--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Fix testing
+# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 James Troup <james@nocrew.org>
+# $Id: hack.6,v 1.1 2001-06-05 22:31:33 troup Exp $
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# 'Too afraid to touch; too afraid you'll like too much'
+import pg, sys, os, string
+import utils, db_access
+import apt_inst, apt_pkg;
+Cnf = None;
+projectB = None;
+def main ():
+ global Cnf, projectB, db_files, waste, excluded;
+ apt_pkg.init();
+ Cnf = apt_pkg.newConfiguration();
+ apt_pkg.ReadConfigFileISC(Cnf,utils.which_conf_file());
+ Arguments = [('d',"debug","Christina::Options::Debug", "IntVal"),
+ ('h',"help","Christina::Options::Help"),
+ ('v',"version","Christina::Options::Version")];
+ apt_pkg.ParseCommandLine(Cnf,Arguments,sys.argv);
+ projectB = pg.connect(Cnf["DB::Name"], Cnf["DB::Host"], int(Cnf["DB::Port"]));
+ christina = pg.connect('christina', Cnf["DB::Host"], int(Cnf["DB::Port"]));
+ db_access.init(Cnf, projectB);
+ total = 0; found = 0;
+ morgue = Cnf["Dir::Morgue"] + '/' + Cnf["Rhona::MorgueSubDir"];
+ xxx = utils.open_file ("xxx", 'r');
+ for line in xxx.readlines():
+ (package, version, arch) = string.split(line);
+ eversion = utils.re_no_epoch.sub('', version);
+ total = total + 1;
+ if arch != "source":
+ #filename = "%s/%s_%s_%s.deb" % (morgue, package, eversion, arch);
+ filename = "%s/%s_%s.deb" % (morgue, package, eversion);
+ else:
+ continue
+ if os.access(filename, os.R_OK) == 0:
+ continue;
+ control = apt_pkg.ParseSection(apt_inst.debExtractControl(utils.open_file(filename,"r")));
+ deb_arch = control.Find("Architecture");
+ if arch != deb_arch:
+ continue;
+ arch_id = db_access.get_architecture_id (arch);
+ q = christina.query("SELECT f.*, l.path, b.* FROM binaries b, files f, location l WHERE b.package = '%s' AND b.architecture = %s AND b.version = '%s' AND b.file = f.id AND l.id = f.location" % (package, arch_id, version));
+ ql = q.getresult();
+ if len(ql) != 1:
+ print "YOU LOSE: "+package+"~"+version+"~"+arch+"~"+repr(ql)
+ continue;
+ ql = ql[0];
+ x = projectB.query("SELECT * FROM source WHERE id = %s" % (ql[11]));
+ xl = x.getresult();
+ if len(xl) != 1:
+ old_filename = filename;
+ z = christina.query("SELECT f.*, l.path, s.*, df.* FROM source s, files f, location l, dsc_files df WHERE s.id = %s AND df.source = s.id AND df.file = f.id AND l.id = f.location" % (ql[11]));
+ zl = z.getresult();
+ if len(zl) < 1:
+ print old_filename
+ print repr(ql);
+ print "SELECT f.*, l.path, s.*, df.* FROM source s, files f, location l, dsc_files df WHERE s.id = %s AND df.source = s.id AND df.file = f.id AND l.id = f.location" % (ql[11]);
+ print " ==> "+repr(zl);
+ #sys.exit(3);
+ else:
+ projectB.query("BEGIN WORK");
+ gack = [];
+ for i in zl:
+ new_filename = i[6] + i[1];
+ filename = morgue + '/' + os.path.basename(new_filename);
+ if os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
+ print filename + " -> " + new_filename;
+ if os.path.exists(new_filename):
+ sys.exit(3);
+ #utils.move(filename, new_filename);
+ print "INSERT INTO files (id, filename, size, md5sum, location) VALUES (%s, '%s', %s, '%s', %s)" % (i[:5]);
+ #projectB.query("INSERT INTO files (id, filename, size, md5sum, location) VALUES (%s, '%s', %s, '%s', %s)" % (i[:5]));
+ gack.append("INSERT INTO dsc_files (id, source, file) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" % (i[12:]));
