--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2012, Ansgar Burchardt <ansgar@debian.org>
+# Parts based on code that is
+# Copyright (C) 2001-2006, James Troup <james@nocrew.org>
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2010, Joerg Jaspert <joerg@debian.org>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+"""module provided pre-acceptance tests
+Please read the documentation for the `Check` class for the interface.
+from daklib.config import Config
+from .dbconn import *
+import daklib.dbconn as dbconn
+from .regexes import *
+from .textutils import fix_maintainer, ParseMaintError
+import daklib.lintian as lintian
+import daklib.utils as utils
+import apt_pkg
+from apt_pkg import version_compare
+import os
+import yaml
+# TODO: replace by subprocess
+import commands
+class Reject(Exception):
+ """exception raised by failing checks"""
+ pass
+class Check(object):
+ """base class for checks
+ checks are called by daklib.archive.ArchiveUpload. Failing tests should
+ raise a `daklib.checks.Reject` exception including a human-readable
+ description why the upload should be rejected.
+ """
+ def check(self, upload):
+ """do checks
+ Args:
+ upload (daklib.archive.ArchiveUpload): upload to check
+ Raises:
+ daklib.checks.Reject
+ """
+ raise NotImplemented
+ def per_suite_check(self, upload, suite):
+ """do per-suite checks
+ Args:
+ upload (daklib.archive.ArchiveUpload): upload to check
+ suite (daklib.dbconn.Suite): suite to check
+ Raises:
+ daklib.checks.Reject
+ """
+ raise NotImplemented
+ @property
+ def forcable(self):
+ """allow to force ignore failing test
+ True if it is acceptable to force ignoring a failing test,
+ False otherwise
+ """
+ return False
+class SignatureCheck(Check):
+ """Check signature of changes and dsc file (if included in upload)
+ Make sure the signature is valid and done by a known user.
+ """
+ def check(self, upload):
+ changes = upload.changes
+ if not changes.valid_signature:
+ raise Reject("Signature for .changes not valid.")
+ if changes.source is not None:
+ if not changes.source.valid_signature:
+ raise Reject("Signature for .dsc not valid.")
+ if changes.source.primary_fingerprint != changes.primary_fingerprint:
+ raise Reject(".changes and .dsc not signed by the same key.")
+ if upload.fingerprint is None or upload.fingerprint.uid is None:
+ raise Reject(".changes signed by unknown key.")
+class ChangesCheck(Check):
+ """Check changes file for syntax errors."""
+ def check(self, upload):
+ changes = upload.changes
+ control = changes.changes
+ fn = changes.filename
+ for field in ('Distribution', 'Source', 'Binary', 'Architecture', 'Version', 'Maintainer', 'Files', 'Changes', 'Description'):
+ if field not in control:
+ raise Reject('{0}: misses mandatory field {1}'.format(fn, field))
+ source_match = re_field_source.match(control['Source'])
+ if not source_match:
+ raise Reject('{0}: Invalid Source field'.format(fn))
+ version_match = re_field_version.match(control['Version'])
+ if not version_match:
+ raise Reject('{0}: Invalid Version field'.format(fn))
+ version_without_epoch = version_match.group('without_epoch')
+ match = re_file_changes.match(fn)
+ if not match:
+ raise Reject('{0}: Does not match re_file_changes'.format(fn))
+ if match.group('package') != source_match.group('package'):
+ raise Reject('{0}: Filename does not match Source field'.format(fn))
+ if match.group('version') != version_without_epoch:
+ raise Reject('{0}: Filename does not match Version field'.format(fn))
+ for bn in changes.binary_names:
+ if not re_field_package.match(bn):
+ raise Reject('{0}: Invalid binary package name {1}'.format(fn, bn))
+ if 'source' in changes.architectures and changes.source is None:
+ raise Reject("Changes has architecture source, but no source found.")
+ if changes.source is not None and 'source' not in changes.architectures:
+ raise Reject("Upload includes source, but changes does not say so.")
+ try:
+ fix_maintainer(changes.changes['Maintainer'])
+ except ParseMaintError as e:
+ raise Reject('{0}: Failed to parse Maintainer field: {1}'.format(changes.filename, e))
+ try:
+ changed_by = changes.changes.get('Changed-By')
+ if changed_by is not None:
+ fix_maintainer(changed_by)
+ except ParseMaintError as e:
+ raise Reject('{0}: Failed to parse Changed-By field: {1}'.format(changes.filename, e))
+ if len(changes.files) == 0:
+ raise Reject("Changes includes no files.")
