filename) = utils.temp_filename(cnf["Dir::BTSVersionTrack"], prefix=".")
- debinfo = os.fdopen(fd, 'w')
- for name, entry in sorted(self.pkg.files.items()):
- if entry["type"] == "deb":
- line = " ".join([entry["package"], entry["version"],
- entry["architecture"], entry["source package"],
- entry["source version"]])
- debinfo.write(line+"\n")
- debinfo.close()
- filename = "%s/%s" % (cnf["Dir::BTSVersionTrack"],
- self.pkg.changes_file[:-8]+".debinfo")
- os.rename(temp_filename, filename)
- os.chmod(filename, 0o644)
- session.commit()
- # Set up our copy queues (e.g. buildd queues)
- for suite_name in self.pkg.changes["distribution"].keys():
- suite = get_suite(suite_name, session)
- for q in suite.copy_queues:
- for f in poolfiles:
- q.add_file_from_pool(f)
- session.commit()
- # Finally...
- stats.accept_count += 1
def check_override(self):
del self.Subst["__SUMMARY__"]
- ###########################################################################
- def remove(self, from_dir=None):
- """
- Used (for instance) in p-u to remove the package from unchecked
- Also removes the package from holding area.
- """
- if from_dir is None:
- from_dir =
- h = Holding()
- for f in self.pkg.files.keys():
- os.unlink(os.path.join(from_dir, f))
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(h.holding_dir, f)):
- os.unlink(os.path.join(h.holding_dir, f))
- os.unlink(os.path.join(from_dir, self.pkg.changes_file))
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(h.holding_dir, self.pkg.changes_file)):
- os.unlink(os.path.join(h.holding_dir, self.pkg.changes_file))
- ###########################################################################
- def move_to_queue (self, queue):
- """
- Move files to a destination queue using the permissions in the table
- """
- h = Holding()
- utils.move(os.path.join(h.holding_dir, self.pkg.changes_file),
- queue.path, perms=int(queue.change_perms, 8))
- for f in self.pkg.files.keys():
- utils.move(os.path.join(h.holding_dir, f), queue.path, perms=int(queue.perms, 8))
- ###########################################################################
- def force_reject(self, reject_files):
- """
- Forcefully move files from the current directory to the
- reject directory. If any file already exists in the reject
- directory it will be moved to the morgue to make way for
- the new file.
- @type reject_files: dict
- @param reject_files: file dictionary
- """
- cnf = Config()
- for file_entry in reject_files:
- # Skip any files which don't exist or which we don't have permission to copy.
- if os.access(file_entry, os.R_OK) == 0:
- continue
- dest_file = os.path.join(cnf["Dir::Reject"], file_entry)
- try:
- dest_fd =, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL, 0o644)
- except OSError as e:
- # File exists? Let's find a new name by adding a number
- if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
- try:
- dest_file = utils.find_next_free(dest_file, 255)
- except NoFreeFilenameError:
- # Something's either gone badly Pete Tong, or
- # someone is trying to exploit us.
- utils.warn("**WARNING** failed to find a free filename for %s in %s." % (file_entry, cnf["Dir::Reject"]))
- return
- # Make sure we really got it
- try:
- dest_fd =, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT|os.O_EXCL, 0o644)
- except OSError as e:
- # Likewise
- utils.warn("**WARNING** failed to claim %s in the reject directory." % (file_entry))
- return
- else:
- raise
- # If we got here, we own the destination file, so we can
- # safely overwrite it.
- utils.move(file_entry, dest_file, 1, perms=0o660)
- os.close(dest_fd)
- ###########################################################################
- def do_reject (self, manual=0, reject_message="", notes=""):
- """
- Reject an upload. If called without a reject message or C{manual} is
- true, spawn an editor so the user can write one.
- @type manual: bool
- @param manual: manual or automated rejection
- @type reject_message: string
- @param reject_message: A reject message
- @return: 0
- """
- # If we weren't given a manual rejection message, spawn an
- # editor so the user can add one in...