+ if new_filename[-4:] == ".dsc":
+ print "INSERT INTO source (id, source, version, maintainer, file) VALUES (%s, '%s', '%s', %s, %s)" % (i[7:12]);
+ #projectB.query("INSERT INTO source (id, source, version, maintainer, file) VALUES (%s, '%s', '%s', %s, %s)" % (i[7:12]));
+ for i in gack:
+ print i;
+ #projectB.query(i);
+ projectB.query("COMMIT WORK");
+ filename = old_filename;
+ projectB.query("BEGIN WORK");
+ new_filename = ql[6] + ql[1];
+ print filename + " -> " + new_filename;
+ if os.path.exists(new_filename):
+ sys.exit(3);
+ utils.move(filename, new_filename);
+ print "INSERT INTO files (id, filename, size, md5sum, location) VALUES (%s, '%s', %s, '%s', %s)" % (ql[:5]);
+ projectB.query("INSERT INTO files (id, filename, size, md5sum, location) VALUES (%s, '%s', %s, '%s', %s)" % (ql[:5]));
+ if ql[11] == 0:
+ print "INSERT INTO binaries (id, package, version, maintainer, architecture, file, type) VALUES (%s, '%s', '%s', %s, %s, %s, '%s')" % (ql[7], ql[8], ql[9], ql[10], ql[12], ql[13], ql[14]);
+ projectB.query("INSERT INTO binaries (id, package, version, maintainer, architecture, file, type) VALUES (%s, '%s', '%s', %s, %s, %s, '%s')" % (ql[7], ql[8], ql[9], ql[10], ql[12], ql[13], ql[14]));
+ else:
+ print "INSERT INTO binaries (id, package, version, maintainer, source, architecture, file, type) VALUES (%s, '%s', '%s', %s, %s, %s, %s, '%s')" % (ql[7:]);
+ projectB.query("INSERT INTO binaries (id, package, version, maintainer, source, architecture, file, type) VALUES (%s, '%s', '%s', %s, %s, %s, %s, '%s')" % (ql[7:]));
+ print "INSERT INTO bin_associations (suite, bin) VALUES (%s, %s)" % (4, ql[7]);
+ projectB.query("INSERT INTO bin_associations (suite, bin) VALUES (%s, %s)" % (4, ql[7]));
+ projectB.query("COMMIT WORK");
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
+# xxx = utils.open_file ("xxx", 'r');
+# for line in xxx.readlines():
+# (package, version, arch) = string.split(line);
+# eversion = utils.re_no_epoch.sub('', version);
+# total = total + 1;
+# if arch == "source":
+# filename = "%s/%s_%s.dsc" % (morgue, package, eversion);
+# else:
+# continue
+# if os.access(filename, os.R_OK) == 0:
+# continue;
+# arch_id = db_access.get_architecture_id (arch);
+# q = christina.query("SELECT f.*, l.path, s.*, df.* FROM source s, files f, location l, dsc_files df WHERE s.source = '%s' AND s.version = '%s' AND df.source = s.id AND df.file = f.id AND l.id = f.location" % (package, version));
+# ql = q.getresult();
+# if len(ql) < 1:
+# print "YOU LOSE: "+package+"~"+version+"~"+arch+"~"+repr(ql)
+# continue;
+# projectB.query("BEGIN WORK");
+# gack = [];
+# for i in ql:
+# new_filename = i[6] + i[1];
+# filename = morgue + '/' + os.path.basename(new_filename);
+# if os.access(filename, os.R_OK) == 0:
+# continue;
+# print filename + " -> " + new_filename;
+# if os.path.exists(new_filename):
+# sys.exit(3);
+# utils.move(filename, new_filename);
+# print "INSERT INTO files (id, filename, size, md5sum, location) VALUES (%s, '%s', %s, '%s', %s)" % (i[:5]);
+# projectB.query("INSERT INTO files (id, filename, size, md5sum, location) VALUES (%s, '%s', %s, '%s', %s)" % (i[:5]));
+# gack.append("INSERT INTO dsc_files (id, source, file) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" % (i[12:]));
+# if new_filename[-4:] == ".dsc":
+# print "INSERT INTO source (id, source, version, maintainer, file) VALUES (%s, '%s', '%s', %s, %s)" % (i[7:12]);
