-def reject (str, prefix="Rejected: "):
- global reject_message
- if str:
- reject_message += prefix + str + "\n"
-def copy_to_holding(filename):
- global in_holding
- base_filename = os.path.basename(filename)
- dest = Cnf["Dir::Queue::Holding"] + '/' + base_filename
- try:
- fd = os.open(dest, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT|os.O_EXCL, 0640)
- os.close(fd)
- except OSError, e:
- # Shouldn't happen, but will if, for example, someone lists a
- # file twice in the .changes.
- if errno.errorcode[e.errno] == 'EEXIST':
- reject("%s: already exists in holding area; can not overwrite." % (base_filename))
- return
- raise
- try:
- shutil.copy(filename, dest)
- except IOError, e:
- # In either case (ENOENT or EACCES) we want to remove the
- # O_CREAT | O_EXCLed ghost file, so add the file to the list
- # of 'in holding' even if it's not the real file.
- if errno.errorcode[e.errno] == 'ENOENT':
- reject("%s: can not copy to holding area: file not found." % (base_filename))
- os.unlink(dest)
- return
- elif errno.errorcode[e.errno] == 'EACCES':
- reject("%s: can not copy to holding area: read permission denied." % (base_filename))
- os.unlink(dest)
- return
- raise
- in_holding[base_filename] = ""
-def clean_holding():
- global in_holding
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(Cnf["Dir::Queue::Holding"])
- for f in in_holding.keys():
- if os.path.exists(f):
- if f.find('/') != -1:
- utils.fubar("WTF? clean_holding() got a file ('%s') with / in it!" % (f))
- else:
- os.unlink(f)
- in_holding = {}
- os.chdir(cwd)
-def check_changes():
- filename = pkg.changes_file
- # Parse the .changes field into a dictionary
- try:
- changes.update(utils.parse_changes(filename))
- except CantOpenError:
- reject("%s: can't read file." % (filename))
- return 0
- except ParseChangesError, line:
- reject("%s: parse error, can't grok: %s." % (filename, line))
- return 0
- except ChangesUnicodeError:
- reject("%s: changes file not proper utf-8" % (filename))
- return 0
- # Parse the Files field from the .changes into another dictionary
- try:
- files.update(utils.build_file_list(changes))
- except ParseChangesError, line:
- reject("%s: parse error, can't grok: %s." % (filename, line))
- except UnknownFormatError, format:
- reject("%s: unknown format '%s'." % (filename, format))
- return 0
- # Check for mandatory fields
- for i in ("source", "binary", "architecture", "version", "distribution",
- "maintainer", "files", "changes", "description"):
- if not changes.has_key(i):
- reject("%s: Missing mandatory field `%s'." % (filename, i))
- return 0 # Avoid <undef> errors during later tests
- # Strip a source version in brackets from the source field
- if re_strip_srcver.search(changes["source"]):
- changes["source"] = re_strip_srcver.sub('', changes["source"])
- # Ensure the source field is a valid package name.
- if not re_valid_pkg_name.match(changes["source"]):
- reject("%s: invalid source name '%s'." % (filename, changes["source"]))
- # Split multi-value fields into a lower-level dictionary
- for i in ("architecture", "distribution", "binary", "closes"):
- o = changes.get(i, "")
- if o != "":
- del changes[i]
- changes[i] = {}
- for j in o.split():
- changes[i][j] = 1
- # Fix the Maintainer: field to be RFC822/2047 compatible
- try:
- (changes["maintainer822"], changes["maintainer2047"],
- changes["maintainername"], changes["maintaineremail"]) = \
- utils.fix_maintainer (changes["maintainer"])
- except ParseMaintError, msg:
- reject("%s: Maintainer field ('%s') failed to parse: %s" \
- % (filename, changes["maintainer"], msg))
- # ...likewise for the Changed-By: field if it exists.
- try:
- (changes["changedby822"], changes["changedby2047"],
- changes["changedbyname"], changes["changedbyemail"]) = \
- utils.fix_maintainer (changes.get("changed-by", ""))
- except ParseMaintError, msg:
- (changes["changedby822"], changes["changedby2047"],
- changes["changedbyname"], changes["changedbyemail"]) = \
- ("", "", "", "")
- reject("%s: Changed-By field ('%s') failed to parse: %s" \
- % (filename, changes["changed-by"], msg))
- # Ensure all the values in Closes: are numbers
- if changes.has_key("closes"):
- for i in changes["closes"].keys():
- if re_isanum.match (i) == None:
- reject("%s: `%s' from Closes field isn't a number." % (filename, i))
- # chopversion = no epoch; chopversion2 = no epoch and no revision (e.g. for .orig.tar.gz comparison)
- changes["chopversion"] = re_no_epoch.sub('', changes["version"])
- changes["chopversion2"] = re_no_revision.sub('', changes["chopversion"])
- # Check there isn't already a changes file of the same name in one
- # of the queue directories.