- if manual and not reject_message:
- (fd, temp_filename) = utils.temp_filename()
- temp_file = os.fdopen(fd, 'w')
- if len(notes) > 0:
- for note in notes:
- temp_file.write("\nAuthor: %s\nVersion: %s\nTimestamp: %s\n\n%s" \
- % (, note.version, note.notedate, note.comment))
- temp_file.close()
- editor = os.environ.get("EDITOR","vi")
- answer = 'E'
- while answer == 'E':
- os.system("%s %s" % (editor, temp_filename))
- temp_fh = utils.open_file(temp_filename)
- reject_message = "".join(temp_fh.readlines())
- temp_fh.close()
- print "Reject message:"
- print utils.prefix_multi_line_string(reject_message," ",include_blank_lines=1)
- prompt = "[R]eject, Edit, Abandon, Quit ?"
- answer = "XXX"
- while prompt.find(answer) == -1:
- answer = utils.our_raw_input(prompt)
- m =
- if answer == "":
- answer =
- answer = answer[:1].upper()
- os.unlink(temp_filename)
- if answer == 'A':
- return 1
- elif answer == 'Q':
- sys.exit(0)
- print "Rejecting.\n"
- cnf = Config()
- reason_filename = self.pkg.changes_file[:-8] + ".reason"
- reason_filename = os.path.join(cnf["Dir::Reject"], reason_filename)
- changesfile = os.path.join(cnf["Dir::Reject"], self.pkg.changes_file)
- # Move all the files into the reject directory
- reject_files = self.pkg.files.keys() + [self.pkg.changes_file]
- self.force_reject(reject_files)
- # Change permissions of the .changes file to be world readable
- try:
- os.chmod(changesfile, os.stat(changesfile).st_mode | stat.S_IROTH)
- except OSError as (errno, strerror):
- # Ignore 'Operation not permitted' error.
- if errno != 1:
- raise
- # If we fail here someone is probably trying to exploit the race
- # so let's just raise an exception ...
- if os.path.exists(reason_filename):
- os.unlink(reason_filename)
- reason_fd =, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT|os.O_EXCL, 0o644)
- rej_template = os.path.join(cnf["Dir::Templates"], "queue.rejected")
- self.update_subst()
- if not manual:
- self.Subst["__REJECTOR_ADDRESS__"] = cnf["Dinstall::MyEmailAddress"]
- self.Subst["__MANUAL_REJECT_MESSAGE__"] = ""
- self.Subst["__CC__"] = "X-DAK-Rejection: automatic (moo)"
- os.write(reason_fd, reject_message)
- reject_mail_message = utils.TemplateSubst(self.Subst, rej_template)
- else:
- # Build up the rejection email
- user_email_address = utils.whoami() + " <%s>" % (cnf["Dinstall::MyAdminAddress"])
- self.Subst["__REJECTOR_ADDRESS__"] = user_email_address
- self.Subst["__MANUAL_REJECT_MESSAGE__"] = reject_message
- self.Subst["__REJECT_MESSAGE__"] = ""
- self.Subst["__CC__"] = "Cc: " + cnf["Dinstall::MyEmailAddress"]
- reject_mail_message = utils.TemplateSubst(self.Subst, rej_template)
- # Write the rejection email out as the <foo>.reason file
- os.write(reason_fd, reject_mail_message)
- del self.Subst["__REJECTOR_ADDRESS__"]
- del self.Subst["__MANUAL_REJECT_MESSAGE__"]
- del self.Subst["__CC__"]
- os.close(reason_fd)
- # Send the rejection mail
- utils.send_mail(reject_mail_message)
- if self.logger:
- self.logger.log(["rejected", self.pkg.changes_file])
- stats = SummaryStats()
- stats.reject_count += 1
- return 0
- ################################################################################
- def in_override_p(self, package, component, suite, binary_type, filename, session):
- """
- Check if a package already has override entries in the DB
- @type package: string
- @param package: package name
- @type component: string
- @param component: database id of the component
- @type suite: int
- @param suite: database id of the suite
- @type binary_type: string
- @param binary_type: type of the package
- @type filename: string
- @param filename: filename we check
- @return: the database result. But noone cares anyway.