+ for bugnum in changes.closed_bugs:
+ if not re_isanum.match(bugnum):
+ raise Reject('{0}: "{1}" in Closes field is not a number'.format(changes.filename, bugnum))
+ return True
+class HashesCheck(Check):
+ """Check hashes in .changes and .dsc are valid."""
+ def check(self, upload):
+ changes = upload.changes
+ for f in changes.files.itervalues():
+ f.check(upload.directory)
+ source = changes.source
+ if source is not None:
+ for f in source.files.itervalues():
+ f.check(upload.directory)
+class BinaryCheck(Check):
+ """Check binary packages for syntax errors."""
+ def check(self, upload):
+ for binary in upload.changes.binaries:
+ self.check_binary(upload, binary)
+ binary_names = set([ binary.control['Package'] for binary in upload.changes.binaries ])
+ for bn in binary_names:
+ if bn not in upload.changes.binary_names:
+ raise Reject('Package {0} is not mentioned in Binary field in changes'.format(bn))
+ for bn in upload.changes.binary_names:
+ if bn not in binary_names:
+ raise Reject('Binary field in changes has {0}, but was not found in upload'.format(bn))
+ return True
+ def check_binary(self, upload, binary):
+ fn = binary.hashed_file.filename
+ control = binary.control
+ for field in ('Package', 'Architecture', 'Version', 'Description'):
+ if field not in control:
+ raise Reject('{0}: Missing mandatory field {0}.'.format(fn, field))
+ # check fields
+ package = control['Package']
+ if not re_field_package.match(package):
+ raise Reject('{0}: Invalid Package field'.format(fn))
+ version = control['Version']
+ version_match = re_field_version.match(version)
+ if not version_match:
+ raise Reject('{0}: Invalid Version field'.format(fn))
+ version_without_epoch = version_match.group('without_epoch')
+ architecture = control['Architecture']
+ if architecture not in upload.changes.architectures:
+ raise Reject('{0}: Architecture not in Architecture field in changes file'.format(fn))
+ if architecture == 'source':
+ raise Reject('{0}: Architecture "source" invalid for binary packages'.format(fn))
+ source = control.get('Source')
+ if source is not None and not re_field_source.match(source):
+ raise Reject('{0}: Invalid Source field'.format(fn))
+ # check filename
+ match = re_file_binary.match(fn)
+ if package != match.group('package'):
+ raise Reject('{0}: filename does not match Package field'.format(fn))
+ if version_without_epoch != match.group('version'):
+ raise Reject('{0}: filename does not match Version field'.format(fn))
+ if architecture != match.group('architecture'):
+ raise Reject('{0}: filename does not match Architecture field'.format(fn))
+ # check dependency field syntax
+ for field in ('Breaks', 'Conflicts', 'Depends', 'Enhances', 'Pre-Depends',
+ 'Provides', 'Recommends', 'Replaces', 'Suggests'):
+ value = control.get(field)
+ if value is not None:
+ if value.strip() == '':
+ raise Reject('{0}: empty {1} field'.format(fn, field))
+ try:
+ apt_pkg.parse_depends(value)
+ except:
+ raise Reject('{0}: APT could not parse {1} field'.format(fn, field))
+ for field in ('Built-Using',):
+ value = control.get(field)
+ if value is not None:
+ if value.strip() == '':
+ raise Reject('{0}: empty {1} field'.format(fn, field))
+ try:
+ apt_pkg.parse_src_depends(value)
+ except:
+ raise Reject('{0}: APT could not parse {1} field'.format(fn, field))
+class SourceCheck(Check):
+ """Check source package for syntax errors."""
+ def check_filename(self, control, filename, regex):
+ # In case we have an .orig.tar.*, we have to strip the Debian revison
+ # from the version number. So handle this special case first.