- base_filename = os.path.basename(filename)
- for d in [ "Accepted", "Byhand", "Done", "New", "ProposedUpdates", "OldProposedUpdates" ]:
- if os.path.exists(Cnf["Dir::Queue::%s" % (d) ]+'/'+base_filename):
- reject("%s: a file with this name already exists in the %s directory." % (base_filename, d))
- # Check the .changes is non-empty
- if not files:
- reject("%s: nothing to do (Files field is empty)." % (base_filename))
- return 0
- return 1
-def check_distributions():
- "Check and map the Distribution field of a .changes file."
- # Handle suite mappings
- for m in Cnf.ValueList("SuiteMappings"):
- args = m.split()
- mtype = args[0]
- if mtype == "map" or mtype == "silent-map":
- (source, dest) = args[1:3]
- if changes["distribution"].has_key(source):
- del changes["distribution"][source]
- changes["distribution"][dest] = 1
- if mtype != "silent-map":
- reject("Mapping %s to %s." % (source, dest),"")
- if changes.has_key("distribution-version"):
- if changes["distribution-version"].has_key(source):
- changes["distribution-version"][source]=dest
- elif mtype == "map-unreleased":
- (source, dest) = args[1:3]
- if changes["distribution"].has_key(source):
- for arch in changes["architecture"].keys():
- if arch not in DBConn().get_suite_architectures(source):
- reject("Mapping %s to %s for unreleased architecture %s." % (source, dest, arch),"")
- del changes["distribution"][source]
- changes["distribution"][dest] = 1
- break
- elif mtype == "ignore":
- suite = args[1]
- if changes["distribution"].has_key(suite):
- del changes["distribution"][suite]
- reject("Ignoring %s as a target suite." % (suite), "Warning: ")
- elif mtype == "reject":
- suite = args[1]
- if changes["distribution"].has_key(suite):
- reject("Uploads to %s are not accepted." % (suite))
- elif mtype == "propup-version":
- # give these as "uploaded-to(non-mapped) suites-to-add-when-upload-obsoletes"
- #
- # changes["distribution-version"] looks like: {'testing': 'testing-proposed-updates'}
- if changes["distribution"].has_key(args[1]):
- changes.setdefault("distribution-version", {})
- for suite in args[2:]: changes["distribution-version"][suite]=suite
- # Ensure there is (still) a target distribution
- if changes["distribution"].keys() == []:
- reject("no valid distribution.")
- # Ensure target distributions exist
- for suite in changes["distribution"].keys():
- if not Cnf.has_key("Suite::%s" % (suite)):
- reject("Unknown distribution `%s'." % (suite))
-def check_files():
- global reprocess
- archive = utils.where_am_i()
- file_keys = files.keys()
- # if reprocess is 2 we've already done this and we're checking
- # things again for the new .orig.tar.gz.
- # [Yes, I'm fully aware of how disgusting this is]
- if not Options["No-Action"] and reprocess < 2:
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(pkg.directory)
- for f in file_keys:
- copy_to_holding(f)
- os.chdir(cwd)
- # Check there isn't already a .changes or .dak file of the same name in
- # the proposed-updates "CopyChanges" or "CopyDotDak" storage directories.
- # [NB: this check must be done post-suite mapping]
- base_filename = os.path.basename(pkg.changes_file)
- dot_dak_filename = base_filename[:-8]+".dak"
- for suite in changes["distribution"].keys():
- copychanges = "Suite::%s::CopyChanges" % (suite)
- if Cnf.has_key(copychanges) and \
- os.path.exists(Cnf[copychanges]+"/"+base_filename):
- reject("%s: a file with this name already exists in %s" \
- % (base_filename, Cnf[copychanges]))
- copy_dot_dak = "Suite::%s::CopyDotDak" % (suite)
- if Cnf.has_key(copy_dot_dak) and \
- os.path.exists(Cnf[copy_dot_dak]+"/"+dot_dak_filename):
- reject("%s: a file with this name already exists in %s" \
- % (dot_dak_filename, Cnf[copy_dot_dak]))
- reprocess = 0
- has_binaries = 0
- has_source = 0
- cursor = DBConn().cursor()
- # Check for packages that have moved from one component to another
- # STU: this should probably be changed to not join on architecture, suite tables but instead to used their cached name->id mappings from DBConn
- DBConn().prepare("moved_pkg_q", """
- PREPARE moved_pkg_q(text,text,text) AS
- SELECT c.name FROM binaries b, bin_associations ba, suite s, location l,
- component c, architecture a, files f
- WHERE b.package = $1 AND s.suite_name = $2
- AND (a.arch_string = $3 OR a.arch_string = 'all')
- AND ba.bin = b.id AND ba.suite = s.id AND b.architecture = a.id
- AND f.location = l.id
- AND l.component = c.id
- AND b.file = f.id""")
- for f in file_keys:
- # Ensure the file does not already exist in one of the accepted directories
- for d in [ "Accepted", "Byhand", "New", "ProposedUpdates", "OldProposedUpdates", "Embargoed", "Unembargoed" ]:
- if not Cnf.has_key("Dir::Queue::%s" % (d)): continue
- if os.path.exists(Cnf["Dir::Queue::%s" % (d) ] + '/' + f):
- reject("%s file already exists in the %s directory." % (f, d))
- if not re_taint_free.match(f):
- reject("!!WARNING!! tainted filename: '%s'." % (f))
- # Check the file is readable
- if os.access(f, os.R_OK) == 0:
- # When running in -n, copy_to_holding() won't have
- # generated the reject_message, so we need to.