- """
- cnf = Config()
- if binary_type == "": # must be source
- file_type = "dsc"
- else:
- file_type = binary_type
- # Override suite name; used for example with proposed-updates
- oldsuite = get_suite(suite, session)
- if (not oldsuite is None) and oldsuite.overridesuite:
- suite = oldsuite.overridesuite
- result = get_override(package, suite, component, file_type, session)
- # If checking for a source package fall back on the binary override type
- if file_type == "dsc" and len(result) < 1:
- result = get_override(package, suite, component, ['deb', 'udeb'], session)
- # Remember the section and priority so we can check them later if appropriate
- if len(result) > 0:
- result = result[0]
- self.pkg.files[filename]["override section"] = result.section.section
- self.pkg.files[filename]["override priority"] = result.priority.priority
- return result
- return None
def get_anyversion(self, sv_list, suite):
self.rejects.append("%s: old version (%s) in %s <= new version (%s) targeted at %s." % (filename, existent_version, suite, new_version, target_suite))
- def check_binary_against_db(self, filename, session):
- # Ensure version is sane
- self.cross_suite_version_check( \
- get_suite_version_by_package(self.pkg.files[filename]["package"], \
- self.pkg.files[filename]["architecture"], session),
- filename, self.pkg.files[filename]["version"], sourceful=False)
- # Check for any existing copies of the file
- q = session.query(DBBinary).filter_by(package=self.pkg.files[filename]["package"])
- q = q.filter_by(version=self.pkg.files[filename]["version"])
- q = q.join(Architecture).filter_by(arch_string=self.pkg.files[filename]["architecture"])
- if q.count() > 0:
- self.rejects.append("%s: can not overwrite existing copy already in the archive." % filename)
- ################################################################################
- def check_source_against_db(self, filename, session):
- source = self.pkg.dsc.get("source")
- version = self.pkg.dsc.get("version")
- # Ensure version is sane
- self.cross_suite_version_check( \
- get_suite_version_by_source(source, session), filename, version,
- sourceful=True)
- ################################################################################
- def check_dsc_against_db(self, filename, session):
- """
- @warning: NB: this function can remove entries from the 'files' index [if
- the orig tarball is a duplicate of the one in the archive]; if
- you're iterating over 'files' and call this function as part of
- the loop, be sure to add a check to the top of the loop to
- ensure you haven't just tried to dereference the deleted entry.
- """
- Cnf = Config()
- self.pkg.orig_files = {} # XXX: do we need to clear it?
- orig_files = self.pkg.orig_files
- # Try and find all files mentioned in the .dsc. This has
- # to work harder to cope with the multiple possible
- # locations of an .orig.tar.gz.
- # The ordering on the select is needed to pick the newest orig
- # when it exists in multiple places.
- for dsc_name, dsc_entry in self.pkg.dsc_files.items():
- found = None
- if self.pkg.files.has_key(dsc_name):
- actual_md5 = self.pkg.files[dsc_name]["md5sum"]
- actual_size = int(self.pkg.files[dsc_name]["size"])
- found = "%s in incoming" % (dsc_name)
- # Check the file does not already exist in the archive
- ql = get_poolfile_like_name(dsc_name, session)
- # Strip out anything that isn't '%s' or '/%s$'
- for i in ql:
- if not i.filename.endswith(dsc_name):
- ql.remove(i)
- # "[dak] has not broken them. [dak] has fixed a
- # brokenness. Your crappy hack exploited a bug in
- # the old dinstall.
- #
- # "(Come on! I thought it was always obvious that
- # one just doesn't release different files with
- # the same name and version.)"
- # -- ajk@ on d-devel@l.d.o
- if len(ql) > 0:
- # Ignore exact matches for .orig.tar.gz
- match = 0
- if re_is_orig_source.match(dsc_name):
- for i in ql:
- if self.pkg.files.has_key(dsc_name) and \
- int(self.pkg.files[dsc_name]["size"]) == int(i.filesize) and \
- self.pkg.files[dsc_name]["md5sum"] == i.md5sum:
- self.warnings.append("ignoring %s, since it's already in the archive." % (dsc_name))
- # TODO: Don't delete the entry, just mark it as not needed
- # This would fix the stupidity of changing something we often iterate over
- # whilst we're doing it
- del self.pkg.files[dsc_name]
- dsc_entry["files id"] = i.file_id
- if not orig_files.has_key(dsc_name):
- orig_files[dsc_name] = {}
- orig_files[dsc_name]["path"] = os.path.join(i.location.path, i.filename)
- match = 1
- # Don't bitch that we couldn't find this file later
- try:
- self.later_check_files.remove(dsc_name)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- if not match:
- self.rejects.append("can not overwrite existing copy of '%s' already in the archive." % (dsc_name))
- elif re_is_orig_source.match(dsc_name):
- # Check in the pool
- ql = get_poolfile_like_name(dsc_name, session)
- # Strip out anything that isn't '%s' or '/%s$'
- # TODO: Shouldn't we just search for things which end with our string explicitly in the SQL?