+# projectB.query("INSERT INTO source (id, source, version, maintainer, file) VALUES (%s, '%s', '%s', %s, %s)" % (i[7:12]));
+# print "INSERT INTO src_associations (suite, source) VALUES (%s, %s)" % (4, i[7]);
+# projectB.query("INSERT INTO src_associations (suite, source) VALUES (%s, %s)" % (4, i[7]));
+# #print repr(i)
+# for i in gack:
+# print i;
+# projectB.query(i);
+# projectB.query("COMMIT WORK");
+# bad = {};
+# xxx = utils.open_file ("xxx", 'r');
+# for line in xxx.readlines():
+# (package, version, arch) = string.split(line);
+# version = utils.re_no_epoch.sub('', version);
+# total = total + 1;
+# if arch != "source":
+# filename = "%s/%s_%s_%s.deb" % (morgue, package, version, arch);
+# else:
+# filename = "%s/%s_%s.dsc" % (morgue, package, version);
+# if os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
+# found = found + 1;
+# else:
+# if arch != "source":
+# filename = "%s/%s_%s.deb" % (morgue, package, version);
+# if os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
+# control = apt_pkg.ParseSection(apt_inst.debExtractControl(utils.open_file(filename,"r")));
+# deb_arch = control.Find("Architecture");
+# if arch == deb_arch:
+# found = found + 1;
+# continue;
+# if arch != "source":
+# xf = 0;
+# arch_id = db_access.get_architecture_id (arch);
+# q = projectB.query("SELECT version FROM binaries b, bin_associations ba WHERE b.package = '%s' AND b.architecture = %s AND ba.bin = b.id AND ba.suite = 5" % (package, arch_id));
+# ql = q.getresult();
+# if len(ql) != 1:
+# q = projectB.query("SELECT version FROM binaries b, bin_associations ba WHERE b.package = '%s' AND b.architecture = %s AND ba.bin = b.id AND ba.suite = 2" % (package, arch_id));
+# ql = q.getresult();
+# if len(ql) != 1:
+# #print "YOU LOSE: "+package+"~"+version+"~"+arch+"~"+repr(ql)
+# continue;
+# unstable_version = ql[0][0];
+# print package+" "+unstable_version+" "+arch;
+# found = found + 1;
+# else:
+# q = projectB.query("SELECT version FROM source s, src_associations sa WHERE s.source = '%s' AND sa.source = s.id AND sa.suite = 5" % (package));
+# ql = q.getresult();
+# if len(ql) != 1:
+# q = projectB.query("SELECT version FROM source s, src_associations sa WHERE s.source = '%s' AND sa.source = s.id AND sa.suite = 2" % (package));
+# ql = q.getresult();
+# if len(ql) != 1:
+# #print "YOU LOSE: "+package+"~"+version+"~"+arch+"~"+repr(ql)
+# continue;
+# unstable_version = ql[0][0];
+# print package+" "+unstable_version+" "+arch;
+# found = found + 1;
+# #print "Good: %d / %d (%.2f%%)" % (found, total, (float(found)/total*100));
+# #not_found = total - found;
+# #print "Bad: %d / %d (%.2f%%)" % (not_found, total, (float(not_found)/total*100));
+# Pretty print bad stuff code
+# key = package+'~'+version;
+# if not bad.has_key(key):
+# bad[key] = [];
+# bad[key].append(arch);
+# keys = bad.keys();
+# keys.sort();
+# for i in keys:
+# print i+": "+repr(bad[i]);
+# Check if is in DB code
+# arch_id = db_access.get_architecture_id (arch);
+# q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM binaries WHERE package = '%s' AND version = '%s' AND architecture = %s" % (package, version, arch_id));
+# ql = q.getresult();
+# if ql != []:
+# found = found + 1;
+# q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM source WHERE source = '%s' AND version = '%s'" % (package, version));
+# ql = q.getresult();
+# if ql != []:
+# found = found + 1;