- if Options["No-Action"]:
- if os.path.exists(f):
- reject("Can't read `%s'. [permission denied]" % (f))
- else:
- reject("Can't read `%s'. [file not found]" % (f))
- files[f]["type"] = "unreadable"
- continue
- # If it's byhand skip remaining checks
- if files[f]["section"] == "byhand" or files[f]["section"][:4] == "raw-":
- files[f]["byhand"] = 1
- files[f]["type"] = "byhand"
- # Checks for a binary package...
- elif re_isadeb.match(f):
- has_binaries = 1
- files[f]["type"] = "deb"
- # Extract package control information
- deb_file = utils.open_file(f)
- try:
- control = apt_pkg.ParseSection(apt_inst.debExtractControl(deb_file))
- except:
- reject("%s: debExtractControl() raised %s." % (f, sys.exc_type))
- deb_file.close()
- # Can't continue, none of the checks on control would work.
- continue
- # Check for mandantory "Description:"
- deb_file.seek ( 0 )
- try:
- apt_pkg.ParseSection(apt_inst.debExtractControl(deb_file))["Description"] + '\n'
- except:
- reject("%s: Missing Description in binary package" % (f))
- continue
- deb_file.close()
- # Check for mandatory fields
- for field in [ "Package", "Architecture", "Version" ]:
- if control.Find(field) == None:
- reject("%s: No %s field in control." % (f, field))
- # Can't continue
- continue
- # Ensure the package name matches the one give in the .changes
- if not changes["binary"].has_key(control.Find("Package", "")):
- reject("%s: control file lists name as `%s', which isn't in changes file." % (f, control.Find("Package", "")))
- # Validate the package field
- package = control.Find("Package")
- if not re_valid_pkg_name.match(package):
- reject("%s: invalid package name '%s'." % (f, package))
- # Validate the version field
- version = control.Find("Version")
- if not re_valid_version.match(version):
- reject("%s: invalid version number '%s'." % (f, version))
- # Ensure the architecture of the .deb is one we know about.
- default_suite = Cnf.get("Dinstall::DefaultSuite", "Unstable")
- architecture = control.Find("Architecture")
- upload_suite = changes["distribution"].keys()[0]
- if architecture not in DBConn().get_suite_architectures(default_suite) and architecture not in DBConn().get_suite_architectures(upload_suite):
- reject("Unknown architecture '%s'." % (architecture))
- # Ensure the architecture of the .deb is one of the ones
- # listed in the .changes.
- if not changes["architecture"].has_key(architecture):
- reject("%s: control file lists arch as `%s', which isn't in changes file." % (f, architecture))
- # Sanity-check the Depends field
- depends = control.Find("Depends")
- if depends == '':
- reject("%s: Depends field is empty." % (f))
- # Sanity-check the Provides field
- provides = control.Find("Provides")
- if provides:
- provide = re_spacestrip.sub('', provides)
- if provide == '':
- reject("%s: Provides field is empty." % (f))
- prov_list = provide.split(",")
- for prov in prov_list:
- if not re_valid_pkg_name.match(prov):
- reject("%s: Invalid Provides field content %s." % (f, prov))
- # Check the section & priority match those given in the .changes (non-fatal)
- if control.Find("Section") and files[f]["section"] != "" and files[f]["section"] != control.Find("Section"):
- reject("%s control file lists section as `%s', but changes file has `%s'." % (f, control.Find("Section", ""), files[f]["section"]), "Warning: ")
- if control.Find("Priority") and files[f]["priority"] != "" and files[f]["priority"] != control.Find("Priority"):
- reject("%s control file lists priority as `%s', but changes file has `%s'." % (f, control.Find("Priority", ""), files[f]["priority"]),"Warning: ")
- files[f]["package"] = package
- files[f]["architecture"] = architecture
- files[f]["version"] = version
- files[f]["maintainer"] = control.Find("Maintainer", "")
- if f.endswith(".udeb"):
- files[f]["dbtype"] = "udeb"
- elif f.endswith(".deb"):