- for i in ql:
- if not i.filename.endswith(dsc_name):
- ql.remove(i)
- if len(ql) > 0:
- # Unfortunately, we may get more than one match here if,
- # for example, the package was in potato but had an -sa
- # upload in woody. So we need to choose the right one.
- # default to something sane in case we don't match any or have only one
- x = ql[0]
- if len(ql) > 1:
- for i in ql:
- old_file = os.path.join(i.location.path, i.filename)
- old_file_fh = utils.open_file(old_file)
- actual_md5 = apt_pkg.md5sum(old_file_fh)
- old_file_fh.close()
- actual_size = os.stat(old_file)[stat.ST_SIZE]
- if actual_md5 == dsc_entry["md5sum"] and actual_size == int(dsc_entry["size"]):
- x = i
- old_file = os.path.join(i.location.path, i.filename)
- old_file_fh = utils.open_file(old_file)
- actual_md5 = apt_pkg.md5sum(old_file_fh)
- old_file_fh.close()
- actual_size = os.stat(old_file)[stat.ST_SIZE]
- found = old_file
- suite_type = x.location.archive_type
- # need this for updating dsc_files in install()
- dsc_entry["files id"] = x.file_id
- # See install() in process-accepted...
- if not orig_files.has_key(dsc_name):
- orig_files[dsc_name] = {}
- orig_files[dsc_name]["id"] = x.file_id
- orig_files[dsc_name]["path"] = old_file
- orig_files[dsc_name]["location"] = x.location.location_id
- else:
- # TODO: Determine queue list dynamically
- # Not there? Check the queue directories...
- for queue_name in [ "byhand", "new", "proposedupdates", "oldproposedupdates", "embargoed", "unembargoed" ]:
- queue = get_policy_queue(queue_name, session)
- if not queue:
- continue
- in_otherdir = os.path.join(queue.path, dsc_name)
- if os.path.exists(in_otherdir):
- in_otherdir_fh = utils.open_file(in_otherdir)
- actual_md5 = apt_pkg.md5sum(in_otherdir_fh)
- in_otherdir_fh.close()
- actual_size = os.stat(in_otherdir)[stat.ST_SIZE]
- found = in_otherdir
- if not orig_files.has_key(dsc_name):
- orig_files[dsc_name] = {}
- orig_files[dsc_name]["path"] = in_otherdir
- if not found:
- self.rejects.append("%s refers to %s, but I can't find it in the queue or in the pool." % (filename, dsc_name))
- continue
- else:
- self.rejects.append("%s refers to %s, but I can't find it in the queue." % (filename, dsc_name))
- continue
- if actual_md5 != dsc_entry["md5sum"]:
- self.rejects.append("md5sum for %s doesn't match %s." % (found, filename))
- if actual_size != int(dsc_entry["size"]):
- self.rejects.append("size for %s doesn't match %s." % (found, filename))
- ################################################################################
- # This is used by process-new and process-holding to recheck a changes file
- # at the time we're running. It mainly wraps various other internal functions
- # and is similar to accepted_checks - these should probably be tidied up
- # and combined
- def recheck(self, session):
- cnf = Config()
- for f in self.pkg.files.keys():
- # The .orig.tar.gz can disappear out from under us is it's a
- # duplicate of one in the archive.