+ is_orig = True
+ match = re_file_orig.match(filename)
+ if not match:
+ is_orig = False
+ match = regex.match(filename)
+ if not match:
+ raise Reject('{0}: does not match regular expression for source filenames'.format(filename))
+ if match.group('package') != control['Source']:
+ raise Reject('{0}: filename does not match Source field'.format(filename))
+ version = control['Version']
+ if is_orig:
+ version = re_field_version_upstream.match(version).group('upstream')
+ version_match = re_field_version.match(version)
+ version_without_epoch = version_match.group('without_epoch')
+ if match.group('version') != version_without_epoch:
+ raise Reject('{0}: filename does not match Version field'.format(filename))
+ def check(self, upload):
+ if upload.changes.source is None:
+ return True
+ changes = upload.changes.changes
+ source = upload.changes.source
+ control = source.dsc
+ dsc_fn = source._dsc_file.filename
+ # check fields
+ if not re_field_package.match(control['Source']):
+ raise Reject('{0}: Invalid Source field'.format(dsc_fn))
+ if control['Source'] != changes['Source']:
+ raise Reject('{0}: Source field does not match Source field in changes'.format(dsc_fn))
+ if control['Version'] != changes['Version']:
+ raise Reject('{0}: Version field does not match Version field in changes'.format(dsc_fn))
+ # check filenames
+ self.check_filename(control, dsc_fn, re_file_dsc)
+ for f in source.files.itervalues():
+ self.check_filename(control, f.filename, re_file_source)
+ # check dependency field syntax
+ for field in ('Build-Conflicts', 'Build-Conflicts-Indep', 'Build-Depends', 'Build-Depends-Arch', 'Build-Depends-Indep'):
+ value = control.get(field)
+ if value is not None:
+ if value.strip() == '':
+ raise Reject('{0}: empty {1} field'.format(dsc_fn, field))
+ try:
+ apt_pkg.parse_src_depends(value)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise Reject('{0}: APT could not parse {1} field: {2}'.format(dsc_fn, field, e))
+ # TODO: check all expected files for given source format are included
+class SingleDistributionCheck(Check):
+ """Check that the .changes targets only a single distribution."""
+ def check(self, upload):
+ if len(upload.changes.distributions) != 1:
+ raise Reject("Only uploads to a single distribution are allowed.")
+class ACLCheck(Check):
+ """Check the uploader is allowed to upload the packages in .changes"""
+ def _check_dm(self, upload):
+ # This code is not very nice, but hopefully works until we can replace
+ # DM-Upload-Allowed, cf. https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2012/06/msg00029.html
+ session = upload.session
+ if 'source' not in upload.changes.architectures:
+ raise Reject('DM uploads must include source')
+ distributions = upload.changes.distributions
+ for dist in distributions:
+ if dist not in ('unstable', 'experimental', 'squeeze-backports'):
+ raise Reject("Uploading to {0} is not allowed for DMs.".format(dist))
+ for f in upload.changes.files.itervalues():
+ if f.section == 'byhand' or f.section[:4] == "raw-":
+ raise Reject("Uploading byhand packages is not allowed for DMs.")
+ # Reject NEW packages
+ assert len(distributions) == 1
+ suite = session.query(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=distributions[0]).one()
+ overridesuite = suite
+ if suite.overridesuite is not None:
+ overridesuite = session.query(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=suite.overridesuite).one()
+ if upload._check_new(overridesuite):
+ raise Reject('Uploading NEW packages is not allowed for DMs.')
+ # Check DM-Upload-Allowed
+ last_suites = ['unstable', 'experimental']
+ if suite.suite_name.endswith('-backports'):
+ last_suites = [suite.suite_name]
+ last = session.query(DBSource).filter_by(source=upload.changes.changes['Source']) \
+ .join(DBSource.suites).filter(Suite.suite_name.in_(last_suites)) \
+ .order_by(DBSource.version.desc()).limit(1).first()
+ if last is None:
+ raise Reject('No existing source found in {0}'.format(' or '.join(last_suites)))
+ if not last.dm_upload_allowed:
+ raise Reject('DM-Upload-Allowed is not set in {0}={1}'.format(last.source, last.version))
+ # check current Changed-by is in last Maintainer or Uploaders
+ uploader_names = [ u.name for u in last.uploaders ]
+ changed_by_field = upload.changes.changes.get('Changed-By', upload.changes.changes['Maintainer'])
+ if changed_by_field not in uploader_names:
+ raise Reject('{0} is not an uploader for {1}={2}'.format(changed_by_field, last.source, last.version))
+ # check Changed-by is the DM
+ changed_by = fix_maintainer(changed_by_field)
+ uid = upload.fingerprint.uid
+ if uid is None:
+ raise Reject('Unknown uid for fingerprint {0}'.format(upload.fingerprint.fingerprint))
+ if uid.uid != changed_by[3] and uid.name != changed_by[2]:
+ raise Reject('DMs are not allowed to sponsor uploads (expected {0} <{1}> as maintainer, but got {2})'.format(uid.name, uid.uid, changed_by_field))
+ # Try to catch hijacks.