- files[f]["dbtype"] = "deb"
- else:
- reject("%s is neither a .deb or a .udeb." % (f))
- files[f]["source"] = control.Find("Source", files[f]["package"])
- # Get the source version
- source = files[f]["source"]
- source_version = ""
- if source.find("(") != -1:
- m = re_extract_src_version.match(source)
- source = m.group(1)
- source_version = m.group(2)
- if not source_version:
- source_version = files[f]["version"]
- files[f]["source package"] = source
- files[f]["source version"] = source_version
- # Ensure the filename matches the contents of the .deb
- m = re_isadeb.match(f)
- # package name
- file_package = m.group(1)
- if files[f]["package"] != file_package:
- reject("%s: package part of filename (%s) does not match package name in the %s (%s)." % (f, file_package, files[f]["dbtype"], files[f]["package"]))
- epochless_version = re_no_epoch.sub('', control.Find("Version"))
- # version
- file_version = m.group(2)
- if epochless_version != file_version:
- reject("%s: version part of filename (%s) does not match package version in the %s (%s)." % (f, file_version, files[f]["dbtype"], epochless_version))
- # architecture
- file_architecture = m.group(3)
- if files[f]["architecture"] != file_architecture:
- reject("%s: architecture part of filename (%s) does not match package architecture in the %s (%s)." % (f, file_architecture, files[f]["dbtype"], files[f]["architecture"]))
- # Check for existent source
- source_version = files[f]["source version"]
- source_package = files[f]["source package"]
- if changes["architecture"].has_key("source"):
- if source_version != changes["version"]:
- reject("source version (%s) for %s doesn't match changes version %s." % (source_version, f, changes["version"]))
- else:
- # Check in the SQL database
- if not Upload.source_exists(source_package, source_version, changes["distribution"].keys()):
- # Check in one of the other directories
- source_epochless_version = re_no_epoch.sub('', source_version)
- dsc_filename = "%s_%s.dsc" % (source_package, source_epochless_version)
- if os.path.exists(Cnf["Dir::Queue::Byhand"] + '/' + dsc_filename):
- files[f]["byhand"] = 1
- elif os.path.exists(Cnf["Dir::Queue::New"] + '/' + dsc_filename):
- files[f]["new"] = 1
- else:
- dsc_file_exists = 0
- for myq in ["Accepted", "Embargoed", "Unembargoed", "ProposedUpdates", "OldProposedUpdates"]:
- if Cnf.has_key("Dir::Queue::%s" % (myq)):
- if os.path.exists(Cnf["Dir::Queue::"+myq] + '/' + dsc_filename):
- dsc_file_exists = 1
- break
- if not dsc_file_exists:
- reject("no source found for %s %s (%s)." % (source_package, source_version, f))
- # Check the version and for file overwrites
- reject(Upload.check_binary_against_db(f),"")
- Binary(f, reject).scan_package()
- # Checks for a source package...
- else:
- m = re_issource.match(f)
- if m:
- has_source = 1
- files[f]["package"] = m.group(1)
- files[f]["version"] = m.group(2)
- files[f]["type"] = m.group(3)
- # Ensure the source package name matches the Source filed in the .changes
- if changes["source"] != files[f]["package"]:
- reject("%s: changes file doesn't say %s for Source" % (f, files[f]["package"]))
- # Ensure the source version matches the version in the .changes file
- if files[f]["type"] == "orig.tar.gz":
- changes_version = changes["chopversion2"]
- else:
- changes_version = changes["chopversion"]
- if changes_version != files[f]["version"]:
- reject("%s: should be %s according to changes file." % (f, changes_version))
- # Ensure the .changes lists source in the Architecture field
- if not changes["architecture"].has_key("source"):
- reject("%s: changes file doesn't list `source' in Architecture field." % (f))
- # Check the signature of a .dsc file
- if files[f]["type"] == "dsc":
- dsc["fingerprint"] = utils.check_signature(f, reject)
- files[f]["architecture"] = "source"
- # Not a binary or source package? Assume byhand...