- if not self.pkg.files.has_key(f):
- continue
- entry = self.pkg.files[f]
- # Check that the source still exists
- if entry["type"] == "deb":
- source_version = entry["source version"]
- source_package = entry["source package"]
- if not self.pkg.changes["architecture"].has_key("source") \
- and not source_exists(source_package, source_version, \
- suites = self.pkg.changes["distribution"].keys(), session = session):
- source_epochless_version = re_no_epoch.sub('', source_version)
- dsc_filename = "%s_%s.dsc" % (source_package, source_epochless_version)
- found = False
- for queue_name in ["embargoed", "unembargoed", "newstage"]:
- queue = get_policy_queue(queue_name, session)
- if queue and os.path.exists(os.path.join(queue.path, dsc_filename)):
- found = True
- if not found:
- self.rejects.append("no source found for %s %s (%s)." % (source_package, source_version, f))
- # Version and file overwrite checks
- if entry["type"] == "deb":
- self.check_binary_against_db(f, session)
- elif entry["type"] == "dsc":
- self.check_source_against_db(f, session)
- self.check_dsc_against_db(f, session)
- ################################################################################
def accepted_checks(self, overwrite_checks, session):
# Recheck anything that relies on the database; since that's not
# frozen between accept and our run time when called from p-a.
- # Find the .dsc (again)
- dsc_filename = None
- for f in self.pkg.files.keys():
- if self.pkg.files[f]["type"] == "dsc":
- dsc_filename = f
for checkfile in self.pkg.files.keys():
# The .orig.tar.gz can disappear out from under us is it's a
# duplicate of one in the archive.
entry = self.pkg.files[checkfile]
- # Check that the source still exists
- if entry["type"] == "deb":
- source_version = entry["source version"]
- source_package = entry["source package"]
- if not self.pkg.changes["architecture"].has_key("source") \
- and not source_exists(source_package, source_version, \
- suites = self.pkg.changes["distribution"].keys(), \
- session = session):
- self.rejects.append("no source found for %s %s (%s)." % (source_package, source_version, checkfile))
- # Version and file overwrite checks
- if overwrite_checks:
- if entry["type"] == "deb":
- self.check_binary_against_db(checkfile, session)
- elif entry["type"] == "dsc":
- self.check_source_against_db(checkfile, session)
- self.check_dsc_against_db(dsc_filename, session)
# propogate in the case it is in the override tables:
for suite in self.pkg.changes.get("propdistribution", {}).keys():
if self.in_override_p(entry["package"], entry["component"], suite, entry.get("dbtype",""), checkfile, session):
for suite in self.pkg.changes["distribution"].keys():
if not self.in_override_p(entry["package"], entry["component"], suite, entry.get("dbtype",""), checkfile, session):
self.rejects.append("%s is NEW for %s." % (checkfile, suite))
- ################################################################################
- # If any file of an upload has a recent mtime then chances are good
- # the file is still being uploaded.
- def upload_too_new(self):
- cnf = Config()
- too_new = False
- # Move back to the original directory to get accurate time stamps
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(
- file_list = self.pkg.files.keys()
- file_list.extend(self.pkg.dsc_files.keys())
- file_list.append(self.pkg.changes_file)
- for f in file_list:
- try:
- last_modified = time.time()-os.path.getmtime(f)
- if last_modified < int(cnf["Dinstall::SkipTime"]):
- too_new = True
- break
- except:
- pass
- os.chdir(cwd)
- return too_new
- def store_changelog(self):
- # Skip binary-only upload if it is not a bin-NMU
- if not self.pkg.changes['architecture'].has_key('source'):
- from daklib.regexes import re_bin_only_nmu
- if not['version']):
- return
- session = DBConn().session()
- # Check if upload already has a changelog entry
- query = """SELECT changelog_id FROM changes WHERE source = :source
- AND version = :version AND architecture = :architecture AND changelog_id != 0"""
- if session.execute(query, {'source': self.pkg.changes['source'], \
- 'version': self.pkg.changes['version'], \
- 'architecture': " ".join(self.pkg.changes['architecture'].keys())}).rowcount:
- session.commit()
- return
- # Add current changelog text into changelogs_text table, return created ID
- query = "INSERT INTO changelogs_text (changelog) VALUES (:changelog) RETURNING id"
- ID = session.execute(query, {'changelog': self.pkg.changes['changes']}).fetchone()[0]
- # Link ID to the upload available in changes table
- query = """UPDATE changes SET changelog_id = :id WHERE source = :source
- AND version = :version AND architecture = :architecture"""
- session.execute(query, {'id': ID, 'source': self.pkg.changes['source'], \
- 'version': self.pkg.changes['version'], \
- 'architecture': " ".join(self.pkg.changes['architecture'].keys())})
- session.commit()