+ # This doesn't work correctly. Uploads to experimental can still
+ # "hijack" binaries from unstable. Also one can hijack packages
+ # via buildds (but people who try this should not be DMs).
+ for binary_name in upload.changes.binary_names:
+ binaries = session.query(DBBinary).join(DBBinary.source) \
+ .join(DBBinary.suites).filter(Suite.suite_name.in_(upload.changes.distributions)) \
+ .filter(DBBinary.package == binary_name)
+ for binary in binaries:
+ if binary.source.source != upload.changes.changes['Source']:
+ raise Reject('DMs must not hijack binaries (binary={0}, other-source={1})'.format(binary_name, binary.source.source))
+ return True
+ def check(self, upload):
+ fingerprint = upload.fingerprint
+ source_acl = fingerprint.source_acl
+ if source_acl is None:
+ if 'source' in upload.changes.architectures:
+ raise Reject('Fingerprint {0} must not upload source'.format(fingerprint.fingerprint))
+ elif source_acl.access_level == 'dm':
+ self._check_dm(upload)
+ elif source_acl.access_level != 'full':
+ raise Reject('Unknown source_acl access level {0} for fingerprint {1}'.format(source_acl.access_level, fingerprint.fingerprint))
+ bin_architectures = set(upload.changes.architectures)
+ bin_architectures.remove('source')
+ binary_acl = fingerprint.binary_acl
+ if binary_acl is None:
+ if len(bin_architectures) > 0:
+ raise Reject('Fingerprint {0} must not upload binary packages'.format(fingerprint.fingerprint))
+ elif binary_acl.access_level == 'map':
+ query = upload.session.query(BinaryACLMap).filter_by(fingerprint=fingerprint)
+ allowed_architectures = [ m.architecture.arch_string for m in query ]
+ for arch in upload.changes.architectures:
+ if arch not in allowed_architectures:
+ raise Reject('Fingerprint {0} must not upload binaries for architecture {1}'.format(fingerprint.fingerprint, arch))
+ elif binary_acl.access_level != 'full':
+ raise Reject('Unknown binary_acl access level {0} for fingerprint {1}'.format(binary_acl.access_level, fingerprint.fingerprint))
+ return True
+class NoSourceOnlyCheck(Check):
+ """Check for source-only upload
+ Source-only uploads are only allowed if Dinstall::AllowSourceOnlyUploads is
+ set. Otherwise they are rejected.
+ """
+ def check(self, upload):
+ if Config().find_b("Dinstall::AllowSourceOnlyUploads"):
+ return True
+ changes = upload.changes
+ if changes.source is not None and len(changes.binaries) == 0:
+ raise Reject('Source-only uploads are not allowed.')
+ return True
+class LintianCheck(Check):
+ """Check package using lintian"""
+ def check(self, upload):
+ changes = upload.changes
+ # Only check sourceful uploads.
+ if changes.source is None:
+ return True
+ # Only check uploads to unstable or experimental.