- else:
- files[f]["byhand"] = 1
- files[f]["type"] = "byhand"
- # Per-suite file checks
- files[f]["oldfiles"] = {}
- for suite in changes["distribution"].keys():
- # Skip byhand
- if files[f].has_key("byhand"):
- continue
- # Handle component mappings
- for m in Cnf.ValueList("ComponentMappings"):
- (source, dest) = m.split()
- if files[f]["component"] == source:
- files[f]["original component"] = source
- files[f]["component"] = dest
- # Ensure the component is valid for the target suite
- if Cnf.has_key("Suite:%s::Components" % (suite)) and \
- files[f]["component"] not in Cnf.ValueList("Suite::%s::Components" % (suite)):
- reject("unknown component `%s' for suite `%s'." % (files[f]["component"], suite))
- continue
- # Validate the component
- component = files[f]["component"]
- component_id = DBConn().get_component_id(component)
- if component_id == -1:
- reject("file '%s' has unknown component '%s'." % (f, component))
- continue
- # See if the package is NEW
- if not Upload.in_override_p(files[f]["package"], files[f]["component"], suite, files[f].get("dbtype",""), f):
- files[f]["new"] = 1
- # Validate the priority
- if files[f]["priority"].find('/') != -1:
- reject("file '%s' has invalid priority '%s' [contains '/']." % (f, files[f]["priority"]))
- # Determine the location
- location = Cnf["Dir::Pool"]
- location_id = DBConn().get_location_id(location, component, archive)
- if location_id == -1:
- reject("[INTERNAL ERROR] couldn't determine location (Component: %s, Archive: %s)" % (component, archive))
- files[f]["location id"] = location_id
- # Check the md5sum & size against existing files (if any)
- files[f]["pool name"] = utils.poolify (changes["source"], files[f]["component"])
- files_id = DBConn().get_files_id(files[f]["pool name"] + f, files[f]["size"], files[f]["md5sum"], files[f]["location id"])
- if files_id == -1:
- reject("INTERNAL ERROR, get_files_id() returned multiple matches for %s." % (f))
- elif files_id == -2:
- reject("md5sum and/or size mismatch on existing copy of %s." % (f))
- files[f]["files id"] = files_id
- # Check for packages that have moved from one component to another
- files[f]['suite'] = suite
- cursor.execute("""EXECUTE moved_pkg_q( %(package)s, %(suite)s, %(architecture)s )""", ( files[f] ) )
- ql = cursor.fetchone()
- if ql:
- files[f]["othercomponents"] = ql[0][0]
- # If the .changes file says it has source, it must have source.
- if changes["architecture"].has_key("source"):
- if not has_source:
- reject("no source found and Architecture line in changes mention source.")
- if not has_binaries and Cnf.FindB("Dinstall::Reject::NoSourceOnly"):
- reject("source only uploads are not supported.")
-def check_dsc():
- global reprocess
- # Ensure there is source to check
- if not changes["architecture"].has_key("source"):
- return 1
- # Find the .dsc
- dsc_filename = None
- for f in files.keys():
- if files[f]["type"] == "dsc":
- if dsc_filename:
- reject("can not process a .changes file with multiple .dsc's.")
- return 0
- else:
- dsc_filename = f
- # If there isn't one, we have nothing to do. (We have reject()ed the upload already)
- if not dsc_filename:
- reject("source uploads must contain a dsc file")
- return 0
- # Parse the .dsc file
- try:
- dsc.update(utils.parse_changes(dsc_filename, signing_rules=1))
- except CantOpenError:
- # if not -n copy_to_holding() will have done this for us...
- if Options["No-Action"]:
- reject("%s: can't read file." % (dsc_filename))
- except ParseChangesError, line:
- reject("%s: parse error, can't grok: %s." % (dsc_filename, line))
- except InvalidDscError, line:
- reject("%s: syntax error on line %s." % (dsc_filename, line))
- except ChangesUnicodeError:
- reject("%s: dsc file not proper utf-8." % (dsc_filename))
- # Build up the file list of files mentioned by the .dsc
- try:
- dsc_files.update(utils.build_file_list(dsc, is_a_dsc=1))
- except NoFilesFieldError:
- reject("%s: no Files: field." % (dsc_filename))
- return 0
- except UnknownFormatError, format:
- reject("%s: unknown format '%s'." % (dsc_filename, format))
- return 0
- except ParseChangesError, line:
- reject("%s: parse error, can't grok: %s." % (dsc_filename, line))
- return 0
- # Enforce mandatory fields
- for i in ("format", "source", "version", "binary", "maintainer", "architecture", "files"):
- if not dsc.has_key(i):
- reject("%s: missing mandatory field `%s'." % (dsc_filename, i))
- return 0
- # Validate the source and version fields
- if not re_valid_pkg_name.match(dsc["source"]):
- reject("%s: invalid source name '%s'." % (dsc_filename, dsc["source"]))
- if not re_valid_version.match(dsc["version"]):
- reject("%s: invalid version number '%s'." % (dsc_filename, dsc["version"]))
- # Bumping the version number of the .dsc breaks extraction by stable's
- # dpkg-source. So let's not do that...
- if dsc["format"] != "1.0":
- reject("%s: incompatible 'Format' version produced by a broken version of dpkg-dev 1.9.1{3,4}." % (dsc_filename))
- # Validate the Maintainer field
- try:
- utils.fix_maintainer (dsc["maintainer"])
- except ParseMaintError, msg:
- reject("%s: Maintainer field ('%s') failed to parse: %s" \
- % (dsc_filename, dsc["maintainer"], msg))
- # Validate the build-depends field(s)
- for field_name in [ "build-depends", "build-depends-indep" ]:
- field = dsc.get(field_name)
- if field:
- # Check for broken dpkg-dev lossage...
- if field.startswith("ARRAY"):
- reject("%s: invalid %s field produced by a broken version of dpkg-dev (1.10.11)" % (dsc_filename, field_name.title()))
- # Have apt try to parse them...
- try:
- apt_pkg.ParseSrcDepends(field)
- except:
- reject("%s: invalid %s field (can not be parsed by apt)." % (dsc_filename, field_name.title()))
- pass
- # Ensure the version number in the .dsc matches the version number in the .changes
- epochless_dsc_version = re_no_epoch.sub('', dsc["version"])
- changes_version = files[dsc_filename]["version"]
- if epochless_dsc_version != files[dsc_filename]["version"]:
- reject("version ('%s') in .dsc does not match version ('%s') in .changes." % (epochless_dsc_version, changes_version))
- # Ensure there is a .tar.gz in the .dsc file
- has_tar = 0
- for f in dsc_files.keys():
- m = re_issource.match(f)
- if not m:
- reject("%s: %s in Files field not recognised as source." % (dsc_filename, f))
- continue
- ftype = m.group(3)
- if ftype == "orig.tar.gz" or ftype == "tar.gz":
- has_tar = 1
- if not has_tar:
- reject("%s: no .tar.gz or .orig.tar.gz in 'Files' field." % (dsc_filename))
- # Ensure source is newer than existing source in target suites
- reject(Upload.check_source_against_db(dsc_filename),"")
- (reject_msg, is_in_incoming) = Upload.check_dsc_against_db(dsc_filename)
- reject(reject_msg, "")
- if is_in_incoming:
- if not Options["No-Action"]:
- copy_to_holding(is_in_incoming)
- orig_tar_gz = os.path.basename(is_in_incoming)
- files[orig_tar_gz] = {}
- files[orig_tar_gz]["size"] = os.stat(orig_tar_gz)[stat.ST_SIZE]
- files[orig_tar_gz]["md5sum"] = dsc_files[orig_tar_gz]["md5sum"]
- files[orig_tar_gz]["sha1sum"] = dsc_files[orig_tar_gz]["sha1sum"]
- files[orig_tar_gz]["sha256sum"] = dsc_files[orig_tar_gz]["sha256sum"]
- files[orig_tar_gz]["section"] = files[dsc_filename]["section"]
- files[orig_tar_gz]["priority"] = files[dsc_filename]["priority"]
- files[orig_tar_gz]["component"] = files[dsc_filename]["component"]
- files[orig_tar_gz]["type"] = "orig.tar.gz"
- reprocess = 2
- return 1
-def get_changelog_versions(source_dir):
- """Extracts a the source package and (optionally) grabs the
- version history out of debian/changelog for the BTS."""
- # Find the .dsc (again)
- dsc_filename = None
- for f in files.keys():
- if files[f]["type"] == "dsc":
- dsc_filename = f
- # If there isn't one, we have nothing to do. (We have reject()ed the upload already)
- if not dsc_filename:
- return
- # Create a symlink mirror of the source files in our temporary directory
- for f in files.keys():
- m = re_issource.match(f)
- if m:
- src = os.path.join(source_dir, f)
- # If a file is missing for whatever reason, give up.
- if not os.path.exists(src):
- return
- ftype = m.group(3)
- if ftype == "orig.tar.gz" and pkg.orig_tar_gz:
- continue
- dest = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f)
- os.symlink(src, dest)
- # If the orig.tar.gz is not a part of the upload, create a symlink to the
- # existing copy.
- if pkg.orig_tar_gz:
- dest = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.basename(pkg.orig_tar_gz))
- os.symlink(pkg.orig_tar_gz, dest)
- # Extract the source
- cmd = "dpkg-source -sn -x %s" % (dsc_filename)
- (result, output) = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
- if (result != 0):
- reject("'dpkg-source -x' failed for %s [return code: %s]." % (dsc_filename, result))
- reject(utils.prefix_multi_line_string(output, " [dpkg-source output:] "), "")
- return
- if not Cnf.Find("Dir::Queue::BTSVersionTrack"):
- return
- # Get the upstream version
- upstr_version = re_no_epoch.sub('', dsc["version"])
- if re_strip_revision.search(upstr_version):
- upstr_version = re_strip_revision.sub('', upstr_version)
- # Ensure the changelog file exists
- changelog_filename = "%s-%s/debian/changelog" % (dsc["source"], upstr_version)
- if not os.path.exists(changelog_filename):
- reject("%s: debian/changelog not found in extracted source." % (dsc_filename))
- return
- # Parse the changelog
- dsc["bts changelog"] = ""
- changelog_file = utils.open_file(changelog_filename)
- for line in changelog_file.readlines():
- m = re_changelog_versions.match(line)
- if m:
- dsc["bts changelog"] += line
- changelog_file.close()
- # Check we found at least one revision in the changelog
- if not dsc["bts changelog"]:
- reject("%s: changelog format not recognised (empty version tree)." % (dsc_filename))
-def check_source():
- # Bail out if:
- # a) there's no source
- # or b) reprocess is 2 - we will do this check next time when orig.tar.gz is in 'files'
- # or c) the orig.tar.gz is MIA
- if not changes["architecture"].has_key("source") or reprocess == 2 \
- or pkg.orig_tar_gz == -1:
- return
- tmpdir = utils.temp_dirname()
- # Move into the temporary directory
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(tmpdir)
- # Get the changelog version history
- get_changelog_versions(cwd)
- # Move back and cleanup the temporary tree
- os.chdir(cwd)
- try:
- shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
- except OSError, e:
- if errno.errorcode[e.errno] != 'EACCES':
- utils.fubar("%s: couldn't remove tmp dir for source tree." % (dsc["source"]))
- reject("%s: source tree could not be cleanly removed." % (dsc["source"]))
- # We probably have u-r or u-w directories so chmod everything
- # and try again.