+ if 'unstable' not in changes.distributions and 'experimental' not in changes.distributions:
+ return True
+ cnf = Config()
+ if 'Dinstall::LintianTags' not in cnf:
+ return True
+ tagfile = cnf['Dinstall::LintianTags']
+ with open(tagfile, 'r') as sourcefile:
+ sourcecontent = sourcefile.read()
+ try:
+ lintiantags = yaml.load(sourcecontent)['lintian']
+ except yaml.YAMLError as msg:
+ raise Exception('Could not read lintian tags file {0}, YAML error: {1}'.format(tagfile, msg))
+ fd, temp_filename = utils.temp_filename()
+ temptagfile = os.fdopen(fd, 'w')
+ for tags in lintiantags.itervalues():
+ for tag in tags:
+ print >>temptagfile, tag
+ temptagfile.close()
+ changespath = os.path.join(upload.directory, changes.filename)
+ try:
+ # FIXME: no shell
+ cmd = "lintian --show-overrides --tags-from-file {0} {1}".format(temp_filename, changespath)
+ result, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
+ finally:
+ os.unlink(temp_filename)
+ if result == 2:
+ utils.warn("lintian failed for %s [return code: %s]." % \
+ (changespath, result))
+ utils.warn(utils.prefix_multi_line_string(output, \
+ " [possible output:] "))
+ parsed_tags = lintian.parse_lintian_output(output)
+ rejects = list(lintian.generate_reject_messages(parsed_tags, lintiantags))
+ if len(rejects) != 0:
+ raise Reject('\n'.join(rejects))
+ return True
+class SourceFormatCheck(Check):
+ """Check source format is allowed in the target suite"""
+ def per_suite_check(self, upload, suite):
+ source = upload.changes.source
+ session = upload.session
+ if source is None:
+ return True
+ source_format = source.dsc['Format']
+ query = session.query(SrcFormat).filter_by(format_name=source_format).filter(SrcFormat.suites.contains(suite))
+ if query.first() is None:
+ raise Reject('source format {0} is not allowed in suite {1}'.format(source_format, suite.suite_name))
+class SuiteArchitectureCheck(Check):
+ def per_suite_check(self, upload, suite):
+ session = upload.session
+ for arch in upload.changes.architectures:
+ query = session.query(Architecture).filter_by(arch_string=arch).filter(Architecture.suites.contains(suite))
+ if query.first() is None:
+ raise Reject('Architecture {0} is not allowed in suite {2}'.format(arch, suite.suite_name))
+ return True
+class VersionCheck(Check):
+ """Check version constraints"""
+ def _highest_source_version(self, session, source_name, suite):
+ db_source = session.query(DBSource).filter_by(source=source_name) \
+ .filter(DBSource.suites.contains(suite)).order_by(DBSource.version.desc()).first()
+ if db_source is None:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return db_source.version
+ def _highest_binary_version(self, session, binary_name, suite, architecture):
+ db_binary = session.query(DBBinary).filter_by(package=binary_name) \
+ .filter(DBBinary.suites.contains(suite)) \
+ .filter(Architecture.arch_string.in_(['all', architecture])) \
+ .order_by(DBBinary.version.desc()).first()
+ if db_binary is None:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return db_binary.version
+ def _version_checks(self, upload, suite, expected_result):
+ session = upload.session
+ if upload.changes.source is not None:
+ source_name = upload.changes.source.dsc['Source']
+ source_version = upload.changes.source.dsc['Version']
+ v = self._highest_source_version(session, source_name, suite)
+ if v is not None and version_compare(source_version, v) != expected_result:
+ raise Reject('Version check failed (source={0}, version={1}, suite={2})'.format(source_name, source_version, suite.suite_name))
+ for binary in upload.changes.binaries:
+ binary_name = binary.control['Package']
+ binary_version = binary.control['Version']
+ architecture = binary.control['Architecture']
+ v = self._highest_binary_version(session, binary_name, suite, architecture)
+ if v is not None and version_compare(binary_version, v) != expected_result:
+ raise Reject('Version check failed (binary={0}, version={1}, suite={2})'.format(binary_name, binary_version, suite.suite_name))
+ def per_suite_check(self, upload, suite):
+ session = upload.session
+ vc_newer = session.query(dbconn.VersionCheck).filter_by(suite=suite) \
+ .filter(dbconn.VersionCheck.check.in_(['MustBeNewerThan', 'Enhances']))
+ must_be_newer_than = [ vc.reference for vc in vc_newer ]
+ # Must be newer than old versions in `suite`
+ must_be_newer_than.append(suite)
+ for s in must_be_newer_than:
+ self._version_checks(upload, s, 1)
+ vc_older = session.query(dbconn.VersionCheck).filter_by(suite=suite, check='MustBeOlderThan')
+ must_be_older_than = [ vc.reference for vc in vc_older ]
+ for s in must_be_older_than:
+ self._version_checks(upload, s, -1)
+ return True
+ @property
+ def forcable(self):
+ return True