- cmd = "chmod -R u+rwx %s" % (tmpdir)
- result = os.system(cmd)
- if result != 0:
- utils.fubar("'%s' failed with result %s." % (cmd, result))
- shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
- except:
- utils.fubar("%s: couldn't remove tmp dir for source tree." % (dsc["source"]))
-# FIXME: should be a debian specific check called from a hook
-def check_urgency ():
- if changes["architecture"].has_key("source"):
- if not changes.has_key("urgency"):
- changes["urgency"] = Cnf["Urgency::Default"]
- # Urgency may be followed by space & comment (policy 5.6.17)
- changes["urgency"] = changes["urgency"].split(" ")[0].lower();
- if changes["urgency"] not in Cnf.ValueList("Urgency::Valid"):
- reject("%s is not a valid urgency; it will be treated as %s by testing." % (changes["urgency"], Cnf["Urgency::Default"]), "Warning: ")
- changes["urgency"] = Cnf["Urgency::Default"]
-def check_hashes ():
- utils.check_hash(".changes", files, "md5", apt_pkg.md5sum)
- utils.check_size(".changes", files)
- utils.check_hash(".dsc", dsc_files, "md5", apt_pkg.md5sum)
- utils.check_size(".dsc", dsc_files)
- # This is stupid API, but it'll have to do for now until
- # we actually have proper abstraction
- for m in utils.ensure_hashes(changes, dsc, files, dsc_files):
- reject(m)
-# Sanity check the time stamps of files inside debs.
-# [Files in the near future cause ugly warnings and extreme time
-# travel can cause errors on extraction]
-def check_timestamps():
- class Tar:
- def __init__(self, future_cutoff, past_cutoff):
- self.reset()
- self.future_cutoff = future_cutoff
- self.past_cutoff = past_cutoff
- def reset(self):
- self.future_files = {}
- self.ancient_files = {}
- def callback(self, Kind,Name,Link,Mode,UID,GID,Size,MTime,Major,Minor):
- if MTime > self.future_cutoff:
- self.future_files[Name] = MTime
- if MTime < self.past_cutoff:
- self.ancient_files[Name] = MTime
- ####
- future_cutoff = time.time() + int(Cnf["Dinstall::FutureTimeTravelGrace"])
- past_cutoff = time.mktime(time.strptime(Cnf["Dinstall::PastCutoffYear"],"%Y"))
- tar = Tar(future_cutoff, past_cutoff)
- for filename in files.keys():
- if files[filename]["type"] == "deb":
- tar.reset()
- try:
- deb_file = utils.open_file(filename)
- apt_inst.debExtract(deb_file,tar.callback,"control.tar.gz")
- deb_file.seek(0)
- try:
- apt_inst.debExtract(deb_file,tar.callback,"data.tar.gz")
- except SystemError, e:
- # If we can't find a data.tar.gz, look for data.tar.bz2 instead.
- if not re.search(r"Cannot f[ui]nd chunk data.tar.gz$", str(e)):
- raise
- deb_file.seek(0)
- apt_inst.debExtract(deb_file,tar.callback,"data.tar.bz2")
- deb_file.close()
- #
- future_files = tar.future_files.keys()
- if future_files:
- num_future_files = len(future_files)
- future_file = future_files[0]
- future_date = tar.future_files[future_file]
- reject("%s: has %s file(s) with a time stamp too far into the future (e.g. %s [%s])."
- % (filename, num_future_files, future_file,
- time.ctime(future_date)))
- #
- ancient_files = tar.ancient_files.keys()
- if ancient_files:
- num_ancient_files = len(ancient_files)
- ancient_file = ancient_files[0]
- ancient_date = tar.ancient_files[ancient_file]
- reject("%s: has %s file(s) with a time stamp too ancient (e.g. %s [%s])."
- % (filename, num_ancient_files, ancient_file,
- time.ctime(ancient_date)))
- except:
- reject("%s: deb contents timestamp check failed [%s: %s]" % (filename, sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value))
-def lookup_uid_from_fingerprint(fpr):
- """
- Return the uid,name,isdm for a given gpg fingerprint
- @type fpr: string
- @param fpr: a 40 byte GPG fingerprint
- @return: (uid, name, isdm)
- """
- cursor = DBConn().cursor()
- cursor.execute( "SELECT u.uid, u.name, k.debian_maintainer FROM fingerprint f JOIN keyrings k ON (f.keyring=k.id), uid u WHERE f.uid = u.id AND f.fingerprint = '%s'" % (fpr))
- qs = cursor.fetchone()
- if qs:
- return qs
- else:
- return (None, None, False)
-def check_signed_by_key():
- """Ensure the .changes is signed by an authorized uploader."""
- (uid, uid_name, is_dm) = lookup_uid_from_fingerprint(changes["fingerprint"])
- if uid_name == None:
- uid_name = ""
- # match claimed name with actual name:
- if uid is None:
- # This is fundamentally broken but need us to refactor how we get
- # the UIDs/Fingerprints in order for us to fix it properly
- uid, uid_email = changes["fingerprint"], uid
- may_nmu, may_sponsor = 1, 1
- # XXX by default new dds don't have a fingerprint/uid in the db atm,
- # and can't get one in there if we don't allow nmu/sponsorship
- elif is_dm is False:
- # If is_dm is False, we allow full upload rights
- uid_email = "%s@debian.org" % (uid)
- may_nmu, may_sponsor = 1, 1
- else:
- # Assume limited upload rights unless we've discovered otherwise
- uid_email = uid
- may_nmu, may_sponsor = 0, 0
- if uid_email in [changes["maintaineremail"], changes["changedbyemail"]]:
- sponsored = 0
- elif uid_name in [changes["maintainername"], changes["changedbyname"]]:
- sponsored = 0
- if uid_name == "": sponsored = 1
- else:
- sponsored = 1
- if ("source" in changes["architecture"] and
- uid_email and utils.is_email_alias(uid_email)):
- sponsor_addresses = utils.gpg_get_key_addresses(changes["fingerprint"])
- if (changes["maintaineremail"] not in sponsor_addresses and
- changes["changedbyemail"] not in sponsor_addresses):
- changes["sponsoremail"] = uid_email
- if sponsored and not may_sponsor:
- reject("%s is not authorised to sponsor uploads" % (uid))
- cursor = DBConn().cursor()
- if not sponsored and not may_nmu:
- source_ids = []
- cursor.execute( "SELECT s.id, s.version FROM source s JOIN src_associations sa ON (s.id = sa.source) WHERE s.source = %(source)s AND s.dm_upload_allowed = 'yes'", changes )
- highest_sid, highest_version = None, None
- should_reject = True
- while True:
- si = cursor.fetchone()
- if not si:
- break
- if highest_version == None or apt_pkg.VersionCompare(si[1], highest_version) == 1:
- highest_sid = si[0]
- highest_version = si[1]
- if highest_sid == None:
- reject("Source package %s does not have 'DM-Upload-Allowed: yes' in its most recent version" % changes["source"])
- else:
- cursor.execute("SELECT m.name FROM maintainer m WHERE m.id IN (SELECT su.maintainer FROM src_uploaders su JOIN source s ON (s.id = su.source) WHERE su.source = %s)" % (highest_sid))
- while True:
- m = cursor.fetchone()
- if not m:
- break
- (rfc822, rfc2047, name, email) = utils.fix_maintainer(m[0])
- if email == uid_email or name == uid_name:
- should_reject=False
- break
- if should_reject == True:
- reject("%s is not in Maintainer or Uploaders of source package %s" % (uid, changes["source"]))
- for b in changes["binary"].keys():
- for suite in changes["distribution"].keys():
- suite_id = DBConn().get_suite_id(suite)
- cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT s.source FROM source s JOIN binaries b ON (s.id = b.source) JOIN bin_associations ba On (b.id = ba.bin) WHERE b.package = %(package)s AND ba.suite = %(suite)s" , {'package':b, 'suite':suite_id} )
- while True:
- s = cursor.fetchone()
- if not s:
- break
- if s[0] != changes["source"]:
- reject("%s may not hijack %s from source package %s in suite %s" % (uid, b, s, suite))
- for f in files.keys():
- if files[f].has_key("byhand"):
- reject("%s may not upload BYHAND file %s" % (uid, f))
- if files[f].has_key("new"):
- reject("%s may not upload NEW file %s" % (uid, f))
-# If any file of an upload has a recent mtime then chances are good
-# the file is still being uploaded.
-def upload_too_new():
- too_new = 0
- # Move back to the original directory to get accurate time stamps
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(pkg.directory)
- file_list = pkg.files.keys()
- file_list.extend(pkg.dsc_files.keys())
- file_list.append(pkg.changes_file)
- for f in file_list:
- try:
- last_modified = time.time()-os.path.getmtime(f)
- if last_modified < int(Cnf["Dinstall::SkipTime"]):
- too_new = 1
- break
- except:
- pass
- os.chdir(cwd)
- return too_new
def action ():
# changes["distribution"] may not exist in corner cases
# (e.g. unreadable changes files)